In the emergency room, Luna had a white face, but her eyes were fixed on the doctor who examined her.

Lu Yehong can only be anxious outside. She can't sit still. She keeps walking around the door, holding a mobile phone in her hand and dialing a series of numbers.

"I don't want you to follow the young master. Why can't he get through all the time?" She opened her mouth and asked in a loud voice.

"You're going to lose someone? I'll send someone to look for him. If you find him, you must bring him to the hospital. "

Hang up the phone, Lu Ye red angry and worried too much, in a moment, almost fell on the ground, she stabilized the body, slowly moved to the chair to sit down.

After a while, the doctor came out.

"Doctor, is there anything wrong with the baby in the patient's stomach?"

"There's a bit of threatened abortion. I need to be hospitalized for observation. I'll open some more fetal care centers. You'll pay the fees now." The doctor took off the mask and said.

Voice just fell, Luna was pushed out by the nurse, she opened her mouth weakly: "Mom."

"It's all right. You can take care of the baby. I'll take care of the rest." Lu Yehong seldom comforts her with a good temper, but also tells the people around her.

"Hurry to pay the fee, and then find a VIP ward with the most complete facilities."


In the advanced ward, Luna was lying on the bed with her hands on her stomach, tears streaming like she didn't want money.

Lu Yehong saw that she was crying all the time. After comforting her for several times, she became annoyed. Her face became impatient, and her tone took a trace of blame.

"Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about the baby in your stomach. You've been crying all the time. Where can he get better? They say that mother and son are connected."

"Mom, I'm so afraid. I'm so worried that he has something to do, in case I will not live

"Bah, bah, bah! It's not so easy for our Qi family's grandson not to have anything to say. " When Lu Yehong heard what Luna said, she quickly spat, afraid that what she said would come true.

"I'm not good. If I hadn't talked back to you and made jinggen unhappy, it wouldn't have happened. Last time I had a physical examination, the doctor said the baby was growing very well!"

"By the way, has jinggen come back?" Luna asked, although she married into the Qi family for the wealth of the Qi family, for such a long time, she was still very concerned about Qi jinggen.

"He's on his way here. You have a good rest. Now it's the most important thing to keep the baby stable!" Lu Yehong didn't tell her the truth. She was afraid that she would think more when she knew about it, which was even more detrimental to the stillbirth.

"Good." Luna was really tired. After she closed her eyes, she went to sleep unconsciously. She didn't even know when her mother-in-law left!

I don't know how long, Luna was woken up by a mobile phone ring. She opened her eyes and found that the room was quiet, only the mobile phone beside her pillow kept ringing.


"When are you going to give me the money you promised me last time? My patience is limited!" Zhou Haipeng said calmly on the other end of the phone, but the sense of threat can be heard by anyone.

As soon as Luna heard his voice, her brain, which was still in a daze, suddenly woke up, and her heart knew the purpose of the other party's call.

"Haige, I'm really working hard to raise money, but there are many things happened recently in the Qi family, and there are many places to use money. Look at you..."

"Don't talk nonsense to me. If I can turn around, will I ask you a woman to ask for money?" Zhou Haipeng said rudely that he didn't believe that if he was a rich wife, would he still have no money in his hand? He is not a three-year-old, so easy to fool!

"If you allow me a few more days, I'm still in the hospital. Haige, at least we'll have a better time. Don't push me to a dead end!" Luna said, half threatening and half pleading.

How much money has Zhou Haipeng swallowed in recent years since he got involved with Qi jinggen! However, her patience in exchange for each other's inch!

"How did you get to the hospital? Too careless! You still have a dragon seed in your stomach. If it's gone, you really have no hope! " Zhou Haipeng didn't care about Luna. Instead, he worried that if his child was gone, his money tree would be gone.

"If you wait a few days, when I'm almost OK, I'll find a way to raise money for you. I can afford to give you money before, but I still can't give it now."

See Luna said very clearly, Zhou Haipeng also know today is really can't get money, but, his attitude is still very bad.

"Then hurry up. I don't have that much patience."

Hang up the phone, Luna ruthlessly grasp the corner of the sheet, the venom from the bottom of her eyes makes her heart tremble, Zhou Haipeng, I really believe you wrong!

My life in the Qi family is so sad, but you take my money out to squander, in this world, there is no such good thing! She thought bitterly.

When Qi Jiannan came home, he found that no one was there, so he had to make a voice again, this time shouting "housekeeper"

"why is there no one at home? The wife hasn't come back yet? " As he took off his coat to the maid, he asked about his family."My wife sent Miss Lu to the hospital. The young master made up his mind to stay in the hotel outside."

"Nonsense! A good home, run to live in what messy Hotel, just came out, and restless! Send someone to look for it. " Qi Jiannan said with a big head.

"Yes." Answered the housekeeper.

"What happened to Nana? How did you get to the hospital? "

"After a quarrel with the young master in the living room, she fell to the ground and showed signs of bleeding." Said the housekeeper truthfully.

"What? Is my grandson going to be lost?! Get the car ready. I'll see which hospital I'm in. " As soon as Qi Jiannan heard that his grandson had an accident, he immediately took care of it.

As soon as he got into the car, Lu Yehong's car slowly appeared in Qi's courtyard. She saw her husband's car, and her tense face was finally relieved. This is the strength of her heart.

"Why are you back? Why didn't Nana come back with her? What did the doctor say? " Qi Jiannan got out of the car and asked three questions in succession.

"The doctor said that her fetus was unstable and she had to be observed in the hospital for a while. I came back to pack up some things and let the kitchen stew some soup." Lu Yehong explained, looking at her husband.

"Why are you back at this point?"

"Originally, I made an appointment with the customer, but the other party was temporarily busy and couldn't come, so I came back ahead of time."

"Isn't that thing over yet?" She asked in a confused way.

"Yes Qi Jianan sighed.