Chapter 183

Qin Hao pulled Su Leyao from the ground and said, "sister, you have paid too much for me. How can I blame you? I was not sensible before, and I will be like what my brother-in-law said in the future. To be an upright, brave, strong and responsible man, to share his sister's worries and relieve her labor, and no longer to be a burden for her. "

After listening to Qin Hao, Su Leyao's tears almost burst into a river. God, how much did she ignore Qin hao? How much did Huangfu Yuyang do for their sister and brother?

Seeing that Su Leyao's eyes were red again, Qin Hao began to worry: "sister, sister, don't cry. Did Qin Hao say something wrong? Please forgive me for once

Su Leyao hugged Qin Hao, so excited that his voice became a weeping voice: "no, Qin Hao, you are not wrong. You are too good and sensible. Sister is so happy, so happy, so happy. If Mom sees you like this, she will be very happy

"Sister, where's my father? Other children have dads. Why don't I? " It is expected that Qin Hao will ask such a question one day. Su Leyao is unprepared and at a loss.

In fact, Qin Hao should have asked such a question more than ten years ago. It's just that he was born unsound and flawed, so he was so late.

I thought he would not ask, but I didn't expect this day to come. She was happy and frightened.

She didn't know how single mothers would answer this question? How can a half sister answer such a question?

Su Leyao didn't reply. Qin Hao nervously tensed again: "sister, is Dad an alien? When he came to visit the earth, he left me behind and left by himself? "

This kind of imagination made Su Leyao funny, and suddenly he had an inspiration: "Qin Hao, dad is not an alien, he is a scientist. In order that human beings can move to other planets in the future, he went there first to experience. Qin Hao, you don't have to care about other people's opinions. You just need to know that dad is a great man, his work is great, for the benefit of all mankind. "

Su Leyao, who is not good at lying, is sweating hard. With Qin Hao's recovery of intelligence, she doesn't know how long such a ridiculous lie can last? But at the moment, she really can't think of a better way to say it.

Qin Hao's dim eyes suddenly lit up, grabbed Su Leyao's hand and said, "sister, really? Dad turned out to be a superhero. "

"Well, yes. Qin Hao, you believe in your sister. She won't hurt you. " Qin Hao, I'm sorry, my sister lied to you.

Xiang Ling came back with big and small bags, followed by a middle-aged woman. Seeing Su Leyao's sister and brother, he introduced them: "this is Auntie Wang. She's the baby sitter I hired from the housekeeping company. She takes care of your daily life and has three meals a day."

The middle-aged woman quickly bowed to Su Leyao and Qin Hao: "Hello, miss, Hello, young master."

"Don't be so polite, Auntie Wang. You think it's better to call me le Yao and Qin Hao." She didn't mean to be a lady. It's awkward. In the past, there was no way in Huangfu's family. The rules of the big family.

What's more, jobs, whether expensive or poor, depend on labor to make money. Auntie Wang doesn't need to call them so respectfully, not to mention that they are now dependent on others.

"How can that be?" Aunt Wang looks very honest and shy.

"It's more customary to call names directly. Aunt Wang, thank you for taking care of us. I'll trouble you later. " Su Leyao said it sincerely.

Seeing that Aunt Wang had to refuse, Xiang Ling stopped her: "just do what Yaoyao said."

"Yes, sir." Auntie Wang is respectful to Xiang Ling, a little more afraid. It's not the respect for customers, but Xiang Ling's indifference.

"Yao Yao, Qin Hao, I've bought you some necessities for life. What else do you lack? I'll buy it again. " Xiang Ling will be as warm as jade only when she is in Su Leyao's eyes.

Looking at the big and small bags on the ground, Su Leyao squatted down to check. There were toothpaste, toothbrush, towel, various washing supplies, and even clothes, shoes and socks, including cosmetics. There is another thing that makes Su Leyao embarrassed, embarrassed and moved - sanitary napkins.

Xiang Ling seems indifferent and not easy to get close to, but in fact he is more careful, considerate and considerate than anyone else. She came empty handed and he had everything ready for her. It's more complete than buying it herself.

More importantly, he not only bought her, but also Qin Hao's. He met Qin Hao for the first time today. He should have no impression on him, but he prepared so much for him.

How can she not be moved?

"Xiang Ling, why did you buy so much?" She doesn't plan to live here long, so some things are really wasted. She has already owed a man's favor, and she doesn't want to owe another one.

Xiang Ling, who has been wearing a cold and frosty mask all the time, is a little more uncomfortable: "I don't know what brand you like, so I bought more."

Knowing that Xiang Ling misunderstood her, Su Leyao opened his mouth to explain, and finally chose to close it. Since all the things have been bought back, he will definitely not return them.Then, these polite remarks will be very affectable. This human relationship is doomed to be owed, or later to pay it slowly.

"Thank you." Although these two words are superficial and vulgar, they are the most accurate words to express her mind at this time.

Xiang Ling turned around and told Aunt Wang: "you go to cook first. These things will be cleaned up later. Both Le Yao and Qin Hao are hungry. "

"Yes, sir." Aunt Wang answered, mentioned the food she bought from the supermarket and went into the kitchen.

Su Leyao is packing up his things, classifying them and going upstairs. Qin Hao also came to help: "sister, give it to me, I have strength."

"Well." Finally realized that Qin Hao had grown up and knew how to think for others. Su Leyao thinks that he should get along with him in a different way and can't spoil him like a child any more.

Xiang Ling took the bag and said, "I'll do it. Qin Hao, I bought some cakes and snacks. If you're hungry, you'll have to eat. However, do not eat too much, or to focus on staple food

"Thank you, brother Xiang. I'm not hungry yet. I'll carry these up. I live in that red room, and my sister will be afraid. " Qin Hao has no intention, but Xiang Ling frowns.

"What red room?"

Su Leyao said: "nothing. I just took Qin Hao upstairs to see the room. The room style of this villa is very chic. "

Xiang cou was even more puzzled. He quickly went upstairs with long hands and legs. As soon as I opened the strange dark red room, I could not help frowning into a "Sichuan" character.

He knew that Xiang Lingling was different from other girls and didn't like those romantic and dreamy things. On the contrary, I like those weird and gloomy things. There was a time when she fell in love with witchcraft. She went to miaojiang and India and worshipped a wizard.

He was used to her strange hobby. But he didn't expect her to decorate the room like this. If you stay for too long in this strong and strange and gloomy tone, you will be very depressed, and you may even get depression.

"I'll get someone to paint it right away." Xiang Ling said and took out her cell phone.

"No, really. We're just staying for a while. We've caused you a lot of trouble. Xiang Ling, there's really no need to reload. I didn't get used to it at first, but now it's quite special. " Su Leyao stood in the middle of the room and turned around, suddenly facing the gloomy ox skull, almost didn't scream out.

Fortunately, the color of the room was dim, which made her pale.

Xiang Ling pulled her out: "this is Xiang Lingling's room. She likes the things that God is holding."

"Since it's sister Lingling's room, it shouldn't be destroyed. Well, Xiang Ling, I admit I can't get used to it all at once. But I'll get used to it. I'll sleep on the sofa in Qin Hao's room. It doesn't matter. You know, I'm not a spoiled young lady. I can eat all kinds of hardships. What's more, it's so much better than where I used to live. Besides, other places are normal except this room. " Su Leyao tried to persuade Xiang Ling to give up the idea of reloading the room.

Well, she's a big problem. It has given him so much trouble that I really don't want him to work hard for himself.

"All right. There's a small room downstairs, if you don't mind. You can live there. " Although Qin Hao's intelligence is not like ordinary people, they are not brothers and sisters after all. How can they share a room?

"Well, yes, I don't mind." Xiang Ling no longer insists on reloading. Su Leyao takes a long breath of relief and nods like a pound of garlic.

"Elder sister, elder brother Xiang, Aunt Wang said, you can have dinner." Qin Hao came up and called them to have dinner.

Su Leyao took the lead to go downstairs: "Xiang Ling, you must be hungry after a busy morning?"

Aunt Wang, who came here temporarily, is not particularly delicious in cooking. Even the same dish of vegetables, there are one or two not cooked. Su Leyao was surprised to find that he was fed by Huangfu Yuyang. How could he find out so many problems?

She used to be very casual, often associated with instant noodles, she is basically in the stage of food as long as she can eat enough.

Shengtian Aoyu has too many top chefs. The food they make is delicious and nutritious. What's more, it's different from those sold in restaurants outside. However, it may be because the food is also very expensive.

Su Leyao ate some unripe rice again, vomited it out quietly and wrapped it in napkin. This just fell into Xiang Ling's eyes. She laughed awkwardly: "I don't have much appetite today. I'll go to pack up first. Qin Hao, you have to eat well. You can't waste food, you know? "

Qin Hao raised his head and looked at her strangely, as if to say: who is wasting food? How can you be lenient and strict with others if you don't treat yourself as a person?