Outside the bathroom, the supervisor is opposite to the merchant Mu Nan.

They usually sit on a stool with their sleeves in their arms. Two buttons are untied at the collar of their coat. The legs of their trousers are slightly wet. There is a trace of elegance in the messy hair between their foreheads.

most importantly, his hands are still smearing layers of hair care film on Xiufa. His action is gentle, as if he is treating his beloved girl.

The producer's hand holding the flowers in his arms trembled slightly, and his throat swallowed a mouthful of saliva unconsciously. Only Zhai Tongxin, who was lying on the sofa, could not see the people coming, and he was not aware of the stagnation of the atmosphere at the moment.

"Is it a producer? I think I heard his voice! " As she asked, she wanted to change her posture.

"Don't move." Shang Mu Nan fixed his head and said in a warning tone.

And a group of people behind the producer saw that the producer was standing around the corner and didn't move, so they came forward and asked, "producer, why are you standing here? Find Hello, Mr. Shang Mou

His words successfully stopped a group of people behind. They all stood at the corner with colorful faces, but they all said in one voice: "Hello, Mr. shangmou!" Uniform, deafening!

When Zhai Tongxin heard the familiar lines and voice, her whole body froze, and her face looked like swallowing a fly. She asked in a low voice, "are all the people coming from the stage?"

"It's almost here."


God, in front of me, I can't wash myself when I jump into the Yellow River!

You said you didn't know the director? Strangers will show up in your ward.

You have nothing to do with the director?

It doesn't matter. He'll wash your hair himself?

You don't like the director?

If you don't like it, you will let the other party take care of you personally, and you will also enjoy it!

This time, it is estimated that no one will believe how to explain. After this shampoo storm, I became famous in the first World War! I'm famous on TV!

Shang mounan calmly coiled up her hair, took the blue haired brother's wet towel, carefully wiped her hands, then raised her head and scanned the people in the circle.

Around the people surrounded by a half pack of circle, the producer surrounded in the middle, his hand is still holding a handful of flowers, a face of tension.

"Look at your posture. Are you here to make a proposal?" Shang Mu Nan has a deep voice and a smile.

"Propose?" Zhai Tongxin couldn't get up. She heard the voice coming from her head. She couldn't help asking. She couldn't see anything. Her heart was like a cat scratching. What's the situation like now?!

"No, no, we just came to see Tong Xin." The producer quickly explained.

Every time I see Shang Mu Nan's smile, his legs and stomach are weak. Every time I misunderstand, I will experience a painful lesson, but I don't know what is to greet myself this time!

"Yes, Tong Xin hasn't come to work in the company for a long time. We are very worried, so we came to see her together." Others echoed.

"Thank you for coming to see me. It's just that I'm..." It's inconvenient, but she can't say it. There's a sense of shame that people will misunderstand.

"You're good, just don't move. You must take good care of yourself. We're waiting for you to go back."

At this time, all the people in Taiwan calendar seem to be human spirits. Everyone incarnates Zhai Tongxin's good colleagues, good friends, caring for her and understanding her. After all, everyone knows that this is really going to succeed!

"But, Tong Xin, what's the matter with the bodyguards outside the ward? It's too exaggerated. Are you afraid of something unexpected in the hospital? " Asked a colleague.

"Well, it's not that I'm afraid of accidents. It's just a matter of peace of mind. After all, sometimes I'm alone, so I'd better be careful." Zhai Tongxin explained.

"By the way, I haven't asked you how you got hurt like this. It looks like a serious problem."

"Yes, what happened!"

Zhai Tongxin frowned. For a moment, she didn't know how to answer her colleagues' questions.

"I like asking questions so much. You are responsible for the following interviews, location shooting, and reporters' questions on various occasions." Shang Mu Nan made a sound to get out of the encirclement.

Light floating words, a two with 100000 why the same people, honest.

Those are hard work outside every day. If it's OK for a day or two, few people can bear it for a long time.

"Look at you guys talking nonsense next time. Hey, chief, they don't have a bad heart. They just want to care about Guan Xintong Xin. Don't scare them." The producer stood in the middle, laughing to get out.

"It's about making the best of everything and discovering their potential, isn't it? And the flowers in your hand... "

"Yes, this flower is for Tong Xin. I hope she will recover soon!" Producer said, just want to put flowers on the bedside cabinet, was business Mu Nan interrupted."She's allergic to pollen!"

“……” Other colleagues were speechless for a while. Some people had sent flowers to Zhai Tongxin before. At that time, she was not allergic to pollen. Why did she suddenly show affectation at this time!

“……” The producer stood in the same place, holding the flowers in his hand, and tears were in his heart: jealous men can't afford to offend them. Why do they want to buy flowers when they are good? Isn't it good to buy some fruits or red envelopes? Isn't it good to be alive?

“……” Zhai Tongxin's expression is also hard to say, in front of so many people's face, naturally said he did not have the attribute, this is determined that the other party will not open it?

"What the director said is that we didn't think it over."

"Yes, it's our fault that we didn't find her pollen allergy after being her colleague for so long."

“……” Will these people's conscience not hurt when they open their eyes and tell lies? Zhai Tongxin stares at Shang Mu Nan's chin, thinking: is it because of him?

Standing on one side of the blue hair brother looked at the watch, a voice to remind: "time is up."

"Mr. Shang Mou, you can take us out to talk for a while. Let me help you here." Zhai Tongxin's understanding is to avoid washing her hair and being surrounded.

Shang Mu Nan did not move, just quietly looking at the people around him.

"Do you need me to talk with you?"

The first one to respond was the producer. He gave the flowers to a man behind him and said, "no need, no need. We just came to see Tong Xin. Now we see that we are leaving. There are still many things left to do in the stage."

After a pause, the man immediately responded. As he walked out, he said, "then we won't disturb. Goodbye, director."

"Goodbye, director!"