Chapter 28

"You, what do you want to do?" His peculiar breath surrounded her and took her breath away.

Huangfu Yuyang did not speak, but his deep eyes seemed to have thousands of words. Su Leyao couldn't understand the meaning, and he didn't want to understand it.

The depth of Huangfu's mind was beyond her eyes.

Hypnotize oneself again and again, but still can't stand his eyes bewitch, fast indulge in his universe black hole. Huangfu Yuyang moves gently and lifts her hair behind her ears: "I don't drink instant coffee."

The abrupt voice breaks the ambiguous atmosphere, and Su Leyao suddenly wakes up, secretly criticizing himself thousands of times.

"Then I'll study the function of the coffee machine." I don't know whether Huangfu Yuyang is deliberately relaxed or he is not on guard. Su Leyao easily breaks free from his shackles and goes to the kitchen in a hurry.

She didn't dare to look back, but she could clearly feel two burning eyes following her.

Today's Huangfu Yuyang puts a heavy pressure on her. He doesn't do anything, but he throws a huge stone in her heart lake and makes waves.

Su Leyao deliberately stayed in the kitchen for a long time. When she went out, Huangfu Yuyang had already gone back to bed.

After a long time, I thoroughly studied the coffee machine. Late at night, drowsiness hit, eyelids and eyelids have been fighting. She had to go out.

To her disappointment, Huangfu Yuyang is still there, quietly staring at the screen, and her expression is strange and serious.

"Your coffee." Put it down in a hurry and leave quickly. When I went upstairs and locked the door with my backhand, I found that my heart was pounding and I was about to jump out of my throat.

I can't understand why I feel nervous, so I just don't care.

Sweating, she took another bath. When he came out, he was shocked to find that Huangfu Yuyang was lying on the bed, with deep eyes, looking at her with a smile.

The sleepy man ran without a trace: "how did you get in?"

She was quite sure and certain that she had just locked the door.

"This one." Huangfu Yuyang shakes the remote control in his hand. Su Leyao is angry: "how can you be so good at breaking into other people's rooms? Do you know how to respect other people's privacy? "

"Well?" Lightly raised next eyebrow: "here is also my room."

"You..." Su Leyao was speechless and blushed: "this is not Shengtian Aoyu, and your grandfather is not here. You don't have to act any more."

"But your brother is here." The languid appearance exudes endless charm, and Su Leyao's heart jumps wildly again.

"What does it have to do with Qin hao? Huangfu Yuyang, you are the president of QK. You should have the spirit of contract. " Su Leyao increased the sound volume. Fortunately, the sound insulation here is very good.

Huangfu Yuyang was still languid but elegant: "I had to come here to sleep because I had the spirit of contract."

Su Leyao's eyes and mouth are all together. If she is well cultivated, she will greet his parents.

Hands folded on the abdomen: "I can go to sleep on the sofa, but how can you explain to Qin Hao that my sister and brother-in-law don't live together?"

For a moment, Su Leyao said with a guilty heart, "Qin Hao is still a child. He doesn't know anything."

"No, Qin Hao is smarter than you think. He knows everything and is very sensitive and observant. " Although he didn't want to share another room with Huangfu Yuyang, he had to admit that what he said was reasonable.

"Well, you sleep in the bed, I sleep on the sofa." Then he lay down on the sofa, grabbed the blanket, covered his head, and stopped arguing with Huangfu Yuyang.

From the beginning to now, she has never won him.

"Well..." Half asleep and half awake, Su Le wanted to turn over, but couldn't move.

Suddenly awakened, heavy curtains block the morning sun, enlarged Jun face is above her head. Thick and curly eyelashes hung down, like a palm fan, softened the lines on his face.

The high bridge of the nose makes the facial features more three-dimensional, thin lips slightly up, as if dreaming of something good.

This kind of Huangfu Yuyang is less cold, elegant and mysterious, just like the elder brother next door.

Even though she had been sleeping together for some time, it was the first time that she had looked at Huangfu Yuyang so closely.

Suddenly, closed eyes suddenly open, clear and bright, no sleepiness.

Su Leyao's face turned red as if he had been caught as a thief. I wish I could dig a hole and bury myself.

No, she should be the one to settle with him. How could she feel guilty?

"Huangfu Yuyang, you attacked me in the middle of the night again!" This is not the first time. He has a criminal record.

"No, you fell off the sofa. I'm afraid you'll catch cold, so I have to share the big bed with you." Huangfu Yuyang said calmly, and Su Leyao was so angry that he was smoking on his head.

"How could I fall? What kind of shared bed? Yaya, you want to eat my tofu, OK His hand is still on her waist.

"Ah..." Huangfu Yuyang suddenly sighed, Su Leyao's anger turned to doubt: "what are you sighing?""I repent that I should not have been kind enough to save a white eyed wolf." Su Leyao's face was blue and white, and he was ashamed and angry.

I don't know how much money he wiped while she was asleep. He pretended to be a life-saving benefactor and called her a white eyed wolf who didn't know how to repay her kindness.

It's too much, madam!

She knows how to use her tongue. She can't fight this big black belly. So he moved his position quietly, raised his leg and kicked Huangfu Yuyang's belly heavily.

Thought, ya ya, let you install, let you install.

"Ah, Huangfu Yuyang, what are you doing Proud but a second, tall body pressure on her, handsome face hanging above her. Knife like features are full of danger.

Su Leyao laments from the bottom of her heart that she has made another stupid mistake.

In any way, she could not compete with Huangfu Yuyang, let alone take advantage of him. Wuwu, how could she forget the precepts of her ancestors? She could endure the calm wind and waves for a while.

"Huangfu Yuyang, get up quickly. Qin Hao is going to wake up. I'll go to see him." Don't cross your face and don't look into Huangfu Yuyang's eyes.

His eyes are whirlpool, looking for a long time, even the soul will be sucked in.

Huangfu Yuyang had no intention of letting her go. His head was lower and lower, and he was closer and closer. The hot and numb smell was blowing around her neck. Su Leyao was scared to death, but he could only pretend to be calm.

"You are so heavy, get up quickly." The trembling voice betrayed her panic.

Big palms on the back of her head, holding her face in place. In Su Leyao's astonished eyes, Jun's face gets lower and lower, and finally covers her delicate lips.

"Boom", Su Leyao brain a blank, stare big eyes, looking at the eyes of flawless Jun face.

In a dazed manner, she easily touched the explosives buried in Huangfu Yuyang's heart, and the kiss became fierce, as if entangled with the past and the present. More and more overbearing, suck away the air in her lungs, let her have no spare force to think of other.

Out of control kiss, lingering in the air, as if to help each other to the end of time.

"Kowtow, kowtow Sister, brother-in-law, get up. " Su QinHao's knock awakens Su Leyao. Not knowing her strength, she pushed Huangfu away.

He rushed out of bed, ran to the corner, covered his heart and gasped.

The cheek was burning hot, angry and shy.

Because she didn't fight desperately, and even had a response in the end.

If Qin Hao hadn't knocked on the door in time, she couldn't imagine what would happen next?!

"Sister, get up, sister..." Su QinHao's voice was a little more anxious.

"Qin Hao, my sister is up. She's getting dressed. Wait a minute." Take a deep breath, take a deep breath, try to calm down, and lower your head to tidy up your pajamas.

Sad to find that Huangfu Yuyang actually planted a strawberry on her white neck!

Damn, damn.

He stares at him angrily, and Huangfu Yuyang just shrugs innocently. Eyes as if to say: this can't blame me, you take the initiative.

Su Leyao knows that if she talks to him again, she won't get any benefits except to be angry.

Only to open the door: "Qin Hao, did you sleep well last night?"

In an instant, she turns from a smoking Tigress to a gentle elder sister. Huangfu Yuyang picks her eyebrows.

"Well, Qin Hao likes it here, but there is no teacher Yao." Yao Kangning has been treating Qin Hao as his own child, and Qin Hao is also very dependent on her.

"Qin Hao, you live here first. When you learn more skills, we'll go to Mr. Yao. Mr. Yao will be very happy to see Qin Hao's growth and change. " He was comforted.

"Well, I'll be obedient and study hard to make my sister and teacher Yao proud." After listening to Su QinHao's words, Su Leyao's eyes are red, and her tears revolve in them. She tries to bear it and burst into a more bright smile.

Reaching out to rub Su QinHao's head, he suddenly feels that he is a head higher than himself. I'm not a kid anymore. I'm a little adult.

"Qin Hao is great. I'm hungry. My sister will take you to eat Take his hand and you're going downstairs.

"Where's my brother-in-law?" Su Leyao smoked from the corner of his mouth and said maliciously: "he took the wrong medicine and had diarrhea. Let's ignore him."

"See a doctor." I didn't expect that Su QinHao should care so much about Huangfu Yuyang. Su Leyao was surprised and a little sour in his heart.

What on earth did Huangfu Yuyang use to bribe Qin hao?

Even though he was full of resentment in his heart, he couldn't show anything on his face: "I've seen the doctor. The doctor said it's OK. Just let him have a good rest. Let's go. "

Su Leyao just wants to leave the room which is still full of thick and ambiguous atmosphere as soon as possible. At the thought of that kiss, she unconsciously gets hot.

After persuading Su QinHao, Huangfu Yuyang has finished taking a shower. He has a blue T-shirt and white casual pants. He is handsome and sunny.

Clothing has changed his whole temperament. Even Su Leyao can't help but wonder if such a sunny youth is the same person as the cold president with disabled legs?"Qin Hao, I'm ok. Don't worry. Let's go and have breakfast. I'll accompany you to the computer room later." There was not much smile on his face, but he got Su QinHao's trust.