The cheating crisis ended when Papa Shu came home.

Papa Shu was very magnanimous. With a wave of his huge hand, he assertively decided, “Regardless of whether he cheated or not, we’re going to act as though he didn’t cheat! Reward!” 

Shu Ning didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “Dad, I really didn’t cheat.”

“Okay, my son is amazing! Since you managed to get second place, I will reward you with ¥5,000!” Papa Shu pulled out his cell phone and transferred the money through WeChat.

Under Mrs. Cai’s glowering stare, Shu Ning’s phone gave him a notification and ¥5,000 was transferred to Shu Ning’s account.

Shu Ning bowed towards Papa Shu repeatedly. “Thank you, Boss! I hope that Boss earns lots and lots of money, that everything goes smoothly, and that you’re healthy forever and ever!” 

Papa Shu laughed, full of pride.

Mrs. Cai still wanted to say something, so Papa Shu went up to her and wrapped a hand around her waist. “Xiao Cai, our son has always been very smart. Isn’t it perfectly normal for him to be second in his class? Right now, we should focus on encouraging him rather than punishing him. If he does well on his exams, we’ll reward him, and, if he doesn’t do well, we’ll punish him! If he really is cheating, we’ll punish him even more! He can try cheating his way into Tsinghua or Peking University if he has the ability to do it!”

Shu Ning escaped into his room and closed the door. Then, he sat in his chair and started thinking.

His account balance showed that he still had ¥10,000 left. Shu Ning opened his computer and searched for cell phones online. The villain’s cell phone was practically unusable, and the image quality was also incredibly poor. It was time for him to get a new one.

With a better cell phone, it would be easier for him to study. Baby had such a good memory now. He couldn’t let anything interfere with Baby’s studies.


Now that he thought about it, why did he need to use a cell phone to study?

Shu Ning suddenly had a realization. When it came to watching videos and reading online, wasn’t it better to use a laptop or tablet? In terms of function, a laptop might be better. 

In that case, Shu Ning also needed to buy a laptop.

He opened up Jingdong and found the page for electronics. Then, he clicked on the button for phones.

A row of images popped up on the screen. Considering his limited funds, Shu Ning chose a relatively cheap brand.

A lot of the cheaper phones on the market were more than enough. Although they weren’t good enough to run any games on them, they still had all the necessary functions. Therefore, Shu Ning finally bought a Xiaomi cell phone that was currently on sale. The original price was more than ¥1,700, but the sale lowered the price to ¥1,400. After using various coupons, he managed to lower the price to ¥1,200. 

After putting the Xiaomi cell phone in his shopping cart, Shu Ning opened the page for computers and started sifting through his options.

Computers were typically more expensive than cell phones. Shu Ning spent some time picking and choosing before settling on a cheap laptop. Its configuration was so-so, but it was on sale and only cost ¥2,000.

He didn’t plan on buying a super good computer for the villain. He was afraid that, if the computer was too good, the villain would get addicted to video games. He wouldn’t even be able to complain if that happened. After all, he was the one who bought him the laptop. Shu Ning knew that the game, Battle Elites, was very popular right now. Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao would always head to the internet café whenever they were free. Shu Ning used to go there all the time as well.

Hmph! His little villain must not follow their bad example! 

It just so happened that Jingdong was currently holding an event. First-time users could get ¥100 off of their purchase. Using a credit card could get another ¥100 off of their purchase. Plus, the entire site was currently on sale. For every ¥1,000 spent, you could get ¥100 off with a maximum of ¥300 off your purchase.

“Holy crap, I saved so much!” Shu Ning was so excited that he almost fainted.

Shu Ning just so happened to be a new user. He paid using credit, and he also slapped on all kinds of coupons. The original price of more than 4,000 yuan fell down to 3,000 yuan in an instant.

Vte Rlcu, obg atf olgra alwf, ajrafv atf pbsr bo gfajli atfgjqs. Lf tjqqlis qijmfv tlr bgvfg. 

Lf tjv cb lvfj atja rtbqqlcu kjr atlr oec! Pa kjr frqfmljiis oec ktfc tf kjr jyif ab rjnf j iba bo wbcfs! Lf kjr bnfg atf wbbc!

He was starting to understand those women that went crazy with shopping on Singles’ Day. Before, he couldn’t understand those friends of his who clearly earned a lot of money, yet, every time Singles’ Day came around, they would drag him around to go store to store and stand in line, all for the sake of saving a few yuan. He really didn’t understand.

Pa aegcfv bea atja atf oec qjga kjrc’a rtbqqlcu, yea rjnlcu wbcfs.

The shipping for Jingdong was very fast. His order arrived the next day. Shu Ning was in a bit of a pinch. He didn’t dare to take the things back home. If Mrs. Cai found out about it, he would definitely get his ass handed to him again. She was definitely going to scold him for carelessly spending money. 

Plus, if Mrs. Cai were to ask him about where the items were, Shu Ning definitely wouldn’t have the guts to tell her that he gave them away.

So, after receiving his package, he simply held onto his two big boxes and waited at the bottom of their building. He waited for several hours in the cold winter wind until eight o’clock.

At eight o’clock, Zhou Juan returned to the neighborhood.

He tore off the outer packaging of the computer and cell phone. He checked over it and made sure that he didn’t leave any of his own information on it before handing it over to Zhou Juan. 

“Here’s a cell phone and a laptop. Consider it a New Year’s gift.” Shu Ning said, “Don’t tell him that it was a donation. Just say that you bought it yourself.”

Zhou Juan took the box with a smile. “I understand. I definitely won’t say anything.”

“By the way, I’m going to the capital for a little bit. I’ll transfer the money to you later, and the paper slips can be signed once I get back.”

“Okay, no problem.” Zhou Juan smiled. 

“I’ll contact you before I leave. I’ll buy the bread, milk, and everything and give it to you.” Shu Ning said, “Yin Mingzheng’s been getting taller lately. His nutrition needs to keep up with his growth. Plus, he’s been in the hospital these past couple of weeks and hasn’t been able to eat well. Make sure that you buy something good for him to eat…”

Zhou Juan started to get a little impatient as he continued to babble on and on. “Okay, okay, I got it.”

After giving a rough explanation of how to use the computer and cell phone, Shu Ning went home.

Shit, he was gonna freeze to death at this rate. 

Yin Mingzheng was at home, cleaning the place up. He meticulously cleaned every corner of the house, wiping down every surface in the living room. It was as if he was trying to disinfect every trace of Yin Qiang from the house.

In fact, he really wanted to straight-up throw Yin Qiang’s things away, but, unfortunately, Zhou Juan didn’t agree.

If it was possible, he didn’t want to live in Yin Qiang’s house at all.

Also, the donation money… 

Yin Mingzheng wiped down the sofa with a rag and silently thought to himself: I have to make money and return the donations.

Winter vacation was coming up soon. The school allowed him to take a break from school, so he had an early start on his vacation. He didn’t really want to go to school anyway.

Maybe he could get a job?

The sound of the door lock came from the entrance. The door opened, and Zhou Juan walked inside. She held two boxes in her hands. 

“Mom.” Yin Mingzheng stood up.

Zhou Juan saw him and said with a smile, “Mingzheng, come here! I have something good to give you!”

Yin Mingzheng was stunned for a moment. Then, his eyes fell on the boxes at her feet. There was a big box and a small box.

Zhou Juan picked up the boxes and put them on the dining table. She opened the small box, took out a black cell phone inside, and handed it to him. “Look! Haven’t you always wanted to get a new phone? I got you a new one! Consider it a late birthday present! ” 

Yin Mingzheng stared at her smiling face. Then, his eyes fell on the phone again, and a warm feeling started rising up in his heart.

He left the rag on the coffee table. Yin Mingzheng wiped his hands on his apron and reached out for the phone.

Boys were naturally interested in electronics. The only reason Yin Mingzheng hadn’t been interested in them before was because they were too poor to indulge this interest of his. He didn’t want to increase his family’s burden.

Even thinking about buying a cell phone was like a sin. 

When he saw the brand and model, Yin Mingzheng revealed the kind of smile that a fifteen-year-old boy was supposed to have. “Thank you, Mom!”

Zhou Juan said guiltily, “I was a little busy with your father’s affairs and neglected you. You won’t be angry, will you?”

Yin Mingzheng smiled and shook his head.

When it came to his birthday, sometimes his parents would forget, and sometimes they would remember. Usually, his birthday present would be an egg. 

If he asked for a birthday cake or presents like other children did, he would’ve been met with a severe scolding.

So, he didn’t have many expectations when it came to his birthday.

This year, he celebrated his birthday in the hospital. It was no different from usual. He celebrated it alone, and no one remembered that it was his birthday. He didn’t care whether others remembered or not. He wished himself a happy birthday and gave himself a big gift.

He was satisfied. 

To his surprise, Zhou Juan actually ended up giving him a birthday present. Even though he had already come to accept that he wouldn’t be receiving any presents, he still couldn’t help feeling a little excited.

“Thank you.” Yin Mingzheng raised his head, his eyes clear and bright. “I’m really happy. This is the second birthday present I received.”

“The second one?” Zhou Juan wondered aloud, “Did someone else give you a gift? Shu Ning?”

Yin Mingzheng shook his head and smiled without saying a word. 

Zhou Juan also smiled. She picked up the other box and asked, “Guess what’s inside this one?”

Yin Mingzheng had already seen the picture on the packaging and blinked in surprise. “A laptop?”

“That’s right!” Zhou Juan took off the packaging. She pulled out a thin silver laptop and handed it to him. “I’m not very good at choosing. I’m not sure if you’ll like it or not?”

Yin Mingzheng stared at the computer, his heart thumping. He raised his head and asked Zhou Juan, “Mom, a cell phone’s already enough. Why did you buy me a laptop? We don’t have the money…” 

“It’s alright. I’ve already bought it anyway.” Zhou Juan said, “Let me make things clear. I’m giving you your New Year’s gift in advance. You won’t be getting any New Year’s money once Chinese New Year comes around.”

Every year, Zhou Juan would give Yin Mingzheng somewhere around fifty to one hundred yuan during Chinese New Year.

Yin Mingzheng said, “Mom doesn’t need to give me New Year’s money anymore. I’ve already grown up.”

This computer had to be worth about ¥3,000. That was way more expensive than a measly fifty yuan. His mother had already given him such an expensive gift. How could he possibly ask her for New Year’s money. 

“Good boy.” Zhou Juan observed Yin Mingzheng’s expression. When she saw his happy expression, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In retrospect, she realized that she hadn’t acted very appropriately while Yin Mingzheng was hospitalized. The way she had handled it was absolutely disastrous. Anyone would’ve been hurt by how she had acted.

She was currently stuck between a rock and a hard place. Yin Mingzheng was still her son in name. She couldn’t just get rid of him. However, she was also afraid that he would hold a grudge against her.

Fortunately, Shu Ning helped solve this headache for her. 

“Do you like it? If you don’t like it, we can…” She swallowed down the rest of her sentence at the last minute. She suddenly remembered that she didn’t know where Shu Ning bought the laptop. Even if she wanted to return it, she wouldn’t be able to get the money. They were better off not returning the laptop.

“Thank you. I like it a lot,” Yin Mingzheng said sincerely. He really liked the laptop’s design a lot. As for the color, he couldn’t see color anymore, so it didn’t really matter. Even if it was hot pink, he would still accept it.

Zhou Juan spent a large sum of money to buy a cell phone and laptop for him. He appreciated her sincere intentions.

Maybe he should let go off the unhappiness that he had felt. Zhou Juan was a human being. Human beings make mistakes, and human beings have their flaws. 

He shouldn’t be too critical.

Even if she really abandoned him while he was in the hospital, the fifteen years she spent raising him up wasn’t something that could be written off.

Moreover, she also came to the hospital to take care of him every now and then.

Yin Qiang would no longer be involved with them. Their lives would only get better and better from now on. 

Therefore, the best course of action was to forget about the unhappiness of the past and start living a peaceful and happy life.

“Mom, I’ll make money to support you in the future,” Yin Mingzheng said while holding the computer.

Zhou Juan’s eyes wrinkled with laughter. “Good boy!”

However, her thoughts drifted to the capital, where her biological son was. The one she needed to rely on for a happy future was him. 

After giving him a cell phone and laptop, Zhou Juan’s relationship with Yin Mingzheng visibly improved. Winter vacation arrived in a flash.

Shu Ning was busy trying to find an opportunity to go to the capital. He and Mrs. Cai had originally agreed that he would be going to the capital with Wang Shenshen. Therefore, he needed Wang Shenshen to cover for him.

The reason why he picked Wang Shenshen was because he didn’t live in Longtan Community. Mrs. Cai wouldn’t be able to personally confirm whether he went to the capital or not.

Wang Shenshen said, “Gege, I can help cover for you, but I can’t make a dad out of thin air!” 

Shu Ning wasn’t deterred. “Don’t worry. I have an idea.”

The next day, Wang Shenshen received a package at his door. He opened it up and saw that it was a voice changer.