Chapter 357: (4200) The sky is high and birds can fly

Name:Secret Dice Author:Haige Lizi
Chapter 357 (4200) The sky is high and the birds can fly

Want to use the Honor Guard as your opponent?

Honestly, this surprised Luo Jun. Among all the soldiers this time, the honor guard was the most improved. Although the previous legion commander was also a monster that was larger than ordinary people, he was only over three meters tall and had no special powers except brute strength. This Honor Guard has not only increased in size several times, but also possesses the storm ability blessed by the gods. It is simply a leap forward.

To be honest, although High Priest Alontan is definitely better than the Honor Guard, it will probably take a lot of effort to deal with such a powerful monster...Aishilia wants to deal with four at once?

“Are you also good at magic?” Luo Jun asked curiously.

“That’s right.” Aishelia smiled: “But my style is different from that old guy’s.”

The style is different…

Luo Jun became more curious and immediately summoned the remaining three honor guards, four huge monsters, surrounding the ancient queen.

Luo Jun also keenly discovered that these four monsters actually have slightly different appearances and use different weapons.

The one summoned first had a relatively well-proportioned figure and no scars or defects on his body. He used a giant sword that was almost as long as his height.

Of the three summoned from the back, one was much stronger than the others, and was a head taller. The scales on his body were different from the others' blue-black, and had obvious albino features. The weapon in his hand is also the thickest mace.

There is another one, who is relatively thin, has two scars that cross into an X shape on his chest, and is holding two huge scimitars.

As for the last one, he was similar in stature to the one holding a giant sword. He had a scar running through his left eye, causing him to be blind. The weapon was a long-handled machete.

These four Vajras stood out like four iron towers, and Ashlia standing in front of them was like a kitten standing in front of four vicious dogs, looking weak and helpless.

Luo Jun has no doubt that Ashlia can defeat these four kings. After all, summoning her requires a thousand breaths of vitality, and those four plus one are less than half of her... But the question is, how to defeat.

Following Luo Jun's order, the four big monsters all turned on the blessing state. In addition to the giant sword guard's lightning storm, the mace guard was covered in sandstorms, the broadsword guard was covered in flames, and the double sword guard was in sharp airflow. . The four monsters carried different blessings and brandished different weapons, and they all attacked Aishelia!

However, the moment the weapon hit the ground, a ray of light shot up into the sky, and there was a loud bang. All four heavy weapons collapsed and flew up. Even the four monsters fell backwards. Personally, I fell on my back.

Luo Jun frowned slightly and looked intently, and found that standing in the center of the field was no longer the ancient queen, but a female Yaksha who was more than two meters tall, with purple skin, a ferocious face, and four arms.

Of course, from this Yaksha's body, we can still see a little bit of Aishelia's shadow, which shows that it should be the ancient queen who transformed.

After the four honor guards were knocked down, they did not give up. They picked up their weapons and attacked again. This time, Aishelia was not polite. Gang Qi condensed on her body and she burst out with amazing power. She didn't use any skills and simply attacked with four sharp claws!

The elemental shield blessed by the honor guard could not withstand the Queen's claws at all, and the bulletproof crocodile skin was as if it were made of paper. Once the claws passed by, the skin and flesh were lightly torn, and the bones and tendons were broken throughout the entire length. They were dismembered on the spot. !

Looking at their size, they looked like four adults bullying a child, but in an instant, these four huge honor guards were torn apart by the relatively thin Queen's hands, and they were all turned into light and annihilated.

Having just seen the high priest's superb magic, I didn't expect that this ancient queen was actually a melee fighter?

However, thinking of Leah's former talent for the Transformation Sect, Luo Jun figured it out. It seemed that Aishelia had also inherited her former ability to transform.

Seeing the ancient queen coming back to her original state, Luo Jun asked curiously: "Transfiguration sects generally have several relatively fixed forms. Can you transform into anything else besides this Yaksha?"

Ashlia nodded and said: "I have three main forms in total. The Yasha just now is a relatively balanced form that is good at fighting. In addition, there are two more."

As she spoke, she changed her body shape and turned into a half-human, half-spider monster. The upper body was still humanoid with female characteristics, exuding an enchanting beauty, while the lower body was a huge spider body, leaning on eight sharp claws. Supported by long legs, the overall height exceeds three meters.

"This is the form of the ancient spider queen. In addition to melee combat, she can also use venom and shoot spider silk..."

After saying that, his body changed again, this time into a half-human, half-bird monster with feathers on its body, its arms turned into wings, and its feet turned into sharp eagle claws.

"This is the harpy form." The Queen said, "It has the ability to fly and can also use lightning-like spells."

As she spoke, she flapped her wings and circled in the air, finally landing in front of Luo Jun and regaining her human body.

“In addition to these three forms, I can also temporarily maintain some temporary forms, such as temporarily changing my body shape and appearance, etc., but they only last for a few minutes at most and cannot last too long.”

Luo Jun nodded. This is a common problem of the Shapeshifting sect. If you want to stabilize the deformation, you must adapt to a fixed form through years of adjustment. If you want to change temporarily, it is often difficult to maintain stability.

However, this is already a very convenient ability. The Yasha form showed amazing combat power, tearing apart the four honor guards in an instant. It seems that the spider queen's spider silk and venom are definitely not ordinary methods. The harpy also has the valuable ability to fly.

Ju Luojun understands that if the transformation form of the Transformation Sect is too contrary to the original human behavior, it will be difficult to maintain stability. Therefore, even the practitioners of the Transformation Sect who can transform into flying forms and underwater forms are all masters who are good at this, and there are not many in number.

Seeing these abilities of the Queen, when thinking of the soldiers before, this ancestral skeleton ring is much stronger than the previous urn. Luo Jun believed that if there were another sparring match with the elemental machine box, the side of the ancestral skeleton and the ring would definitely win this time.

They are both legendary treasures, and there are differences between them. In Luo Jun's opinion, this ancestral skeleton bone ring should also be of the highest quality among the legends!

After taking back the soldiers, leaving only the high priest and the ancient queen, Luo Jun took out a necklace from the treasure box.

The Lord's Necklace can accept the allegiance of up to three people. Luo Jun has included the high priest and the ancient queen as loyal candidates.

As summoned creatures, the two of them were 100% loyal to Luo Jun. The function of this necklace actually gave Luo Jun the ability to communicate with the two of them without any barriers, making it easier to conduct some long-distance operations and reports. At the same time, You can also give 10% of your vitality to two people.

As soon as the contract was signed, the two of them felt a huge power entering their bodies. While surprised, they also deeply admired Luo Jun's unfathomable power.

The abilities of both of them are very powerful, at least much more useful than Luo Jun, a blank slate warrior. But the problem is that the more powerful the ability, the higher the cost. Luo Jun shared his inexhaustible vitality with them, which can be said to have greatly enhanced their strength.

Just after completing the allegiance ceremony, Luo Jun suddenly frowned and looked in the direction of Baina Gate. “Someone is coming!”


Late in the night, Tie Jin just woke up from his sleep and looked at the deep mountains leading outside the town.

He could feel that there was something terrible in the mountains, so close to the headquarters of Bainamen?

Tie Jin just changed his clothes vigilantly and quietly went out, when he happened to see Ling Xin who was also standing at the door.

"You feel it too?" Tie Jinggang was not surprised by Ling Xin's keenness. In his concept, other students were far behind him, but only Ling Xin, if he really fought, he As a professor at Ningdong College, I wasn’t very sure.

“In the mountainous area in the southeast.” Ling Xin nodded: “Not sure what it is, it’s a very powerful energy.”

Tie Jingang sighed: "Well, I'll go check it out. Ling Xin, you stay and take care of the sleeping students. If there is any danger, wake everyone up immediately and retreat in the direction of Baina Gate."

Ling Xin nodded, indicating that she understood, and Tie Jingang immediately left the inn and rushed into the mountains.

As for Ling Xin, after seeing Tiejingang leave, she turned around and came to Luo Jun's door. She looked through the crack in the door and found "Luo Jun" lying on the bed obediently. She breathed a sigh of relief.

But Tie Jingang quickly left the town and rushed in the direction where the abnormal fluctuations were sensed.

He was also thinking about what the abnormal fluctuations were along the way. It's not too far from Tongda Town, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sense it, but correspondingly, there must be extremely strong elemental fluctuations to wake him up from his sleep... [Martial Arts] There are so many masters in the world, if it's just a passing river and lake He's just a master, he can sell Bainamen to save face. I'm afraid the polluters will be in trouble.

According to past experience, the probability of encountering a polluter is very slim, but the experience along the way made Tie Jingang frightened, fearing that something might happen again when he got to his doorstep.

But as I got closer, I could no longer feel the strange fluctuations... Did you sense my approach? Very sensitive and cautious, this style doesn't look like a passing master...

Tie Jingang became more and more worried. He finally arrived at his destination and saw a messy mountain forest.

The broken and fallen trees, the charred ground, the unnatural mud, and the traces of the rocks and ground being cut and broken. If you feel it carefully, you can still feel the residual vitality fluctuations.

It feels like a big battle...

Tie Jingang lowered his head and picked up some plant ash, which was still warm.

Looking at the traces at the scene, it is obvious that this is not an ordinary martial arts master duel. Among the martial arts techniques, there are indeed techniques that can produce high-temperature gas and simulate flames. I have also heard of techniques that can control the low temperature of the gas and simulate ice... But These traces of water, fire, earth and wind can basically be found at the scene. It is no longer something that can be done by Gangqi simulation!

There must be the participation of the elemental sect... but there are also traces of pure physical attacks on the scene... Generally speaking, the practitioners of the elemental sect have relatively low strength of their own gang energy. For such traces, either his opponent is a martial arts sect. Or it was caused by using an attack Noble Phantasm...

After analysis, Tie Jingang still feels that the possibility of polluters is extremely high.

But if you want to follow these traces, there are no other clues at all, as if the person who made a fuss here before disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Tie Jinggang walked around the scene a few times and finally left confused.

When he walked away, Luo Jun and High Priest Alontan appeared on a tree not far away.

The commotion just now was quite loud, which aroused Teacher Tie's alertness. However, Luo Jun did not expect that although Elontan had changed from Tomb King to High Priest and his status had dropped, his abilities had improved a lot. Not only was he proficient in elemental magic, but his invisibility had also been strengthened. Not only could he become invisible on his own, You can also bring another person with you, which is much more convenient!

"Lao Ai, I can rest assured that you have these means." Luo Jun looked in the direction of Tongda Town, "I simply won't go back this time. You can carefully hide yourself and go back to the inn later, and pick off the soldier." Put on the mask and continue pretending to be me for the internship, but one thing is, don’t do so many things this time!”

“I will remember my master’s teachings.” Alontan nodded in agreement.

"Also, you should also be able to release Gang Qi." Luo Jun could feel that the so-called elemental mage is essentially a practitioner of the elemental sect. Although due to the differences in world rules and physiques, the method of cultivation is different from that of the main world. , but before Elontan can cast various spells, he still has to pass the Peiyuan Realm first.

“Yes, but the strength of my Gang Qi is not strong, and I am afraid it cannot be compared to a true practitioner of Ningxinjing.”

"That's enough." Luo Jun waved his hand: "Find an opportunity to show off, and tell everyone that the internal injuries have been resolved, and he has also broken through the Peiyuan realm... How to make it up specifically? You are so wise, you should know it well, don't let it go Just let people see the flaw. Also, with the Master Necklace this time, I can communicate at any time if anything happens."

After giving some instructions, Luo Jun let Ailontan leave, while he looked in the northeast direction.

[Wulin] The world is very big. The Central Plains area alone spans thousands of miles. The five hundred miles of Zhongzhou Mountains are located in the southwest of the Central Plains. There are even larger plains, bustling towns and forested mountains in the east and north. There are countless sects, and that is the truly richest place in the Central Plains.

Of course, just like Cathay in reality, the land that has been called the Central Plains since ancient times has only a few provinces on the modern map, occupying only one-tenth of the land area. [Wulin] The same is true in the world. Outside the Central Plains, the deserts, southern Xinjiang, plateaus, Kanto and other places, although the culture and folk customs are different from those in the Central Plains, most of the races and languages ​​are interoperable, and they are all good places for adventure.

There is still a month or two of free time. There is no place to go in this great river and mountains!

But where should we go first? I remember that the battle between Tianmen Sect Leader and Sword Master was on September 16th, and today is September 10th... It’s already the 11th day, and there are still five days left, so this excitement is a must-see!

I remember the ancient name of the location of the competition, Longguan Pass in Mobei. If you want to go there, you can take a detour to the east and stop by Qianzhou.

Remember that the headquarters of Jubao Tower is there, and we just happened to pick up the Eternal Star. It was previously speculated that this thing should be an improved version of the Eternal Virus, but whether it is because of Luo Jun's own curiosity or from the perspective of preventing the spread of dangerous items, this thing can no longer stay here.

After deciding on the itinerary, Luo Jun headed east and left the Zhongzhou Mountains before dawn...

(End of this chapter)