Chapter 29

After living with the villa for three days, Su Leyao was very happy. If there is no Huangfu Yuyang from time to time intimacy and eye temptation, it would be better.

Since Qin Hao entered Kangkang school, their sister and brother seldom get along with each other like this. However, happy time is fleeting, she and Huangfu Yuyang go back to Shengtian Aoyu.

It is gratifying that Qin Hao's adaptability is super strong. The expert group invited by Huangfu Yuyang is very confident to cure Qin Hao.

As soon as she entered the castle, Huangfushan met her nervously: "where have you been, sister-in-law? If Zhongbo didn't say you would be OK, I would have called the police. "

For Huangfushan's excessive enthusiasm, Su Leyao was flattered and puzzled.

When did she and Huangfushan get to know each other so well? Besides, she always looked down upon her and thought that she was not worthy of Huangfu Yuyang. Why are you so attentive to her now?

"Yuyang took me on vacation, didn't he tell you? I'm sorry, I thought he said The expression of regret mixed with sweetness was too much in Huangfushan's eyes!

"Well, just have a good time. Just have a good time." He stepped back and looked at Huangfu Yuyang, who was still indifferent and speechless in his wheelchair. In the heart is not taste.

Why does he look at Su Leyao with new eyes? What attracted him to her?

"Yue Yao, Yu Yang, you're back just in time. Today is Shanshan's birthday. I'm going to help hold a small party and invite some young people to make a scene together. You can join us. " Lin Shufen is more elegant in a Rose Lady's dress.

"Ah, today is Shanshan's birthday. Yuyang, why didn't you tell me that you didn't prepare any gifts." Er, the average wife should have this kind of reaction, right?

No matter what the purpose of Huangfu Yuyang's marriage is, since he takes care of Qin Hao so much, she should cooperate with him in return.

"No, no, it's all a family. Don't be so polite." Huangfushan said polite words in her mouth, but her eyes were deeply hurt.

Because Huangfu Yuyang had never remembered her birthday, and this birthday had no purpose, she didn't think about it at all.

"Happy birthday." Huangfu Yu Yang light mouth.

Although it was just an ordinary blessing, Huang Fushan was very happy.

"Liubai, go and prepare a present for Miss Shanshan." The last sentence made her happy, but the next sentence put her into the ice pool.

This is Huangfu Yuyang, a man with a cold heart but a secret heart.


at the beginning of the Lantern Festival, the banquet hall of Shengtian Aoyu is bright with light music and laughter.

Wearing a rose dress, Huangfushan is graceful and charming, showing her elegance and charm. Shuttling among the guests, they smile skillfully and deal with it calmly.

The banqueting hall is very ornate. The blue enchantress from France, with water and dew, is shining in the light, like the tears of an elf.

This is the first banquet held by Shengtian Aoyu since Huangfu Yuyang was disabled. It's a great honor for the guests to be here. It's even more precious because of the limited number of invitees.

Although Huangfushan was smiling, she tried her best to show her excellent communication skills. However, her heart is not easy.

It's a birthday party, but it's a blind date party in disguise.

Moreover, she knew that Huangfu Yuyang would not take part in such an occasion. There's no birthday he's blessed with, but no problem.

At about nine o'clock, an elegant lady appeared with Feng shenjunlang in her arm.

Lin Shufen immediately welcomed him: "Xiangxun, why did you come so late? I thought you didn't come. Come on, come on, inside

"I'm sorry, aunt Lin, there's something wrong with the car." On one side, Shang Kai explained politely.

"Ha ha Just come, just come. " While welcoming them in, he looked at Huangfu Shan.

After receiving Lin Shufen's eyes, Huang Fushan pressed down her heart and welcomed her with a smile. She called respectfully: "aunt mu, master Shang."

"I haven't seen you for several years. Shanshan is more and more beautiful. It's a big change for women. I can hardly recognize it. " Mu Xiangxun said polite words.

"Where, aunt mu, don't make fun of me." Slightly hang down long eyelashes, make a pair of shy and difficult to hide joy.

"Shanshan, I'll accompany your aunt Mu to the cubicle. You can have a good chat with Shang Kai." Lin Shufen and Mu Xiangxun enter the compartment of the banquet hall. It's a place for guests to rest and a good place for heart to heart talks.

"Happy birthday, Miss Shanshan." Seeing the elder leave, Shang Kai smiles and presents his present.

"Thank you." Huangfushan took it and said, "let's go and sit over there."

Shang Kai shrugged and made a "please" gesture.

It was not the first time that Huang Fushan and Shang Kai met, but they were just nodding friends, without too much intersection. It is undeniable that SHANGKAI has romantic capital. Extraordinary wealth, handsome appearance, extraordinary conversation, excellent cultivation.

The most impressive thing is that those evil eyes with enchantment release hormones anytime and anywhere.He is the most popular warm man nowadays, but he is warm to every girl.

Huangfushan brought the waiter and took two cocktails: "thank you for your coming. I'll do it first."

Finish saying, want to raise head to drink, the man's big palm stopped her: "let the girl drink, is my dereliction of duty. Besides, you are the main character today. It's not good to get drunk. I'll drink. You're welcome. "

Shang Kai drinks up with pride and grace, turning the glass down.

"Mr. Shang, it really deserves the reputation." Huang Fu Shan drank up with a smile and raised his glass to shake in front of Shang Kai.

"Good wine. But you don't look very happy today. " Leaning against the window, one hand in the pocket, unspeakable evil charm, bewitching.

"Why? Today is my birthday Huangfu's eyes and eyebrows curved with a smile.

"Is it because of me?" Shang Kai was also smiling, as if he were careless, but there was a glimmer of clarity in his eyes.

Huangfushan's smile could not be stopped: "you?"

"You didn't go to my mom and aunt Lin's party last time." The stars are shining in the eyes of the charming peach blossom, which makes people unable to see the bottom.

"I'm very sorry. Last time I had a stomachache." Apologetically droop eyelid, cover the eye that divulges mood easily.

"It doesn't matter. We'll always get together. You can't go last time, so I'm here this time. " The more she spoke, the more obvious it was. Huang Fushan's face gradually changed.

"Mr. Shang, we are wise people who don't talk in secret. You don't give up the whole forest for one tree. "

"It depends on what kind of tree it is. Ordinary ornamental trees can't tie me down, but the laurel trees in Guanghan Palace are different." Deliberately low pressure voice, three ambiguous, three provocative, four temptation.

Huang Fushan's face changed. At last, she managed to calm herself and smile gracefully: "master Shang really loves joking."

"No, I've never been more serious." Huang Fushan felt that his waist was tight, but Shang Kai held her waist in full view of the public.

"Shang Kai, you..." Huang Fushan lowered her voice. Although this is a blind date arranged by Lin Shufen, is it too much for Shang Kai to treat her so frivolously?

"Shanshan, you are the first girl to refuse me like this. If that's how you get my attention, Congratulations, you've made it


Su Leyao stood on the balcony, holding his cheeks in both hands, staring at the brightly lit banquet hall in a daze. With the gusts of music and laughter coming from the wind, it is not difficult to imagine what kind of lively scene it is.

"You want to go?" Huangfu Yuyang's wheelchair is silent. Even though he has been frightened many times, Su Leyao is not used to it.

"Not at all." She didn't want to participate in such a world. However, the more professional needs, experience and experience, the more she can draw works with feelings.

"Today is Shanshan's blind date with SHANGKAI." Huangfu Yuyang suddenly said that Su Leyao was a little surprised.

However, she has heard a little about the tricks of the upper class and famous families.

"Oh." Light should be sentence, lack of interest.

"You don't want to know who it is?" Huangfu Yuyang, who has always been silent, suddenly becomes a gossip. Su Leyao smells the smell of conspiracy.

"I don't want to." Make a firm decision, turn and enter the room.

"Q city businessman, the only successor of e country's film and television media Kingdom, Shang Kai." Huangfu Yuyang said to himself.

Su Leyao turned around and said, "congratulations on joining hands."

"I don't want them to get married at all." Su Leyao was stunned by Huangfu's words. Today he is very strange. Why do you say this to her for no reason?

Ah, an idea burst into his mind. Did he like Huangfushan?

Based on the woman's intuition, coupled with Huangfushan's inexplicable hostility to her. She knows that Huangfu Shan likes Huangfu Yuyang, but is it Lang Youqing who is interested in her?

Su Leyao's expression is so exaggerated that Huangfu Yuyang can know what is in her mind without guessing?

She snapped her forehead angrily: "put away your messy ideas. I have only brother and sister feelings for Shanshan. "

“……” Su Leyao is helpless. She has no interest in the Huangfu family.

She only knew that Huangfu Yuyang was brewing a plot, and she was a chess piece in his hand. But no matter how she asked, Huangfu Yuyang just didn't tell her.

It's a secret of a rich family. If you know more, your life will be in danger. She just wanted Huangfu Yuyang to deal with his affairs as soon as possible and let her go.

Sliding wheelchair, back to her: "rest early today, something may happen tomorrow."

"What's the matter?" Su Leyao rushes to ask, he is always mysterious, she has no psychological preparation.

"Then you'll know." Huangfu Yuyang continues to play tricks. Su Leyao knows that he won't say anything if he asks again. We can only make faces at his back to vent our anger.

Huangfu Yuyang seems to have a pair of eyes behind him. He quickly turns around and sees Su Leyao's funny and childish behavior.Under his smiling eyes, Su Leyao straightens up, holds his head high and walks into the bathroom with military steps.

When the door of the bathroom closes, the soft light overflowing from the bottom of Huangfu's Yuyang eyes is enough to melt the whole world.