Chapter 356: (4000) The strength of the army

Name:Secret Dice Author:Haige Lizi
Chapter 356 (4000) The strength of the army

As soon as he heard this name, the high priest knew that his master was making fun of him, and he grimaced.

“I know I was wrong…”

"What's wrong?" Luo Jun crossed his legs and looked at the Tomb King with a sneer.

“I shouldn’t be drunk and have sex, which would embarrass my master.”

Luo Jun sighed: "This is indeed worthy of punishment... But what I really can't figure out is how could you drink too much as a mummy?"

“Speaking of which, I just want to report this to the master!”

The ancient high priest said with a mysterious face: "There is something wrong with the wine sold in that village!"

"Fake wine? Is there industrial alcohol in it?" Luo Jun blinked: "That's not right. Even if there is arsenic in it, you shouldn't be a mummy!"

“That’s not the problem!” Tomb King shook his head: “I suspect that there are ingredients in that wine that directly affect the soul!”

"Directly acting on... the soul?" Luo Jun was a little stunned. This is the world of martial arts. Although the technology of vitality cultivation is relatively popular, 99% of the practitioners are martial arts sects. The abilities involving the soul are simply rare. Even if there are , how could it be controlled in an inconspicuous small mountain village?

“I didn’t really believe it at the time.” The ancient high priest continued: “But when I recalled the feeling after drinking the wine afterwards, it was definitely not a physical discomfort, but more like a mental attack.”

"This is a rare thing..." Luo Jun touched his chin... "Where is the village? If I have a chance, I will experience the wine that affects the soul."

The ancient high priest gave him a detailed description of the location of the village. It was located in a mountain col between Shannan Town and Tongda Town. It was not difficult to find.

Next, at Luo Jun's request, he recounted his experiences during this period in detail.

“I made that kind of bet with Ling Xin. On the one hand, she became insane after drinking, but on the other hand, I can’t stand the fact that she has always looked down on the great master!”

When Ling Xin was mentioned, the high priest became furious: "On the way, this woman looked at me as if she were trash. When she encountered a bandit, she was the first one to rush over to help me block it. It’s a single-plank bridge, but you still need to ask me if you need help to cross it... Even if you encounter a wild dog approaching, you can’t wait to be struck by a golden light... It’s as if you, the master, are a useless person with no ability to protect yourself!”


To be honest, Luo Jun had experienced this before. On the way to Yaowang Valley, Ling Xin took care of him several times, probably because of the friendship between his old classmates.

"Mainly because I'm worried about getting hurt..." He also defended his old classmate.

"Master, you don't have to speak for her." The high priest continued: "I once asked her why she took such special care of me and why she didn't protect others. What do you think she said? She said who called you the weakest you think she doesn't think highly of you, Master?"

“So the bet I made after drinking was the result of the anger I had been holding back all the way, and I vented it out through the power of alcohol!”

After saying this, the high priest curled his lips and looked unbridled.

Luo Jun looked angry and funny. If it were him, he would wish he had such a powerful bodyguard to **** him all the way...

“If you don’t say that wine is the root of trouble, your bet is too hasty.”

"I also know that I was wrong..." The high priest shrank his neck: "It has caused the master to lose face..."

"That's not what I meant..." Luo Jun shook his head: "You made a bet with her. If I lost, I would run around the academy naked. Didn't you mention what to do if she lost?"

The high priest was stunned for a moment, then saw Luo Jun sighing and saying: "Go and find out, how many people would like to see Luo Jun running naked? If it were Ling Xin... tsk tsk tsk..."

Queen Aishelia's face turned slightly red when she heard this, but the high priest beside her suddenly became enlightened: "Master is still thoughtful!"

“You’re so considerate!” The queen made a big push, knocking the high priest to the ground. Then she realized that she had made a mistake, and immediately bowed her head to Luo Jun and apologized: “I am not questioning the master’s judgment...”

"Okay, okay, that's what I said..." Luo Jun waved his hand: "I have a pretty good understanding of the situation. Next, I also want to see what you are capable of...but it's not very convenient here."

With that said, he summoned the two of them back into the crown. After all, their summons had no cooling time. As long as you have energy, you can call them back at any time.

Then, Luo Jun called out the most ordinary soldier, put on a puppet mask on him, and asked him to lie on the bed pretending to be Luo Jun, while the real body quietly came out of the house, and under the moonlight, he almost A leap left Tongda Town.

Arriving deep in the mountains, Luo Jun put on his crown and first summoned an ancient honor guard who he didn't dare to call out in the inn.

Facts have proved that his previous decision was correct.

This honor guard is a half-human, half-crocodile warrior. Compared with the previous fully armed warriors, this honor guard has no armor. He only wears a layer of glittering skirt armor on his lower body. His upper body is basically shirtless, but accordingly, he The skin all over the body is covered with crocodile-like scales, which are hard and tough, and its defense is stronger than ordinary metal armor. Clear muscle lines can be seen on the strong body, and he holds a huge two-handed sword in his hand.

The most exaggerated thing is the size of this monster. Standing together, Luo Jun is only a little higher than his calf. This thing is almost five meters tall. If you lift the crocodile head, it will be close to six meters. The long tail trailing behind him straightened out to a body length of at least seven meters. It was more like a humanoid dinosaur than a crocodile!

Regardless of whether it is a real crocodile or a dinosaur, in front of this monster with thick limbs and a strong torso, they all look much thinner and slender. Looking at the strong physique of this crocodile monster, it is conservatively estimated to weigh four to five tons, which is comparable to the ten-meter level. carnivorous dinosaur

Such a ferocious giant beast standing in front of him holding a huge sword with gleaming cold light, the sense of oppression is overwhelming!

And Luo Jun can summon four of these monsters!

In order to better understand the abilities of the ancient warriors, he also summoned some ordinary soldiers and jackal warriors.

After a round of simple tests, the lowest level ancient soldier had very strong muscles, but his bones were not much stronger than ordinary people. However, judging from his combat performance, he was obviously a battlefield veteran who had been trained for a long time and was proficient in fighting techniques. Coupled with sophisticated equipment, the strength is indeed much stronger than the previous undead soldiers. If there are only three or five such warriors, they may not be able to make any waves, but if the number increases, they are also a force that cannot be underestimated.

As for the Jackal warriors, in addition to being taller and taller than ordinary people, their bones are also significantly higher than ordinary people. They can move more flexibly than ordinary soldiers. They can even feel the fluctuations of vitality in their bodies. They seem to have some cultivation in the solid state. Coupled with the black hair on their body, the steel teeth in their mouths, and the sharp claws on their hands, they also have more diverse attack methods.

As for the honor guard in the form of a crocodile, it seems that he has been blessed by the gods. After experiments, Luo Jun came to the conclusion that this guy is not only huge and strong, but once he enters combat mode, he will also be surrounded by a lightning storm. Not only can he withstand attacks, but he can also It can accelerate itself. Although it looks like a crocodile, it sprints like a mad dog and has a high desire to fight.

This kind of special effect is not available in the first two arms.

Good guy, these three types of units alone can already form an invincible army in the cold weapon era! The honor guards here, relying on their strong physique and the power blessed by the gods, can be called terrifying monsters in the technological age. Their scale armor alone is enough to defend against small-caliber firearms. If Lightning Storm is activated, it is basically impossible to break through the defense without using heavy firepower. After seeing the performance of these soldiers, Luo Jun sighed in his heart, this level of legend is different, much better than the previous urn.

Subsequently, he released the high priest and the ancient queen again with great expectation.

"Come on, it's time for you to show off." Luo Jun pointed to the group of ten ordinary soldiers he had summoned before, a Jackal warrior and an honor guard, and said with a smile: "What are before you, respectively?" We are opponents at the 20, 50, and 100 levels. Can you two players at the 500 and 1,000 levels perform to my satisfaction?"

The high priest looked at the soldiers opposite, smiled and said: "My master has seen my previous abilities, but now, after taking off my undead identity, my strength has also changed."

“I wonder how many ordinary soldiers the master can summon?”

"How much?" Luo Jun was stunned: "What do you want to do? Use soldiers to demonstrate magic?"

The high priest smiled confidently: "If I use brute force, I will definitely not be as good as the tall honor guard, but my specialty is magic. On the battlefield, it is too inefficient to eliminate soldiers one by one. I can use all my strength in an instant. A spell that affects the situation of the battle!"

"Hey, you can change the situation of the battle in an instant? That's amazing!" Luo Jun touched his chin and thought that a soldier only consumes ten breaths now. With his current strength, it shouldn't be a problem to summon fifty thousand soldiers.

Thinking of this, he stretched out five fingers.

“Five hundred?” The high priest nodded confidently: “Let’s go ahead and summon them.”

Luo Jun shook his head: "No, it's fifty thousand..."

"Fifty thousand..." The high priest staggered as he choked. He estimated the range and mana consumption of his magic and thought about killing fifty thousand...

“As expected of a great master, it’s completely beyond my expectation. There’s no need for so much. Let me give you five hundred thoughts first…”

Luo Jun nodded, his energy poured into his headband, a ray of light flashed, and soon, five hundred soldiers lined up on the hillside.

“Come on, master, please order them to attack me!”

Luo Jun waved his hand, and the soldiers immediately raised their weapons and charged towards the high priest.

Although according to the setting, the high priest is the superior leader of these warriors, Luo Jun, as the owner of the ring, has absolute orders. These guys did not hesitate to choose to defeat the superiors!

Facing the charging soldiers, the high priest smiled slightly, waved his staff in his hand, and a ray of light shot straight into the sky. Then, the night sky nearby became covered with dark clouds, and thunder flashed. Then, several bolts of lightning fell from the sky, hitting the nearest one. Several soldiers!

The soldier was killed on the spot, and the lightning energy was very powerful. Because the soldier's weapons and metal armor also triggered a chain reaction, several soldiers around him were also sent away, and dozens of people fell immediately. Turn into light and annihilate.

The remaining soldiers were also very smart. Seeing what happened to their companions in front, they immediately dispersed and surrounded them in a loose formation. The archers in the rear row also drew their bows and fired arrows, trying to attack from a distance.

Facing the opponent who changed his tactics, the high priest did not panic at all. He raised his hand and created a wind field. While blowing down the arrows, he also blocked the surrounding soldiers within five meters of him. Then he waved his hand and a blast of fire spread out. Under the influence of the wind field, the fire suddenly surged and engulfed nearby soldiers.

At this point, less than half of the 500-person team is left. At the same time, the lightning in the sky is not idle, and is still calling names at a rate of several seconds.

This was not over yet. The high priest's staff struck the ground, and a khaki wave spread out. Then the feet of the remaining soldiers became a swamp. Their feet were stuck in the mud and they could not be pulled out no matter what. The more they struggled, the more they struggled. , sinking deeper and deeper.

The soldiers who realized this immediately stayed still and tried to save themselves, but then, a wave of light blue swept across, and water elements emerged from the mud, climbing directly onto their bodies and covering their entire heads, making them They suffocate.

From the beginning to the end, the high priest did not even move anywhere and took care of a well-trained ancient army of 500 people. And judging by his appearance, he is obviously very comfortable, and he should be able to handle the number of people doubled.

"Not bad!" Luo Jun nodded: "From the previous necromancy spell, I became an elemental magician. This level is not much better than the ordinary mind-condensing elemental sect... What about those previous spells? They can still be used. "?"

The high priest smiled and said: "Spells with death attributes will definitely no longer be used, but some non-necromancy spells are still inherited, such as invisibility and barrier spells, which can still be used."

"That's good." Among other things, invisibility is really convenient and Luo Jun has plenty of combat power. This kind of functional spell is what he needs.

"Um...Master..." Seeing that Luo Jun was in a good mood, the high priest said a little nervously: "Well, since you are satisfied with my methods, can you consider changing my name?"

Luo Jun was slightly startled when he heard this, then smiled and said, "What is your real name?"

As soon as he mentioned his original name, the high priest suddenly became excited: "I am the fourth emperor of the post-Amgira era, Emperor Alontan, known as the Conqueror King!"

"Alontan..." Luo Jun nodded: "In the ancient Pyramid language, it seems to mean hard and strong... It is a good name, so you can continue to use it."

When the high priest heard this, he was overjoyed and fell to his knees: "Thank you, master, for restoring my real name."

"No need to be polite." Luo Jun waved his hand and glanced at the ancient queen Aishilia next to him: "Next, my demigod queen, let me see what you are capable of."

“Me?” Aishelia smiled: “I’d also like to trouble my great master to summon some opponents for me.”

Luo Jun nodded: "Tell me, how many soldiers do you want?"

Ashlia shook her head: "I only want four...but I don't want soldiers."

As he spoke, he pointed at the huge crocodile-like guards standing not far away, like iron towers: "Four of these guys!"

(End of this chapter)