Chapter 27

Sunglasses cover ice eyes, revealing proud nose and sexy thin lips. White shirt, dark casual pants, casual dress but wearing a different elegant and expensive.

Su Leyao was stunned to see Huangfu Yuyang as a normal person for a long time.

When we get along with each other, he almost sits and she gets used to it.

More importantly, after eight years of disguise, how could he show his true colors at this time?

Su Leyao guards Su QinHao behind him, full of alert and nervous: "how can you be here?"

"Come and take you back." Compared with Su Leyao's nervousness, Huangfu Yuyang was very calm. But, sitting and standing his temperament is quite different, one is calm and introverted to some gloomy, the other is domineering, almost evil.

The same person, two completely opposite breath, contradiction and harmony. Su Leyao was more and more frightened. Sure enough, everyone in Huangfu's family had secrets.

Holding Su QinHao's hand tightly: "no, we can go back by ourselves."

"It's getting dark, and it looks like rain." Huangfu Yuyang put his pocket in his hand and leaned against the car body. He was so charming. Su Leyao only felt his heart had let out a beat.

A "ghost pull" has not been exported, the horizon faintly came roaring thunder.

Su Leyao looked up. I don't know where the dark clouds came to cover the sky. It's really going to rain.

She can go back in the rain, but she can't let Qin Hao catch cold. He is a premature baby and has been in poor health since he was a child. It's been a few years since I became stronger.

After thinking about it, it began to rain. Su Leyao had no choice but to pull Su QinHao into Huangfu Yuyang's car.

To Su Leyao's surprise, Liubai, the shadow bodyguard of Huangfu Yuyang, was not there.

"Sister, he..." Xu is aware of Su Leyao's nervousness, and Su QinHao looks like a small beast.

"I'm your brother-in-law." Without waiting for Su Leyao to answer, Huangfu Yuyang introduces himself.

Su Leyao smokes from the corner of his mouth. He doesn't care about him. Anyway, Qin Hao doesn't know what his brother-in-law means.

"Brother in law? My sister's husband? " Su QinHao asked seriously. Su Leyao was surprised and happy. He grabbed his shoulder and asked, "Qin Hao, how do you know?"

"Xiao Pang's sister is married, and Xiao Pang has a brother-in-law." Su Leyao was in an awkward situation after he was overjoyed.

She didn't know how to explain her relationship with Huangfu Yuyang to Qin Hao. Even if she did, he didn't understand. Forget it, for Qin Hao's sake of progress, she doesn't care about him.

"Is he brother-in-law?" Qin Hao asked again, with a serious expression and an inquisitive manner.

Su Leyao's face flicks again. In the rearview mirror, she sees a touch of fun in the corner of Huangfu's lips.

Is it naive to play this kind of game? This IQ is lower than Qin Hao.

Su Leyao nodded his head slightly, but he felt guilty under Su QinHao's extremely clear eyes.

Maybe Qin Hao's IQ is not like a normal person, but he is a sensitive child. Whether others are perfunctory or not, he knows all about it. She can't let lies destroy his trust in human nature.

Looking directly into his clear and dust-free eyes, he said solemnly, "yes, he is my brother-in-law, my sister's husband. Qin Hao, my sister is married. "

"Is he good to you?" Su Leyao almost burst into tears with her childlike eyes.

Qin Hao knows how to care about people. Maybe one day he can really recover. You can walk into society like a normal person.

"Good." Trembling lips, tearful eyes, unspeakable joy.

The drizzle is beating on the car window. It's always very early when it rains. Su Leyao realized later that Huangfu Yuyang was not on his way back to school.

"Huangfu Yuyang, where are you taking us?" Voice full of doubt, after last night's event, she was a little more wary of him.

Every member of Huangfu's family is scheming, and Huangfu Yuyang is not a simple person.

"Don't worry, I won't sell you." It's hard to joke, but the tone is serious.

"Hello, Huangfu Yuyang, I've been very cooperative these days, and I haven't offended you. You have to keep your promise. " The more you talk, the more guilty you feel.

"I will." Still won't tell her.

The more Huangfu Yuyang did not say, the more nervous Su Leyao was. Holding the palm of Qin Hao's hand sweating, hateful guy, where do you want to take them?

"Sister, I'm not afraid. Qin Hao will protect you."

Su Leyao is very upset. She shouldn't be so nervous. Qin Hao is a sensitive child. It's not good if she scares him.

Try to smile: "sister is happy, brother-in-law to take us to eat delicious."

Afraid of Qin Hao's worry, Su Leyao dare not argue with Huangfu Yuyang. Can only stare at the back of his head, with eyes warning him.

About half an hour later, the car entered a high-end community, independent villas, quiet environment. Even in the rainy night, we can still see that the design is very different and private.Huangfu Yuyang gets out of the car and opens the door for Su Leyao like a gentleman.

Su Leyao looked around and asked: where is this?

Huangfu Yuyang also said with his eyes: I'll know.

Two people a burst of eyebrows, silent fierce battle, finally or Su Leyao defeated. She and Qin Hao are helpless. For the sake of safety, she'd better be obedient.

Besides, if Huangfu Yuyang really wants to do something to them, just send someone. Why risk being exposed?

Into the villa, which decorated very warm. Simple design, bright color, let people feel relaxed and happy.

"The meal is ready, young master." A woman over fifty, slightly fat, said with a smile.

"Yao Yao, Qin Hao, let's eat first." With that, he strode to the restaurant.

The dishes are very rich, and they are all Qin Hao's and her favorite.

But Su Leyao didn't know what to eat. Huangfu Yuyang knew everything about her, but he knew nothing about her.

Compared with Su Leyao's preoccupation, Su QinHao was very happy. Huangfu Yuyang also changed his indifference, took the initiative to bring him vegetables, and even helped him remove the fishbone, which was more considerate than Su Leyao.

Finally finished eating, Su Leyao's inner doubts piled higher and higher.

"Qin Hao, do you like it here?" Huangfu Yuyang asked softly.

"I like it."

"Then you'll live here, won't you? Aunt Zhou will cook delicious food for you every day. I heard that you are very talented in software programming. I specially asked someone to design a computer room. Would you like to go up and have a look? " Huangfu Yuyang ignores Su Leyao's tension and tells Su QinHao.

"Good." Clear eyes lit up.

"Huangfu Yuyang, what do you mean?" Finally, Su Leyao can't help but stand up.

"Qin Hao will live here in the future. His grandfather has been investigating him." Huangfu Yuyang lowered his voice and said in a voice only two people heard.

Su Leyao's face turned white, and then he straightened his chest: "so what? Qin Hao is going to follow Mr. Yao in class. He has made a lot of progress recently. "

"I'll invite the best teacher for him, one-on-one teaching, and the expert team I invited will arrive tomorrow." Su Leyao was shocked again.

It took a long time for Su Leyao to find his voice: "do you mean to start treating Qin Hao now?"

Originally, he thought that Huangfu Yuyang was going to harm her, but he helped her again and again.

"Yes." This time, Huangfu Yuyang didn't tease her any more. He was straightforward.

Su Leyao slightly frowned and looked at the honest Huangfu Yuyang. There are more questions in his heart. He seems to be overbearing and unreasonable, but he thinks about her everywhere.

Thinking about all kinds of things since we met, he didn't really do anything harmful.

On the contrary, he let her know the real face of Zhuo XINGRAN, and bought more than half of Dow's shares, so that she could stand tall in front of Tao's mother and daughter.


It's clear that they just met. Why did he help her everywhere?

He didn't really use Qin Hao, but now he has come to fulfill his promise. Huangfu Yuyang, what kind of person are you?

However, she knew that if she asked directly, he would not give her an answer.

For fear that Qin Hao could not adapt to the strange environment alone, Huangfu Yuyang kindly asked Su Leyao to stay with him for two days. This moved Su Leyao.

She didn't have to ask for anything. He helped her think about it in advance.

After putting Qin Hao to sleep, Su Leyao comes downstairs to find a cup of milk to drink. Unexpectedly, Huangfu Yuyang hasn't gone yet. Under the dim yellow light, the blue of the display screen shines on Jun's face. He frowns slightly. It seems that he has some puzzled problem.

Some embarrassed to ask: "I want a hot glass of milk to drink, do you want?"

"Can I have a cup of coffee?" Huangfu Yuyang did not lift his head, and his eyes did not leave the display screen. Slender ten fingers flying, undulating frequency is very fast, very beautiful, just like playing the piano.

"Drinking coffee in the evening is bad for your stomach. You'd better drink milk." Su Leyao frowned slightly.

"Do you care about me?" Burning eyes fell on her face, Su Leyao only felt a burst of blush, heartbeat, instinctive head down.

In a state of confusion, a huge shadow enveloped her. Su Leyao was surprised and looked up and fell into a pair of eyes as quiet as the abyss. However, there is no longer a bleak cold wind, a burning fire.

What made her even more frightened was that she didn't know when to put her back against the sofa. And Huangfu Yu Yang more bully closer, fresh shower frankincense Qinru nose, she is more flustered.

"Ah, if you need a reminder, I'll make you a cup. It's fast melting. Is that ok? " I didn't dare to look him in the eyes from beginning to end. Tonight's Huangfu Yuyang is different.

There was fire in her eyes. She was afraid that she would be burned if she was careless.

There is no denying that he is a very attractive man. Whether it's the aura of money, legendary life experience, or his handsome appearance, women will sink.It's just that she can't be included.

She didn't know why he chose him, but she knew that they were just a deal.

When things come to an end, they will eventually become strangers.