In the eyes of students, “teacher’s running dog” and “teacher’s pet” are very serious insults. Yin Mingzheng thought Shu Ning would be very angry after saying this, but he did not know that Shu Ning was the soul of an adult.

Adults have no feeling for this kind of primary school chicken-style insults.

So he smiled indifferently and said, “Yes.”

“@¥%&%#!” Yin Mingzheng felt like punching something, and he couldn’t help but scream and said something very dirty.

Shu Ning was shocked when he heard that swear word.

Although he is an adult, he has never heard of swearing, and he has never heard of such dirty words.

He suddenly understood why the Wei family didn’t want him after taking the little villain home, and kept vacillating between the true and false young masters.

Peculiar (1) hairstyle , stubborn air, shaking his legs, swearing…

[1. shā mǎ tè

Chinese subculture of young urban migrants, usually of low education, with exaggerated hairstyles, heavy make-up, flamboyant costumes, piercings etc

This phrase is often used but i couldn’t find a proper eng word for it so depending on the sentence I’ll take liberty to translate it however it fits better]

Plus the rumors flying around, no one would like it.

The real young master is talented and educated, unlike him. The little villain can’t be compared anywhere, the Wei family’s hesitation can’t be blamed

Originally, Shu Ning planned to find an opportunity to tell the little villain the truth and let him return to Wei’s house, but now he dismissed this idea. If the little villain went home like this, but the Wei family didn’t approve of it, he’s afraid he would embark on the old road of broken bones again.

Let’s correct some of his bad habits first.

The two came to the school hospital in tandem. The school doctor asked Yin Mingzheng about the specific situation. Yin Mingzheng said:

“Where did you get hurt?”

“The whole body.”

The school doctor and Shu Ning were both startled and asked.

Said: “Then you have to do a full-body examination.” Yin Mingzheng said: “No, it’s just skin trauma, just give me some medicine.”

Shu Ning listened to the doctor and said to the school doctor: “He often fights, maybe there were also dark injuries before.”

Yin Mingzheng looked at him with gloomy and violent eyes.

Shu Ning turned a blind eye to the threat of the peculiar boy (1), and continued to say to the school doctor: “The man who fought with him is very strong and has a tough body”

Yin Mingzheng pursed his lips, clenched his fists quietly, and whispered: “Don’t be nosy.”

The school doctor immediately solemnly said, “There must be a full-body examination. For the brain, it’s best to have an MRI, a B-ultrasound for the abdomen, and other films. However, our school can’t do these examinations. Go to the tertiary hospital.”

Shu Ning wrote down one by one.

The two came out of the school infirmary, Yin Mingzheng walked towards the teaching building with a calm face, Shu Ning held him, “What are you doing? The doctor asked us to go to the hospital for an examination.”

“No!” Yin Mingzheng turned his head coldly and threw his hand away. .

“In case of injury…”

“What’s that to you?” Yin Mingzheng’s eyes were cold, the young man was not tall, his body was thin, and his face was gorgeous. If he put on a skirt, he would probably be considered a pretty girl, “You don’t hate me, Said that my dad has been in jail, in the future I’ll also be imprisoned? Why, now you suddenly care for me?”

Shu Ning was stunned and let go of his hands subconsciously.

Shu Ning turned and left, his back stubborn and arrogant.

Shu Ning stood on the pathway in the playground, very frustrated.

He suddenly understood that there had been seven years of indifference between him and the little villain. During those seven years, as a member of the small gang that bullied and excluded the little villain, he had long been on the blacklist of the little villain.

What he did to him at the beginning, but now it suddenly becomes better, anyone will think -fake.

This approach of his will only disgust the little villain.

And the little villain rejects going to the hospital, is he reluctant in his heart, or is it to save money?

It is probably to save money.

Shu Ning had no choice but to secretly return to the school hospital, ask the doctor to prescribe the medicine for traumatic injuries, take it to the head teacher, and ask the head teacher to give the little villain.

The little villain had to accept the medicine under the prestige of the head teacher.

Shu Ning was a little relieved.

After a few days, Shu Ning stopped pestering the little villain to make a good relationship with him.

Perhaps for Yin Mingzheng, his own existence has already hurt him, so the best way to deal with it is not to disturb him as much as possible.

Thinking about the previous thoughts, hating him for shaking his legs, hating him for swearing, hating his yellow hair….what right does he have to hate?

In what capacity?

Disgust itself is a form of discrimination.

Still vowed to change Yin Mingzheng, the starting is good, but why?

Shu Ning was a little confused, he didn’t know why he suddenly transmigrated into the book, and why he had the idea of changing Yin Mingzheng.

Probably could not accept the tragic ending of Yin Mingzheng.

If self-righteousness makes Yin Mingzheng uncomfortable, it is better not to bother him.

Perhaps he realized that Shu Ning was no longer messing in his business, and Yin Mingzheng was no longer fighting. The two were like two military camps in the Chu River and Han realms. They did not interfere with each other, and did not even speak unless necessary.

Yin Mingzheng continued to sleep, did not attend classes, and did not go to the hospital, but the injuries on his face gradually subsided and he became more energetic.

Maybe it’s just skin trauma.

Shu Ning secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At noon, Yin Mingzheng had been lying on the table.

Shu Ning came back after eating and found that he was still lying on the table without moving.

Didn’t he go to eat lunch?

In the afternoon, Yin Mingzheng did not go out for class.

He really didn’t eat, is he hungry?

After the first class, Shu Ning took out his pocket money to buy two big bags of wattled bread, and asked class leader Cheng Xiaoyu to distribute the things to the classmates, so that she must send it to Yin Mingzheng and let her keep it secret.

Cheng Xiaoyu distributed the bread to the classmates, saying that the family members couldn’t eat too much, and each of them had one.

“Long live the squad leader!” The ckassmates were elated.

Cheng Xiaoyu is the most popular girl in the class. She is beautiful and has a gentle personality. Shu Ning has observed that Yin Mingzheng’s attitude towards Cheng Xiaoyu is better than others.

Cheng Xiaoyu sent all the way to Yin Mingzheng and gave Yin Mingzheng a small bread.

“You must eat it.” Cheng Xiaoyu said to Yin Mingzheng softly.

Yin Mingzheng got up from the desk and looked at the small bread on the desk in silence. The bread is palm-sized, oval-shaped, and packaged in plastic, which looks very chewy.

Cheng Xiaoyu glanced at Shu Ning, then turned around and continued to give bread.

Yin Mingzheng stared at the small bread on the table for a long time. Seeing that everyone was eating, he opened the package and swallowed it in one bite.

The eating posture is ugly. If the Wei family wants to accept him, I’m afraid the etiquette must be studied carefully…

Shu Ning quickly stopped his thoughts.

He hesitated for a while, handed the small bread to Yin Mingzheng, and said: “I can’t eat it, you can eat it for me.”

The beautiful boy lifted his eyelids and moved the textbook to the middle of the two desks drawing a clear line between them.

Shu Ning retracted the bread awkwardly.

For several days, Shu Ning discovered that Yin Mingzheng did not go to the cafeteria for lunch at noon.

In the past, Yin Mingzheng would definitely eat, but he hasn’t eaten for a few days, and he doesn’t seem to be uncomfortable. Could it be that… there’s no money?

Don’t even have money for lunch?

Or save lunch money for something else?

Shu Ning continued to observe that Yin Mingzheng did not have any extravagant consumption. He did not touch any snacks and toys. Even the Internet cafes that boys go to most often and have to wait until the time is late before entering the corridor.

For several days without eating at noon, Shu Ning was very worried about his physical condition. He gave Yin Mingzheng food several times in the name of Cheng Xiaoyu, but how could bread and biscuits replace lunch?

Junior high school is when you are growing up, you can’t skip meals.

On this day, it happened to be Yin Mingzheng and Shu Ning’s turn to clean up. They walked relatively late. After the other two classmates left, Shu Ning also hurriedly left. Then he threw two hundred yuan in the corridor and quickly ran into the corridor to stand and hide.

Dad Shu opened a furniture store, and his business is good. He looks fierce, but he really loves his son and often gives pocket money.

Shu Ning has a lot of money and a lot of pocket money, so he is a rich man in the class.

After a while, Shu Ning heard movement in the corridor and secretly stretched out his head to look at it. She saw Yin Mingzheng closing the classroom door and walking out. As soon as he lowered his head, he saw the two hundred yuan in the corridor.

He looked up, was silent for a moment, and stooped to pick it up.

Seeing him picking up the money, Shu Ning quietly let out a sigh of relief and walked downstairs like a thief.

After not taking two steps, he suddenly heard the call from behind: “Shu Ning!”

The voice was clear and cold.

Shu Ning stopped and raised his head.

The young man with yellow hair walked downstairs, and the sound of footsteps was very clear in the corridor where there were only two people.

Yin Mingzheng walked to him with a cold face, and handed him two hundred dollars, “Your money fell down.”

Shu Ning’s heart was shaken, and he quickly touched his pocket pretentiously, “It didn’t fall.”

Yin Mingzheng’s eyes were cold, his eyelids were cold. It is very thin, with deep double eyelids, making those eyes dark and bright. When he lifts your eyelids to look at people, there’s a sense of coolness.

“Two hundred dollars fell in the middle of the corridor. It is impossible for the other two people on duty not to see it. It means that the money was dropped after they left the classroom. It can only show that the two of them didn’t lose any money.”

“After you left, no one passed by outside the corridor, it means…” Yin Mingzheng slowly handed the two red notes to Shu Ning, “You lost the money.”

Shu Ning: “…”

The kittle villain’s IQ is quite high ah.

Facing the little villain’s sharp and insightful eyes, Shu Ning was not good at forcibly denying it, and deliberately touched the pocket of his school uniform, and said in surprise: “I remember! I put two hundred yuan in my pocket before! I almost forgot!”

He stretched out his hand. He took a piece of Grandpa Mao (2) from the young man’s hand and smiled gratefully, “Thank you for picking up the money for me and I’ll divide it in half for you. It is my thanks.”

[ 2 Yuan, ig because there’s picture of Mao Zedong so they called yuan grandpa mao]

Yin Mingzheng stared at him for a moment, and when Shu Ning couldn’t keep his smile on his face, tucked the banknotes in his hand into the pockets of his school uniform, put his hands in his pockets, and slowly went downstairs.

The indifferent look and arrogant gesture seemed to say: Lao Tzu(3) is not rare!

[3 arrogant way to calling onself]

Shu Ning was holding the red note, and suddenly remembered an internet stalker- the clown was actually himself

He stood there for a while, reluctantly collected the banknotes, carried his schoolbag and went downstairs.

Unexpectedly, when the little villain was short of money, he would actually return the money he picked up, which was beyond Shu Ning’s expectations.

Picking up is not the same as stealing, and it’s not thousands of dollars, it’s only two hundred yuan. It is not a matter of character and morality, let alone a crime.

Normal people, even those who are not short of money, will only be happy when they see the two hundred yuan on the ground, shouting “good luck”, and then rushing forward to pick it up and give themselves a meal.

But when Yin Mingzheng was so poor that he couldn’t even afford to eat, he actually chose to return the money to him.

Such a person said that he would steal something, Shu Ning would never believe it.

The sun was setting.

Shu Ning followed Yin Mingzheng silently, always keeping a distance of at least three meters.

Yin Mingzheng walks very slowly. He is not active every time after school, but he does not go to games and sing K to eat with other boys. Those are too extravagant for him.

Shu Ning was embarrassed to walk in front of him, but could only maintain the same speed as him, and dangling behind him.

In the noisy street, two teenagers walked unhurriedly, the one in the front stopped, the one in the back also stopped, the one in the front walked, and the one in the back also walked, the picture was also very harmonious.