When Shu Ning and Wei Mingzheng returned home, Madam Wei greeted them with a smile, “Welcome home.”

Wei Mingzheng looked around and asked, “What are we eating for dinner today?” 

Madam Wei’s eyes were bright, and she seemed very happy.

“We’re having steak tonight. Mingzheng, Shu Ning, we’ll have to wait for a bit. Your father will be back tonight. We might have to wait until eight o’clock,” Madam Wei said.

Shu Ning understood. No wonder Madam Wei was so happy. It turned out that Wei Yuanning was finally coming back for dinner.

“Okay.” Wei Mingzheng didn’t voice any opinion. He just quietly nodded and agreed. 

At around 7:30, a servant went upstairs in order to invite Wei Mingzheng and Shu Ning down for dinner.

Shu Ning glanced at the time. It was a little strange. Madam Wei said he would be back at eight o’clock. It was still half past seven. How come it was already time for dinner?

Did Wei Yuanning come back early?

The two of them followed the servants down to the dining room, only to see Madam Wei sitting alone at the dining table. When she saw the two of them, she squeezed a smile onto her face. “Mingzheng, Shu Ning.”

Wei Mingzheng walked over. He pulled out a chair and sat down. “Where’s Dad?”

Madam Wei said with difficulty, “There was a last minute dinner party, so he won’t be back.”

“Dinner party? Do you believe him?” Wei Mingzheng asked.

Shu Ning was startled and looked over at Madam Wei. 

Madam Wei’s face slightly changed. “Of course it’s a dinner party. Come, come, come. Let’s eat.”

Wei Mingzheng didn’t say anything. The three of them sat down at the table and ate in silence.

Halfway into the meal, Wei Mingzheng suddenly asked, “Are you okay with Dad messing around like that?”

Madam Wei couldn’t maintain her smile anymore. She put down her chopsticks. “Mingzheng, what’s with you today?” 

Wei Mingzheng also put down his chopsticks. He solemnly said to Madam Wei, “Mom, have you considered divorce?”

“Divorce?” Madam Wei was stunned.

Wei Mingzheng nodded.

“Mingzheng, why are you suddenly saying such a thing?” Madam Wei’s expression changed slightly. 

Wei Mingzheng said, “Because I don’t think you’re happy.”

Madam Wei suddenly fell silent.

Wei Mingzheng said, “His illegitimate son is already twelve years old. He spends at least half of his time with that other woman. Mom, you’re young and beautiful. Why do you have to stick with a guy like him?”

Madam Wei’s eyes widened. “How do you know that?” 

These private matters had been kept secret. No one had told Wei Mingzheng about it. She avoided talking about it with Wei Mingzheng as well. Even if Wei Yuanning didn’t come home or didn’t pay Wei Mingzheng any attention, Madam Wei would still find various excuses for him in order to create the illusion of a happy family.

The corners of Wei Mingzheng’s lips held a smile. “I know more than you think. Back when Wei Yuanning’s ex-wife died, he immediately started pursuing you. You had also been happy to marry him. After marrying him, you were unhappy about his ex-wife’s children, so you mentioned sending them abroad.”

“Wei Yuanning was reluctant at first, but, after you gave birth, he suddenly agreed to send my older brother and older sister abroad. The two of them have yet to return.”

Zjvjw Qfl tjv j kbgglfv ibbx bc tfg ojmf. “Zlcuhtfcu…” 

“Tbe vbc’a cffv ab gert ab vfcs la. P vbc’a wfjc ab yijwf sbe,” Qfl Zlcu rjlv rboais. “Pa’r vloolmeia obg j rafqwbatfg ab ajxf atf fz-klof’r mtlivgfc jr tfg bkc. Rba j iba bo qfbqif kbeiv yf jyif ab vb la. Uier, atfgf’r j iba bo wbcfs lcnbinfv lc atlr ojwlis. Pc atja xlcv bo rlaejalbc, atfgf’r j mbcoilma bo lcafgfrar. Pa’r bcis cjaegji obg sbe ab tjnf remt atbeutar.”

Madam Wei’s snow-white complexion slightly improved.

“Because of this, you’re under a lot of pressure. Everyone thinks that you drove away the ex-wife’s children.”

“Isn’t that what happened?” 

Wei Mingzheng smiled and shook his head. “Of course not. Wei Yuanning doesn’t like you. Why would he listen to you?”

Madam Wei’s face turned ashen.

“I’m going to be honest. Don’t get upset. If he really liked you, he wouldn’t be keeping some other woman around. His illegitimate child is already twelve years old.” Wei Mingzheng’s eyes were very calm. “You still haven’t received any of the company’s shares, and you haven’t participated in the family’s affairs. What power do you have to decide whether the two children would go or stay?”

He managed to hit Madam Wei where it hurt. She stood up. “Mingzheng!” 

“Mom, it’s been nearly two months since I came back. I’ve only met Wei Yuanning a few times, and he’s only come home a few times. Can’t I point out the obvious?” Wei Mingzheng said.

The atmosphere in the dining room became tense. Whenever this kind of thing happened, Shu Ning felt that he wasn’t supposed to be there.

He once again made up his mind to leave.

“That’s because that woman likes to play tricks. She knows how to coax and deceive!” Madam Wei said through gritted teeth. 

Wei Mingzheng raised an eyebrow. “Do you really think so?”

Madam Wei wanted to say yes, but, when Wei Mingzheng looked at her with those piercing eyes, she couldn’t seem to respond. She slumped back into her chair and said, “What are you bringing this up for? Let’s just eat.”

“Mom. If you don’t want to divorce him, I can help you find a way to keep him,” Wei Mingzheng said.

Madam Wei suddenly looked up. “Really?” 

Wei Mingzheng nodded.

Shu Ning looked at his calm expression and sighed to himself. The little villain was going to start making trouble again!

Having been with the villain for a long time, he already understood him very well.

Sure enough, within the next two days, there were sensational news stories about Wei Yuanning plastered all over the internet. Photos of his illegitimate child were even leaked. 

Wei Shanhe was furious. He really let Wei Yuanning have it.

Originally, it was the second branch of the family that had the most love affairs. That’s why Wei Shanhe didn’t like the second branch. However, Wei Yuanning’s love affair was now causing a huge ruckus. Everyone watched on with a touch of schadenfreude.

This matter had been an open secret. Many people were aware of it. However, it was one thing to do it. It was another thing entirely to announce it out in the open.

The key point of this issue was that the timing was rather particular. 

Wei Shanhe had just given Xuanke and Pegasus shares to Wei Mingzhang. He was the only son of the main branch. This meant the main branch held more shares and assets than the second or third branches. This caused the second and third branches to be very dissatisfied.

They all figured that Wei Shanhe was trying to pave the way for the main branch.

Because of this, the second and third branches have already started collecting information that could be used against the main branch. Now, Wei Yuanning’s love affair had been completely exposed. There were already people within Wei Corporation making a fuss about the other things Wei Yuanning had done. They collected all of this information and reported him to Wei Shanhe.

Wei Shanhe was absolutely enraged. He stripped Wei Yuanning of his post and ordered him to stay at home and reflect. With all this criticism directed towards him, Wei Yuanning naturally could not go see his mistress anymore. He had no choice but to return to the villa and spend his time with Madam Wei. 

In order to restore his image, he made a special effort to take Madam Wei and Wei Mingzheng on fun trips. He brought them to banquets. He did his best to act out a loving husband and father.

During those couple of days, Madam Wei’s face was radiant. She was in high spirits.

Now that Wei Yuanning had lost his position within the company, the second and third branches stopped targeting Wei Mingzheng as much. They believe Wei Mingzheng and Wei Yuanning to be on the same team. Plus, Wei Mingzheng was a child. They weren’t worried about him at all. Even if he had the shares for Xuanke and Pegasus, he was just temporarily holding onto them, so they ended up lowering their guard.

Wei Mingzheng decided to take advantage of this opportunity. He used his identity as a shareholder in order to pull some strings within Xuanke. Then, he started moving funds out of the company without anyone knowing a thing. 

Shu Ning was by Wei Mingzheng’s side throughout all of this. He was crystal clear on what Wei Mingzheng was doing.

That was because Wei Mingzheng had never hidden the things he did from Shu Ning. He didn’t even try to hide his ambitions to use Wei Corporation as a stepping stone for himself.

The villain booted his father out of the company by announcing his scandalous love affair. He made it so his old man couldn’t raise his head in public. He forced him to stay by Madam Wei’s side. At the same time, he quietly started reaching his hands into Wei Corporation.

Sometimes, his methods reminded Shu Ning of those shark-like investors in the movies. They were truly ruthless. He was even willing to step up upon his own father to get where he wanted. This wasn’t something an ordinary person would be able to do. 

Shu Ning had thought it was strange. Why did Wei Mingzheng suddenly bring up Wei Yuanning’s affairs with Madam Wei? Now that he thought about it, he must’ve started preparing for this a long time ago. He was just waiting for the right timing.

First, he used Wei Ximing and Zhou Juan in order to get a hold of shares in both Pegasus Incorporated and Xuanke Investments. This ended up angering the second branch and third branch.

The second branch and third branch were definitely going to take action. Once the second and third branches were just about ready to strike, he stepped forward to muddy the waters.

The second branch and third branch thought this was an excellent chance to attack the main branch, so they rushed up to bite Wei Yuanning. 

There was nothing Wei Yuanning could do other than be sacrificed.

However, Wei Mingzheng had the advantage of being young, so the other branches ended up ignoring him. He transferred Liu Hong and Zhang Wei to Beijing and started up a new investment company. Then, he started moving funds out of Wei Corporation. In the past, he only had three hundred million yuan worth of capital. It wasn’t very much in the grand scheme of things. Now, he was able to take funds from Wei Corporation. The amount of capital he had instantly increased. This made him even more terrifying.

Of course, there was no way he would’ve been able to move the money himself. He definitely had people within Xuanke working together with him. This guy probably started recruiting people over to his side as soon as he got a hold of the shares. Who knows, maybe he started planning even earlier than that.

He used the family’s funds in order to push himself ahead. The speed in which he accumulated wealth naturally picked up pace. 

However, if they really wanted to get into it, his methods were technically still legal.

Everyone in the Wei family had their eyes on Wei Yuanning. No one was watching Wei Mingzheng because he was young and had only just returned to the family.

“You really are amazing.” Shu Ning sighed with emotion.

“I’ll only be able to do this for a little while. After a period of time, it won’t work anymore.” Wei Mingzheng had just had a fight with You Guangming about VR visualization over the phone. He threw his cell phone onto the table and rubbed his eyebrows. “Others might not know what’s up, but Grandpa knows exactly what I’m doing. He probably decided to turn a blind eye to it since I wasn’t directly challenging his authority.” 

Shu Ning blinked. “Your grandfather knows?”

Wei Mingzheng nodded. “Of course he knows. I made a pretty risky investment not too long ago. He’s probably going to talk to me about it soon.”

After he said that, he shrugged. “It doesn’t really matter. If he wants to talk to me, he can. The worst that could happen is he takes back the shares. However, I already have one billion yuan worth of funds. I have a little more wiggle room than before.”

Shu Ning: “…” 

As expected, Wei Mingzheng was called to the main building that very night.

Shu Ning was a little worried. Sometimes, the villain’s methods were a little crazy. He wasn’t even afraid of gambling several millions of yuan. Shu Ning had stayed by the villain’s side for a long time, so he had slowly gotten used to it. Someone who had just met him, such as Wei Shanhe, was sure to be furious.

Madam Wei and Wei Yuanning didn’t know anything about what was going on. They asked Shu Ning about what had happened. They wanted to know why Wei Shanhe had suddenly called for Wei Mingzheng.

Shu Ning replied, “He’s probably asking about his studies.” 

Wei Mingzheng didn’t come back until two hours later. Madam Wei and Wei Yuanning pressed him for answers. Wei Mingzheng told them that Grandpa was asking about his studies.

The couple was skeptical.

Shu Ning remained silent.

Once they were back in their room, Shu Ning nervously asked Wei Mingzheng, “What did your grandfather say?” 

“What else could he have said? I ended up getting scolded. He almost made me hand the shares over.” Wei Mingzheng didn’t seem to care that much.

Shu Ning heard the deeper meaning behind his words. “Almost? You didn’t hand them over?”

“No.” Wei Mingzheng smiled. “I told him that Uncle Shu could help him manage some of the funds, so he let it go.”

Shu Ning: “…” 

“Since when was my dad able to invest? That was all you!”

Wei Shanhe really thought Shu Jun was the god of investment!

Wei Mingzheng shrugged. “Grandpa doesn’t know that yet. He admires Uncle Shu a lot. Let’s just keep the lie going for a bit.”

Shu Ning: “…” 

He really didn’t know what to say.

However, he was really curious. “Weren’t you uninterested in money?”

He got the feeling that, ever since he returned to the Wei family, the little villain had become more and more proactive when it came to making money.

Wei Mingzheng said, “I’m not super interested in money, but, if I don’t have money, it won’t be easy to do what I want in Beijing. I like Pegasus. I’m going to take it over one day.” 

“Once I make it mine, I’m going to make You Guangming call me boss. If I tell him to jump, he’ll have to jump! If I tell him to do something, he’ll have no choice but to do it!”

He was getting angry just thinking about it.

Shu Ning snickered. Over the years, Darker, or You Guangmng, had been the only person who was able to quarrel with the villain like this.

“Then, I’ll concentrate on making software,” The villain said. “I’ll be able to do things the way I want. No one would dare speak out of turn.” 

Shu Ning nodded with a smile. “Yes, yes, yes. I’m sure you can do it.”

When Shu Ning saw the villain’s childish and high-spirited appearance, his heart started beating harder and harder.

He finally understood. He might really like the villain.

The little villain was handsome and tall, smart and wise. He had a high status and a good personality. It didn’t matter what aspect it was. He was perfect boyfriend material. It would be strange if Shu Ning didn’t like him, right? 

Shu Ning looked down, his mood complicated. He saw that Cai Qin had sent him a text message: [Your father’s taken care of things with the school. When will you be back?]

The text message had been sent an hour ago.

Shu Ning took in a soft breath and replied to Cai Qin: [Tomorrow.]