Chapter 221

An hour later, Su Leyao and angel stood at the majestic gate of Shengtian Aoyu. The uniformed bodyguards stand as statues in the scorching sun. The long road can't see the end at a glance, making it impossible for people to see the real face of Shengtian Aoyu.

In the past, she was reluctant to come, but today she is not allowed to enter. The gate is about one kilometer away from the main house. Even if she broke her throat here, huangfusheng couldn't hear her clearly.

The statue like bodyguard stood there quietly, guarding the gate like a soldier, dutifully, not letting anyone else get close to her, not to mention informing her.

The scorching sun was shining on her snow like skin, and her heart was like suffering in an oil pan. What can I do to meet Huang Fu Sheng? Except for him, she can't think of anyone who knows Qin Hao's whereabouts.

What's more, he once mentioned Qin Hao's identity. Whether it's true or false, whether it's to force her to leave Huangfu Yuyang, or others, he is her only clue at present.

Angel put one hand on his forehead to block the strong sunlight, and one hand pulled the sleeve of lasouleyao: "Yaoyao, Qin Hao is missing in the shopping mall. What are you doing here? Do you suspect that Huangfu Yuyang has taken him

Su Leyao's face was expressionless and his eyes were fixed on the avenue leading to the main house: "it's not Huangfu Yuyang. I'll find Huangfu Sheng."

Startled, angel exclaimed, "what?" Then, as if afraid of being heard by the bodyguard, he lowered his voice and said, "Yaoyao, are you too worried about your mind? Master Huangfu is highly respected. He won't do such a thing, will he

As if he hadn't heard angel's words, Su Leyao strode to the carved gate, patting and shouting: "huangfusheng, I want to see you, huangfusheng, let me in."

Her crazy behavior stunned angel, and quickly pulled her back: "Yaoyao, are you crazy? How can you call master Huangfu by his name? In the whole e country, in addition to the king, even members of the royal family dare not call him by name. Yao Yao, calm down first. Tell me what you think, OK? Believe me, I'm as worried about Qin Hao's safety as you are. But it's not good to be so impulsive and reckless. It doesn't help, and it will cause trouble for yourself. "

At this moment, Su Leyao's heart only cares about Qin Hao's safety, and no one can listen to him. Not to say that it's Shengtian Aoyu, even if it's the palace of hell, she wants to break through.

Regardless of angel's dissuasion, he patted the door: "huangfusheng, what's the matter? Why do you want to deal with an innocent child. Huangfusheng, you are also a dignified person in e country. I have done what you want. Why hurt Qin hao? Come out, huangfusheng... "

Angel couldn't understand Su Leyao's cry, and he didn't know why she was so disrespectful to huangfusheng. Maybe Su Leyao feels careless and doesn't care about anything. In fact, she is a delicate and careful person.

Every thing she did, she had a measure in advance and thought about the pros and cons. She is not as reckless as she is, but she can't understand Su Leyao today. Is it because I care too much about Qin hao?

To angel's surprise, uncle Zhong came by car and ordered his bodyguards to open the door and let them get into his car.

On the main floor, uncle Zhong asks angel to wait in the living room first, and takes Su Leyao to see huangfusheng.

She has been in this antique room more than once. But this is the heaviest time. I always feel that what Huangfu Sheng knows is about Qin Hao's life experience.

However, subconsciously, she had a bad feeling. As long as you know, you will lose Qin Hao. She can't stand the assumption that Qin Hao is her responsibility, but not a burden.

He is her courage and strength to support, no matter what can't pass. As long as Qin Hao needs her, she won't be knocked down and will bravely carry on.

Huangfusheng is still sitting on the desk chair, dark curtains hanging down, a desk lamp on the desk, which makes him more serious.

Su Leyao took a deep breath and said, "master Huangfu, I've done what you asked. I have also left Shengtian Aoyu and signed the divorce agreement with Huangfu Yuyang. What else do you want? "

In the face of her accusations and questions, Huang Fusheng's expression remained unchanged, and his wise eyes looked at her. All of a sudden, the space was so quiet that Su Leyao's breath was filled with fear.

"If I say I won't tell you anything, do you believe it?" The faint voice can't hear the emotion, I don't know whether it's a shirk or a denial. At this moment, Su Leyao is so confused that he can't hear the implication.

"I don't believe it." Two words of firmness seem to hold solid evidence.

Huangfusheng was not angry: "why?"

Su Leyao supported the edge of the table with both hands and leaned forward to look at huangfusheng. She didn't know what he wanted to do, so she couldn't lose in momentum: "because Qin Hao disappeared in Shengtian Aoyu last time, just like this time, and all the monitoring failed. As you said, the guard of Shengtian Aoyu is second only to the palace. I can't think of a second person in the world who has such ability except you, master Huangfu. "

In her eyes was the conviction for him: "more importantly, you seem to know something about Qin Hao's life experience.""Don't you always think that I made up a lie in order to let you leave Yuyang?" Huangfusheng asked.

No matter how strong Su Leyao is, how can she surpass huangfusheng who has been in power for decades. After a while, he lost his anger and begged: "master Huangfu, I beg you. Please let Qin Hao go. I have done what you asked. What else do you want to do? "

"I do know something about Qin Hao, but I can tell you that his disappearance has nothing to do with me." Huangfusheng seldom has a good temper, showing a kind side.

Su Leyao caught the loophole in his words: "so, do you admit that you did Qin Hao's disappearance last time?"

Her eyes were burning, as if she wanted to pierce Huangfu's brain to see what secrets were in it. But after all, she had too little experience to see anything except his majesty.

"You are very clever, little girl. But there are things you can't control. Let me give you a piece of advice. Don't overdo yourself. I can help you find out about Qin Hao, but I'm not sure I can help you find him. " He always had something to say, saying that three points left seven points.

However, at this moment, Su Leyao has no capital to force him. It's a blessing for her that he's willing to help her. He didn't want to help her. It was his job.

Standing up straight, he bowed deeply to Huangfu Sheng: "thank you, master Huangfu. Thank you for your willingness to inquire about Qin Hao for me. If I have just offended you, I apologize to you. You can punish me whatever you want. Please help Qin Hao. He's just a child. "

"You go back. I'll let ah Zhong inform you if you have any news. There are some things you don't have to teach me. You should know how to do them. " He does everything with a purpose and never helps others in vain.

Su Leyao smiles bitterly. Apart from nodding yes, what else can she say?

Now Qin Hao's life and death are uncertain, and he seems to know something. He has grasped her weakness, pinched her seven inches, can she not follow?

Su Leyao doesn't say a word when she comes back from Shengtian Aoyu. No matter how Angel asks, she seems to be suddenly dumb.

Qin Hao is missing for no reason. Su Leyao goes to huangfusheng like crazy and refuses to tell her anything. Angel is crazy, but Su Leyao is obviously very sad, and she doesn't have the heart to force her.

At this time, Xiang Ling comes to visit. Regardless of Su Leyao's wishes, angel tells him about Qin Hao's disappearance. Of course, she still automatically omitted Su Leyao's visit to huangfusheng.

Xiang Ling frowned into a hill: "how can such a thing happen? Did you call the police? "

Su Leyao, who has been wandering too much, suddenly jumps up: "you can't call the police, absolutely can't call the police."

Angel came up to Su Leyao and put her hands on her shoulders: "Yaoyao, do you know something? If it's not convenient for you to say, I won't force you to tell me. But can you tell me if you have Qin Hao's whereabouts? Since I got along with him, I have taken him as my brother. He disappeared suddenly. I feel as bad as you

Looking into angel's eyes, Su Leyao felt guilty and uneasy: "sorry, angel, it's not that I don't tell you, but the whole thing is too complicated. I don't know who took Qin Hao away."

Seeing this, Xiang Ling pulled them apart and said to angel, "I believe Yaoyao didn't mean to hide from you. Please give her some time. When she clears her mind or has a direction, she will tell you. If you force her like this, it will only increase her burden and make her feel worse. "

Angel nodded understandably: "OK, I'll go to the mall to find out if there is any new progress."

She went to the door, and behind her came Su Leyao's grateful sob: "thank you, angel."

When Huangfu Yuyang learns that Qin Hao is missing, Su Leyao goes to Shengtian Aoyu to find his grandfather, it's already evening. He ordered Liubai to use all his resources and go for it at all costs.

When he ran five red lights and arrived at angel's house, he saw Su Leyao crying on Xiang Ling's shoulder. Xiang Ling hugs her and comforts her in a soft voice, while he stands at the door like a fool, and no one finds his arrival.

Strong pain and anger hit the heart at the same time, black eyes burst into flames, wish to burn Xiang Ling's hand holding Su Leyao with his eyes. He had to exert all his strength to resist the impulse to rush up and punch him.

Because he knows more than anyone what kind of weight Qin Hao occupies in Su Leyao's mind. Now she is very fragile, just like a fragile glass doll. Her heart has been corroded by fear.

He could no longer embarrass her with jealousy.