Chapter 182

After struggling for a while, Su Leyao is finally convinced by Xiang Ling. Indeed, Qin Hao's situation is special, and now he is in the stage of curiosity about everything. If there is an accident, what can she do?

Xiang Ling's villa is as simple and clean as its appearance. Just, too neat, just like the model house, no popularity.

"Yao Yao, you should have a rest first. There are special hourly workers here to clean regularly, but no food is prepared. What would you like for lunch? I'll buy it. " High grade villa area, every family has a car and a driver.

Su Leyao can't drive or cook. He has to prepare some necessities for them.

"Whatever. Don't be so troublesome." Su Leyao finally thought of the people's livelihood. Ah, she should work hard to learn how to cook. Otherwise, you will starve to death one day.

It doesn't matter to starve yourself. It's absolutely impossible to starve Qin Hao.

"Take a rest first, and I'll be back." Xiang Ling grabs the key and leaves.

Waiting for the car to start, Qin Hao timidly asked: "sister, we live in other people's house, brother-in-law will not be happy?"

Su Leyao was stunned. Qin Hao's progress was beyond her imagination. He has learned how to be worldly and how to take care of other people's emotions and feelings.

"No. Brother Xiang is a good friend of my sister. When we met, I didn't know your brother-in-law. Qin Hao, are you tired? Shall we go upstairs and have a look at the room? " Afraid of Qin Hao's inquiry, Su Leyao quickly diverts his attention.

Su Leyao pulls Qin Hao upstairs. There are only two rooms upstairs. One is blue and white, and the other is weird crimson. As soon as you go in, you feel very depressed. Even the lights and curtains are crimson.

She really doubted whether a group of blood sucking bats would suddenly fly out in the middle of the night and gnaw her to the bone. What's more, there's a huge cow's skull on the wall.

The white bones make the room more gloomy. Two ox eyes stare at people, as if they would run from the wall next second and fly her with sharp ox horns.

Su Leyao couldn't help screaming. Qin Hao hugged her: "sister, don't be afraid. Qin Hao will protect you."

After the panic, Su Leyao feels very guilty. It's time for her to protect Qin Hao. How can she be so timid and so free? No, Qin Hao has only her. She has to be like a woman, rushing to the front of everything to protect him from the wind and rain.

"I'm sorry, Qin Hao. Did your sister scare you?" After they leave the room, Su Leyao looks up at Qin Hao's expression.

There was not much emotion in his calm face, nor the fear she was worried about. Once again, I marveled at Qin Hao's progress. It turned out that unconsciously, he had become so good that it was beyond her imagination.

And all this is due to Huangfu Yuyang. Without him, there would be no Qin Hao now. Thinking of Huangfu Yuyang, her heart sank. Is she heartless and heartless?

He did not hesitate to fight against huangfusheng for her, but she could not stand beside him. She could only run away with her tail between her legs.

"My brother-in-law said that Qin Hao is a man and should shoulder the responsibility of protecting his family. Qin Hao used to be protected by his elder sister. Now that Qin Hao has grown up, he should protect his elder sister. " Although the words are still childish, they are very touching.

"Thank you, Qin Hao." Su Leyao buries her face in his chest. Her Qin Hao has finally grown up to be a man who can protect her. splendid.

"Sister, you don't have to say thank you to me. You used to take care of me. Now I'll take care of you. Qin Hao is a man. Qin Hao is not afraid of ghosts. His sister lives in that room, and Qin Hao lives in this one. " Clear eyes a little more confident.

"Let's go down first." Su Leyao doesn't want to talk about it for the time being. It's strange that he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night in such a room. She doesn't live, and she won't let Qin Hao live.

She and Qin Hao are related by blood, even if they live in the same room. No, she sleeps on the sofa.

At this time, the mobile phone rings suddenly, which is the number of Huangfu Yuyang. Su Leyao's heart is aching and tangled. I don't know if I should take it? After hesitation, press the answer button when the bell is about to end.

Before her voice rang out, Huangfu Yuyang asked anxiously, "Yaoyao, where have you been?"

Take a deep breath: "Huangfu Yuyang, should I ask you this? Hey, where have you been? Why did you make a statement like that? Do you want to destroy the QK group yourself? Ruined the life of your father and grandfather? "

Suddenly, there was no sound on the other end of the phone. After a while, Huangfu Yuyang said, "Yaoyao, tell me where you are. I'll go to find you."

"No, Huangfu Yuyang, you don't have to come to me, and I won't go to see you." Su Leyao's words hurt Huangfu Yuyang's heart and made him sweat.

"Yao Yao, I don't know what grandfather said to you? It's not what you think, and it's none of your business. Even if you leave, it won't help. " There are impulsive elements in making such a decision.

But this is a decision he has considered for a long time. His father has sacrificed his life for the family, and he will not repeat their mistakes. Life is short, why live for fame and fortune?Enough money is good, left QK, he can live well, and have enough ability to give him love happiness. He believes that Su Leyao is not a money worshiper, she has no material requirements.

She is a person who attaches great importance to love and righteousness, otherwise, she would not take care of Qin Hao alone. And, before making any decision, think about him first and take him as the center.

"Huangfu Yuyang, you are too self righteous. You knew from the beginning that I didn't want to marry you. You threatened me with Qin Hao. Now it's not what it used to be. I don't have to be threatened and manipulated by you any more. Also, you can do whatever you want. I don't care, and I don't want to. But please don't play with me, OK? I can't afford and don't want to play the game of you rich people. That's it. Goodbye Then he hung up the phone.

Words exhausted all her strength, back against the door, slowly sliding down. Suddenly very tired, tired just want to close your eyes, so deep sleep. So desperate to sleep forever.

There was hot liquid on her face. She looked up and wiped it suspiciously, only to find that she was in tears. Is that kind of unstoppable flow, as if to all of a sudden.

But her heart is empty, and her brain is empty. She doesn't know why she cried?

Su Leyao is to avoid Qin Hao to answer the phone, see she has not appeared, strange place makes Qin Hao heart uneasy. So he looked around. Finally in the kitchen door found sitting on the ground, tears flow more than her.

Never seen Su Leyao cry like this, Qin Hao's face turned white. Squatting down, he asked: "sister, sister, who bullied you? You tell Qin Hao, Qin Hao will help you to beat him. "

Sometimes she is more afraid of comfort and concern when she is vulnerable. A word of concern will become the last straw to crush her strength. Forced to suppress the tears and surging panic.

Su Leyao tried very hard to stop the tears, but the tears were like the floodwater that opened the gate, which could not be closed. She still couldn't pull the switch with all her strength, so she could only squeeze out a smile.

This kind of crying and laughing is more frightening than crying.

Qin Hao was so anxious that he was at a loss. His sword eyebrows were frowning. He was about to cry: "sister, don't cry, OK? Tell Qin Hao that he will protect his sister. "

Stretching out a slender jade hand to caress Qin Hao's anxious face, Su Leyao finally finds his own voice: "sorry, Qin Hao, you are worried. Sister is OK, just, just saw a news very touched, temporarily can't control mood

"Really?" Qin Hao's face is full of doubts. What kind of news can make people cry like this? "Show Qin Hao."

Su Leyao was stunned. Unexpectedly, Qin Hao had the ability to distinguish the true from the false. It was she who had been neglecting his growth and change. It was Huangfu Yuyang who taught him so well.

"Qin Hao knows a lot of words?" She was even more ashamed when she asked. In the past two months, she has paid too little attention to Qin Hao. She is immersed in her own emotional entanglement and ignores Qin Hao too much.

Qin Hao scratched his head sheepishly: "I can understand the general news and books. My brother-in-law said that I had learned basic courses in junior high school, and I would like to ask other teachers to teach me high school courses. My brother-in-law said that I am not too old now. If I study well, I can take part in the college entrance examination next year. So I can have a lot of classmates and friends to play together

Huangfu Yuyang taught Qin Hao so well, but she was a sister and knew nothing about it. He was always satisfied when he made progress. It turned out that he thought so much about Qin Hao and was so considerate.

"I'm sorry, Qin Hao. My sister has ignored you so much these days. My sister will pay more attention to you in the future. " With his head down and his mobile phone in his hand, we can imagine how anxious Huangfu Yuyang was at this moment.

He did not hesitate to turn against his family for himself. He disobeyed Huang Fu Sheng's orders again and again for her. He helped her take care of Qin Hao, so that she had no worries, so he went to pursue the life he wanted.

Since we met, she has been complaining about his black belly and threatening her humbly. But he didn't do anything to hurt her. Instead, he maintained, tolerated and pampered her everywhere.

Now, in order to fight against the power of huangfusheng, he issued such a resignation statement. He did not give himself a way back, but she still could not accept his feelings, and even hid to make him worry.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that I owe too much to Huangfu Yuyang. It's just that she knows too much about her family and the value of blood. She really didn't want him to go for her and break up the family. One day he would regret it.

She can't and doesn't want to be the culprit.