Chapter 220

The ointment that exudes the smell of Chinese herbal medicine does have some tingling pain just applied, but it is within the tolerable range. About half a minute later, the pain gradually subsided, the hot feeling gradually disappeared, a comfortable cold spread in the cheek.

Su Leyao said in surprise, "it's really much better. Thank you, Xiang Ling."

Put the ointment into the medicine box, Xiang Ling sat down beside her, a piece of guilt in her eyes: "you don't have to thank me, everything is because of me, you hurt you so much."

In order to avoid continuing this awkward and tangled topic, Su Leyao stood up, looked around, and pretended to be frank and said, "OK, let's not be so polite. I'm so hungry. Is there anything to eat here? "

See the next time has been more than nine in the evening, Xiang Ling slightly frown: "you haven't had dinner?"

It seems that he can't wait to answer Xiang Ling's question. Before Su Leyao opens his mouth, he first makes a sound of "gululu".

No matter how cheeky she is, she still feels embarrassed and humiliated to make such a sound at this time. Xiang Ling seems not to find her embarrassment, grabbing the car key in one hand and holding her hand in the other: "there's no food here, let's go out to eat."

Su Leyao stood still. Xiang Ling turned around and asked, "what's the matter?"

He pointed to his red and swollen cheek: "I'll be treated as a joke when I go out like this."

After she mentioned it, Xiang Ling realized that she was not considerate: "then sit here first, and I'll buy it."

"Good." Su Leyao has no doubt about this and nods his head cleverly.

Su Leyao, who hasn't been home for a night, is pulled into the room by angel as soon as she returns to her home and asks, "Yao Yao, are you ok?" Up and down looked at her, as if to open her clothes to see a few less hair on the body?

Knowing that angel cared about herself, Su Leyao moved forward and hugged her: "I'm ok. You see, I'm back in good condition." Xiang Ling's family's ancestral ointment is really effective. She can't believe it when she gets up in the morning and sees that her face has returned to normal.

I'm afraid to ask again, which makes her sad. Angel no longer asked: "by the way, it's autumn and the weather is getting cold. I want to buy some clothes for Qin Hao. Will you come with me?"

In fact, her main purpose is to take Su Leyao out for relaxation. Women are born shopaholics, and nothing is easier to forget than shopping.

"Well, I feel Qin Hao has grown taller recently. It's time to buy some new clothes for him." She is very casual and doesn't care much about Qin Hao's image.

But now it's different. His intelligence is slowly recovering, and he's so good-looking. If you dress up well, it's not inferior to the little fresh meat that is popular nowadays.

"Otherwise, let's take Qin Hao with us." Angel's eyes brightened and suggested.

Su Leyao thought for a moment and nodded: "it's OK. You have to try on the clothes to see if they look good. After all, I haven't really taken Qin Hao to the streets. " She felt even more guilty when she thought about it.

Say what to take good care of him, but even the minimum company can not do.

After breakfast, Su Leyao and angel take Qin Hao to the shopping mall in the center of the city. Along the way, Qin Hao's beauty and special temperament captured the hearts of many young girls in Huaichun. Some brave girls even came forward to ask him for a phone number, which made Qin Hao at a loss.

Angel praised Qin Hao's extraordinary charm, while Su Leyao was both sad and happy. Happily, Qin Hao has grown up and become a handsome young man loved by girls. Sad is, if let those girls know that he is mentally deficient, will he have a good feeling?

Three stroll, angel this shopping maniac at once helped Qin Hao buy more than ten sets of clothes. Su Leyao was stunned, but no matter how she stopped it, it was useless.

However, she must admit that angel's eyes are good. Every suit she chooses looks very good on Qin Hao. No, it should be said that Qin Hao is a natural clothes hanger. Everything looks good.

Moreover, his temperament is very unique and will change with the style and characteristics of the clothes. It's like a professional model, a man, a shirt, a man, a perfect combination of the two.

When trying on the clothes, the store managers of several well-known international brands asked Qin Hao to take some pictures and be models for them. He also said that he would send the photos back to the headquarters and strongly recommend Qin Hao to be their company's special model.

You should know that international brands like this hire international famous models as models. Qin Hao is just an ordinary person. It's incredible to get such an opportunity.

But Su Leyao refused without hesitation. If Qin Hao was a normal child, she would respect all his choices. However, he still has defects, and she has to protect him.

Su Leyao's refusal obviously surprised the store manager, but he still left them a business card, saying that they were welcome to come back to him at any time.

After a morning's stroll, Su Leyao is almost exhausted. Angel is still full of interest. Is that the difference between ordinary people and shopaholics?

"Sister angel, Qin Hao is tired. Let's find a place to have a rest." Carrying a big bag, he is still very handsome.Su Leyao echoed: "I'm tired, too."

Looking at the beautiful denim skirt in the kitchen window, angel took a lot of effort to look back: "all right."

Qin Hao winks at Su Leyao. Su Leyao understands, nods and quietly thumbs up to praise her.

Three people go to a private restaurant on the first floor to have lunch. Qin Hao gets up and goes to the toilet. Because he has made a lot of progress now, he can take care of his basic life by himself.

Su Leyao originally wanted to wait for him at the door of the men's toilet, but everyone looked at her with monster eyes. Qin Hao was very sensible and repeatedly assured that she would be OK, so she went back to her seat.

I didn't expect that shopping was such a tiring thing. Su Leyao took up the lemonade, drank half a cup of it, and talked with angel about some things that were not there. About ten minutes later, Qin Hao hasn't come out yet.

She wants to wait. Maybe he's in the big size.

Twenty minutes later, he hasn't come out yet. Su Leyao got up and asked the waiter to help him go in and have a look. The waiter came out and said that there was no one inside.

Su Leyao and angel jump up at the same time. Regardless of the difference between men and women, they rush in at the same time. The doors were opened one by one, and no one was there.

Su Leyao was in a cold sweat. She watched Qin Hao go in. What's more, her eyes never left. She didn't see Qin Hao come out. How could she disappear?

Suddenly, I think of Qin Hao's inexplicable disappearance and appearance in the Haohai building of Shengtian Aoyu, and I'm in a panic. Who is it? Who's making a mystery?

Qin Hao is her younger brother, an ordinary boy with intellectual problems. He is not a noble child and has no value to be used.

She is a poor girl who can't afford the high ransom. Who will kidnap him?

Su Leyao is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. A big living person disappeared in his shop, and the store manager also attached great importance to it. He called out the surveillance video. Strangely, after the three of them came in, there was something wrong with the monitor.

In other words, there was a video of the three of them entering the store together, but there was no video of Qin Hao going out. This situation is similar to that in Shengtian Aoyu. Su Leyao grabs her hair and is very upset.

Last time, Qin Hao disappeared in the heavily guarded Shengtian Aoyu, leaving no trace. So far, even Huangfu Yuyang has not found out who it is? Well, this time, did the same group do it.

What's their purpose in capturing Qin Hao again and again?

During these days with Qin Hao, angel has also established a deep relationship with him. Although Qin Hao is a child with unsound intelligence, he never makes trouble for others. On the contrary, he is sensible and polite.

Sometimes she admired Su Leyao for teaching Qin Hao so well. If you don't know about him or get along with him for a long time, you will never notice his problems at first sight.

God, how could this happen? This is a public place. Well, a living man went in. How could he disappear?

Due to Qin Hao's sudden disappearance, the store manager attached great importance to it and asked all the staff to stop their work and look for it. But almost turned the restaurant upside down, Qin Hao was still missing.

This is the restaurant in the shopping mall, one by one. Maybe there are other places where Qin Hao is going? Su Leyao told the store manager about this idea. The store manager went to contact the top management of the store and called out the monitoring of each exit.

But strangely, the monitoring of all the exits failed. There was a short blank for five minutes, and then they all returned to normal.

At this moment, Su Leyao is a bolt from the blue. The last time Qin Hao disappeared, Huangfu Yuyang helped her deal with all her problems. She felt that she had walked a circle from the abyss of suffering.

Now she really doesn't know what to do?

Angel is embracing Su Leyao who is worried and remorseful: "Yaoyao, don't worry. There must be a way, or we'll call the police? "

Hearing the word "alarm", Su Leyao instinctively shook his head: "no, no alarm, no alarm."

Suddenly, what huangfusheng told her about Qin Hao's life experience reverberated in his mind. Could it be the ghost of Huangfu? Last time Qin Hao disappeared in Shengtian Aoyu, even Huangfu Yuyang had no clue. Besides the master of Shengtian Aoyu, who has such great ability to take people away in the heavily guarded Shengtian Aoyu? And quietly?

He pushed angel away and hurried out. Startled by her action, angel came up and asked, "Yao Yao, what's the matter with you? Where are you going? "

Su Leyao looked straight ahead without hesitation: "angel, go back first. Maybe Qin Hao will go home first."

Open arms to block her: "where you want to go, I will go!"