Her two babies.

Yin Mingzheng was slightly startled. A strange emotion flashed across his chest. Before he could even make out what it was, Cai Qin was already pulling him and Shu Ning to pose. “Come, come, come, lower your head.” 

Yin Mingzheng subconsciously looked toward Shu Ning. Shu Ning shot a helpless expression towards him and lowered his head.

Yin Mingzheng also lowered his head.

“Come closer, come closer!” Cai Qin took out her phone and pulled up the front-facing camera.

Shu Ning’s face soured. “Mom, don’t randomly send the photos to people.” 

“Don’t worry. I won’t.”

After being assured, Shu Ning and Yin Mingzheng both leaned on Cai Qin, one on the left and one on the right. They slightly tilted their heads in her direction and adjusted their postures as she demanded.

Click, click.

Selfie complete.

Then, Cai Qin ran to a distance of about two meters away from them. She waved her hand and said, “You two stand together! Yes, get closer! Get closer!”

Shu Ning had no choice but to get even closer to Yin Mingzheng. Their bodies were practically pressed against each other.

“Heads leaned together!” Cai Qin commanded them as she stared at them through the camera.


“Hurry up! You’re the one who put it on! What are you being shy for?”

Shu Ning went for wool but came back shorn. He had no choice but to lean his against Yin Mingzheng.

Click, click.

Cai Qin took a few photos. Then, she asked the two of them to make another pose. 

Yin Mingzheng was as obedient as a baby, but Shu Ning was a little less so.

After two poses, he dragged Yin Mingzheng along with him and slipped into their room.

Ding. Ding.

Both of their phones chimed at the same time. 

Shu Ning and Yin Mingzheng looked at each other. They pulled out their cell phones and opened WeChat.

On the screen were two handsome boys in bear pajamas. Their heads were leaned against each other. They each made a V sign with their hands and smiled brightly. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was also in the photo, Shu Ning would have lovingly admired it. Unfortunately, when he saw his face, all he felt was shame.

Ah, why did he smile so stupidly?

His eyes were curved, and his grin showed all his teeth. He looked very sunny and happy… oh no. No one’s going to think that I actually like wearing the bear pajamas, right? 

Plus, the contrast between him and the villain made it even more obvious.

The little villain was also wearing bear pajamas, and he also made a V sign as Mrs. Cai demanded. However, he looked cool and aloof. Even in the bear pajamas, he had a noble air about him.

He instantly made Shu Ning look even more stupid by comparison.

Shu Ning wanted to murder the him from five minutes ago. 

Unfortunately, he couldn’t turn back time. Shu Ning quickly deleted all the photos and emptied out his photo album. Like an ostrich in the sand, he decided to pretend that those photos didn’t exist. Then, he walked back to his desk and continued translating documents.

Yin Mingzheng stared at the photos silently for a moment. Then, he carefully saved them all.

When he looked at the smiling woman and boy in the photo, Yin Mingzheng felt a strange feeling well up in his heart. He walked to the desk and opened his laptop. Then, he transferred all the photos from his cell phone to his computer and created a photo album in Local Disk E. After thinking about it, he created another album.

The first album was titled “Family Portrait”. He put the photos of him, Cai Qin and Shu Ning in there. 

The second album was titled “Him and I”. He put the photos of him and Shu Ning in there.

He scrolled through the album, looking at the collection of photos. The boy’s eyes were black and bright. There seemed to be a glimmer hiding behind them.

He secretly glanced at Shu Ning, who was buried in documents. Seeing that he wasn’t paying attention, Yin Mingzheng set one of the family portraits as his desktop background. Then, he set a photo of him and Shu Ning as his cell phone background.

Half a month later, the villain said to Shu Ning one night, “Shu Ning, someone just contacted me on the forum. He asked me to sell him the red envelope software for ¥400,000.” 

At this time, Shu Ning was putting all his effort into an eight hundred yuan translation job. When he heard this, he raised his head. “…Ah?”

“Do you think it’s a scam? Why would someone spend ¥400,000 to buy a software that sends red envelopes? Are they stupid or what?” The little villain frowned. He really didn’t understand.

Shu Ning asked, “…What red envelope software?”

“Oh, you know how I refunded the donations? I thought that it’d be a pain to refund everyone one by one, so I wrote a software to send red envelopes. I also coded some other stuff into it while I was at it. It’s very simple. I posted the software on Pegasus, and someone just contacted me to buy it for ¥400,000.” 

Shu Ning was a little shocked. “That much?”

The little villain nodded. “I don’t know what they’re thinking.”

Shu Ning gulped. “You could… contact them and see how it goes?”

Yin Mingzheng mulled it over for a moment. Then, he nodded. “Alright. They won’t be able to scam anyway.” 

He got in touch with the other person through the forum. Shu Ning was lured over by the money and leaned over to watch. The villain’s tone was very cold, and the other party was very polite.

Once they started talking about money, the other party said that, as long as the source code was provided, they could send him the money immediately.

Shu Ning was anxious. “Tell him to pay the deposit first.”

LoveToEatShiitake: [Pay the deposit first.] 

SIY: [I know your teacher, Darker. I wouldn’t lie to you.]

The villain read the message and started typing.

LoveToEatShiitake: [Darker isn’t my teacher. He’s just a friend.]

SIY: […] 

SIY: [No problem. Is a 100,000 deposit okay?]

Shu Ning sucked in a deep breath and tapped the little villain’s shoulder. “Tell him to raise it to 200,000.”

LoveToEatShiitake: [200,000.]

SIY: [OK, no problem.] 

Then, the villain added him on WeChat. The other party transferred ¥200,000 to him.


Shu Ning was incredulous. “He really transferred it?”

Ktf ilaaif nliijlc cbvvfv. Lf kjr jirb nfgs qehhifv. “P gfjiis vbc’a ecvfgrajcv kts rbwfbcf kbeiv rqfcv rb wemt wbcfs bc j gfv fcnfibqf rboakjgf.” 

Vte Rlcu rjlv, “Ktfs wera tjnf rbwf batfg erf obg la. P gfwfwyfg rbwf ojwber ues ajixfv jybea tbk tf aglfv ab rfii rbwf rboakjgf obg ¥1,500, yea cb bcf kbeiv yes la. Vb, tf gjlrfv atf qglmf ¥1,000,000 bea bo rqlaf, jcv rbwf obgfluc mbwqjcs fcvfv eq yeslcu la. Zlcuhtfcu, atlr lr atf fzjma rjwf rlaejalbc!”

“But…” Yin Mingzheng still didn’t understand. “Why spend ¥400,000 for a red envelope software?”

This was the first time Shu Ning saw Yin Mingzheng get stuck in a mental loop like this. It was exactly the same as that one meme, “I know, but why is the pigeon so big?”

He couldn’t help but laugh and said, “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it so much. At least they’re willing to send the money, right?” 

Yin Mingzheng thought about it for a bit and agreed. So, he packaged the source code and sent it to SIY.

In the CBD building in Beijing, a group of people gathered in front of the computer. When the source code was sent, they anxiously urged the man sitting at the desk, “Team leader, open it quickly!”

The team leader quickly sent the source code to the rest of the employees. “Quickly test it! It needs to be ready to go live tomorrow!”

On the walls of the office, there were countless pictorials of Battle Elites. 

This was the game company that had created the popular online game Battle Elites. They had planned to hold an in-game event, hoping to not only attract new users but to retain old users as well. One part of the event needed to retrieve user data and then exchange the data through peer-to-peer networking. However, an error suddenly occurred, and it was too late to fix it. It just so happened that the team leader came across the red envelope software on Pegasus. The basic concept was exactly the same as what they needed. He immediately reported it to the higher ups and purchased the software.

Battle Elites had become popular all across the country, and the users’ expectations were getting higher and higher. They couldn’t make any mistakes, so they agreed to buy the software. It would be good to go after fixing it up a bit and embedding it into the game.

Four hundred thousand wasn’t a bad price.

After testing it, the entire team breathed a sigh of relief. They had been tensed up this entire time. 

SIY sent a message to LoveToEatShiitake. He carefully worded his message: [Please send me your card number, and I will transfer the money to you.] The 200,000 that he sent earlier already hit the maximum amount WeChat would allow him to send.

After paying the money, he would need to report it to the company for them to write it off. However, right now, he needed to solve the most pressing issue first.

LoveToEatShiitake was an expert who had risen to prominence in just the past couple of months. He was very, very skilled. His answers were always very insightful and direct, and his programs were always incredibly impressive.

Everyone was guessing which industry heavyweight got bored and started wandering through forums. A lot of large companies were asking around to find who he was, wanting to recruit him. However, LoveToEatShiitake started spending less and less time on the forum. 

Later, Darker popped out and declared that LoveToEatShiitake was his disciple. He straight up told everyone to forget about stealing him away. Everyone suddenly realized that this expert was probably already one of Darker’s people and couldn’t help wringing their hands in despair.

A string of numbers was sent to him. The name: Yin Mingzheng.

Was this the great expert’s name?

In awe, SIY sent the money over. 

Shu Ning was anxiously pacing the room. He was afraid that Yin Mingzheng would get tricked.

Yin Mingzheng, on the other hand, was rather calm. “They’re probably testing the program right now.”

Shu Ning didn’t really understand these kinds of things, so he just responded with, “Oh.”

After a long time, SIY finally sent them a message. 

Shu Ning leaned over to see that it was SIY telling him that the program worked fine. He was now asking Yin Mingzheng for his card details so SIY could send him the money.

Large sums of money took a while to go through, but the money was still theirs!

“Oh my god! Mingzheng! You’re amazing! You actually made ¥400,000 just like that!” Shu Ning happily shook Yin Mingzheng’s shoulder.

Yin Mingzheng didn’t feel much at first, but, when he saw how happy Shu Ning was, the corners of his mouth curved into a smile. “I’ve already made two million in future contracts.” 

Shu Ning stopped.

Shu Ning: “???”

Shu Ning: “!”

He knew that the world of geniuses was a little unreasonable, but how could it be this unreasonable!? Two hundred thousand with the flick of a hand!? Two million in just half a month!? 

How were us normal people supposed to live!?

Shu Ning opened his. Then, he closed his mouth. Then, he opened his mouth again. After a while, he said, “Really?”

His voice was a little wobbly.

Forgive him for being an ignoramus. Before he transmigrated, he had never even seen a balance of one million yuan. 

He knew that novel protagonists liked to move around millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of yuan. In those CEO novels, the money is scattered around like it’s nothing. If your rich and wealthy protagonist can’t shell out at least a million dollars at random, then he isn’t really wealthy.

However, Shu Ning had a clear distinction between fiction and reality. In reality, it was difficult for people to even earn ten thousand yuan a month. After subtracting housing loans, car loans, and living expenses, most were only left with a few thousand yuan at most.

Even after transmigrating, his life in the novel wasn’t all that different from his life before. A lot of people only made two or three thousand yuan a month. Six thousand was the average. Ten thousand a month would put you in the top twenty percent.

However, right here, right now, the little villain actually made two million in just half a month!? 

Yin Mingzheng nodded. “I had a lot of principal this time, and I took a bit more risk. Fortunately, I made the right bet. I was able to make two million with just a couple of trades.”

Shu Ning felt like he was about to stop breathing. He even started to entertain the idea of letting his dad slap him upside the head a few times. Maybe he’d be able to become a genius too.

Immediately, he shook off this terrifying thought. If there was any mishap, he would become an idiot rather than a genius. In fact, he could end up dying on the spot. He’d really be done for then.

Just as his thoughts were drifting off, his phone suddenly chimed. 

Shu Ning subconsciously looked at his phone.

LoveToEatShiitake transferred ¥200,000 to ShiitakeMushroom!

Shu Ning was startled. “Why are you transferring money to me?”

Yin Mingzheng said, “It was an unexpected profit. I’ll give it to you.” 

“No.” Shu Ning held onto his cell phone. His entire person was in chaos. “This is money that you earned. Why are you giving it to me?”

Yin Mingzheng blinked. “You’re taking care of me.”

“Huh?” Shu Ning was puzzled.

Yin Mingzheng pursed his lips and quietly said, “You said you’d take care of me.” 

Shu Ning: “?”

Yin Mingzheng’s voice became even quieter. “You take care of me, and I give you money.”

After a while, he plucked up the courage to raise his head. His eyes shimmered. “Shu Ning, can you… can you treat me as family?”

Shu Ning was stunned for a moment. He suddenly remembered that he seemed to have said that he would take care of the villain. He hadn’t expected the villain to attach so much importance to what he said. 

Was the villain giving him money because he said he would take care of him?

How was that different from him raising himself?

“Can’t you?” The light in Yin Mingzheng’s eyes dimmed, and he lowered his head. The boy in the bear pajamas was instantly shrouded in a faint sadness. Even his ears seemed to be drooping.

Shu Ning regained his senses and quickly said, “No, I have always considered you my baby, my family!” 

Yin Mingzheng looked at him, his eyes as bright as stars.

“Even if you don’t give me money, I’ll still take care of you.” Shu Ning didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Yin Mingzheng blinked, his long eyelashes fluttering like butterflies. “I want to give it to you.”

Shu Ning: “…” 

When faced with Yin Mingzheng’s earnest gaze, Shu Ning wasn’t able to refuse.

He’d just hold onto it for Baby.

Shu Ning shook his phone. “Okay, I’ll accept the money.”

Yin Mingzheng revealed a faint smile. He turned his head and stared at the family portrait on his computer screen. He thought to himself: I have a home. 

Therefore, he could completely let go of the past now.

He didn’t need to hold onto it.

The corners of his mouth dropped, and the smile in his eyes faded.

The next day. 

“You want to give me all of your money?” Shu Ning was taken aback.

Yin Mingzheng nodded. “I cut ties with Zhou Juan. I won’t have anything to do with her anymore.”

“What does that have to do with giving me money?” Shu Ning was confused.

Yin Mingzheng said, “I’m not old enough to open my own account. The brokerage account I’m using right now is Zhou Juan’s. It’s not safe to keep using her account. I want to transfer the money to you for now. If I ever trade in future contracts again, I’ll use Aunt or Uncle’s accounts to do it.” 

The government stipulated that you need to be at least eighteen years old to open a brokerage account.

Shu Ning suddenly understood what this meant. He patted him on the shoulder. “You did the right thing!”

However, he immediately thought of something and frowned. “Hold on, don’t you have a bank card? Couldn’t you just put it in your own bank account?”

Yin Mingzheng said, “I feel more assured if it’s with you.” 

Shu Ning felt that there was something wrong with his logic. “What do you mean you feel more assured? Wouldn’t you feel more assured holding onto it yourself?”

Yin Mingzheng asked, “Aren’t we family?”

Shu Ning quickly replied, “Of course we are.”

“Then I’ll keep my money with you.” Yin Mingzheng turned his head and continued coding. “I have to do something now. Don’t disturb me.” 

When Shu Ning heard this, he immediately got out of his way. The big shot was going to do business worth hundreds of thousands. He definitely couldn’t disturb him.

However, he felt a lot of pressure having two million yuan in his hands!

“By the way, if you have anything you want to buy, you can just buy it. Use my money as you like.”

Shu Ning raised his head. Yin Mingzheng had his back turned towards him and said, “If you run out, I’ll earn some more.” 

Shu Ning: “…”

Shu Ning was going to cry.

Was he being taken care of by the little villain?

Who was taking care of whom? 

Shu Ning suddenly felt very moved.

The little villain clearly wasn’t very good at communicating with others or expressing goodwill. He was telling Shu Ning to hold onto it for him, but he was probably just giving it to him.

This kid…

Shu Ning sighed inwardly. The villain must really trust me to be able to hand over so much money without even batting an eye! 

The villain trusted him so much. He had to at least do something for him.

Shu Ning thought for a moment. Then, he left the room and went to the living room to see Mrs. Cai.

Mrs. Cai was watching a soap opera. The actor and actress tenderly gazed into each other’s eyes, spouting sickenly sweet lines.

“Cai Cai!” Shu Ning squeezed onto the sofa and hugged Mrs. Cai’s arm. 

“What is it?” Mrs. Cai glanced at him.

Shu Ning grinned. “Cai Cai, can you help me open a brokerage account?”

“Brokerage account? Stock market?” Mrs. Cai raised her eyebrows. “You want to get into the stock market? At your age? No way!”

Shu Ning shook her arm. “Please, Cai Cai.” 

Mrs. Cai firmly refused. “How old do you think you are! You should focus on school! Don’t start with this nonsense!”

Shu Ning rolled his eyes. “It’s Mingzheng who wants to learn how to trade stocks. Cai Cai, it’s rare for him to ask for something. We can’t let him down.”

Cai Qin hesitated. She could reject her own son without hesitation, but she couldn’t reject Yin Mingzheng right away.

After Yin Mingzheng came to their house, he had been quiet, and he never made any requests. If she refused his very first request, how would they get along in the future? 

“Cai Cai. Lovely, lovely Cai Cai, we’re just trying it out. We won’t mess around or anything. Mua~”

“We don’t have any money either way, so we won’t be able to cause any trouble!”

Thanks to Shu Ning’s coaxing and pestering, Cai Qin slowly started to agree. These two brats didn’t have any money. They probably thought it’d be fun to play around with stocks, so she finally relented, “Okay.”

“Yay!” Shu Ning jumped off the sofa and blew Cai Qin a kiss. “I love you, Cai Cai.” 

The very next night, Shu Ning handed the details of Cai Qin’s account over to Yin Mingzheng. “Mingzheng, this is my mom’s account. You can use it.”

He didn’t want to get in the way of this big shot’s rise to the top!

He wanted to be the man behind the big shot.

If Yin Mingzheng were ever to become the second Warren Buffett or the second George Soros, Shu Ning would go down in history as his very first supporter! 

Shu Ning felt excited just thinking about it.

Yin Mingzheng took the documents and carefully put them away.

He wasn’t interested in making money. He only started making money in order to return his debts, as well as to just pass the time. Once he had accomplished these two things, he lost interest.

However, Shu Ning had helped him get a brokerage account, so he decided to live up to Shu Ning’s good intentions and work hard to make money. 

The weather was getting warmer after the holidays. It was only March, yet the temperatures were already rising.

It was too hot to wear the coral velvet bear pajamas. Shu Ning was eager to buy cute pajamas for his baby. However, before he even had the chance, Cai Qin had already made the first move and bought pajama sets for both spring and summer.

For the spring, she bought two sets of frog pajamas and bunny pajamas.

For the summer, she bought two sets of tiger pajamas and zebra pajamas. 

They were even more colorful than the pajamas Shu Ning bought. There was practically one of every color.

As soon as she brought the pajamas home, she demanded the two of them try it on and took a bunch of photos. This time, Papa Shu was at home, so the four of them took a family photo.

No matter how reluctant Shu Ning was, he couldn’t win against Mrs. Cai.

In the end, he was forced to begrudgingly take a photo in the frog pajamas. After taking the group photo, Cai Qin still wasn’t satisfied. She had Shu Ning and Yin Mingzheng change into the other three sets of pajamas, taking several photos for each of them 

It took half an hour before she finally let them go.

It was only once they were in the safety of their room that Shu Ning was bold enough to raise his voice. “One of these days, I’m gonna show her!”

Yin Mingzheng looked pensive.

The next day, Yin Mingzheng said that there was something he needed to do and asked Shu Ning to go home first. Shu Ning knew that he didn’t want him following along, so he went home by himself. At about seven o’clock, Yin Mingzheng came back with a large bag in his hand. 

Shu Ning was curious. “What did you buy?”

Cai Qin put a dish of shiitake and chicken on the table. “Come on, Mingzheng, Shu Ning. It’s your favorite shiitake and chicken.”

She also caught sight of the bag in Yin Mingzheng’s hands and asked, “What did Mingzheng buy?”

Yin Mingzheng silently handed her the bag. 

Cai Qin opened it and exclaimed, “Oh wow, clothes! Is it for me?”

Yin Mingzheng said, “There’s also some for Uncle and Shu Ning.”

Cai Qin pulled out a piece of clothing. “Huh? Pajamas?”

Yin Mingzheng explained, “You’ve been taking care of me all this time. I wasn’t sure what I should buy.” 

Cai Qin smiled and said, “Mingzheng is so sensible! However, don’t waste your money! You’re family! You don’t need to buy us gifts!”

Her words said no, but her hands were already pulling out the clothes to try them on.

Yin Mingzheng silently pulled out a set of peacock pajamas and handed it to her. Then, he handed a set of true blue pajamas to Shu Ning and left a set of sky blue pajamas for Papa Shu.

Cai Qin held the peacock pajamas, stunned, “I can’t wear pajamas like this at my age…” 

Shu Ning saw that his pajamas were normal and was almost moved to tears. When he heard what Cai Qin said, he burst out laughing and rushed over to her. “Put it on, put it on! Let’s take pictures too!”

Cai Qin absolutely refused to wear it. She angrily glared at Shu Ning and pinched his ears. “You’re rebelling now, huh!”

“Let go, Cai Cai! I was wrong! I was wrong!”

Yin Mingzheng watched as the two of them fought, his eyes full of laughter. 

When Papa Shu came back in the evening, Shu Ning made a fuss about wanting to take a family photo. Papa Shu heard that Yin Mingzheng bought peacock pajamas for Cai Qin and his eyes lit up. He immediately took Shu Ning’s side.

Due to their non-stop hooting and laughing, Cai Qin sheepishly changed into the peacock pajamas. She forced Shu Ning and Yin Mingzheng to change into the frog pajamas, and the four of them took a family photo together.

Before going to bed, Yin Mingzheng carefully saved all the photos to his laptop

On Thursday, Yin Mingzheng and Shu Ning got up for breakfast. Cai Qin asked Shu Ning, “It’ll be your birthday in a few days. Is there anything you want to eat? What gift would you like?” 

Yin Mingzheng had been drinking milk. When he heard this, he raised his head and blinked.

Shu Ning chewed on a slice of bread. “Let’s go to Luo Fei Buffet. As for my birthday gift, I like anything Cai Cai gets me!”

“Naughty boy!” Cai Cai pinched his face.

After Shu Ning and Yin Mingzheng finished breakfast, they rushed to school with their school bags on their backs. 

After class, the boys in class started messing around as usual. Yin Mingzheng silently sat in his seat like he always did, watching as Shu Ning played around with the other boys.

Long Qiao glanced at him and asked Shu Ning in a low voice, “What’s with you guys lately? The two of you are inseparable.”

Wang Shenshen also piped up, “You’re together after school, and you’re even together in the mornings. You guys are like a pair of conjoined twins. Tell me, are you going to abandon us and elope with Yin Mingzheng?”

Shu Ning punched both of them. “What are you talking about? Yin Mingzheng’s living at my place right now.” 

The two were shocked. “How come he’s living at your house?”

“Where else is he supposed to live?” Shu Ning asked back.

The two choked.

They knew that Yin Mingzheng had cut off ties with Zhou Juan, but they thought that he was still living with her. Who would’ve expected… 

When they thought about it for a bit, it made sense. They already cut off ties with each other. Zhou Juan definitely would’ve kicked him out.

Yin Mingzheng played with his cell phone for a while. When he looked up, he saw Shu Ning, Wang Shenshen, and Long Qiao whispering with each other. He couldn’t help pursing his lips.

Shu Ning was very popular, and he had a lot of friends. has a lot of secret topics with other people.

It wasn’t really that big a deal, but, when he saw them whispering and being intimate with each other, he felt like a needle was piercing his heart. He felt very uncomfortable. 

The grip on his phone tightened. He slowly stood up, walked over to Shu Ning, and patted him on the shoulder.

Shu Ning turned his head. When he saw that it was him, he smiled. “Mingzheng?”

His smile was bright and sunny, like a little sun.

Seeing Shu Ning smile made him feel better. 

Yin Mingzheng stared at him for a moment and whispered, “Shu Ning, I have a headache.”

Shu Ning blanked for a moment. Then, he immediately asked, “You have a headache again?”

Yin Mingzheng glanced at Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao. He lowered his head and said softly, “Mn.”

“I’ll massage it for you,” Shu Ning said. 

Yin Mingzheng nodded. He pulled Shu Ning away from Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao. The two of them walked to their desks and sat down. Yin Mingzheng lowered his head, and Shu Ning started kneading at his temples.

The atmosphere between them was beautiful and tranquil.

Several people in class looked their way.

Wang Shenshen stared at them for a long time. Then, he murmured, “…I can’t help but feel like something’s off about them.” 

Long Qiao sighed. “…I think so too.”

The two gave each other a look and said in unison, “I’ll massage it for you.”