Shu Ning hired another caretaker to take care of the villain. Zhou Juan was busy with Yin Qiang’s affairs, so she didn’t have the time to take care of Yin Mingzheng.

Shu Ning knew that she didn’t care about Yin Mingzheng, so he didn’t force her to take care of him either. 

Every day after school, Shu Ning would rush to the hospital and read to the villain. He discovered that the villain had a really strong memory. So long as he read the text aloud at least once or twice, the villain would definitely be able to memorize it word for word.

Shu Ning didn’t know whether this terrifying memory capacity was something he already had or something that developed after he was hospitalized.

After thinking about it, it was most likely developed after he was hospitalized. If he had a memory like this before, his liberal arts grades wouldn’t have been so bad.

In other words, there was some good to come out of all of this. He was beaten half to death and lost his color vision, but he ended up gaining an unparalleled memory in return. 

If so, there wouldn’t be any need to worry about his grades.

After all, a vast majority of information was learned through memory. The other ability needed for learning was logical analysis. So long as either one of these abilities were enhanced, both studies and work would improve by leaps and bounds.

There were always news reports about autistic children with high IQs or people with brain injuries gaining incredible language abilities…

Who could’ve expected that the villain would also end up getting lucky?

It was just a bit of a pity that he couldn’t see color anymore. For him, the world would always be just a little bit duller than before.

Once he discovered the villain’s hidden potential, Shu Ning became more and more interested in raising him up. He would be able to see him grow taller and stronger, prettier and better. Daddy was so happy!

Since the villain’s memory was out of the ordinary, the learning method needed to change as well.

For English, Shu Ning straight up pulled out a dictionary and started focusing on word roots and definitions. He flipped through a dictionary of English word roots and read out every term for the villain to hear. 

He was afraid that his pronunciation wasn’t accurate enough, so he purchased the accompanying audio file. Then, he imported it onto the villain’s cell phone and told him to listen to the audio if he had free time.

The little villain’s cell phone memory was way too small, and the screen was cracked and glitchy. It wasn’t good for his studies at all.

Shu Ning thought for a bit and decided to buy a new phone for the villain once he made some more money.

After school, Shu Ning brought a dictionary with him to check whether the villain was studying or not. 

At first, Shu Ning thought that the villain wouldn’t cooperate, but, when he tested him, he found that the villain had actually studied.

The best part of raising a kid is when your kid is cute and obedient! The greatest wish of any parent is for your kid to listen well!

Shu Ning was almost moved to tears.

However, it wasn’t enough to just study vocabulary, so Shu Ning went out and bought a ton of reference books for the villain. They included grammar, etymology, reading, and writing. 

The villain finished reading them in just a couple of days.

He was able to read very quickly, and he wouldn’t forget a thing. It was just like how ordinary people would read novels, skimming through them quickly. However, ordinary people would forget soon after, but the villain could memorize everything with just a glance.

“How did you remember it all?” Shu Ning asked the villain curiously.

The villain said, “I don’t know. I just memorized it.” 


Geniuses are just built different.

Coafg rqfcvlcu rbwf alwf bc Scuilrt, Vte Rlcu rajgafv aeabglcu atf nliijlc bc wjatfwjalmr. Ktfc, Vte Rlcu vlrmbnfgfv atja atf nliijlc’r ibulmji jylilas kjr jirb nfgs ragbcu. Lf kjr jyif ab ugjrq xfs qblcar nfgs delmxis.

Vbwfalwfr, atf qgbyifwr kbeiv ifjnf fnfc Vte Rlcu raewqfv, yea atf ilaaif nliijlc kjr jyif ab rkloais rbinf atfw. 

Shu Ning: “…”

Whenever this happened, it was always a little bit embarrassing.

Towards the end, Shu Ning was on the verge of quitting. Not only was he not able to help the villain, but, sometimes, he also needed the villain to help him instead.

Some of the problems were super fucked up. They required convoluted and backwards thinking. If you couldn’t get a grasp on the key points, you’d never be able to solve the problem. 

Shu Ning ended up stumbling on one of these problems. It was the villain who had to help him out.

Shu Ning felt like this was a super huge blow.

The little villain’s computational ability was amazing. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, he was able to calculate anything in an instant. He didn’t even need to rely on a calculator.

After several days of testing, Shu Ning could confirm that the villain’s memory and computational ability had improved to a terrifying degree. He was like a human computer. So long as you gave him some inputs, he could give you an answer. 

His logical ability had already been very strong, but, after his brain injury, it improved even further.

The villain’s IQ could already be considered above average (considering the big fat goose egg he got on his exams). After the brain injury, his IQ may very well be genius level.

After the villain asked him if he understood for the third time, Shu Ning quietly responded, “Yes.” He didn’t have the confidence to keep teaching the villain math.

The little villain sat on the bed. He stared at Shu Ning and said, “If you don’t understand, I can teach you.” 

Shu Ning bowed his head in shame and silently worked on his homework. He didn’t notice the shadow of a smile hiding behind the little villain’s eyes.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the end of the semester. The attending doctor told Shu Ning that the villain could be discharged from the hospital.

Shu Ning checked up on the donation funds and discovered that there was actually some money left over. He wasn’t quite sure what to do with this money.

These days, Zhou Juan had been running back and forth from the police station over and over. They told her that it was very likely that Yin Qiang would receive either a death sentence or life in prison. However, since the crime was committed for the sake of his child, the punishment may be mitigated based on the circumstances. After getting this response, Zhou Juan breathed a sigh of relief. It was only then that she remembered she still had a child in the hospital. 

By the time she rushed over, Shu Ning was already going through the discharge procedures for Yin Mingzheng.

The doctors knew all about what Shu Ning did for Yin Mingzheng and what Yin Mingzheng’s parents didn’t do, so the discharge procedures went very smoothly.

Zhou Juan felt a little uncomfortable at the hospital. At a loss, she asked Yin Mingzheng, “Mingzheng, Mom’s been busy lately because of the issue with Dad. I wasn’t able to come take care of you. You aren’t mad at Mom, are you?”

Yin Mingzheng shook his head. “It’s okay. I understand.” 

Zhou Juan breathed a sigh of relief and helped him pack his daily necessities. She grabbed the hospital bill from the drawer and pulled out her phone to calculate the total cost. She asked casually, “Mingzheng, how much did we spend this time? ”

Yin Mingzheng said, “The billing statements are all in the drawer.”

“Is this all of it?”

Yin Mingzheng nodded. 

Zhou Juan added everything up, one by one, and quickly calculated the total. “The total cost is ¥234,350. Hey, we also have insurance! Is Shu Ning handling the discharge procedures? Oh, he needs to file a claim!”

“Mom, you gave me the medical insurance card last time.” Yin Mingzheng said calmly, “I gave him the insurance card when he went to handle the discharge procedures.”

Zhou Juan suddenly remembered and smacked her head. “Ah, look at me! I completely forgot.”

“How much will insurance cover? If we calculate insurance in, it won’t cost us any more ¥200,000!” Zhou Juan clutched the bills in her hand. “I heard that insurance can cover up to 60% of medical costs. Wouldn’t that make it less than ¥100,000?” 

Zhou Juan’s expression revealed a bit of her excitement. She looked like a small town woman coming across a big sale.

Yin Mingzheng had never paid attention to this before. After all, they were dirt poor. Being able to save even a little bit of money was enough for them to be happy for weeks. However, Zhou Juan didn’t spend a single cent of her own money this time, yet she was so eager to nitpick over every little expense. It wasn’t appropriate at all.

It was hard to articulate what Yin Mingzheng was feeling. He lowered his eyes, and his long eyelashes trembled slightly.

He hated Yin Qiang to the bone, but he still had a lot of affection for Zhou Juan. 

“Mingzheng, I finished the discharge procedures.” Shu Ning walked into the hospital room, a pile of receipts in his hand.

Zhou Juan rushed over and asked, “Shu Ning, how much did it cost in total? How much did insurance cover?”

Shu Ning was a little caught off guard by her. He glanced at Yin Mingzheng and handed the bills to Zhou Juan. “It cost ¥178,000 in total.”

“This much?” Zhou Juan grabbed the receipts to check and discovered that the number written on them was in fact 178,000. When she saw this, she couldn’t help frowning. “Is this hospital trying to cheat us out of our money? Our medical insurance is supposed to cover 60% of the cost. Why is it still so expensive!?” 

Shu Ning said helplessly, “Mrs. Zhou, the doctors and nurses already explained this. They said that some expenses aren’t covered by insurance, and others are only partially covered. It’s not possible for insurance to pay for all of it.”

Zhou Juan sighed. “That’s why I said we shouldn’t go to the hospital. As soon as you enter a hospital, they’ll rob you of half your savings. These doctors are just here to take your money…”

Shu Ning couldn’t be bothered to listen to her prattling on. He walked over to the bedside to help Yin Mingzheng get out of bed. “Slow down. Don’t rush.”

Zhou Juan suddenly remembered something. She asked, “Shu Ning, what about the donations? I saw that the donation platform you set up earned ¥180,000. I also heard that people in our neighborhood donated ¥60,000, and the school donated ¥30,000. If you add it all up, it’s ¥270,000. You have to give me the rest of the money.” 

Shu Ning froze in place, completely dumbfounded. “Why do I need to give it to you?”

“This…” Zhou Juan was puzzled by his reaction. “Why wouldn’t you give it to me? Mingzheng and I still need money to live in the future.”

“Mom, we have our own hands and feet. We can support ourselves.” Yin Mingzheng, who had been silent all this time, fixed his eyes on Zhou Juan. “Everyone donated that money in order to treat my injury. They didn’t donate to provide living expenses for us.”

Zhou Juan opened her mouth to say something, but, because of her cowardly personality, she didn’t have the nerve to say anything. She just stared at Shu Ning, hoping that he would side with her. 

Yin Mingzheng patted Shu Ning’s hand and said in a gentle voice, “You can just return the donations from the donation platform. By the way…”

He paused for a moment. Then, he said, “You have a list of all the donations from the school and neighborhood, right? Could you give it to me?”

Shu Ning responded, “No problem.”

All of the neighborhood donations were sent to Mrs. Cai, and there were clear records. There was also a register of donations from the school. Long Qiao and Wang Shenshen recorded all of them in an Excel chart. Shu Ning had a copy of it. 

“Mom, we need to live with integrity. Once we’ve made some money, we should pay them back,” Yin Mingzheng said to Zhou Juan.

Zhou Juan’s eyes widened. “P-pay them back?”

Since when do donations need to be paid back?

Shu Ning also rushed to stop him. “Mingzheng, you don’t need to return the money.” 

Yin Mingzheng smiled. “Even if I wanted to return it, I wouldn’t be able to right now.”

Both Shu Ning and Zhou Juan breathed a sigh of relief. However, afterwards, their feelings were vastly different. Zhou Juan still had lingering fears about returning the money, while Shu Ning only had admiration for the villain.

The fact that Yin Mingzheng was able to refuse the remaining money was already amazing enough, but he even wanted to return all of the donations. Yin Mingzheng was able to grow up into this kind of person despite being raised by Zhou Juan and Yin Qiang. It was simply a testament to his character.

Shu Ning couldn’t believe that such a person was actually the villain of The Big Shot’s Sweetheart. 

Zhou Juan was very unwilling, and Yin Mingzheng could see that. He said, “Mom, we can’t take advantage of others.”

Under the gaze of two pairs of clear eyes, Zhou Juan sighed. “Alright, we’ll return the money.”

Yin Mingzheng bent down to put on his shoes, while Shu Ning squatted down to help him.

Yin Mingzheng silently stared at the back of his head. It wasn’t clear what his thoughts were at this moment. 

After putting on his shoes, Yin Mingzheng stood up. Shu Ning wanted to reach out and support him, but Yin Mingzheng shook his head and said, “I’ll walk by myself. You won’t be able to hold me up for the rest of my life.”

Shu Ning joked, “If it’s possible, I’d be more than happy to.”

The boy in the black padded jacket paused. Then, he turned his head, stared at Shu Ning with his beautiful eyes, and stretched out a hand. “Hold me up.”

Shu Ning: “…” 

Shu Ning had no choice but to help him out of the hospital room.

The three of them returned to the community with a load of luggage.

Shu Ning believed that, without Yin Qiang fucking shit up, the villain and his mother would be able to live a better life from now on. With this frame of mind, he was able to take his final exams without worries. Lately, he had been skipping a lot of classes. Plus, he was also rushing to the hospital to take care of the little villain after school. The two big bosses at home were already extremely unhappy about this.

He needed to get good grades on his exams to appease the two big bosses at home. Otherwise, his holiday plans would be done for. 

On the day they announced the results, the entire class was shocked. Shu Ning scored second in the entire class. His score was only two points away from Cheng Xiaoyu.

Shu Ning almost got full marks in the science related subjects. His recitation scores were a bit worse off for wear. He forgot over half of the poem he needed to recite. The only line he could remember was “In spring slumber, I am unaware of daybreak,” and he muddled his way through the rest.

Even so, it was still much better than his previous exam scores. He instantly became the most impressive person in Grade 7 Class 3.

His parents should be happy now. 

He went home with this thought in mind and happily reported his grades to Mrs. Cai. As a result, Mrs. Cai rewarded him with a furious ass-whooping, beating him until he was begging for mercy.

“Who told you to cheat?! Who told you to cheat?! Huh?!”

“Do you think I’m an idiot?!”

“A full score! You must think I was born yesterday!” 

Their home was instantly thrown into a tizzy. Shu Ning dodged left and right, trying to explain that he didn’t cheat, but Mrs. Cai didn’t believe him at all. She knew Shu Ning better than the back of her own hand. How could she not know what his grades were like?

With grades like that, how could he possibly get a perfect score?

He was just asking for a beating!