Chapter 181

Huangfusheng left, and the huge castle was in a moment. The host is gone, and she, an unwelcome guest, should be gone.

"Liubai, can you take me to meet Qin hao?" The calmness on Su Leyao's face makes Liubai very upset. The young master makes such an impulsive thing for her, but she only cares about herself.

He is wrong. He shouldn't expect Su Leyao to help at all. From the beginning, she was the trouble and burden of the young master. The young master had done so much for her, and she always took Joe and never gave him a sincere response.

"Good." A word gnashing his teeth, from the teeth in the spring out, no longer look at Su Leyao one more eye, big step meteor out of the room of huangfusheng.

Su Leyao follows Liubai. She is not a person without eyesight. She doesn't understand Liubai. She is disappointed or even disgusted with her. As a matter of fact, she also hates such helpless self.

However, all because of her, she can not deal with others, only deal with themselves. As long as she left, Huangfu Yuyang could listen to Huangfu's words and marry Wenjing. Only in this way can their family be happy, and she, as a redundant person, can enjoy the peace she has not seen for a long time.

Qin Hao was very happy to see Su Leyao: "sister, why are you here?"

Su Leyao smiles lovingly: "what is Qin Hao doing?" Qin Hao covered the drawing board with a coy and uncomfortable look.

In this way, Su Leyao became more curious: "what did you secretly touch and draw? Not even my sister? "

Qin Hao blushed and said, "it's not that I can't see it, it's that I haven't finished it yet."

"That should let elder sister see more, elder sister but professional fine arts department graduate of oh." While talking to Qin Hao, he observes Liubai. He stood at the door, frowning and frosty.

"Liubai, please go to QK. Maybe Huangfu Yuyang is near there. I'll be here with Qin Hao. I can't help with such a thing. " Her words were reasonable. She nodded and turned away.

After watching the white car leave Shengtian Aoyu, Su Leyao takes Qin Hao's hand: "Qin Hao, sister, I'll take you, OK?"

"Where are you going? Will my sister take me out to play Thinking of this, Qin Hao's eyes brightened.

In order to avoid lying all the time, Su Leyao told Qin Hao the truth: "no, it's not to play, it's to leave here. Isn't Qin Hao always hoping to be with his sister? Let's find a house to live together, so we can stay together. "

Qin Hao's clear eyes burst into a smile: "my brother-in-law also lives with us, right? Yeah, yeah. Qin Hao doesn't like grandfather Huangfu. He looks so fierce. When we leave, he won't kill me. Besides, it's great to be able to live with my sister. "

I didn't expect that Huangfu Yuyang occupied such an important position in Qin Hao's mind. Su Leyao couldn't help feeling sad. He did so much for her, connived at her caprice and bad temper, and helped her take care of Qin Hao and teach her so well.

She has become his burden and burden, she is really too selfish.

"Sister, what's the matter with you? Why not? Did Qin Hao say something wrong? " Looking at Qin Hao who is more and more sensible and considerate, Su Leyao's eyes are slightly red.

"No, Qin Hao. It's just that we'll live on our own this time and we won't let my brother-in-law know. " The explanation was not clear for a moment, so she had to be perfunctory first.

Qin Hao opened his eyes and asked, "why?"

"My brother-in-law is very busy these days. Let's move back first. Wait until my brother-in-law is busy, OK? Qin Hao, don't you like to be interrupted when you are painting? " Seeing that Qin Hao frowned, Su Leyao asked in another way.

"Well." Qin Hao nodded cleverly.

Su Leyao breathed a sigh of relief: "that's right. My brother-in-law is very busy now. Let's not disturb him. When he's done, he'll come to us. " Qin Hao knew little about the specious truth.

However, he is very happy to be with his sister.

With Qin Hao's consent, the two brothers and sisters sneak out of the castle when they are not noticed. Pick up the phone, Su Leyao hesitated for a long time, just press Xiang Ling's phone.

There is no car in a few miles around the castle. The goal is too big to attract people's attention. Once it's discovered, there's a lot to explain. She didn't dare to call angel, because she was her only friend. Huangfu Yuyang would find her.

Thinking about it, only Xiang Ling can help her, and she needs to borrow Xiang Ling's identity to open a hotel and stay temporarily. If you use her or Qin Hao's ID card, it will be found soon.

After receiving her call, Xiang Ling said nothing and agreed directly. Sitting in Xiang Ling's car and looking at the towering Castle farther and farther away, Su Leyao has mixed feelings.

Every time she came, she was not very willing. Now I'm going to leave completely, but I can't give up. Man is such a strange and sentimental creature, too emotional.

But it's because you have a lot of emotions that you can tell animals apart, isn't it?

Su Leyao is very grateful for Xiang Ling's thoughtfulness. All the way, he only drives silently, asking nothing.

When I got to the city, I said, "far away, where do I go now?"Su Leyao blushed and coughed twice to hide his embarrassment. She was in a daze all the way, recalling what happened in the castle. Originally, it's not that I don't care, it's the lack of an opportunity to think of it.

"Please take us to the hotel, er, just a normal hotel." She doesn't have a lot of savings, and the cost of comics will be sent once every three months. This time I'm in a hurry. I'll prepare everything. I'd better save some money.

Xiang Ling didn't speak any more and stepped on the accelerator. The car drove about half an hour into a villa area and stopped in front of a villa. The two-and-a-half-story small western style building is blue and white with simple colors and good taste.

There are two huge pines and cypresses in front of the villa. The dense branches and leaves spread out like fans, becoming natural umbrellas.

Xiang Ling took the lead to get out of the car, Su Leyao puzzled: "where is this place?"

"Yaoyao, although I don't know what happened to you, I will come out of Shengtian Aoyu in a hurry. Since you don't want to go back to your apartment, it's very inconvenient for a girl to stay in a hotel with her brother. This is a villa I bought. No one lives in it. Only my sister will live here for a day or two on a whim. You live here first Eyes like ice water, words warm heart.

For his thoughtfulness and thoughtfulness, Su Leyao is grateful and guilty. He really doesn't know what to say.

However, she ran away from Huangfu Yuyang's apartment and lived in Xiang Ling's villa. What's the matter? She wants to get rid of the relationship with Huangfu Yuyang, that's right. But she didn't want to hurt Xiang Ling, and she didn't want to be misunderstood.

She really liked Xiang Ling, and the regret of not expressing herself was always in her heart, which became a bright red regret. Because of this, she can't live in Xiang Ling's villa in this special period.

"Thank you for your kindness, Xiang Ling. I know you are all for my good, but I have my own consideration. It's really inconvenient to stay here. You'd better take me to the hotel, OK There is a cry in the beautiful eyes.

In the face of Su Leyao's stubbornness, Xiang Ling does not agree. No matter how high-end hotels are, there are security risks. Besides, she has a beautiful but not smart brother beside her.

When did she have this brother? Do you recognize it? As far as he knows, aunt Su has only one child, Su Leyao.

However, he could see that she took good care of the younger brother and was very nervous: "Yao Yao, you don't have to worry too much. If there are any problems, I will take care of them. Otherwise, you move to my sister's house, but she makes some weird coffee every day. You have to make sure that your stomach can stand it, and that he is bound to be one of the tasters. " Ice eyes fall on Qin Hao.

Xiang Ling's eyes made Qin Hao feel uncomfortable. He pulled Su Leyao's clothes and said in a low voice, "sister, where are we going? Who is he? When can my brother-in-law finish his work? "

Su Leyao was stunned and quickly introduced Qin Hao: "this is Xiang Ling. You can call him brother Xiang. He is my sister's good friend. You can't be rude to people. "

Timid looked at Xiang Ling one eye, Qin Hao uneasily "Oh" sound.

"Qin Hao, call people." It seems that the first impression between people is very important. Qin Hao was not afraid of life when he saw Huangfu Yuyang for the first time.

After looking at Su Leyao and Xiang Ling, Qin Hao cleverly exclaimed, "how are you, brother Xiang?"

"Hello, your name is Qin Hao, isn't it? Let me know what you need in the future. Don't be too stiff. " Although he would like to show that he likes Qin Hao and would like to be friends with him.

But his age makes it easy for him to get in touch with his so-called younger brothers. There are thorns in his heart. No matter how hard he endured, he still suffered. The pain is reflected in his words.

Qin Hao stepped back and hid behind Su Leyao as if he were afraid of strangers.

Qin Hao's action was unexpected to Su Leyao, so he could only embarrassedly say to Xiang Ling: "Qin Hao has suffered from autism just like you, but he was born, and the situation is more serious. He has made great progress in the past few months. He was not very willing to communicate with people before

Xiang Ling took a deep look at Qin Hao and said to Su Leyao, "in that case, you should live here. Qin Hao's situation is not suitable for public places like hotels. He is very sensitive and vulnerable. Sometimes an unintentional word from an outsider will do great harm to him, which is beyond our imagination. What's more, although I didn't get into medical school, I still know some medical knowledge because of my childhood's influence and the needs of group management. I also know a lot of authorities in this field. I can let them help Qin Hao to have a look. Although there is no specific medicine for autism now, we can go through some training to tap their strengths. They are much smarter than we think

It is undeniable that Xiang Ling has touched her. But she didn't feel comfortable living in the villa he provided.