Yin Qiang was arrested by the police and taken away.

Yin Qiang looked back at Zhou Juan, his eyes reddening. “Juan’er, save me! You have to save me!” 

Zhou Juan started bawling.

Yin Mingzheng slowly walked out of the hospital room. He walked up to her side and asked, “Mom, what happened?”

Zhou Juan turned around and hugged him as she cried. “Mingzheng, I have only you now!”

Yin Mingzheng hugged her back and gently patted her shoulder. He laughed innocently, “Mn, we only have each other now.” 

During the afternoon free period, Shu Ning was chatting with someone from the translation company on QQ. He had just received the 800 yuan that he was due when he heard Wang Shenshen let out a shriek. Wang Shenshen stood up and accidentally swore, “Holy shit!”

“Yin Qiang killed someone at Lanzhou Hospital!”

Shu Ning raised his head. “Who?”

Wang Shenshen turned around. One hand was waving his cell phone, and the other was pointing at the seat next to Shu Ning. “Yin Qiang! Yin Mingzheng’s fath…adoptive father!”

Shu Ning asked, “Is it really Yin Qiang?”

“How could it be fake?! It’s even trending on Weibo!”

When their classmates heard this, they immediately started buzzing.

“What? Really?” 

“Really? Wow!”

“Where? Where? Let me see!”

People flocked around Wang Shenshen. Several little heads were crowded around Wang Shenshen’s cell phone, staring intently at the screen.

The other people in the classroom also pulled out their phones and opened up Weibo. Longpanshan Middle School wasn’t super strict about cell phones. They didn’t really confiscate cell phones like other schools did. For a class full of bad students like Grade 7 Class 3, they cared even less. 

As a result, the students gathered together in twos and threes, scrolling through their cell phones. Usually, there would be at least some students who were actually studying or doing homework. However, the news was simply too unbelievable. Even the ever diligent class monitor, Cheng Xiaoyu, gave up on doing homework. She huddled together with her seatmate to read the news.

When Shu Ning heard that the murderer was Yin Qiang, he also opened up Weibo. He scrolled down the screen until he reached the tenth item on the trending list. What it said was astonishing.

Abusive Father Kills Pedophile.

“Abusive” and “pedophile” were already rather eye-catching words to begin with, but the contents of the news story were even more dramatic. The topic continued to inch up the trending list, and it even managed to get into the top ten. 

The contents read: At Chuzhou’s Lanzhou Hospital, a pedophile attacked a victim of domestic violence. The boy’s father beat the pedophile in a fit of rage, resulting in the pedophile’s death. What’s even more peculiar is that the reason the boy was even in the hospital in the first place was because he was beaten by that very father…

Shu Ning tapped on one of the accompanying images. The first photo was one of Yin Qiang. His hair was disheveled, and his face was full of terror as he was led away by the police. He was still wearing the blue down jacket that he bought for the villain.

Ktfgf kjr cb vbeya jybea la. Pa kjr vfolclafis Tlc Hljcu.

Ktf rfmbcv qlmaegf kjr ajxfc ogbw atf abq bo atf rajlgkfii. Qlatlc atf uibbws rajlgkfii, atfgf ijs j wjc lc yijmx mibatfr. Llr tjcvr kfgf rilutais rqgfjv bea. Ktfgf kjr fnfc j yegc wjgx bc bcf bo tlr tjcvr. Pa rffwfv j ilaaif ojwliljg. 

The man’s face was covered by a mosaic. He had black leather shoes on his feet. The surrounding staircase was entirely covered in blood.

When he thought back to the word “pedophile” that was in the title, Shu Ning’s eyes slightly widened—Chen Hui?

Yin Qiang killed Chen Hui?

Was this real life? 

“Holy crap! Yin Qiang finally ended up killing someone!” Long Qiao shouted from behind Shu Ning.

Shu Ning almost jumped out of his seat. He turned around and glared at him. “Are you a ghost or something?! How come you didn’t make a single sound?!”

Long Qiao was speechless. “Shu ge, I’ve been standing behind you this whole time. It’s your fault for not noticing me. How come you’re blaming me now?”

Long Qiao plopped down at the villain’s desk and crossed his legs, his face excited. “Yin Qiang was always drunk off his ass and beating his wife. It was only a matter of time for him to commit a crime. See? He ended up killing someone.” 

“Just because he drinks a lot and beats his wife doesn’t necessarily mean he’s going to kill someone.” Shu Ning shook his head. He remembered that night when Yin Qiang was throwing beer bottles out the window. When he and his father went up to question them, Yin Qiang had pushed Yin Mingzheng out to take the blame while he hid in the master bedroom. Shu Ning didn’t think that this kind of cowardly person would have the courage to kill someone.

Venting his anger on Zhou Juan and Yin Mingzheng was the best that he could do. The man would definitely chicken out if it came to fighting someone stronger than him.

Maybe he was drunk?

Shu Ning suddenly had a thought. 

If alcohol was added to the mix, even a cowardly person would be able to do unbelievable things.

Yin Qiang sure had a lot of nerve to drink in a hospital.

“Why not? He hits his wife everytime he drinks. My mom’s always telling me that if you get too used to hitting others, it’ll become a habit.” Long Qiao slapped the table and said, “If you get too used to using violence at home, you’re more likely to use violence whenever you run into a problem outside. ”

Long Qiao shrugged. “My dad once said that Yin Qiang was going to cause a problem sooner or later. Turns out he was right!” 

Wang Shenshen straddled a chair. He looked like a wise old sage giving a speech, a thoughtful expression on his face. “This is a lesson to us. Don’t drink and don’t beat your wife and kids.”

“Oh, right. Who’s the person who died? The pedophile?”

Shu Ning said with certainty, “Chen Hui.”

“Chen Hui? Who’s that?” Long Qiao looked up. Then, his eyes widened after a moment. “Holy crap! It’s him? The guy that falsely accused Yin Mingzheng?” 

The girl sitting diagonally across from them scooted over to gossip. “Yeah, that guy. He harassed Yin Mingzheng at school not too long ago. They had a fight at the school gate.”

“It’s him, it’s him!” The girl’s seatmate also piped up. “He’s a pedophile after all. I heard his wife demanded for a divorce after finding out. She even took her daughter with her. He’s seriously got mental problems. Apparently, he harassed a boy over in Hongzhou. After that incident, he ended up running back to Chuzhou. He’s so disgusting. ”

“Why did Yin Qiang want to kill Chen Hui?” Shu Ning rubbed his chin, completely baffled.

Yin Qiang and Yin Mingzheng were like water and oil. After finding out that they weren’t biologically related to each other, they became even more hostile towards each other. Yin Qiang hadn’t cared at all when Yin Mingzheng fainted and was sent to the hospital. There’s no way he would kill Chen Hui for Yin Mingzheng’s sake. 

Outsiders might think that he was sticking up for Yin Mingzheng, that his anger got the best of him and he accidentally killed Chen Hui.

However, Shu Ning, who knew what their relationship was really like, didn’t think that this was the case at all.

There was something really suspicious about all of this.

In terms of the results, the pedophile that harassed the villain was dead. He would never be able to harass the villain ever again. The man who beat the villain everyday, Yin Qiang, was very likely to either be put in prison or be executed. He would never be able to beat the villain ever again. 

Two pieces of trash were dealt with once and for all. Regardless of what the truth of the matter was, Shu Ning was more than happy to see it.

Once school let out, Shu Ning picked up his bookbag and bolted out of the school. Then, he hailed a taxi to Lanzhou Hospital.

When he arrived at Room 1105, the room was very quiet. Zhou Juan wasn’t there.

Because Zhou Juan was taking care of the villain, Shu Ning dismissed the caretaker. Once Zhou Juan was gone, the only other person left in the room was the villain. 

White walls, white sheets, and white blankets. The little villain was lying on the hospital bed, and there was gauze wrapped around his head. The only thing poking out from inside the blanket was a little head. His hair was dark and glossy.

“Mingzheng, how are you feeling today?” Shu Ning slowly moved towards the hospital bed.

The little villain didn’t want to see him and didn’t want to be taken care of by him, but Shu Ning still shamelessly showed up. He wondered whether the villain would get angry or not.

“Very good.” Yin Mingzheng’s expression was calm. His eyes were pitch black, like ink. 

His body was slender and thin. His skin was pale. He almost looked as if he was about to melt into the white hospital room. However, he seemed to have a different atmosphere about him than usual. His presence was incredibly strong, much stronger than it had ever been.

At that moment, Shu Ning felt that he was very much like an injured jackal. Even though he was weak and thin, he still posed an indisputable danger.

Shu Ning quickly threw this ridiculous thought to the back of his mind. He was clearly a well-behaved little wolf cub. The book described him as crazy and ruthless, but that was him in the future. Regardless of how fierce and mean he was now, he was still just a little cub. Even if he attacked you with all his might, he couldn’t cause that much damage.

Shu Ning found a reason for himself to be here. “Our classmates know that you’re sick and can’t come to class, so we pooled our money together to buy you some reference books.” 

He put the plastic bag on the bedside table and took out the brand-new books.

The books were Seventh Grade Composition Guide, An Analysis of Mathematics for the Seventh Grade, Liu Jinyang’s Seventh Grade English, and Seventh Grade Science Book Collection.

Shu Ning had meticulously selected each of these books at the bookstore. They were relatively simple and should be suitable for the villain, considering his weak foundation.

He didn’t know how long the villain would have to stay in the hospital. He had already fallen behind a lot. If he didn’t make up for it, he would definitely be worse off in the future. 

Since entering the hospital room, he didn’t mention a word about Zhou Juan and Yin Qiang, let alone Chen Hui. His expression was calm and the tone of his voice was light, as if this was just another normal day.

Yin Mingzheng quietly stared at him.

Shu Ning brought out Seventh Grade Composition Guide and opened it up. “I think the composition here is really well written. There are comments and annotations after each paragraph, so it’s super good for beginners.”

Yin Mingzheng still didn’t say anything. 

Shu Ning felt a little awkward, but he had long since learned how to ignore awkward situations like this. He pulled over a stool and sat down, forcibly continuing the conversation. “The homeroom teacher asked us to write about scenery just the other day. Here, there’s a composition on scenery called ‘Spring Day’s Pond’.”

He looked towards the little villain lying on the bed. The little villain had turned his head away. His eyes were fixed on the ceiling, a serious expression on his face.

Shu Ning looked up at the ceiling in confusion. There was nothing there.

Shu Ning knew that the villain didn’t like him and sighed. He held the composition guide in his hand and started reading “Spring Pond” aloud. 

“Last March, I visited my grandmother’s house with my dad. My grandmother’s house is in the countryside. The house is very big. In front of the house, there’s a big pond…”

Shu Ning’s voice was very calm, and he put a lot of emotion into his words. After reading each paragraph, he also read out the comments and annotations the book provided. For example, the comments said “When writing about scenery, approach the subject from a distance, and then bring the focus closer. The arrangement of ideas should be clear”, “This line provides the reader a sense of space”, “The details in this passage express the writer’s emotions”, and other things like that. Shu Ning hoped that the villain could take some of it in. He didn’t want him turning in a blank essay.

Each essay was only 500 words long, but Shu Ning recited both the essay and the comments. He ended up reading aloud for a whole hour. His mouth was starting to feel a little dry.

During that hour, Yin Mingzheng didn’t say a single word. He didn’t even move his eyes from the ceiling. 

Shu Ning felt like he was singing a one man show. It felt a little lonely.

However, he wouldn’t be discouraged. This wasn’t the first the villain gave him the cold shoulder. He read through the entire essay again and tried to make conversation with the villain. “Mingzheng, what did you think of this composition?”

Still no response.

“Then, let’s study another composition.” 

Shu Ning thought that the villain would continue ignoring him. He was going to read the next composition when the person on the bed suddenly piped up, “Last March, I visited my grandmother’s house with my dad. My grandmother’s house is in the countryside. The house is very big. In front of the house, there’s a big pond…”

Shu Ning suddenly raised his head, his eyes full of shock.

The little villain’s eyes were still fixed on the ceiling, but his mouth was slowly reciting the essay that Shu Ning had just read.

While listening to him recite aloud, Shu Ning compared what he said to the original text in the book. The shock in his eyes became more and more prominent. 

Everything the villain recited was exactly the same as the original text. He didn’t miss a single word!

How could this be possible?

He only read the essay two times, yet the little villain actually managed to memorize the whole thing!