“Mom?” Yin Mingzheng’s voice was very soft, as fleeting as willow leaves in the wind. Anyone could see that he was very frail at the moment.

“Oh, that was an accident.” Zhou Juan returned to her senses and squatted down to clean up the mess. She asked nervously, “What else did he say?” 

“He said that he would come to see me again.” Yin Mingzheng lowered his head, and his eyelashes trembled. “He was exposed as a pedophile because of us. He couldn’t take it anymore, so he wants to get revenge on our family.”

Zhou Juan’s face was pale, and her expression was both livid and terrified. “How dare he!”

“He’ll definitely come back. Should we have Dad come?” Yin Mingzheng asked.

Zhou Juan took a deep breath. “Yes, of course.” 

Zhou Juan walked out of the hospital room and arrived at the end of the hallway. She leaned against the railing and called Yin Qiang.

Yin Qiang barked, “What is it?!”

Zhou Juan looked around and said in a low voice, “Mingzheng just said that the person who conducted the paternity test was Chen Hui.”

“What? It’s him?!” Yin Qiang was furious.

“Chen Hui told Mingzheng personally. He even wants to take Mingzheng away. I told you, there’s no way someone would perform a paternity test for no reason. Chen Hui’s a pervert! He’s crazy! A crazy person is capable of doing anything!” Zhou Juan complained.

She didn’t suspect Yin Mingzheng of lying because Yin Mingzheng didn’t know about the truth of the swapped kids. Plus, they didn’t have any enemies or anything, so why would someone perform a paternity test? Now, Chen Hui seemed to be the most likely suspect. He was both a mental case and a pervert. He wasn’t someone who could be understood through common sense.

Yin Qiang was furious. “#¥@#!”

Zhou Juan said, “Mingzheng said that Chen Hui would come again. We ruined his reputation, so he wanted to take revenge on us.” 

“What?!” Yin was really angry now. “If he hadn’t released the paternity test and caused us all that trouble, none of this would’ve happened! He wants revenge? I’m the one who wants revenge!”

Zhou Juan suggested, “Why don’t you come to the hospital and keep watch? Then, we can ask Chen Hui what he knows. We can’t let anyone know that the kids were switched.”

Yin Qiang replied, “I’ll head over right now!”

Zhou Juan clutched her phone, breathed out a sigh, and returned to the hospital room. She discovered that Yin Mingzheng had fallen asleep again, so she called the janitor to clean up the floor. 

Soon after, Yin Qiang rushed over, a bottle of beer still in his hand. As soon as he entered the door, he started shouting, “Did Chen Hui show up?”

“Shh, be quiet,” Zhou Juan said.

“Bah! So what if I’m loud?” Yin Qiang said. He opened up the beer bottle and took a gulp.

“Mom.” The boy on the hospital bed opened his eyes. “I’m hungry.” 

Zhou Juan realized that the congee had just spilled across the floor. Yin Mingzheng hadn’t eaten breakfast yet, so she said, “I’ll go buy some food.”

Before leaving, she reminded Yin Qiang, “Keep an eye out.”

Then, she hurried downstairs to buy breakfast.

Yin Qiang rolled his eyes and kept drinking his beer, causing the hospital room to reek of alcohol. 

Yin Mingzheng said weakly, “Dad…”

“Shut up! I’m not your dad!”

Yin Mingzheng corrected himself, “Uncle Yin, you can’t drink in the hospital rooms. The doctors and nurses will scold you if they catch you.”

“Mind your own business!” Yin Qiang continued to sit on the stool and drink. 

“They really will scold you. Also, I can’t stand the smell of alcohol…” Yin Mingzheng said, “If you turn left and head all the way to the end of the hallway, there’s an emergency stairwell. There’s usually no people there, and there aren’t any surveillance cameras either. Go there and drink.”

Yin Qiang snorted and ignored him.

Tlc Zlcuhtfcu rjlv, “Po sbe xffq vglcxlcu, P’w mjiilcu j cegrf.”

“Memxlcu tfii!” Tlc Hljcu rabbv eq jcuglis jcv ifoa atf gbbw klat tlr yffg ybaaif. 

Coafg j ktlif, Tlc Zlcuhtfcu jirb uba eq ogbw atf tbrqlaji yfv. Llr fsfr kfgf vjgx jcv ecojatbwjyif, ilxf j ybaabwifrr jysrr.

Ktf tbrqlaji gbbw’r ibmjalbc kjr gjatfg gfwbaf. Vte Rlcu tjv rqfmlolmjiis qlmxfv j NPU rlcuif-qfgrbc gbbw rb atja atfgf kbeivc’a yf jcs vlraegyjcmfr. Ktf ifoa rlvf bo atf tjiikjs kjr gfijalnfis rtbga. Ktf fcv bo atf tjiikjs kjr pera j rtbga kjsr jkjs.

Yin Mingzheng held the IV pole in his hand and slowly walked to the end of the hallway. He kept a firm grip on the handrail as he headed up the stairs.

The emergency stairwells in the hospital had retractable doors. To open the door, it required a lot of force. Once the door was opened, it would automatically start springing back and shut with a bang. 

Therefore, most people tended to determine whether someone was in the stairwell or not by listening for the sound of the door. They wouldn’t be as vigilant.

Yin Mingzheng gently pushed the door open a little bit. He didn’t make a single sound throughout the whole process.

Through the crack in the door, he could see Yin Qiang sitting in the dim stairwell and drinking beer. His back was facing the retractable door.

The distance, the position, they were all within his calculations. 

Yin Mingzheng stuck the metal IV pole through the gap and shoved it forward.

Yin Qiang, who had his back to him, was caught completely off guard. He screamed and rolled all the way to the bottom of the stairs.

The stairs were steep. It took quite a while for him to fall all the way to the end of the stairs, His head slammed against the wall, and he started seeing stars. He nearly passed out then and there.

Yin Qiang groaned. Warm blood flowed from the top of his head and down his cheeks. 

He was already drunk in the first place. The alcohol in his body rushed to his head. His head felt like it was swelling like a balloon. His entire mental state was incredibly fired up.

He staggered to his feet, dizziness overtaking his mind. While he was cursing, he made his way up the stairs and accidentally stepped on some fragments of the beer bottle, slipping to his knees again. His face hit the edge of the staircase, and his nose started bleeding on the spot.

“Fuck! @#¥@#%!” Yin Qiang howled and cursed. His voice echoed in the dark stairwell.

He crawled for a long time before he reached the top of the stairs. He slammed the retractable door open with a bang and stumbled into the middle of the hallway, cursing as he walked. Once he got closer to the general ward, he was finally able to see some patients and their family members. 

The other patients and their family members were alarmed and got out of his way.

Yin Qiang shook his head to drive away the dizziness. He kept one hand to the wall and headed towards Room 1105, Yin Mingzheng’s hospital room.

Zhou Juan just got back from buying breakfast and was opening the plastic bag to take out the baozi. When she saw Yin Qiang with blood all over his head, her eyes widened in shock. “Yin Qiang, what happened to you?”

She dropped the baozi to support Yin Qiang. 

“I’m fine!” Yin Qiang angrily pushed her away. “Someone pushed me just now!”

“Who pushed you?” Zhou Juan asked.

“I don’t know! If I knew, I would’ve killed him!” Yin Qiang’s eyes were blood red.

Yin Mingzheng weakly piped up from the bed, “Could it be Chen Hui?” 

Yin Qiang burst with rage. “It was him! Damn it! It must be him!”

Who else would push him for no reason?

He just arrived at the hospital!

He didn’t have any enemies or anything! 

“I’m gonna kill him! I’m definitely gonna kill him!” Yin Qiang said as he punched the wall.

“Yin Qiang, quickly get your injury treated,” Zhou Juan said with concern.

Yin Qiang roared, “Fuck off! Get out of the way! I’m sick of seeing you!”

Zhou Juan was too frightened to keep speaking. 

Yin Qiang was both angry and in pain. His head was already a little dizzy because of the alcohol, but now, his head was throbbing as well. “Where’s Chen Hui? Where the fuck is he?!”

Yin Mingzheng said softly, “Maybe…you can look for him in the stairwell?”

“Right! Fuck! He’s probably still hiding out in the stairwell!” Yin Qiang was like a vicious dog. He rushed out of the room with a head covered in blood.

Zhou Juan was a little worried. Just as she was about to follow him, Yin Mingzheng said, “Mom, don’t go. He’ll hit you.” 

Zhou Juan hesitated for a moment. Then, she sat back on the edge of the bed.

Yin Qiang rushed back into the stairwell. He paced up and down the stairs, but he didn’t see a single person. Just as he was about to start cursing, he heard a noise come from downstairs.

He stretched his head over the railing and looked down. Below, he saw a man in a black overcoat panting for breath as he climbed up the stairs. Yin Qiang waited for him to make his way up the stairs, and the man’s face gradually came into view.

The man wore glasses. His features were ordinary, gentle. 

It was a familiar face.

Yin Qiang had met Chen Hui before. Back then, the incident between Yin Mingzheng and Chen Hui had caused a huge commotion. Yin Qiang and Chen Hui had met several times because of it.

He thought about how Chen Hui framed Yin Mingzheng, causing Yin Qiang to lose face as well. He thought about how Chen Hui was actually a disgusting pervert. He thought about how the man released the paternity test, throwing their whole family into disarray. He thought about how this man had even pushed him just now…

New grudges piled on top of old grievances. All of his hatred flooded his heart. 

His injuries were incredibly painful, and his head was throbbing because of the alcohol.

Yin Qiang’s eyes gradually started turning red. He had a habit of beating his wife and child. He had long since gotten used to using violence in order to vent his anger.

He didn’t allow any time for explanation and rushed down the stairs. He gave a firm kick in Chen Hui’s direction, and Chen Hui immediately flew down the stairs.

That’s right, he flew down the stairs. 

The back of his head hit the stairs, and his neck twisted to the side. His body continued to roll down the stairs due to the inertia.

Yin Qiang still hadn’t vented all his anger yet. He rushed forward and grabbed Chen Hui’s head. Then, he started slamming his head towards the wall just like he did with Zhou Juan and Yin Mingzheng.


Chen Hui’s glasses had long since fallen off. He squinted and tried to pull Yin Qiang’s hands off of him. He shouted weakly, “Let go, I’m going to die, let go…” 

“Who do you think you are to threaten me? Huh? Try and push me again! Come on!” Yin Qiang was furious. He had one hand on Chen Hui’s neck. The other slammed the man’s head into the wall.

“Yin Mingzheng asked me to come…he asked me to meet him here at ten…” Chen Hui’s face was turning purple. He desperately tried to pry at Yin Qiang’s hands. “Let go…”

Yin Qiang’s eyes were blood red. “Stop shitting me! You tried to strangle him last night!”

“I let go! I let go!” Chen Hui said, “He said he would come with me, so I stopped!” 

“Bullshit! You just want to kill him! You want to kill me! Just go fucking die!” Yin Qiang wasn’t listening to him at all. The more he spoke, the more angry he became. He grabbed his head and continued to slam it against the wall.

Over and over.

He slammed his head down nearly a dozen times or so.

Chen Hui’s hands slowly fell to his side, and his body went limp. 

However, Yin Qiang didn’t realize this at all. The alcohol and the pain were burning their way through his veins. His entire person was incredibly stirred up. He continued to slam Chen Hui against the wall.

“I’ll kill you! Die! Die! Die!”

Back in the hospital room.

Zhou Juan said anxiously, “Why hasn’t your dad come back yet?” 

Yin Mingzheng was lying on the hospital bed. He was so thin that he almost looked like was about to sink into the quilt. “He’ll come back once he’s not angry anymore.”

Zhou Juan frowned. “Still, I feel a little uneasy.”

She stood up and walked around the room, trying to find something to distract her. When she saw the plastic bag sitting on the bedside table, she reached out to put it away in a drawer.

When she opened the drawer, she found a bottle of baijiu lying inside. 

“Why is there a bottle of alcohol here?” Zhou Juan picked it up and looked at it. It was ordinary baijiu with a high alcohol content, the kind that Yin Qiang often drank.

“It’s for Dad.” Yin Mingzheng’s eyelashes trembled slightly, concealing his dark, murky eyes. “Although, we might not have any use for it.”

“What do you mean by that?” Zhou Juan took out the wine and stuffed it into her handbag. “Let’s take it home with us. Your dad will definitely be very happy.”

The door was suddenly thrown open. 

Zhou Juan was startled. She turned around and was met with the sight of Yin Qiang covered in blood. He rushed into the room with a hideous and dreadful expression.

“Yin Qiang…” When Zhou Juan saw his terrifying appearance, the memory of being beaten flooded into her mind. She gulped nervously.

Yin Qiang stared at her silently. The look in his eyes was very strange.

“Yin Qiang?” 

Yin Qiang suddenly rushed over and took her hand. “Let’s go. Let’s hurry and go to the capital.”

Zhou Juan staggered after being pulled by him. “What’s the matter? Why do we need to go to the capital?”

“Let’s go!”

Yin Qiang dragged her out of the hospital room and into the hallway. 

The people nearby stared at them in shock.

Zhou Juan threw off his hand. “Yin Qiang, what are you doing?”

Yin Qiang grabbed her by his shoulders. His expression was incredibly strange. “We have to go find our son, find the Wei family! They can definitely save me!”

“Are you out of your mind?!” Zhou Juan said loudly. She hurriedly looked at their surroundings. Then, she dragged him to the end of the hallway. “We can’t go!” 

“Let’s go! We have to go!” Yin Qiang said.

“We can’t!”

“Juan’er!” Yin Qiang roared her name. He stared at her, and tears suddenly started rolling down his face. He choked out, “I killed someone.”

Zhou Juan was utterly shocked. 

“I really killed someone. I’m definitely gonna go to jail…” Yin Qiang suddenly burst into tears.

This was the first time Zhou Juan had even seen him cry. He looked like a child, snot and tears smeared across his face.

“There’s a murderer! Someone killed a person!”

The screams resounded through the entire hospital. A janitor rushed into the hallway and shouted in horror, “There’s a dead person in the stairwell!”