Yin Mingzheng could feel Shu Ning kneading at his scalp. His heart felt indescribably sweet. He was like a mouse that had stolen a bit of honey. When he stole the honey from someone else’s hands, it came with a secret pang of happiness.

He gave a small glance at Long Qiao and Wang Shenshen, who were standing beside them. There was a little bit of provocation in his eyes. 

Long Qiao: “…”

Wang Shenshen: “…”

Long Qiao: “I feel like I was challenged just now.”

Wang Shenshen: “Me too.” 

The two gave each other a look. Then, Wang Shenshen said, “Gege, I’ll massage it for you.”

Long Qiao plopped into a chair and pointed at his head. “Come on! Massage it harder!”

Yin Mingzheng turned his head.

Shu Ning asked, “Is it better?”

Long Qiao kept squawking next to them, “Ah~ Ah~ Faster~ It hurts~”

Yin Mingzheng pursed his lips and said, “I’m better.”

Shu Ning let go of him. Then, he rushed towards Long Qiao and Wang Shenshen and slapped them both across the head. “What are you moaning for? You sound like a dying pig!”

He squeezed both of their shoulders and said through gritted teeth, “Yin Mingzheng still has side effects from his injury. Don’t mess around.” 

The two of them were stunned. “Really?”

“What? You think I’m lying?” Shu Ning glared at them. “Don’t make fun of this kind of thing. It’s not funny at all.”

Wang Shenshen replied, “We won’t, we won’t.”

Yin Mingzheng pursed his lips when he saw that the three of them were whispering again. 

At noon, the four of them went to the cafeteria to eat. Long Qiao and Wang Shenshen took the initiative to invite the villain. “Yin Mingzheng, let’s go eat together.”

Yin Mingzheng kept looking at his phone.

Shu Ning came over to drag him along. “Let’s go!”

Yin Mingzheng silently followed Shu Ning to the cafeteria. 

The four of them lined up to get their food, paid the lunch fee, and found a table to sit down.

“Congratulations, Shu ge. You’re finally turning fourteen,” Wang Shenshen said.

Out of the four of them, Yin Mingzheng was the oldest at fifteen years old. Long Qiao and Wang Shenshen both had their fourteenth birthdays at the end of last year. They were all older than most of the people in Grade 7 Class 3. In a class full of twelve and thirteen year olds, the four of them ended up sticking together.

Yin Mingzheng started school late because of his parents. Long Qiao started school late just because he wanted to. Wang Shenshen was held back a grade in primary school. Shu Ning properly went to school like he was supposed to. Because of this, he became the youngest out of the four. 

Shu Ning liked Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao a lot. They were lively and active and more mature than most of their classmates. Other than their bad grades, everything about them was pretty good.

Long Qiao bit into a chicken leg and said, “Shu Ning, it’s almost your birthday. Do you want us to get you anything?”

Wang Shenshen quickly followed up, “That’s right. We’re not good at coming up with ideas. Just tell us what you want.”

Yin Mingzheng buried his head in his food, but his ears quietly pricked up. 

Shu Ning smiled and said, “There’s a lot of things that I want, but you guys wouldn’t be able to afford it anyway. Don’t worry about buying me a gift. I’ll invite you guys to a buffet for my birthday.”

“Ha, something that Long ge and I can’t afford? That’s not possible!” Wang Shenshen was full of arrogance and pride.

Shu Ning joked, “I want a villa, a big mansion. Can you afford it?”

Wang Shenshen was speechless. “Gege, can’t you be a little more realistic?” 

Shu Ning shrugged. “It is realistic. Isn’t everyone’s biggest dream to have a house, a car, a wife, and kids? It’s very realistic for me to want a villa.”

Long Qiao rolled his eyes. “Keep dreaming!”

“Then just forget about it.” Shu Ning continued to shovel food in his mouth. “You can’t afford it anyway, so forget about the gift. You don’t have to buy me anything. We can just go out for dinner and have a good time. Cai Cai already promised me that we’ll go to Luo Fei Buffet for my birthday.”

“Wow! We got a rich guy over here!” Wang Shenshen pretended to be shocked. 

Shu Ning jokingly bit back, “The son of a construction company boss is calling me rich?”

Long Qiao also glared at Wang Shenshen. “That’s right!”

Shu Ning continued, “Going to a two hundred yuan per person buffet makes me rich? Don’t be ridiculous.”

Long Qiao nodded fiercely. “That’s right, that’s right!” 

Then, he shamelessly said, “Shu ge, remember to bring me with you. Luo Fei’s mantis shrimp is really good. I’m gonna skip lunch just so I can eat more.”

“I’ll take you. I won’t take Wang Shenshen.”

Wang Shenshen became anxious. “Gege, how could you discriminate against me like this? Didn’t the three of us agree to be each other’s eternal angels? How could you leave me behind?”

“Fuck! Can you stop being so disgusting?” Long Qiao put down his chopsticks. “I’m about to lose my appetite!” 

Shu Ning corrected him, “It’s not the three of us. It’s the four of us.”

He signaled towards Yin Mingzheng with his eyes, who was silently eating his lunch next to him. The other two immediately reacted. Wang Shenshen hurriedly said, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. The four of us are going to be each other’s eternal angels.”

Yin Mingzheng ate quietly with his head down. His quiet personality didn’t quite fit in with the other three boys.

Shu Ning wanted to bring him into the friend group, but Yin Mingzheng had an aura that made it hard for others to approach him. Even with Shu Ning mediating things, Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao still weren’t able to become friends with him. 

Yin Mingzheng didn’t care what other people thought, and he didn’t intend to become friends with them.

They would just have to take things slow.

Rome wasn’t built in a day. The little villain was excluded and suppressed for many, many years. He had long since closed himself off from other people. It wasn’t very likely for him to be able to play around with the others like everyone else. What’s more, Long Qiao had also falsely accused the villain. It happened a long time ago and Long Qiao had long since forgotten, but Shu Ning got the feeling that the villain still remembered.

They still had a long way to go. 

The days after that were very ordinary. Shu Ning’s birthday just so happened to fall on a Saturday. Papa Shu took a day off to accompany Shu Ning at home.

Early in the morning, Shu Ning washed up and ate breakfast made by Cai Qin. Then, he headed back to his room to play on his computer. He had already met with Wei Shanhe and handed him Yin Mingzheng’s information. Why hadn’t they done anything yet?

Shu Ning pondered for a little bit. However, he eventually threw it to the back of his mind.

Either way, the little villain already cut off ties with Zhou Juan and was living with him. There wasn’t any need to return to the Wei family anymore. He would just wait and see. 

The villain was looking at a graph. The market was closed on weekends. He was collecting huge amounts of data to determine next Monday’s trends.

Shu Ning knew that he had been very busy lately. He often saw him discussing about softwares with other people online. At night, he would also be looking at candlestick charts and the data tables. He didn’t even pay attention in class. Instead, he would be trading on his cell phone. Occasionally, Shu Ning would hear him make phone calls to discuss the price for a software. He was currently negotiating a ¥700,000 deal for a software he created.

If it was the Shu Ning from before, he definitely would’ve demanded that the villain listen in class. However, the villain was making deals worth hundreds of thousands of yuan, so Shu Ning let him do as he pleased.

So what if the villain earned zeroes on all of his exams? It wasn’t like he’d be short of food and drink anytime in the future. It could even be said that school was actually getting in the way of the villain making money. 

That’s right, the villain’s grades were still very poor. He only ever completed the multiple-choice questions, and he would always put C for every question. Then, he’d hand in his exam and leave, hiding out in the stairwell or the rooftop to play on his phone.

There were a lot of kids who were addicted to their phones. Most people assumed that the villain was also addicted to mobile games. Shu Ning was the only one who knew that the villain was making transactions worth millions of yuan.

While others were wildly speculating, Shu Ning was filled with pride.

The teachers pitied the villain for the things that he went through. Plus, his grades had always been at the bottom of the class. Even if he used his phone during class, the teachers turned a blind eye to it. 

No one else knew that the little delinquent from back then had actually become August the Great. He was shaking up the financial market.

“Ning Ning.”

There was a knock at the door. Cai Qin’s voice rang out from outside.


Shu Ning went to open the door.

Cai Qin stood outside his room, her face full of smiles. She held a bag in her hand. “Dad and I bought you a birthday present.”

“Thank you, Cai Cai! Thank you, Dad!” Shu Ning happily accepted the paper bag. To be honest, he didn’t really care about birthday gifts. So long as someone gave him a gift, he’d be happy regardless of what it was.

Ujqj Vte kjixfv bnfg jr kfii jcv rjlv klat j rwlif, “Yqfc la jcv ajxf j ibbx.” 

Vte Rlcu bqfcfv atf qjqfg yju jcv qeiifv bea j ktlaf ybz. Lf kjr mbwqifafis raeccfv. “Cc lUjv?”

“Gb sbe ilxf la?” Ujqj Vte jrxfv.

Vte Rlcu gjlrfv tlr tfjv, jcv tlr fsfr ila eq. “Qbk! Zbw, Gjv, sbe uesr uba wf remt jc fzqfcrlnf uloa! P ibnf sbe rb, rb wemt!”

Cai Qin huffed. 

Papa Shu explained, “Your mom bought it. She felt bad for assuming that you cheated. She’s been wanting to make it up to you.”

After the holidays ended, Shu Ning’s scores stayed very consistent, washing away any suspicion of cheating. Cai Qin felt a little bad about how she reacted.

However, parents usually didn’t apologize to their kids. Cai Qin picked a different method of expressing her apologies.

Shu Ning stepped forward and hugged Cai Qin. “Thank you, Cai Cai! I love you, Cai Cai! Muah~” 

Cai Qin was coaxed into a smile. “Don’t give me that.”

“Shu Ning.” Papa Shu anxiously pushed Shu Ning back. “Be careful with Mom in the future. Don’t play around too much.”

Shu Ning laughed and said, “Dad, aren’t you being a little too possessive? You’re too old to be getting jealous.”

Papa Shu gave him a helpless look and said, “Your mom’s pregnant again.” 

Shu Ning held his iPad in his hand, and his jaw dropped. “Huh?”

Yin Mingzheng had been quietly standing in the room, watching the family of three. His pupils shook slightly, and he looked towards Shu Ning.

Cai Qin anxiously pinched Papa Shu’s waist. “Why did you have to bring it up on his birthday?”

Papa Shu wasn’t concerned and waved his hand. “What’s the matter? Shu Ning’s old enough already. He can understand.” 

Shu Ning regained his senses, his face full of excitement. Then, he cautiously reached out to touch Cai Qin’s belly. “Really? Is there really a baby? Is it a little brother or a little sister?”

“It’s only been two months, so we don’t know yet.” Cai Qin awkwardly explained, “Shu Ning, I wasn’t trying to hide it from you. A little while ago, I wasn’t feeling very well, so I went to the hospital. That’s when I found out that I was pregnant…”

Shu Ning pouted and blamed himself. “I didn’t even know that Cai Cai wasn’t feeling well. It’s my fault! Cai Cai, I’m sorry!”

When she saw that he didn’t mind the child in her belly at all, Cai Qin breathed a sigh of relief. She felt incredibly moved and pinched his face. “My darling son, it doesn’t matter if it’s a little brother or a little sister. I’ll always love you.” 

Shu Ning knew that she was worried he would reject the idea of a younger sibling, so he held her hand and said solemnly, “Cai Cai, it doesn’t matter if it’s a younger brother or younger sister. I’ll love them and take care of them. I also believe that my parents will love me all the same.”

“We’re a family.”

Cai Qin and Papa Shu were very surprised that Shu Ning could say such a thing. They had discussed this matter between themselves. Cai Qin was worried that Shu Ning would be upset. If she could hide it, she would hide it. Papa Shu disagreed. He thought that they should just tell him the truth.

However, neither of them had expected that Shu Ning would react so well. He didn’t need to be comforted or persuaded. Rather, he gave them his support. There weren’t any of the issues that often occurred in families expecting another child. 

The couple was very moved.

Shu Ning changed the subject. “I invited Long Qiao and Wang Shenshen to eat dinner with us. Let’s have a big dinner together!”

Papa Shu patted him on the shoulder. “No problem!”

The two adults walked out of the room, beaming. Shu Ning happily started fiddling with the tablet on his bed. 

Yin Mingzheng hesitated for a moment and asked, “Shu Ning, you don’t mind?”

Shu Ning was looking down, playing on his tablet. “Mind what?”

“You’re going to have a younger sibling.”

“Ha, I’m more than happy to have a younger sibling. Why would I mind?” Shu Ning finally raised his head. He looked at Yin Mingzheng with a smile. “After all, I’m already taking care of you, aren’t I? You’re my baby. What’s one more baby? ” 

When he saw Shu Ning’s bright smile, the worry in Yin Mingzheng’s eyes disappeared.

It was him who thought too much.

How could such a sunny and easygoing person be worried about a younger sibling.

Yin Mingzheng’s eyelashes trembled. He said to Shu Ning, “I also have a gift for you.” 

“Oh?” Shu Ning suddenly became interested. “What gift?”

He secretly told himself, no matter what the gift was, he was going to give Yin Mingzheng a big reaction and tell him that he liked it very much.

Yin Mingzheng said, “Follow me.”

Shu Ning quickly dropped the tablet, jumped out of bed, and followed Yin Mingzheng out the door. 

Papa Shu and Cai Qin were whispering to each other on the living room sofa. When they saw the two of them walk out, they raised their heads.

Yin Mingzheng said, “Aunt and Uncle should also come with us.”

Papa Shu and Cai Qin: “?”

Shu Ning excitedly explained, “Mingzheng prepared a birthday present for me!” 

The two adults immediately stood up. “Ohhh. Where’s the birthday present?”

Yin Mingzheng said, “Outside.”

Confused, the group followed Yin Mingzheng out of the community gates. They took a taxi, and, after twenty minutes, they arrived at the recently developed Jiangnan Rains Real Estate.

Jiangnan Rains focused on garden-style villas, and they sold very well. The housing prices in Chuzhou weren’t as high as those in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Nevertheless, a villa would still cost at least tens of millions. 

The four of them got off the car at the sales center. They looked up at the sophisticated and imposing building, their faces blank.

“Mingzheng, what are we doing here?” Shu Ning pulled on Yin Mingzheng, who was just about to go inside.

Yin Mingzheng turned his head. His dark eyes stared at Shu Ning. “Your birthday gift.”

Papa Shu coughed. His interest was piqued. “We’ve already come all this way, so we might as well take a look. We can use it as motivation to work harder in the future.” 

When she heard what Papa Shu said, Cai Qin hesitated for a moment. Then, she said, “That’s right. We might as well take a look while we’re here.”

The house they lived in now was twenty years old. The location was good. There were a lot of schools nearby, it was very close to Lanzhou Hospital, transportation was convenient, and the housing prices were also high. They had never really felt the need to move. Besides necessary expenses and a low-spec BMW, all of their money went towards Papa Shu’s furniture business.

The furniture business was really just a single floor of a shopping center that he rented. He contacted manufacturers himself. The business went down the middle to low-end route. After subtracting rent, utilities, and employee wages, he would earn about two hundred to three hundred thousand yuan per year. It was more than enough to support the family, but it wasn’t enough to buy new houses and new cars like other business owners did.

Papa Shu really wanted to expand the furniture business, but that wasn’t something that could be accomplished just because he wanted to. 

The four of them walked into the bright and beautiful sales hall. A beautiful sales representative immediately came to receive them. An employee brought them hot tea and fruit. Their service was very attentive and thorough.

In order to not embarrass themselves, Papa Shu and Mrs. Cai straightened their backs. They tried to act calm, not wanting to show their insecurity.

When they looked around, the customers were all very well-dressed.

Cai Qin was wearing a yellow wool coat, which she had bought at a discount. It cost a thousand yuan. She had worn this while visiting relatives, so it looked at least a little bit nicer than her everyday clothing. When Cai Qin saw how everyone else was dressed, she quickly buttoned the wool coat so as not to reveal the hundred yuan sweater underneath. 

Papa Shu was a little worse off for wear. He was wearing a jacket that cost about a hundred yuan, and his pants were also casual clothing that cost about a hundred dollars. He did own nicer clothing worth tens of thousands of yuan that he wore for special occasions. Unfortunately, he hadn’t prepared them today. He simply wore the clothes he wore at home.

As soon as the two entered the door, they started to regret it. Unfortunately, they “already came all this way”. The only thing they could do was walk to their seats under the guidance of the sales representative.

The seats were white leather sofas. They were surrounded by lush and green plants. The area was spacious and atmospheric. At each seat, there were three miniature models of the villas.

The group awkwardly took their seats and sat down. The sales representative handed each of them an exquisite pamphlet containing introductions to each of the villas. 

“I have an appointment.” Yin Mingzheng had been very calm the entire time. He looked up and said to the sales representative, “I’ve already contacted the sales advisor, Zhang Yue.”

The sales representative sweetly responded that she understood.

Papa Shu and Cai Qin had given up on seeing the show houses as soon as they sat down. When they heard this, they were startled and lowered their voices, “Mingzheng, what are you doing?”

“Mr. Yin!” A warm and sweet voice rang out. The sound of heels clicking against the floor got closer and closer. A beautiful woman in a suit walked up to the four of them. The smell of perfume followed closely behind her. 

“I apologize for being late. I didn’t delay anything, did I?” The woman smiled beautifully.

Yin Mingzheng shook his head. “No.”

Zhang Yue glanced at Cai Qin, Papa Shu, and Shu Ning. She said with a smile, “The three must be Mr. Yin’s family. Welcome.”

Papa Shu was rather calm and nodded. 

Cai Qin was a little embarrassed.

Yin Mingzheng opened the pamphlet and handed it to Shu Ning next to him. “Take a look. Which one do you like?”

Shu Ning was still a little dazed. It wasn’t until Yin Mingzheng handed him the pamphlet that he slowly recovered. He stared and asked, “Mingzheng, you want to buy a villa?”

Papa Shu and Cai Qin were also a little uneasy. If they just took a look around, it wasn’t that big of a deal. However, they felt bad about wasting the sales representative’s time. If they called her over but didn’t buy anything, wouldn’t that just be playing with her? 

Yin Mingzheng nodded. “It’s your birthday gift.”

Shu Ning: “…”

Shu Ning suspected that he had misheard him. “What?”

Yin Mingzheng wondered aloud, “Didn’t you want a big villa?” 

Shu Ning mulled over what he had just said, his eyes slowly widening.

Cai Qin couldn’t sit still anymore. She quickly stood up and said to Zhang Yue, “Miss Zhang, I’m sorry. Our kids are just playing around. We only came to take a look. We… we won’t be buying anything for the time being.”

The sales advisor made a noise of understanding. She glanced at Yin Mingzheng and said, “However, Mr. Yin has already paid the deposit. Even if you don’t end up purchasing anything, the deposit can’t be refunded. This was agreed upon at the beginning.”

“Deposit?” Cai Qin was stunned. Even Papa Shu looked up. “How much?” 

“Five hundred thousand yuan.”

Both sucked in a cold breath. They said in unison, “Five hundred thousand?!”

Shu Ning was startled. He quickly jumped up and said, “He’s only fifteen years old, so the contract he signed doesn’t count! Five hundred thousand isn’t a small amount! You can’t take advantage of him!”

Zhang Yue was stunned. When she heard that Yin Mingzheng wasn’t even sixteen years old yet, her heart started beating like a drum. Minors couldn’t buy houses without their guardian’s consent. However, sixteen-year-olds could. When Yin Mingzheng first showed up, no one had taken him seriously, but, after negotiating the price, he paid the deposit right away. Zhang Yue almost went crazy with joy. Now, she was finding out that Yin Mingzheng wasn’t even sixteen years old yet. Could the deposit even be refunded? 

Yin Mingzheng said, “I want to buy it.”

A single sentence silenced the three of them.

“Mingzheng, do you really want to buy it?” Shu Ning looked down. He knew about Yin Mingzheng’s abilities. He was being entirely literal.

Papa Shu and Cai Qin didn’t know about what Yin Mingzheng had been doing. They sucked in a deep breath and started getting anxious. They were worried that Yin Mingzheng would get tricked. Although they were confused about where this money came from, the most important matter at hand was to get the deposit back. 

Papa Shu and Cai Qin insisted that Yin Mingzheng wasn’t sixteen and, therefore, the contract was invalid. They asked Zhang Yue to refund the money.

Their emotions were running a little high, so their voices ended up being a little bit loud.

“Can you stop causing a ruckus? You’re disturbing everyone else’s peace and quiet.”

An arrogant voice came from the booth next to them. They all turned their heads and saw a young woman dressed in luxury clothing. She was holding onto an old man in his sixties. Her eyes glared disdainfully at Shu Ning and them. 

Shu Ning looked around and saw that there were quite a few people looking in their direction. He apologized, a little embarrassed, “Sorry. We’re sorry for disturbing everyone.”

He felt a little upset in his heart. There wasn’t any rule that said they couldn’t speak loudly, right?

Cai Qin and Shu Jun were very embarrassed to have been called out. They quickly suppressed their voices.

The troubled Zhang Yue asked politely, “Mr. Yin, how would you like to proceed?” 

Yin Mingzheng said to Cai Qin and Shu Jun, “Uncle, Aunt, don’t worry. I want to buy a house.”

The boy’s expression was incredibly earnest and inexplicably persuasive. He had always wanted to have a room without laundry hanging in it. Now, he could make that dream come true, as well as get Shu Ning a birthday present. He was really happy.

“But…” Cai Qin and Shu Jun looked at each other.

Zhang Yue looked towards Papa Shu and Cai Qin once more. The two gave each other a look. Shu Ning said to the two of them, “Don’t worry. Mingzheng has the money.” 

The two of them didn’t quite believe him.

Zhang Yue breathed a sigh of relief. Then, she offered, “Why don’t we take a look at the show houses?”

Papa Shu and Cai Qin’s eyes lit up. This was what they had originally come here for.

When she saw that the two were interested, Zhang Yue warmly invited them, “Please come this way.” 

They all followed Zhang Yue and left.

The first show house was very beautiful. Papa Shu and Cai Qin reluctantly left the villa after looking around, chattering with each other.

“A villa sure is different! I probably won’t be able to afford to live in a house like this for the rest of my life, huh?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll do my best.” 

After taking a look around the second show house, they walked into the third show house. There, they ran into the young woman from before. The woman was still unhappy about being “disturbed” earlier. The look in her eyes was arrogant. It was clear as day what she was thinking. What kind were poor people looking at the show houses for? It’s a waste of resources and disturbing her peace and quiet.

They all ignored her.

They took a look at all three show houses. Each of them were all incredibly good.

Yin Mingzheng asked Shu Ning, “Which one do you want?” 

The young woman was listening nearby. A mocking smile spread across her face.

Shu Ning stared at him for a moment. He realized that Yin Mingzheng was being serious and asked solemnly, “You’re really going to buy it for me?”

Yin Mingzheng nodded.

Shu Ning waved his hands. “I don’t need it!” 

“Didn’t you want a villa?” Yin Mingzheng was confused.

Shu Ning suddenly remembered the conversation he had with Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao in the cafeteria. He quickly explained, “I was joking! It was just a joke!”

The little villain actually believed it? The villain thought he wanted a villa?

…Well, he did kind of want it. However, he never thought that someone would actually give it to him. 

Baby’s so good. He was actually giving him a villa. Daddy’s so moved.

Shu Ning said sincerely, “I can accept the intention behind it, but I can’t accept this gift. It’s way too expensive.”

Cai Qin and Papa Shu walked over and silently watched the two children. They were unable to hide the confusion and shock in their eyes.

Yin Mingzheng’s dark pupils dimmed and he lowered his head. 

Shu Ning patted his soft hair. “You can buy it if you want, but you don’t give it to me. It’s too expensive.”

Yin Mingzheng shook his head. “It’s not expensive. You saved my life. Isn’t my life worth more than this villa?”

Shu Ning was taken aback.

Yin Mingzheng said, “Ten million might’ve been too expensive for me before, but it’s not too expensive for me now. I earned about ten million last month.” 

Shu Ning: “…”

Shu Ning’s eyes almost fell out of its sockets.

What did he just hear?

He earned ten million yuan in a month? ! 

How was Shu Ning supposed to feel about this? Shu Ning was only able to earn about ten thousand yuan a month.

Shu Ning managed to suppress the shock and excitement in his heart. He took a deep breath. “Still, I can’t accept it. I at least have the right to refuse, right?”

Oh! Shu Ning heard that you could earn money quickly through future contracts, but you could lose money just as fast. Yin Mingzheng earned ten million yuan last month, but there wasn’t any guarantee that he would earn ten million yuan every month. There might be a day when he loses money.

Earning money through translation was still the best. He was guaranteed ten thousand yuan a month, and it was safe and secure… Crap! I’m still not able to comfort myself! I want to earn ten million a month too! 

Yin Mingzheng stared at him silently. His pitch black pupils glittered like stars. They looked like the eyes of an injured puppy.

“Do you despise me?” he quietly asked.

Shu Ning couldn’t resist him when he gave him that look. He quickly explained, “No! Sigh. It’s just too expensive. I can’t accept it! How about this…”

He thought of a compromise and rubbed the space between his eyebrows. “You can buy the house and leave a room for me, okay?” 

Yin Mingzheng shook his head. “I can’t buy it right now. Zhou Juan still has custody of me. Once I buy it, she has to come forward. That’s why I can only give it to you.”

Shu Ning shook his head quickly. “No, no, no!”

Yin Mingzheng thought about it for a moment. Then, he said, “Let’s buy it under your name for now. Then, you can transfer ownership to me once I’m an adult.”

Shu Ning hesitated. 

Yin Mingzheng grabbed his hand. His eyes were black and bright. “Please. I want to have my own room, and I want to live with you.”

Shu Ning found himself between laughter and tears. “We already live together.”

Yin Mingzheng let go of his hand in disappointment.

Shu Ning couldn’t stand seeing him disappointed. Yin Mingzheng’s proposal was also pretty good, so he said, “Alright. Put it under my name for now. Once you’re an adult, I’ll transfer it to you.” 

Yin Mingzheng finally broke into a smile. “Okay.”

Black hair. Black eyes. Pure and clear as the night. When he smiled, he looked like a fairy.

Shu Ning quickly shifted his gaze elsewhere. His heart was beating a little fast.

Yin Mingzheng said to the three stupefied adults, “Come on. Let’s go through the formalities.” 

Zhang Yue’s jaw almost dropped. She thought the ones with the money were Cai Qin and Papa Shu. However, it turned out that it was actually Yin Mingzheng himself!

What’s more, he was actually giving a ten million yuan villa away as a birthday gift to his classmates???

If she didn’t know better, she would’ve thought that this was some trust fund baby buying a villa for his wife!

However, none of this had anything to do with her! So long as she sold the villa, she would be able to get her commission. 

Zhang Yue enthusiastically led the four of them back to the hall to go through with the formalities. Since they were paying in full, the staff anxiously ran around getting things in order. They probably would’ve hauled the entire bank over to them if they could.

Nothing else mattered! The most important thing right now was to get the customer to pay the money as soon as possible!

The contract procedures received VVIP treatment.

They also provided a hearty lunch. 

When they saw that Yin Mingzheng actually bought a villa, the old man and the young woman from earlier were stunned. They found it completely incomprehensible. They looked around the show houses. In the end, they couldn’t make up their minds to buy it, so they quickly left.

When they heard the sound of the register, Cai Qin and Shu Jun were finally able to confirm—Yin Mingzheng really had money!

He really bought a house!

And the house was in Shu Ning’s name! 

The whole process was like a dream.

There were still some formalities that needed to be completed later. Seeing that it was getting late, Yin Mingzheng said to the other three, “Shu Ning wanted to celebrate at Luo Fei today. If we leave now, we’ll get there right on time.”

Shu Ning hadn’t even thought of taking the villa for himself. He simply regarded himself as a temporary keeper for the villa. He didn’t feel particularly excited after completing the procedures. When he heard what Yin Mingzheng said, he called Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao and invited them to meet up at Luo Fei.

Cai Qin came back to her senses. She quickly stepped forward and grabbed the documents from Shu Ning’s hands. “We’re going home! We need to put the documents in a safe place first!” 

Her hands slightly trembled.

“Yes, yes, yes. Let’s go home first.” Papa Shu also regained his senses. He nodded over and over again.

The four of them took a taxi home.

The other guests and sales representatives nearby quietly chattered with each other. “I can’t believe that someone who can pay for a villa in full would still need to take a taxi back home. Their clothes weren’t that impressive either.” 

“Sigh. The richer you are, the more low-key you are.”

“The two boys looked so handsome! If they weren’t so young, I would’ve asked for their WeChat!”

“That’s why they say you can’t judge a book by its cover. You can’t judge people based on just their appearances.”

Once the four of them returned home, Cai Qin handed the documents over to Yin Mingzheng and told him to keep it well. Yin Mingzheng nodded. 

Papa Shu was driving the BMW. He was taking his wife and kids to Luo Fei. After a while, he murmured to himself, as if he was waking up from a dream, “My Ning Ning actually owns a villa?”

Cai Qin sat in the passenger seat and glared at him. “It’s Mingzheng’s villa.”

“Yes, yes, Mingzheng’s villa.” Papa Shu finally asked the question that he had been holding back for some time, “Mingzheng, where did you get the money?”

Shu Ning answered for him, “Mingzheng trades on the stock market and sells software.” 

“Really?” Papa Shu turned his head, his face full of surprise. “Stock market and software? He’s that amazing?”

Cai Qin barked, “Look at the road! Why are you looking back while you’re driving!?”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Papa Shu apologized repeatedly.

“Of course,” Shu Ning said. 

Cai Qin turned her head and voiced her doubts, “Mingzheng, it’s not that I’m suspecting you. Why did you suffer so much before if you’re this capable?”

He had to wear clothes that others didn’t want. Zhou Juan had to work long and hard hours. Their living conditions were incredibly poor.

If he could make money like this, why didn’t they buy a better house and live a better life?

Yin Mingzheng’s eyelashes trembled. 

Shu Ning looked at his face and said to Cai Qin, “Cai Cai, you remember when Mingzheng was hospitalized, right?”

Cai Qin nodded. “Of course.”

“The doctor said that there would be some aftereffects from his injury. Do you remember that too?”

Cai Qin nodded. “I remember.” 

Shu Ning said, “After Mingzheng woke up, his memory and computational ability improved a lot. He can memorize every single word in a book after reading it once, and he can compute things as fast as a computer.”

Cai Qin was completely stunned. After a long pause, she said, “So it was like this?”

Shu Ning nodded.

Papa Shu was also very surprised. He said, “I have stories about people gaining crazy good memories or logical abilities after a brain injury. I didn’t expect something like that would happen to Mingzheng. I guess you could say we have Yin Qiang to thank for turning Mingzheng into a genius.” 

“What the hell are you saying?!” Cai Qin glared at him. “Mingzheng almost died! Besides, not everyone who survives a brain hemorrhage gets an improved memory!”

“Yes, yes, yes. I was wrong.” This tall, gruff man became meek and docile before this small, dainty woman.

“In short, he ended up getting lucky.” Shu Ning sighed. “However, not all the aftereffects are good. Mingzheng can’t see colors anymore, and he gets headaches every now and then. The aftereffects are pretty serious.”

“So it was like that…” Cai Qin looked at Yin Mingzheng sympathetically. 

Yin Mingzheng’s eyelashes trembled slightly. His dark eyes looked at Shu Ning, and he said softly, “It was Shu Ning who saved me.”

He would always remember how Zhou Juan and Yin Qiang had abandoned him and refused to treat him. However, Shu Ning thought of all kinds of ways to help raise money.

He would always remember the money Shu Ning paid for him in the name of donations.

How could his friendship and sacrifice be measured with money? 

He promised to support him. He agreed to be his family.

Yin Mingzheng was a little sad. He didn’t know how to get along with others or how to please them. Shu Ning, Wang Shenshen, and Long Qiao all got along very well. He was jealous of the relationship they had with each other.

However, he just couldn’t do it. He killed the vibe as soon as he showed up. He wasn’t good at talking to others, and he wasn’t good at making others happy.

Even when it came to giving gifts, he didn’t know what to give. 

Shu Ning accepted gifts from others. His gift was the only one Shu Ning rejected.

Was the gift he chose not good enough?

Yin Mingzheng was at a loss. How exactly was he supposed to make him happy?