Yin Mingzheng smiled when he got the news. “That’s fine. They can keep at it for a while.”

Didn’t Zhou Juan want her son to bring her a happy life? 

Now that Zhou Juan had brought a gang of loan sharks to blackmail him, Yin Mingzheng wanted to see whether her biological son would actually accept her.

She had probably placed all her hopes on Wei Ximing now.

Yin Mingzheng wanted to see whether Wei Ximing would actually help her or not.

If he was willing to help her, maybe she’d be able to live a little more comfortably. If he wasn’t willing, maybe Zhou Juan’s body would turn up one of these days. 

However, that was none of his business.

He would simply keep an eye on everything that happened to her.

Shu Ning and Yin Mingzheng started their cohabitation.

Yin Mingzheng was very good at tidying things up, and he was quick with his hands and feet. He not only helped Cai Qin cook, but he also swept and mopped the floor, leaving Shu Ning with nothing to do. Yin Mingzheng also organized Shu Ning’s mess of a room, putting everything in good order.

Yin Mingzheng bought his clothes and daily necessities by himself. Shu Ning wanted to buy them for him, but Yin Mingzheng would always pay for them himself.

Shu Ning started getting more and more curious. Where was he getting the money?

Recently, he hadn’t been donating money through Zhou Juan, so Yin Mingzheng shouldn’t have any money on him. However, he didn’t know how to ask.

It was very comfortable to be with Yin Mingzheng. He didn’t talk much, didn’t cause trouble, and he even did housework. If it wasn’t for the fact that they were both boys, Shu Ning would totally marry him. 

The only issue between the two of them was…

“Shu Ning, you accidentally took my underwear.” While they were changing into their pajamas, Yin Mingzheng glanced at his black underwear and reminded him.

Shu Ning looked down and frowned. “No, these are my underwear. I’m pretty sure it was this color.”

Yin Mingzheng shook his head. “I already counted. I’m missing a black pair of underwear.” 

Shu Ning awkwardly said, “Really? No wonder it’s a little small.”

The corners of Yin Mingzheng’s mouth dropped.

Yin Mingzheng’s expression didn’t change very much, but Shu Ning could sense the change in his mood and quickly explained, “I don’t mean that you’re small or anything. My butt’s just big, so I wear bigger underwear.”

He turned around as he spoke. He showed Yin Mingzheng his butt and gave himself a pat. “See, isn’t it big? It’s kind of fat.” 

Yin Mingzheng looked at him for a moment and commented, “It’s not fat. It’s perky. All the meat on your bones went to your butt.”

“Either way, it’s the same thing.” Shu Ning patted his butt again. “I just have a big butt, so my underwear is bigger than average. I’m definitely not saying that you’re small.”

Yin Mingzheng felt a little better after Shu Ning said that. He stared at Shu Ning’s round and perky butt. When Shu Ning patted his butt, a strange feeling rose up in his heart.

He quickly suppressed this strange emotion. 

When Shu Ning saw that he didn’t mind, Shu Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

Shu Ning seemed to have figured it out. The villain seemed to be just a little bit mysophobic. He also didn’t like being called small.

He would be more careful next time.

When they were sleeping, Shu Ning tried his best not to roll around too much, but he couldn’t really control himself when he fell asleep. When he woke up the next day, he would always be wrapped up with Yin Mingzheng. 

Fortunately, Yin Mingzheng never minded.

Shu Ning naturally ended up pulling Yin Mingzheng into his small trio of friends. He brought Yin Mingzheng with him whenever he fooled around with Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao.

However, whenever Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao invited them to play Battle Elites, Shu Ning would always refuse. Instead, he decided to form a little study group. He vowed to bring their grades up and ended up scaring Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao off. They quickly slipped away, running as fast as they could.

Shu Ning wasn’t able to catch up to them, so he and the villain ended up going home to study. 

The villain’s learning ability was very strong, so Shu Ning wasn’t worried about him at all. After the two of them finished their homework in the living room, they went back to the bedroom and opened their laptops.

Shu Ning opened up his translation manuscript.

The villain sat next to him and pulled out his computer as well.

Shu Ning thought he was going to take another online class. However, what he saw ended up shocking him. The screen was full of a bunch of red and green figures. Shu Ning had traded in stocks before and nearly lost the shirt off his back. He naturally knew what this was. 

“You’re trading stocks?” Shu Ning was stunned.

The little villain turned his head. “You know about it?”

Shu Ning nodded. Then, he thought about it and said, “Mingzheng, we’re still kind of young, so let’s not get into stocks.”

Seven out of ten traders were bound to lose their money, two of them would break even, and only the last trader would be able to make money. 

Yin Mingzheng blinked and said, “Let’s talk about it after I make ¥300,000.”

He hired some people to deal with Zhou Juan, and it wasn’t cheap.

“300,000!” Shu Ning sucked in a deep breath.

“It’s only 300,000. Don’t worry,” Yin Mingzheng said. 

Shu Ning’s jaw dropped. “Only 300,000?”

Yin Mingzheng turned his head to stare at the screen. He collected and analyzed the data from several softwares. His voice was light. “It should be done soon.”

His principal amount was now much more than it was at the beginning. If he doubled it, he would be able to exceed 300,000.

Shu Ning felt like he had drifted away from reality. 

The villain scored a 35 on his math test and he got a 0 for everything else, yet here he was trading in stocks! He was even claiming that he could make 300,000!

“I’m not trading in stocks. I’m trading in future contracts.”

Vte Rlcu ofia ilxf tf tjv vgloafv fnfc oegatfg jkjs ogbw gfjilas.

Meaegf mbcagjmar! 

Although he had never touched it before in his previous life, he had heard that the financial leverage on future contracts was really high. It was basically like gambling!

“Mingzheng…” Shu Ning felt like the villain had gone crazy. He gulped and said, “We’re still students. Actually, I know a little bit about finance and investing too. It’s usually the big bankers and institutions who are making money. Most of the time, individual investors lose money. The information and data we have can’t possibly compare to a large institution. We can’t compete with them… We’re still young, and we have a bright future. Now is the time to be studying…”

Tlc Zlcuhtfcu kjixfv eq ab tlw jcv bqfcfv j olif bc tlr ijqabq. “Qtja lr atlr?”

Vte Rlcu vlvc’a atlcx atf nliijlc xcfk Xfgwjc, rb tf ujnf tlw j gjcvbw fzmerf. “Vaevs wjafgljir.” 

Ktf mbgcfg bo Tlc Zlcuhtfcu’r wbeat delgxfv eq. “Yt? Tbe gfjiis atlcx P vbc’a xcbk Xfgwjc?”

Shu Ning was shocked.

Yin Mingzheng looked at it for a while. “It should be a trade contract.”

Shu Ning’s jaw dropped. 

Yin Mingzheng took another glance at his QQ. “You’re earning money by translating.”

Shu Ning: “…”

In the past two days, he had been relying on the fact the villain was a child and translating documents right in front of him. He thought the villain didn’t know what he was doing, but, it turned out that the villain knew all about it!

He miscalculated! 

Yin Mingzheng asked, “Gods may do what cattle may not?”

Shu Ning: “This…”

Yin Mingzheng continued, “Only you’re allowed to make money, but I’m not?”

Shu Ning: “…” 

Shu Ning was helpless against him. “I got it. But don’t do anything too reckless.”

Yin Mingzheng smiled. “I know.”

The two teenagers each occupied one end of the desk. With a warm lamp sitting between them, they each did their own work.

The house was quiet, and it was dark outside the window. 

Around 7:30, Papa Shu arrived home, and Cai Qin called for the two teenagers to come eat. Shu Ning and Yin Mingzheng stopped what they were doing and headed towards the living room.

Perhaps it was because he knew he was living under someone else’s roof, but Yin Mingzheng hardly spoke while they were eating. He was very quiet, and he only reached for the dishes right in front of him.

Shu Ning and Cai Qin both put some meat, ribs, and stuff in his bowl, and they tried to get him to let loose. However, Yin Mingzheng’s habit of falling silent did not change.

Shu Ning gradually discovered what the problem was. If he put himself in Yin Mingzheng’s shoes, he could understand how Yin Mingzheng felt. 

After dinner, Shu Ning slipped into the kitchen and said to Cai Qin, who was washing the dishes, “Cai Cai, you should hold back from putting food in Yin Mingzheng’s bowl.”

Cai Qin was in the middle of rinsing a plate under the faucet. She was surprised when she heard what he said. “What’s wrong?”

Shu Ning stood beside her and picked up the sponge to help with the dishes. “Mom, the more you do that, the more awkward Yin Mingzheng feels.”


“Because the more polite you are to him, the more he’s reminded that he’s just a guest.”

Cai Qin was surprised. “Really?”

“Yes.” Shu Ning put the clean bowls onto the drying rack. “When we went up north to Grandma’s house for the holidays, I wasn’t very familiar with everyone because it’d been a long time since we visited. They were always asking me if I wanted to eat fruit or drink water. If I sat down, they’d ask me if I was cold. At dinner, they were always putting food in my bowl and asking me if I’m full… Mom, don’t get angry, but, to be honest, it was kind of annoying.”

“It felt really uncomfortable. I know they all meant well, but they were asking after me about everything. I didn’t feel comfortable doing anything, and I didn’t feel comfortable while eating. I was always waiting to say thank you. It was exhausting.” 

Cai Qin fell silent.

Shu Ning asked, “Mom, did you feel that way?”

Cai Qin didn’t go up north that often either. She visited with Papa Shu every few years, so she wasn’t too familiar with her in-laws.

“I understand now that you’ve told me.” Cai Qin sighed. “Alright, I won’t be putting food in his bowl for him. From now on, I’ll treat him the same as I treat you.” 

“That’s great! I love you, Cai Cai! Muah~” Shu Ning finished helping her wash the dishes and put them away. “I’ll go tell Dad.”

“Naughty boy. Go on!”

Papa Shu was looking over accounts in the study. Shu Ning knocked on the door. The door was opened, and Shu Ning went in to tell him about what he had talked about with Cai Qin.

Papa Shu said that he understood. 

Shu Ning then returned to his room.

Yin Mingzheng was attentively staring at the computer screen. The red and green colors on the screen suddenly reminded Shu Ning of something. “Mingzheng, can you see the colors on the screen?”

He was very worried that a child who couldn’t see color might end up getting even more fucked over than he did.

Yin Mingzheng turned his head slightly. “I don’t look at the colors. I just look at the data.” 

Although he knew that Yin Mingzheng was a genius, Shu Ning was still worried. He still felt that trading in stocks and future contracts was like gambling, so he tried to convince him, “Why don’t we make money some other way? Individual investors are always going to be one step behind. Those big institutions have a ton of information that we don’t. Plus, they have a ton of people working around the clock for them. You’re just one person. It’s obvious who’s going to come out on top.”

After he had gotten burned by the stock market, he read a lot of articles about the dangers of trading. Since then, he washed his hands of it and never touched the stock market again. However, he was worried about the villain.

Yin Mingzheng blinked. “A game of intelligence isn’t something that can be won by relying on numbers alone. Besides, having a lot of people isn’t always an advantage. Having a lot of people means a lot of different opinions, so it’s harder to reach a conclusion. I’m good enough to go against a hundred people.”

I’m good enough to go against a hundred people. 

He said this so casually, as if it were an objective fact, as if it was the same as saying one plus one equals two.

Shu Ning was shocked. How could the little villain say such a thing with such a tone?

“As for information…” Yin Mingzheng closed the home page, revealing a ton of crowded, little windows. Each one of the windows contained graphs, data, and all kinds of reports. Shu Ning felt dizzy just looking at it.

“I wrote a couple of programs that can capture data in real time and analyze trends.” He opened various windows to show Shu Ning, explaining what this report said and what that data meant. 

The villain introduced him to the software and its contents. After giving it a glance, he would promptly close the window. The longest amount of time he stayed on a window was no more than thirty seconds. Shu Ning hadn’t even finished reading a single paragraph, yet Yin Mingzheng had already finished skimming through and closed out the window.

Shu Ning gave up on trying to read and just listened to the villain’s analysis.

Shu Ning could understand every individual word that came out of the villain’s mouth, but, when they were strung together, he had no idea what they meant. However, he couldn’t just say that he didn’t understand. That would be too embarrassing, so he nodded along, pretending to understand.

About half an hour later, the little villain said, “Here it is!” 

Shu Ning asked, “What’s here?”

The little villain responded, “The voice in my head.”

He didn’t have the time to explain. He hurriedly opened the trading window and made several trades in silver.

The only thing Shu Ning was able to make out was the flying numbers across the screen. Then, the villain tapped the keyboard and closed all the windows. 

The little villain had an excited look on his face. When the transaction was over, he turned his head and said to Shu Ning, “Once I collect all the data, a voice in my head will tell me what to buy.”

He pointed to his head and explained, “It’s like having a computer in your head.”

Shu Ning: “…”

Shu Ning felt sour. 

Oh… is this what you call a genius?

The villain took a look at his face. He thought that Shu Ning was unhappy, so he said, “You’re right. I shouldn’t always rely on future contracts. Actually, I’m also writing software. I’m making money by taking job requests.”

In order to prove that what he said was true, he opened up Visual Basic. The programming interface appeared on the computer screen.

The villain poked at the keyboard with his two index fingers, and a line of code appeared on the blue interface. 

Shu Ning gradually came back to his senses. He realized that the little villain was actually programming. His heart was shaken up once more.

The villain tapped away at the keyboard for a bit. Then, he turned around and rushed to explain. “It’s all proper work.”

Shu Ning: “…”

So, the money that he returned was actually money that he earned himself? 

Shu Ning remembered that, when the villain came to pay back the money, he asked him how he got the money. The villain had said software. At that time, Shu Ning’s first thought had been online loaning or gambling software. The villain then became unhappy and left…

The villain must’ve become unhappy because he sensed his distrust.

Shu Ning sighed in his heart. He reached out to pat the villain’s soft hair. “Mn, Mingzheng’s amazing.”

He shouldn’t have applied ordinary rules to a genius to begin with. 

Yin Mingzheng let him touch his head. His ears slowly started turning red.

He was completely overwhelmed. His heart was racing. He quickly turned his head back towards his computer and continued poking at the keyboard.

Shu Ning saw him typing away with his index fingers and leaned down. “Mingzheng, don’t type with your index fingers like that.”

After he leaned forward, his face was right next to Yin Mingzheng’s ear. The warmth of his breathing brushed past Yin Mingzheng’s earlobe. 

Yin Mingzheng’s ears were completely red. His hands froze, and he whispered, “I’m used to it.”

“It’s a bad habit,” Shu Ning said. “It needs to be changed. Let me. Look at my hands.”

Yin Mingzheng got up from his seat. Shu Ning sat in his chair and placed both of his hands on the keyboard. “See? It’s like this. Your left index finger is in charge of F, G, R, T, V, and B keys. Your right index finger is in charge of H, J, Y, U, N, M…”

“Also, you shouldn’t stare at the keyboard. You can learn to type without looking. Watch me…” 

Yin Mingzheng stood next to Shu Ning and fixed his eyes on him.

After Shu Ning gave him a demonstration, he downloaded a typing software for the villain. “Just use this software to practice from now on.”

Yin Mingzheng obediently agreed, “Okay.”

After Shu Ning installed the software, he said, “This laptop’s configuration isn’t very good. I saw that you have a lot of software downloaded. Won’t your computer freeze?” 

He had so much software open for the trading that he was doing, as well as the programming. Wouldn’t it be really bad if the computer crashes?

It looked like it was time for the villain to get a new laptop.

“No.” The villain shook his head. “I added a memory stick and rewrote the system. There shouldn’t be a problem.”

Shu Ning: “…” 

He almost forgot that the person in front of him was a crazy genius.

Shu Ning was starting to realize how insignificant he was compared to this genius. He stood up and said, “If you aren’t in a hurry to write software, you can practice typing. It’s not good to always type with your index fingers.”

“Okay,” The little villain said softly. His bright, black eyes looked at Shu Ning, and his long eyelashes fluttered. He was so cute! Shu Ning really wanted to pet him.

His baby was so good! 

The villain obediently sat in front of his laptop and started using the typing software to practice. This made Shu Ning very, very pleased.

How could anyone dislike a cute and obedient baby?

Shu Ning felt his heart beginning to stir. He pulled out his phone to check the shipping status. The bear pajamas he bought last time still hadn’t arrived yet.

In the end, he wasn’t able to defeat the perverted desire in his heart and secretly placed an order for the bear pajamas. 

Fuck! It’s already been several days, yet it still wasn’t here! Bad review!

He contacted the store. The store told him that there were some logistical problems, so the product had to be re-delivered.

Shu Ning was speechless.

Two days later, the bear pajamas finally arrived. Shu Ning dragged Yin Mingzheng with him to the pickup location to get the goods. The two teenagers rushed into the pickup location with their school bags on their backs. 

“What did you buy?” Yin Mingzheng asked curiously.

Shu Ning snickered to himself. “It’s a secret.”

He picked up the package and said hello to the boss. Then, he dragged Yin Mingzheng along with him and dashed all the way home.

When they got home, he opened the package. Then, he grabbed the plastic bag inside the package and opened it. 

He happily reached his hand in to grab… huh? How come there were two?

Shu Ning pulled out his phone to check what was going on, only to find out that the store was having a buy-one-get-one-free event.

Well, it is what it is. This was a win-win.

Shu Ning checked over the clothes. The pajamas were made with a brown coral velvet. It came with a hat, ears, and a round little tail. 

It was exactly the same as the picture, very cute.

He left one set on the sofa and brought the other set over to Yin Mingzheng. His smile slowly became more and more mischievous. “Try it on to see if it fits.”

Yin Mingzheng took the pajamas and stared at him, unblinking. “You bought this for me?”

Shu Ning smiled wryly. “Yeah.” 

A hint of a blush slowly tinted Yin Mingzheng’s pale face. He picked up the pajamas and silently walked into the bedroom to change.

Shu Ning excitedly waited outside the door, like a father waiting to see his baby wear new clothes.

After a while, the door opened and Yin Mingzheng walked out in the bear pajamas.

The teenager was very beautiful. His skin was pale and glowy, his eyes were large, and he had deep double eyelids. When he was expressionless or indifferent, his eyes were sharp and slender. When he was expressing emotions, his eyes were big and round, revealing a little bit of the childishness that a fifteen-year-old is supposed to have. 

He had that cute and youthful air of a boy on the edge of maturity. It was incredibly captivating.

The pajamas were soft and fluffy, the hood was pulled over his head, and the little ears were pricked up.

Shu Ning felt his heart go thump thump.

Cough. Even Shu Ning was attracted, let alone perverts. 

Shu Ning said, “Turn around. Let me see the back.”

Yin Mingzheng obediently turned around, revealing a small tail.

It was so cute that Shu Ning almost got a nosebleed.

As expected, it looked ten times better than it did on the model! 

His heart was itching like crazy. He wanted to buy bunny pajamas, chicken pajamas…

His was filled with all kinds of animal pajamas.

There used to be a game called Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen. The main part of the game was to pick out clothes for the female protagonist. It had been super popular all over the world with both men and women.

He hadn’t understood why it was so popular before, but he was now starting to understand the joy of dress up games. 

Baby was so cute! He looked good in anything, so Shu Ning couldn’t help but want to buy even more pajamas.

Just as Shu Ning was fantasizing about what to buy next, Yin Mingzheng walked over to the sofa, picked up the other set of pajamas, and stuffed it into his hand. “You put it on too.”

Shu Ning subconsciously took the pajamas from his hand. When he returned to his senses, his jaw dropped. “Huh?”

Yin Mingzheng said earnestly, “One set per person.” 

Shu Ning said, “I bought it for you.”

Yin Mingzheng insisted, “One set per person. Put it on.”

Shu Ning: “…”

When faced with his bright and earnest eyes, Shu Ning subconsciously surrendered. He headed into the bedroom and changed into the bear pajamas. It was medium-sized, so he was able to wear it as well. 

When he walked out of the room, two teenagers in bear pajamas looked at each other.

Shu Ning could see his own reflection in the little villain’s eyes.He was wearing the fluffy pajama set and had two little ears atop his head. Honestly, he looked a little stupid.

Suddenly, the front door clicked. Then, the door to the living room opened, and Cai Qin appeared with a shopping bag.

Shu Ning’s heart almost jumped out of his chest. Ahhh! So embarrassing! 

Cai Qin was completely stunned. “You two!”

Shu Ning blushed and frantically waved his hands around. “I bought it for Mingzheng…”

“So cute!” Cai Qin threw down the shopping bag and rushed over to hug them, one in each hand. She was only about 150 centimeters tall, very petite. She rubbed her head against Shu Ning’s chest for a bit. Then, she rubbed her head against Yin Mingzheng’s chest for a bit, her face full of happiness. “Ah, my two babies are so cute!”

Translator’s Note: 

Investopedia is my new best friend.