Although Shang Mu Nan has comforted her and promised not to let her die so soon, Zhai Tongxin is still nervous with her eyes closed.

This is the first time different from the barber's experience of washing her hair, which makes Zhai Tongxin a little at a loss. She doesn't know what's special about herself. She can let that excellent man who is indifferent to everything and refuses everything wash her hair herself!

Under the instruction of blue haired brother, Shang Mu Nan slowly put his hand into the black and shining hair, and gently pressed her scalp with his finger pulp. He looked very serious, as if he was not washing his hair, but doing an extremely solemn and solemn thing.

When the other person's finger touches his scalp, Zhai Tongxin takes a breath and has a heart spasm. She doesn't know how to describe this feeling, but it makes people feel palpitating and heart beating.

"How do you feel?"

Shang Mu Nan has been washing for a while. Seeing that the other side has no reaction, he rubs the ends of his hair and asks. Although it's a question, his confident tone makes people think that his technique is good!

Zhai Tongxin is surprised at the other party's ability to grasp the strength just right. Isn't he the first time to help others wash their hair? At the thought of this possibility, she was in a bad mood.

"Mr. Shang Mou, this is not the first time you've washed someone's hair! If you have good technology, you can go and open a barber shop instead of a business! "

"It's really not the first time. This time it should satisfy you." Shang Mu Nan answers truthfully.

I really don't wash her hair for the first time. The scene of washing her hair for the first time still makes people laugh, but she doesn't remember it!

Although Zhai Tongxin guessed that it was not the first time for him, when he really heard him admit it, his heart would ache for a while.

"I'm very satisfied. I didn't expect that you have many attributes. I'm going to find them one by one. You don't worry that I'll sell your gossip and information one day when I don't have food. I'm sure you can make a lot of money!" She joked, pretending to be relaxed.

Blue hair brother and other people, listening to the conversation, the expression on their faces is very wonderful.

The one who has the most say is blue hair. In fact, he is the top stylist in a salon center. He has served Mou Nan before. In his impression, he is a person who doesn't smile, speaks in a proper way, and is hard to get close to.

Today, however, he transferred him here just to wash the woman's hair until it was half done, and he started it himself. The casual way they got along with each other and the interactive atmosphere made people feel that they were lovers.

However, this woman does not seem to have excessive language and action, but with some alienation in her every move. In contrast to Shang Mu Nan, he always takes the initiative to talk and do everything. Is this the rhythm of chasing people?

I paid a lot of money to invite myself here. Did you come here to watch? This money is also too easy to earn it!!!

Shang Mu Nan pick eyebrows, stop the action on the hand, slowly close to her in front, gently said: "with me, how can not eat?"

Zhai Tongxin opened her eyes and closed them. Her face was flushed: "don't talk. So many people are watching. Help me wash my hair!"


Shang Mu Nan carefully opened the shower and tentatively poured it on her scalp.

"Hot or cold?"


"How about that?"

"All right."


Outside the ward, the producer held a bunch of flowers, followed by a group of people, the staff of Metro TV station. As soon as he got to the door, he was stopped by the bodyguard.

"Hello, I'm here to see Miss Zhai Tongxin. Excuse me, please."

"Miss Zhai is still resting. It's inconvenient for outsiders to disturb her! You'd better go back. " The bodyguard said coldly.

"This..." The producer stood in the same place and was in a dilemma for a moment. A group of people behind him were not calm.

"Isn't it just a hospital? I even hired two bodyguards. I don't know. I thought it was the president of the country Followed by the female colleagues said in a strange voice.

"We came to see her kindly, but she let us be turned away. Maybe she just pretended to be ill!"

"Producer, you can be regarded as Zhai Tongxin's boss, she is also brought out by you, now, openly put you out of the door, simply do not pay attention to you!"

"Just say a few words. Maybe there's some reason for this. As journalists, if you don't speak on the basis of facts, it's very powerful to catch wind and shadow!" The producer turned around and reprimanded him, then said to the bodyguard with a smile.

"We'll take a look at her and leave. We won't disturb the patient's rest time."

"No way."

"This is not what you say, otherwise, you go in and report. If she doesn't want to, let's go at once. Don't embarrass you."

The producer saw that the other side had no human feelings at all, so she simply opened up. According to Zhai Tongxin's character, she would not make such a move!"That is, you are just a little bodyguard. What right do you have to show off to us?"

"I think he did it on purpose."


The people behind are restless again, but the target of this attack turns to the bodyguard at the door, but the other side is not moved.

Shang Mu Nan is under the guidance of blue hair brother, helping with hair care.

"Is there any movement at the door?" Zhai Tongxin asked.

The action in Shang Mu Nan's hand didn't stop. He directly raised his head and motioned one person to open the door to have a look.

The man opened the door and saw that the door was full of water. Suddenly, he was stunned. The man outside the door looked at a man who suddenly appeared inside. He was also stunned. For a moment, there was no sound at the door.

"Who are you?" The hairdresser asked first.

"We're here to see Miss Zhai Tongxin. She's in there!" While the producer said this, he rushed directly into the ward. The bodyguard wanted to stop him, but there were so many people on the other side that he couldn't stop him at all.

And the little brother who opened the door was pushed aside. A man who passed by him asked: "who are you? How did you show up in this ward? Are you her boyfriend


"Tong Xin? Let's see you It's too late As the producer went in, he yelled. When he saw that there was no one on the bed, he turned around to look for Zhai Tongxin.

Just when he turned a corner and didn't finish his words, he saw a scene that shocked him.

"Shangmou Mr. Shang Mou, it's a coincidence that you're here, too! " He reluctantly pulled out a smile and said hello to each other!