Chapter 358: Qianzhou City

Name:Secret Dice Author:Haige Lizi
Chapter 358 Qianzhou City

Qianzhou is located in the northern part of the eastern part of the Central Plains, adjacent to the East China Sea, but is not within the sphere of influence of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

It’s not that Dragon Mother Aozhen looks down on this place. In fact, Qianzhou is located in the alluvial plain at the mouth of a large river. It has fertile land, convenient transportation, and is home to one of the largest ports in the Central Plains. It is a truly prosperous place. . As early as many years ago, Dragon Palace had its eye on this area and planned to occupy Qianzhou and use it as a base to control the northern part of the East China Sea.

However, to this day, Ao Zhen has not succeeded. This is because there is a person in Qianzhou that she is also afraid of, and a force that also wants to give in three points from the Sea Dragon Palace.

Yuan Guangjin, the God of Wealth, and his Treasure Tower!

There are countless legends about this God of Wealth in the world. There are even many storytelling adaptations of his deeds among the people, and operas are widely circulated. According to legend, he is the God of Wealth who descends to earth and has the miraculous ability to turn his hands into gold ingots. He likes to pretend to be a poor old man and a beggar on the roadside. If a kind-hearted person is willing to be kind to him, he will leave gold ingots when he comes back. Silver in return. For those who are mean and stingy, magical means will be used to make them bankrupt...

As for the year of his birth, there are even more different opinions, but what is certain is that this God of Wealth was already quite powerful at least more than three hundred years ago. There are stories about him and the Treasure Building in the official history of the previous dynasty. record.

All in all, Yuan Guangjin is no longer just a martial arts master in the world of martial arts, but more like a symbol, a personified image of wealth. As long as people continue to pursue wealth, countless people will worship him and follow him, and the power of Treasure House will become stronger and stronger.

“As expected of the God of Wealth, this place is much richer and more prosperous than Yunzhou!”

Walking on the streets of Qianzhou City, Luo Jun had a skewer of grilled giant squid in his left hand and a piece of seafood pancake in his right hand. His mouth was full of oil as he ate while his eyes were attracted by the businesses and buildings on both sides.

Thousands of miles away, the style here is completely different from the multi-ethnic Yunzhou City. Both sides of the street are at least four or five-story high-rise buildings. The store plaques are exaggerated and eye-catching. The clerks are loudly soliciting customers at the door. The goods in the stores are There are so many things to see, it is indeed the most commercially developed and economically prosperous region in the Central Plains.

What’s even more valuable is that because of the port here, in addition to the commodities from the Central Plains, you can also see many rare things from overseas.

There are two main shipping routes in the entire East China Sea. One is to the Southeast Islands, where there are countless small countries, famous for various seafood, wood, gems and tropical fruits. This shipping route starts from Dongzhou, but because of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea The route was not running smoothly, and a lot of wealth was taken away by Ao Zhen.

As for the other one, it starts from Qianzhou and goes to Yingzhou in the northeast, Bailuo Peninsula, and even the Rakshasa Kingdom further north for trade.

Although these places are not as rich and powerful as the Central Plains, they are at least stable countries with certain industrial capabilities and produce more exquisite goods, which are very popular among the Central Plains people. In addition, maintaining the sea route and trade are also beneficial to the Jubao Tower, so the God of Wealth and the imperial court are cooperating in this regard. This sea route is very stable, and a large number of goods are imported and exported, making it the world's largest [Wulin]. prosperous area.

Oddly enough, because of its close relationship with the government, Tianmen was accused by many people of being a hawk of the imperial court, while Jubaolou was not criticized by anyone.

You say that Tianmen is small and easy to bully? The sect leader is also a master of feathering and is not someone to be trifled with. Are you saying that Tianmen has lost its martial arts dignity by bowing to the imperial court? I haven't heard of them kneeling down to pay allegiance to the imperial court. The imperial court even showed respect for Tianmen many times.

In the final analysis, Luo Jun concluded, it is because everyone does not understand the purpose of Tianmen. They are powerful masters and famous sects. They have neither fame nor fortune. Why should they cooperate with the imperial court? This unknown uncertainty makes all martial arts people instinctively worried.

On the other hand, looking at Jubao Tower, their purpose is very clear. They can make money by cooperating with the imperial court!

This is a pure gang with a reason that everyone can understand.


There is no shame in making money!

“My guest has good taste, this is a famous sword imported from Yingzhou Kingdom! It is the legacy of the famous swordsmith Dingli. You can take it for just 200 swords!”

Facing the shopkeeper's attentive smile, Luo Jun took out his knife, looked at the cold light on it, and nodded: "It's a good knife! But the price is a bit expensive..."

As soon as the shop owner heard that there was a door open, he hurriedly said: "Sir, please give me a price. We can make it happen if it's close to the price."

"I just like a cheerful person like you!" Luo Jun weighed the knife and considered, "In this way, let's make friends."

The boss's smile froze on his face, and the next moment, Luo Jun was kicked out of the store.

“Tch, God doesn’t understand customers, what kind of business is this service attitude like!”

Luo Jun, with an angry look on his face, left the shop and continued walking forward, and soon came to the most magnificent building in the center of the town. This is a seven-story building, made of deep blue and colored glaze, decorated with gleaming gems and jade. The pillars reach directly into the sky and the earth, and the doors are open in all directions. It looks like a palace standing in the city of Qianzhou. There is a huge plaque in the middle. There are three big characters written on it: "Jubao Tower".

This is the headquarters of Jubao Tower. Luo Jun walked towards it without anyone stopping him.

The first floor is a row of counters with iron bars, inside which are the worshipers of Jubao Tower. The row of counters on the east side is mainly for exchanging money and withdrawing bills, while the row on the west side is mainly for **** business.

Looking at the many people queuing up in the hall, the business of this Jubao Building is quite good.

He found the shopkeeper on duty and asked where he needed to go to get the things he had stored in advance.

“Sir, what treasure have you saved?”

Luo Jun was stunned: "Is it considered a treasure?"

The shopkeeper smiled slightly: "Sir, you didn't deposit it yourself, did you? Did you pick it up for someone else?"

Luo Jun could only nod his head honestly: "What's the difference? Do I have to do it myself?"

"That's not necessary." The shopkeeper said with a smile: "Our treasure building does have the business of storing treasures, but for ordinary treasures, you can go to the **** counter to handle them. If there is any loss or damage, we will compensate according to the agreed valuation. But if it is If the client pays enough for the priceless treasure, we will store it in the Treasure Pavilion, which is the most strict place in the world and will never let anything go wrong with your treasure."

“But there are only 9,999 locations in the treasure house, so each treasure has a number, and deposits and withdrawals require vouchers and passwords.”

"That's why I asked you if the treasure you want to take is the most precious thing."

Luo Jun nodded after hearing this, remembering that the message left by Gong Shiyue contained a four-digit number, so it must be in the Treasure Pavilion.

“I still have a question. You said that if you deposit it in the Treasure Pavilion, there will be nothing wrong with it... But if something goes wrong, how will you compensate?”

Since it is a priceless treasure, its value must be inestimable, and the person holding the treasure is definitely not an ordinary person. If something goes wrong, it will be a big problem.

The shopkeeper smiled: "I have sworn on the reputation of the Jubao Tower for hundreds of years that there will never be any problems. And since the establishment of the Jubao Tower, there has never been a single thing stored in the Treasure Pavilion. Lost or damaged, this is the confidence of Jubaolou! ”

 It turns out there is no precedent, and it seems that the shopkeeper doesn’t know what to do if something goes wrong...

"Then what I have saved is indeed a treasure." Luo Jun said, "Where can I get it?"

The shopkeeper laughed when he heard this and said: "Then, sir, please show me your voucher."

"Certificate?" Luo Jun was stunned, "What kind of certificate? Can't I know the number and password?"

“The number and password are also required, but to start the treasure collection process, you must first present the voucher and verify it.”

“What is the voucher?” Luo Jun asked curiously: “Bill?”

“I don’t know about this either.” The shopkeeper shook his head and said, “Each treasure’s certificate is different, but as long as you show it, we can verify it.”

"To get treasures from the Treasure Building, you don't look at the person, only the voucher and password. As long as you bring the voucher, find the right grid, and enter the right password, the treasure can be taken away. Otherwise, even if the King of Heaven comes, he will come from here. Can’t take anything with me.”

(End of this chapter)