The four of them arrived at Luo Fei and sat down at a round table by the window. At about six o’clock, Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao arrived. Shu Ning waited for the two of them by the door.

Cai Qin got up to get food. 

Papa Shu found an opportunity to talk to Yin Mingzheng. “Mingzheng, I have a favor to ask you.”

Yin Mingzheng, who was just about to go get food, turned his head.

“It’s like this.” Papa Shu hesitated for a moment. Then, he awkwardly said, “I lost ¥300,000 trading stocks. I didn’t have the guts to tell your aunt about it.”

Yin Mingzheng’s expression did not change. 

Papa Shu continued, “Since you seem to be good at investing, could you help me a bit?”

Yin Mingzheng nodded.

Papa Shu breathed a sigh of relief. This had been causing him a headache for some time now. He had been encouraged to invest in stocks. As a result, he lost almost ¥300,000. He had wanted to just cut his losses and forget about it. However, Cai Qin ended up getting pregnant. They would definitely need more money to cover all the expenses for a baby. This suddenly put him in a difficult position.

As the sole breadwinner and the head of the family, he definitely couldn’t tell his wife and child about his predicament. Fortunately, Yin Mingzheng came along. He was able to buy a villa with the money he earned from future contracts. With his help, he would definitely be able to make money.

“Sure, Uncle.”

“Don’t tell anyone about this,” Shu Jun said.

Yin Mingzheng nodded.

Shu Jun let out a long sigh. 

Shu Ning brought Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao over to their table. They brought a cake with them. They also worked together to buy an electronic watch for Shu Ning as a birthday present. Shu Ning put it on right away and told them that he liked it.

Yin Mingzheng walked back with his plate. When he saw Shu Ning accept the gift from Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao, he pursed his lips and silently sat in the corner.

Sure enough, he was the only one whose gift was rejected.

Yin Mingzheng sadly chewed on some side dishes. 

“Don’t eat this! Eat something good! Come on, mantis shrimp!” A hand stretched forward and placed a white piece of meat into his bowl.

Yin Mingzheng looked up and saw Shu Ning’s bright smile. The sadness in his heart was washed away just a bit.

Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao went straight for the mantis shrimp. Both of them got a plate full of shrimp and started devouring them like they hadn’t eaten in months.

After eating the shrimp Shu Ning put in his bowl, Yin Mingzheng paused. 

“Why aren’t you eating?” Shu Ning lowered his head and asked Yin Mingzheng.

Yin Mingzheng whispered, “I don’t know how to peel it.”

“Oh, I’ll teach you.” Shu Ning suddenly remembered that Yin Mingzheng’s family had been very poor. Zhou Juan was reluctant to even buy meat. She definitely wouldn’t have bought seafood. The villain had a strong sense of pride, and he wasn’t very talkative. He definitely wouldn’t ask for help.

A sense of pity and affection rose up in his heart. Shu Ning carefully showed Yin Mingzheng how to peel a shrimp. Then, he picked up some crab from the table and asked, “Do you know how to eat this?” 

Yin Mingzheng shook his head.

“I’ll teach you.” Shu Ning helped him peel it bit by bit.

When Yin Mingzheng saw that he was earnestly peeling crabs, the sadness in his heart slowly disappeared and was replaced by a warm and fuzzy sense of joy.

An impulsive thought suddenly popped into his head. He wanted Shu Ning to peel shrimp for him only. He wanted Shu Ning to look at him alone. He wanted Shu Ning’s everything to revolve around him. 

Strange thoughts filled his mind. He couldn’t suppress it at all.

Peeling shrimp wasn’t hard for him to learn, but…

“Can you do it now?”

Yin Mingzheng shook his head. 

So, Shu Ning started to help him peel shrimp and crabs, attentively waiting on him.

Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao saw this and gave each other a look.

“Help me peel the shrimp.”

“Help me peel the crab.” 

The two of them helped each other peel shrimp and crabs. Then, they put the meat on each other’s plates like Shu Ning did for Yin Mingzheng.

Shu Ning threw the shrimp shells across the table at them. “Stop messing around!”

The three of them burst into laughter.

“Crap!” Wang Shenshen suddenly shouted. 

“What is it? What are you yelling for?” Long Qiao rolled his eyes.

Wang Shenshen said, “We forgot to take pictures! This kind of thing we should show off in our WeChat Moments!”

Long Qiao quickly let go of the oysters and wiped the oil from his mouth. “Shit, why didn’t you think of that earlier? Hurry up! Let’s take pictures!”

“Come here, come here! Take pictures!” Wang Shenshen held up his cell phone. 

Cai Qin was incredibly amused by their antics and started laughing.

Shu Ning had no choice but to go along with them. “Fine, fine, fine. We’ll take some pictures.”

All of them huddled together to take a photo. After taking several pictures. Wang Shenshen sent the photos to everyone. Yin Mingzheng silently saved the photos to his phone. When he got home, he was going to put it in the folder on his laptop.

After eating their fill, it was time to cut the cake. 

Long Qiao put some candles on the cake. Then, he put a one and a four onto the cake and said, “Make a wish! Make a wish!”

Shu Ning wore a crown on his head and closed his eyes. While everyone was singing the birthday song, he made three wishes. Then, he puffed out his cheeks and blew out the candles.

“Shu ge, what wish did you make?” Long Qiao asked curiously.

Wang Shenshen smacked him. “It won’t come true if you ask.” 

Shu Ning glanced at the villain who was sitting in the corner and smiled. “I won’t tell you.”

After they had all had their fun, they started heading home. Long Qiao tagged along with Shu Ning and his family. Wang Shenshen took a taxi home.

After the birthday party ended, Shu Ning looked at the glittering lights outside the window with a smile on his face.

I wish for the little villain to return to the Wei family soon and live a happy life. 

I wish for Mom to give birth to the baby without any problems.

I wish for my friends and family to be happy and healthy.

Ycmf Vte Rlcu’r ylgatvjs qjrrfv, atf nliijlc vlvc’a rffw ab yf jr yers jcswbgf. Lf vlvc’a gfmflnf jr wjcs mjiir jr yfobgf, jcv tf vlvc’a rla lc ogbca bo tlr ijqabq delaf jr boafc.

Snfgs vjs joafg rmtbbi, atf nliijlc kbeiv ub lcab atf xlamtfc ab tfiq Jjl Hlc mbbx. Jjl Hlc kjr qgfucjca gluta cbk. Ktf ktbif ojwlis kjr nfgs cfgnber. 

After a period of time, Cai Qin noticed something was wrong.

Yin Mingzheng had an apron tied around his waist. He was busy cutting vegetables. Cai Qin casually wandered into Shu Ning’s room and found Shu Ning scribbling away in his notebook.

She quietly left the room and walked into the kitchen. She hesitated for a moment and asked, “Mingzheng, are you not doing your homework?”

Yin Mingzheng froze. Then, he said nonchalantly, “I already finished it.” 

Actually, he hadn’t even started.

Shu Ning had wanted to improve the villain’s grades before. However, he discovered that the villain could earn millions of yuan just by writing some code or trading some stocks. So, he gave up on forcing the villain to do his homework. After all, for someone like the little villain, doing homework was just a waste of time.

Therefore, the villain pretty much never did his homework.

Their teachers and classmates were all used to it, so no one nagged him about it. 

However, Cai Qin did not agree.

She knew that Yin Mingzheng made money through finance, but that was the extent of what she knew. In her mind, fifteen-year-olds were supposed to do their homework.

Just because it made money now didn’t mean it would make money later.

“Really?” Cai Qin didn’t believe him. “Let me see?” 

Yin Mingzheng fell silent.

When she saw his expression, Cai Qin knew that he didn’t do it. She said solemnly, “Do your homework.”

She reached forward to drive Yin Mingzheng out of the kitchen.

Since she was pregnant, Yin Mingzheng couldn’t really argue with her, so he silently put down the kitchen knife, took off his apron, and went back to the bedroom. 

When Shu Ning saw him come back, he snickered, “What? You were kicked out?”

Yin Mingzheng frowned. “Aunt told me to do my homework.”

Shu Ning sighed. “Then do it.”

After hesitating for a moment, Shu Ning said, “If you don’t want to do homework, you should get your exam results up. Tell the teachers that you study better on your own. I can help you convince Cai Cai. She can go to the school and ask that you be exempt from doing homework. This way, Cai Cai can rest assured, and the teacher can also relax.” 

This was something Shu Ning had thought of a long time ago.

The villain didn’t need to do homework, and he didn’t need to attend class everyday. He was just wasting his time at school.

However, the Wei family might dislike him if he didn’t do his homework and got bad grades. They might think that he was ignorant or uneducated.

How could the Wei family, who revered upbringing above all, accept a dropout as their heir? 

Bad grades were going to be an obstacle for the villain. Now that Cai Qin had driven the villain back to do homework, it was a good opportunity to convince him to do well on his exams.

“Really?” Yin Mingzheng was skeptical. “Will the school really allow me to not do my homework?”

Shu Ning’s heart started speeding up, but he remained calm and nodded earnestly.

Heh, it doesn’t matter whether the school allows it or not. He’ll trick the villain into getting his grades up for now. 

Yin Mingzheng thought about it for a bit. Then, he moved his laptop aside and pulled out his textbook.

He flipped through the book very quickly. It didn’t take long for him to finish it.

Shu Ning thought: I need to buy some more reference books. Otherwise, I’m not going to be able to keep up with the villain.

He acted immediately. The very next day, he brought the villain to Xinhua Bookstore and said proudly, “Choose whatever you want! I’ll buy it for you!” 

Yin Mingzheng looked at his proud appearance and smiled slightly.

Half an hour later, Yin Mingzheng went to the counter with a dozen books to check out.

Shu Ning pushed him aside and took out his phone to pay. He felt like he finally got to show off a little in front of the villain.

After finally getting all the books home, the villain sat in his chair and started reading. He carefully went through each and every book. 

When Shu Ning saw that the villain was finally putting some effort into his studies, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Cai Qin was pregnant, so Shu Ning stopped picking up translation work. Instead, he went to help Cai Qin around the house once he finished his homework. Shu Ning and Yin Mingzheng took over washing the dishes, cleaning the house, and doing laundry. Cai Qin looked at her two diligent boys and happily rubbed her stomach.

In order to make things more convenient for Cai Qin, Shu Ning and Yin Mingzheng also took on the grocery shopping. They could go to the supermarket right after school and make dinner when they came home.

Cai Qin disagreed. The two of them said, “Mom, we can do our homework after dinner.” 

Cai Qin attached a great deal of importance to their education. The boys were finally starting to get better grades, and she was not going to allow anything to get in the way of that. She insisted on cooking dinner herself.

Shu Ning wasn’t able to persuade her no matter what he said. That night, Yin Mingzheng said something to Papa Shu. Papa Shu then spent the entire night convincing Cai Qin. Speaking of which, Papa Shu and Yin Mingzheng had been chatting privately with each other lately. They were super secretive about it. Shu Ning didn’t even know what they were talking about with each other.

The two of them managed to take over the groceries, cooking, dishwashing, and sweeping the floor.

Even so, Shu Ning was worried that Cai Qin would have an accident while she was at home alone. It was very easy for something to go wrong if a pregnant woman was bumped into or knocked into. Papa Shu had to take care of the business, so he often came home late. He and Yin Mingzheng had to go to school. They left early and came back late. During the day, Cai Qin would be home alone… 

Shu Ning frowned.

Yin Mingzheng noticed that he was worried and asked him what was going on.

Shu Ning told him what he was worried about. Yin Mingzheng seemed to take it to heart.

The very next night, the family was eating when there was a knock on the door. 

Shu Ning ran over to open the door and found a woman in her forties or fifties standing outside. She had an honest appearance and a gentle temperament.

“Who are you?” Shu Ning thought that she had gotten lost.

“My name is Chen Shufen, and I’m an employee of Hemei Housekeeping. Mr. Yin hired me to be a housekeeper here.” The woman introduced herself. “Is this Mr. Yin’s house?”

Shu Ning blinked. Then, he quickly replied, “Ah, yes.” 

“Mrs. Chen, please come in.” Yin Mingzheng walked over when he heard someone at the door. He said to Shu Ning, “I hired a housekeeper. While we’re at school, she’ll be able to take care of Aunt Cai.”

Shu Ning: “…”

Cai Qin also stood up from the dining table. When she heard that Yin Mingzheng had found a housekeeper, she was shocked. “No, no, no, I don’t need a housekeeper…”

She used to be a working woman. Now, they were inviting a housekeeper to stay with her. It was entirely unnecessary. It wasn’t like she was some rich lady. 

Shu Ning recovered and let Chen Shufen through the door. “Mom, she’s already come all this way. Let’s just go with it.”

He had also been thinking about hiring a housekeeper for Cai Qin. However, he hadn’t expected Yin Mingzheng to act so quickly. He ended up being one step ahead of Shu Ning.

The little villain truly was kind.

“There’s really no need!” Cai Qin said, “Lots of women work even while they’re pregnant. My friend used to work overtime while she was pregnant. She was at work up until two days before giving birth. I don’t even work, yet you’re hiring a housekeeper? It’s unreasonable.” 

“Mom, that’s them. You’re you. It’s admirable of them to go to work even while they’re pregnant, but we also have to think about the baby. Besides, being overworked during pregnancy isn’t good for the body or the baby in the belly. It’s not like those women who work while they’re pregnant want to be there. It’s just that they don’t have the conditions to take a break from work.”

“But…” Cai Qin hesitated. “It’s encouraged for women to keep working while they’re pregnant nowadays. As a working woman…”

Shu Ning shook his head. “Mom, don’t let that stuff affect you. Your health isn’t good to begin with. If you don’t rest well, how can you and the baby be healthy?”

Yin Mingzheng said, “Aunt Cai, women are encouraged to work while they’re pregnant because it’s good for the economy. It’s how the workplace is structured. Men who encourage women to work while pregnant are trying to get as much value out of a woman as they can. It’s a form of exploitation. Women who encourage other women to work while pregnant are trying to minimize the impact of pregnancy on a woman’s work. They want to ensure that women have a space in the workforce.” 

“However, at the most fundamental level, it’s an exploitation of women. Women are already physically weaker than men, yet they have to keep working while taking on the risk of childbirth. It’s super unfair. You shouldn’t pay others any mind.”

“You also don’t need to feel inferior to women who do work while pregnant. You keep the house in good order, so Uncle is able to do what he does without worries. You’ve already done a lot.”

“We have the conditions to treat ourselves well. We’re not doing anything wrong or illegal either. We shouldn’t treat ourselves harshly just because of other people’s opinions.”

His words made Shu Ning and Cai Qin widen their eyes. Cai Qin felt at ease after hearing this. He’s right! Let’s hire a housekeeper since we’re able to! The baby is the most important thing! 

Shu Ning secretly gave the little villain a thumbs up.

He didn’t expect the little villain to be so convincing.

Chen Shufen stood to the side and didn’t speak. Even though they were arguing about whether she was to stay or not, she didn’t interrupt. It was clear that she was good at her job.

Shu Ning was very satisfied. 

“Alright. She’ll stay.” Cai Qin finally made the decision.

Shu Ning asked, “Will we need to pay you monthly? I can pay your fees from now on.”

Chen Shufen smiled and said, “Mr. Yin has already paid my fees for the year. Please rest assured.”

The amount she was paid was quite high. They would decide whether to keep employing her after a year. She would naturally take very good care of Cai Qin. 

Shu Ning and Cai Qin looked at Yin Mingzheng at the same time.

Cai Qin refused, “I can’t accept that.”

Yin Mingzheng insisted, “When I was having a hard time, you guys did everything to help me. It’s only natural that I pay you back if I can.”

His attitude was sincere. 

Cai Qin was very moved.

Shu Ning sighed. “Mingzheng, there’s no need…”

Yin Mingzheng said, “We’re a family. Is there any reason for you to refuse?”

That one sentence successfully shut Shu Ning up. 

Yin Mingzheng carefully started making plans. If Cai Qin gave birth to a baby, the house they were living in right now wouldn’t be big enough. He needed to renovate the villa as soon as possible. That way, the family would be able to live more comfortably.

Cai Qin was able to relax a lot more with a housekeeper around. The kids wouldn’t have to cook and clean around the house either. Instead, she urged them to go study.

It seemed that, if they didn’t get good grades, it would be hard to explain themselves.

Yin Mingzheng still remembered Shu Ning’s proposal. He wasn’t in such a hurry to make money anymore. Instead, he spent most of his time studying. However, Shu Ning noticed that a lot of the stuff he was reading was entirely in English. 

Shu Ning really felt that going to school was a waste of the villain’s time.

In the blink of an eye, it was time for midterm exams.

Shu Ning said to Yin Mingzheng, “Mingzheng, Cai Cai is pregnant right now. Let’s do well on the exams this time to make her happy. We can also set an example for our future brother or sister.”

Yin Mingzheng nodded solemnly. This time, he earnestly completed all of his exams. He didn’t pick answers at random like he did before. 

The next day, the teachers gradually announced the results of each exam, one by one.

The math exam was the fastest to be graded. The second fastest was English. When all the grades came out, the homeroom teacher for Grade 7 Class 3 was overjoyed!

Two students in her class got full marks in math, physics, and chemistry!

At the same time, she also felt very conflicted. This was because the two students who got full marks were Shu Ning and Yin Mingzheng. 

Yin Mingzheng didn’t just get full marks in mathematics, physics and chemistry. He also got full marks in biology, ethics, and history. He didn’t manage to get full marks in literature and English, but he got full marks in every other subject.

It was truly terrifying!

A student who used to get zeroes suddenly became first in the grade. It was definitely an explosive piece of news.

Shu Ning’s results were a little more understandable. He had been working harder and improving a lot. However, Yin Mingzheng suddenly jumped from the bottom of the school rankings to the very top. This shocked not just the students but the teachers as well. 

Rumors that they had cheated instantly swept through the grade.

Because of this, their homeroom teacher asked for Yin Mingzheng and Shu Ning to have a talk with her.

In the office, their homeroom teacher asked, “Did the two of you cheat?”

Shu Ning shook his head. “Ma’am, you should have more confidence in yourself. It’s only natural for a teacher like you to have outstanding students like Yin Mingzheng and I.” 

The homeroom teacher shot him a glare, but she still couldn’t help laughing.

Shu Ning grinned. He pulled the cold and haughty villain over to his side and ruffled his hair. While the villain was giving everyone a death stare, Shu Ning said, “Ma’am, we already knew that others were going to doubt us. I would be suspicious too. It’s not like you’re singling us out on purpose, right, right?”

He was saying this for the villain to hear. He didn’t want the villain to start holding a grudge over this.

In Shu Ning’s opinion, people weren’t always going to be friendly and accepting. Sometimes, they were suspicious or uninviting. However, this didn’t mean they were malicious in their intent. It was definitely strange for a student with bad grades to suddenly come in first. It was reasonable for others to suspect that they cheated. 

Having a hostile outlook on things would only magnify the suspicions of others to be more than what they are. It was easy for people with this mindset to force themselves into a corner and go down the wrong path. Then, they would blame society for being unfair.

Shu Ning had heard a news story like this before. There was a man who was rather short. He had been mocked because of his height, so he was particularly sensitive about it. Later, he went and got a mohawk so as to look a little taller.

After getting his hair done, he went to the bus station, and a woman kept looking at him. He got really angry. He thought the woman was looking down on him because of his height, so he turned around and beat her up. In reality, the woman was just looking at his strange hairstyle.

This was the perfect example of magnifying a small issue into a big issue. 

Having a hostile outlook on things was really harmful. On the one hand, it was hurtful towards oneself. On the other hand, it was also hurtful towards other people.

Shu Ning was afraid that the little villain would also develop this kind of mentality because of the bullying he endured. Shu Ning was worried that he would never be able to interact with the world normally again.

Therefore, he needed to point out both the good and the bad in other people. This way, the villain can have his own sense of measure for the intentions of others.

Instead of having to comfort him each and every time, it was best for the villain to establish a healthy frame of mind for things. 

After Shu Ning finished speaking, the homeroom teacher nodded and said to Yin Mingzheng, “Mingzheng, I don’t want to doubt you either. You scored way too high this time. The difference between your test scores is huge. It’s hard not to be suspicious. That’s why I called the two of you here.”

Shu Ning said, “Ma’am, we understand. Don’t worry. We didn’t cheat. If you don’t believe us, you can ask us to take the test again. Wouldn’t we be able to prove ourselves if we do well again?”

The homeroom teacher was stunned for a moment. Then, she lowered her head in thought. This really was a good idea!

After leaving the office, the two of them walked side by side in the hallway. Yin Mingzheng said harshly, “I don’t need to prove myself.” 

His expression was arrogant and cold. His face was full of disgust.

Shu Ning was taken aback.

There was a cold glint in Yin Mingzheng’s eyes. “I didn’t cheat. Why do I have to retake the exam?”

Shu Ning explained, “Everyone’s suspecting us of cheating.” 

Yin Mingzheng stopped. His beautiful eyes were like a bottomless pit. “So what? What does that have to do with me?”

“This’ll give others a bad impression of you. They’ll keep suspecting you and think badly of you…”

Yin Mingzheng smiled mockingly. He turned his head and kept walking. “They can think badly of me if they like. I don’t need their damn approval. They suspect me as much as they like, but I don’t owe them any explanation.”

Shu Ning rubbed his temples. He knew that the little villain was still holding a grudge about the past. 

This wasn’t good. Holding onto that resentment would only destroy him.

He caught up with the villain and pulled his sleeve. “Mingzheng, listen to me.”

Yin Mingzheng stopped and stared at him.

Shu Ning suddenly realized that, when he stood next to the villain, he actually had to look up at him. 

His heart jumped with surprise. Did the little villain grow taller again?

He quickly threw off these miscellaneous thoughts, Shu Ning said seriously, “Mingzheng, not everyone is doubting you or rejecting you. If you push everyone away because of a little bit of suspicion, you’re going to be really lonely.”

Yin Mingzheng smiled disdainfully. “Lonely? I’ve been by myself for all these years. I don’t need anyone else. I won’t be lonely.”

“You really don’t need anyone else?” 

“I don’t.”

Shu Ning took a deep breath. “What about me?”

Yin Mingzheng was completely caught off guard by this.

The boy was wearing a blue and white school uniform. He had black hair, black eyes. His hair was dark and soft, and his skin was fair. His face was completely stunned. He looked very cute. 

Shu Ning deliberately leaned forward and asked, “You don’t need me?”

When he looked at the other boy’s bright eyes, Yin Mingzheng could feel his heartbeat picking up its pace. He subconsciously took a step back, as if the blond boy in front of him was a dangerous beast. He awkwardly shifted his gaze. “You’re different. I need you.”

After a pause, he whispered, “I only need you.”

A blush quietly crept up his ears. 

Shu Ning looked at his red ears and snickered. When he had just walked out of the office, he looked like a little hedgehog with his quills standing on end.

However, now, the quills had been put away. He became super, super cute. So adorable.

Shu Ning pinched his cheeks. “But I excluded you and said bad things about you. How come you’re friends with me now?”

Yin Mingzheng was taken aback. 

That’s right. He used to hate Shu Ning a lot.

The two of them had been at odds with each other. Shu Ning even fell down the stairs because of an argument.

How did they become friends?

Because Shu Ning apologized to him after finding out about the truth. He showed him kindness over and over again. He even saved his life. 

That’s why Shu Ning became the most special person to him.

Shu Ning saw that he had fallen silent, so he smiled and said, “According to you, I shouldn’t have become your friend, yet here we are now.”

Yin Mingzheng’s face flushed some more. He looked away and said stubbornly, “That’s because I was kind enough to give you a chance.”

Shu Ning reached out and poked him in the chest. “Then you should give other people a chance too. Give the people who haven’t done anything to hurt you a chance to be friends…” 

Yin Mingzheng grabbed his hand and raised his eyebrows. “I don’t need them. So long as I have you, I’ll be fine.”

Only you…

Shu Ning reached out with his other hand and rubbed his head. “Baby, I can’t be your only friend. You should open your heart up and realize that the world isn’t such a bad place. There are a lot of good things in the world. If there’s a day where I’m not by your side, you’ll have to learn to make new friends.”

Yin Mingzheng tightened his grip on his hand, and his face darkened. “Why won’t you be by my side?” 

Shu Ning was taken aback. He tried to explain, “I said if…”

“There is no if.” The little villain frowned and stared at him earnestly. “Don’t abandon me.”

The word he used was abandon…

Shu Ning caught onto this keyword. He realized that the damage Zhou Juan did to the villain was still very much there. 

Sighing, he smiled and said, “I won’t. I will never abandon you.”

Yin Mingzheng breathed a sigh of relief. Reluctantly, he said, “Alright. I’ll retake the exam, and I’ll try to make friends.”

Shu Ning held back his laughter and nodded. “Good.”

Baby was a genius among men. His fifteen years of suffering should have ended a long time ago. From now on, he would be living within the cheers, the respect, and the love of others. How could he live within the shadow of malice all the time? 

A lot of people helped others in order to monopolize their kindness and gratitude.

Shu Ning wasn’t like that.

If Shu Ning was the only one Yin Mingzheng interacted with, the only one he communicated with, and the only one he depended on, it would be detrimental to his development and to his growth.

If he really wanted Yin Mingzheng to do well, he needed to let him experience the kindness the world had to offer. He needed to have him take in the beauty that the world possessed. He needed to help him build up a strong and healthy mindset. Shu Ning wanted the world to love him, and he wanted him to love the world in return. 

That was the kind of life Yin Mingzheng deserved to have.

Just wait and see. The whole world is going to love Baby, and Baby will love the world.

He deserved the entire world’s love.