“Mingzheng.” Shu Ning put away the phone and called out to Wei Mingzheng.

Wei Mingzheng looked over at him. “Hm?” 

Shu Ning said, “I’m going back to Chuzhou tomorrow.”

Wei Mingzheng’s smiling lips curved downwards. His eyes revealed a clear surprise. Wei Mingzheng rarely showed his emotions, so Shu Ning knew that he was truly surprised.

Shu Ning could see what he was feeling and asked, “I already told you that I would be going back to Chuzhou.”

It had been a full month since he had proposed returning to Chuzhou. The two of them were already prepared for it. Shu Ning even started to feel that he was dragging things out. The reason it took an entire month wasn’t just because of his hesitation. It was also because of the issue of transferring schools. 

Things hadn’t been sorted out with the school yet, so he couldn’t just up and leave.

There was no way Cai Qin and Shu Jun would put him in any random school. Although the two of them didn’t demand much of Shu Ning, they still didn’t want their kid to muddle around at some run-of-the-mill school.

Little by little, things ended up being dragged out.

“Yes. You did say that.” Wei Mingzheng had originally been lazing about by the desk. However, now, he stood up and circled around the room. “That’s right. You said you were leaving a long time ago.”

Shu Ning observed him for a moment. Then, he suddenly laughed. “What? You can’t bear to part with me?”

Wei Mingzheng stopped and cast his deep gaze upon him.

Those eyes reminded Shu Ning of Wei Mingzheng when he had first started staying with him. The little villain wasn’t very talkative. If he had any opinions, he would stare at Shu Ning with that gaze of his and force him to guess what it was he wanted.

Shu Ning didn’t expect Wei Mingzheng to answer, but Wei Mingzheng suddenly nodded and said, “Mn.” 

Shu Ning looked up in surprise. He suspected that something was wrong with his ears.

Did he hear a “mn” just now?

Wei Mingzheng was silent for a moment. Then, he asked, “Do you need me to help you pack your luggage?”

“No need.” Shu Ning shook his head with a smile. 

Wei Mingzheng didn’t speak. He turned and left the room.

He walked out the door. Once no one was able to see him, he slammed his fist against the wall of the hallway. When he felt the pain shooting up his hand, the unhappiness in heart seemed to die down a little.

He dealt with Wei Yuanning. He used Wei Corporation as a stepping stone for his own business. He managed to appease Wei Shanhe. The project over at Pegasus was also progressing smoothly. He was originally in an extremely good mood. He was in high spirits.

However, this happiness, this arrogance, it all disappeared without a trace once Shu Ning said that he would be leaving tomorrow. 

That excitement of his, like surging waves, receded back into the sea, leaving behind a chaotic sandy shore.

He suddenly realized just how shallow and superficial money and power was. The happiness it brought him was so easily shattered.

Compared to the things that really mattered, it was completely worthless!

Lf rabbv lc atf tjiikjs jcv ibbxfv yjmx ja atf tjio-mibrfv vbbg. Llr fsfr ribkis vjgxfcfv. 

Llr ragjcuf atbeutar jcv fwbalbcr kfgf yfmbwlcu mifjgfg jcv mifjgfg. Pa kjr jr lo atfgf kjr j tjhs nfli lc ogbca bo tlw. Cr ibcu jr tf qgbyfv j ilaaif oegatfg, atf ageat kbeiv yf gfnfjifv.

After Wei Mingzheng left, Shu Ning put out his suitcase and started to organize his clothes. After dinner, Shu Ning mentioned his departure to Madam Wei.

Madam Wei urged him to stay, but Shu Ning declined.

Madam Wei already knew that Shu Ning would be leaving, so she wasn’t particularly sad about it. The school had already been informed. With the Wei family’s influence there, things naturally went smoothly. 

Madam Wei assured him not to worry.

Shu Ning expressed his gratitude.

During dinner, Shu Ning and Madam Wei were the only ones speaking. Wei Mingzheng didn’t say a word. Every now and then, he would give Shu Ning a meaningful glance.

The next day, Wei Mingzheng and Madam Wei brought Shu Ning to the airport. Madam Wei held Shu Ning’s hand and expressed her reluctance to let him go. On the other hand, Wei Mingzheng was calm. He didn’t express any words of regret. 

Shu Ning watched for a while. He felt that the little villain really didn’t need him anymore, so he said goodbye with a carefree smile.

Once he reached Chuzhou, Cai Qin, Shu Jun, and Shu Yang were all anxiously awaiting him.

Shu Ning pulled his suitcase along behind him. Shu Yang twisted around. “Brother!”

Cai Qin put him down. Shu Yang ran towards Shu Ning. “Brother, hug!” 

Shu Ning picked him up and gave him a big smooch on the cheek. “Did you miss me?”

Shu Yang replied in a cute and childish voice, “I missed you~”

He then asked, “Where’s Mingzheng gege?”

Shu Ning paused for a moment. Then, he smacked a kiss on Shu Yang’s other cheek. “He’s not coming back.” 

“Ah?” Shu Yang tilted his head in confusion. “What do you mean by not coming back?”

Shu Ning patted his head. “It means I’ll be the only one spoiling you from now on.”

The family of four happily drove home.

When he looked out the window and saw the familiar streets of his hometown, Shu Ning let out a sigh of relief. He slowly started to smile. 

The transfer process went smoothly. Shu Ning was soon transferred into No. 1 High School.

At this time, it was almost the end of the semester. Shu Ning’s transfer to No. 1 High School attracted everyone’s curiosity. Coincidentally, two of his friends, Wang Shenshen and Song Nian, were also at No. 1 High School. Long Qiao was attending a private school not too far away.

Long Qiao’s grades were the worst out of all of them, so he almost ended up attending a vocational high school. If his parents hadn’t figured out a way for him, he really would’ve had no choice but to attend vocational school.

Wang Shenshen’s family background was good. His grades were also poor. However, his father pulled a few strings and managed to squeeze him into No. 1 High School. 

Song Nian’s grades were good, so he was admitted into No. 1 High School.

As a result, their middle school friend group ended up grouping together again. Shu Ning was quickly able to rid himself of the unease in his heart.

Long Qiao and Wang Shenshen used to be obsessed with video games in middle school, but once they got to high school, their addiction seemed to magically go away. They didn’t play video games like other high school boys. However, while the two of them weren’t obsessed with games, they were obsessed with eating skewers and bragging.

Whenever teenagers eat skewers, they would naturally start talking about their dreams. 

Wang Shenshen was as chubby as ever. He held a skewer in his hand, and his mouth was covered in oil. He yelled out, “I’m going to attend Beijing Drama Academy in the future.”

Everyone looked at him in shock. “What?”

Beijing opera?

Faced with everyone’s surprised gazes, Wang Shenshen quickly added, “I’m going to be a director.” 

“Scared me to death.” The other three patted their chests in relief.

Long Qiao said, “I thought you were planning to become an actor!”

Song Nian nodded. “I was just wondering who gave you the confidence to be an actor. If it’s a director, then it’s fine.”

Wang Shenshen angrily slapped the table. “What’s wrong with how I look? Check out how lucky I look! Who said that actors have to be handsome? Look at XX and XX. Aren’t both of them ugly? They’re still successful actors!” 

“Yes, yes, yes. You’re right.” Shu Ning nodded desperately. “I’m different from them. I didn’t doubt you at all. I was just about to support you.”

Wang Shenshen was suspicious. “Really?”

Shu Ning nodded. “Of course.”

Wang Shenshen laughed and picked up his beer bottle. “Come on, let’s go another round.” 

Long Qiao and Song Nian also raised their beer bottles and clinked them together.

“What about you? What do you want to do in the future?” Wang Shenshen asked.

Song Nian said bitterly, “I haven’t really thought about it. What I do know is that, if I don’t get into college, my parents are definitely going to beat me to death.”

Shu Ning had heard Song Nian complain about it before. Song Nian’s parents were very concerned about Song Nian’s studies. Song Nian’s family background was rather ordinary. His parents would always say, “Wang Shenshen and Shu Ning can play around all day because their families have money. Even if they do go to college, they’re still going to home and inherit the family business! They’ll have a job no matter what they do! What about you? Mom and Dad aren’t that capable! We’ll have to rely on you in the future! They might be able to get away with not studying, but you can’t!” 

“It’s really hard to get into college nowadays. Aren’t people always complaining about how the birth rate is decreasing? If that’s the case, there should be fewer and fewer students trying to get into college. The competition should be becoming less and less. How come it feels like our competition is becoming more and more?” Song Nian took a swig of beer and continued to complain, “Before, they used to let you retake the college entrance exam if you fucked up. Now, they won’t even let you do that.”

“Forget about it. They stopped letting people retake college entrance exams back in middle school,” Long Qiao said. “I heard that some school districts are super fucked up. They’ll designate a certain percentage of students to fail. Then, those students will have to attend vocational school. It’s not so bad in Chuzhou, but I almost ended up going to vocational school anyway. Sigh. To tell you the truth, if it wasn’t for my family’s help, I might have actually ended up there. A lot of students don’t have the money to get into a better high school. Sometimes, I feel really sorry towards them. Do you think I might’ve taken someone else’s spot?”

“Don’t think like that.” Wang Shenshen quickly comforted him, “How’s the shitty high school you’re at now any different from  a vocational high school?”

Long Qiao rolled his eyes at Wang Shenshen. “How is that supposed to be comforting?” 

Wang Shenshen laughed.

Long Qiao said helplessly, “Anyway, I’ve never been super interested in studying. It wouldn’t have mattered even if I went to a vocational school. I want to become a chef and open a restaurant someday.”

“Becoming a chef is a good idea! That’s the spirit!”

“Shu Ning, what about you?” The three of them turned their eyes towards Shu Ning. “What do you want to do in the future?” 

It’s this question again.

Even since he left Beijing, Shu Ning had been thinking about this question.

What did he want to do next?

In his last life, he earned a double major. He was rather talented when it came to language. He had already made a lot more money through translation work than a lot of other people would at their first job. 

He hadn’t worked for very long. To be honest, he wasn’t a fan of 9-to-8 jobs. Although it wasn’t as bad as 996 work culture, it was still a job. At the end of the day, he would still be completely drained.

Speaking of dreams, he had never really had one. It didn’t matter whether it was before or after his transmigration. He’d never had that kind of ambition.

Even when it came to making money, he wasn’t very interested. He just needed enough to get by.

If he really wanted to make money and start a business, he would have learned how to invest while he was still with the villain. He was sure that, even if he was an absolute idiot, Wei Mingzheng would be able to make him a master of investment, just like his father. 

However, he never really had the intention to do so.

Instead, it was the little villain who was always putting money in his card. If he totaled it all up, the villain had probably put several million yuan into his card by now. Shu Ning felt a little embarrassed about it, so he transferred the money over to his father and had him put it into the villain’s account.

When all was said and done, he was actually a person who didn’t have many desires.

When it came to dreams, he was at a complete loss. 

“I don’t know,” Shu Ning said. “I don’t really have a dream.”

“How is that possible?” The other three were surprised. “If you don’t have any dreams, how are you any different from a total slacker?”

The word “slacker” was like a key. It opened a certain lock and cleared the fog surrounding his “dream”.

Shu Ning immediately perked up. He slapped his thigh, and excitedly said, “That’s right! My dream is to be a slacker!” 

He would stay by his parents’ side and take care of them when they grew old. He would look after his younger brother. He would find an easy job for himself. As long as he had enough money for food, then it was fine. Then… then, he would leisurely spend the rest of his life with someone he liked.

This was his dream.

It was a very simple, very easy to achieve dream.

The only thing that wasn’t so easy to achieve was the fact that the person he liked seemed to be Wei Mingzheng. Not only was he a guy, but he also might be a straight guy. Plus, he was someone from the Wei family. 

He was so fucked!