Chapter 1:

A gust of autumn wind and drizzle swept away a few dead leaves on the branches, and also blew away the last residual heat of summer.

The children had fun chasing and fighting in classrooms and corridors.

There is a long corridor between the office and the teaching building, which can't cover the noisy noise.

Zhu Wenshu finally finished grading yesterday's homework, put down the red pen, picked up a colored lead, and prepared to trace the tabloid template.

As soon as the pen was written, a little girl rushed into the office and cried, "Teacher! Zhang Zhihao pulled my hair!"

Zhu Wenshu sighed, reached out and touched the back of the little girl's head, and looked back, and saw a chubby little boy hiding at the door of the office and looking inside.

Seeing Zhu Wenshu approaching, he turned around and wanted to run.

"Zhang Zhihao, come in."

she said in a low voice.

Zhang Zhihao had no choice but to walk in shyly with his little hands behind his back.

Before Zhu Wenshu could speak, with just one look, he was so frightened that he took the initiative to ask: "Teacher, I'm useless!"

"You tried too hard!" the little girl said while wiping her tears, "You broke my mother's braid!"

"I, I was just joking."

"Woo woo woo..."


Zhu Wenshu waved his hand, motioning him to come closer, "You hurt your classmates, and you can't make jokes that others don't like, understand?"

Zhang Zhihao put his hands behind his back, drooped his head and said, "Got it."

"What should I do now?"

Zhang Zhihao pouted, turned around and said, "I'm sorry."

"Uh, no, it's okay."

Zhu Wenshu: "Then shake hands, and we will be united and friendly in the future."

Seeing the two fleshy short hands holding each other, Zhu Wenshu managed to pull out a smile, "Hurry up and go back to the classroom, it's raining outside, don't go out and get wet in the rain."

After the two children left, Zhu Wenshu straightened his hair and continued to lean over to draw tabloids.

Two minutes later.

"Teacher! Teacher! Ling Siyuan and Wang Xiaopeng are fighting!"

There was a "click".

The colored pencil in Zhu Wenshu's hand was crushed by her.

Who would have thought that this was already the fifth student who came to complain in just 25 minutes of exercise time between classes.

It's not about grabbing things, it's about arguing.

After the quarrel, there are still two fights.

During the ten days of acting as the head teacher, Zhu Wenshu felt that his life had been shortened by ten years.

If there is no accident, she will have to substitute for three months.

Converted according to the ratio, she may not survive tomorrow.

"How did they fight?"

Zhu Wenshu turned around and asked.

The little boy who came to tip off the news shook his head, "I don't know, they started fighting after just playing around! Ling Siyuan is so fierce!"

At this moment, Zhu Wenshu finally understood why the former head teacher left a whole box of Mrs. Jingxin Oral Liquid on the day she packed up her things and went on maternity leave.

She breathed a sigh of relief, got up and walked towards the classroom.

Through the corridors of chasing and fighting, and up the dangerous stairs.

Before reaching the door of the classroom, she had already heard a loud noise.

"What is this for!"

She muttered, and hastened her pace.

The moment she pushed away from the back of the classroom, she saw black heads piled up in a mess, and the shouts and cries almost knocked the roof over.


Zhu Wenshu shouted, "Everyone be quiet!"

When the children around heard the sound, they turned their heads in unison, and ran around in fright.

When the crowd dispersed, Zhu Wenshu saw the perpetrator in the innermost part.

The fierce Ling Siyuan in the legend—

Being ridden on the ground by another child, unable to move.


Zhu Wenshu rushed in two or three steps, and after a closer look, Ling Siyuan's face was covered with blood.

"Wang Xiaopeng! Stop it!"

When the little boy who was called out heard the voice, he was so frightened that he rolled off Ling Siyuan's body.

"It's nothing serious, it's just that the nose was hit, just stop the bleeding."

The school doctor was used to this kind of fighting, so he threw Zhu Wenshu a disinfectant wipe with no expression, and motioned her to wipe the blood off her hands.

After getting these words, Zhu Wenshu's beating heart slowed down a little.

Fortunately, nothing major happened, Ling Siyuan only had a nosebleed, and he stretched out his hand to touch it twice before wiping it all over his face.

But Zhu Wenshu was not in the mood to wipe her palms. She frowned, stared at the little boy in front of her, and asked, "Why did you hit someone?"

Ling Siyuan's nose was stuffed with gauze, and his appearance looked funny.

Coupled with his stubborn expression, he looks more like a cartoon character.

"not talking?"

Zhu Wenshu said solemnly, "It doesn't matter if you do something wrong, the important thing is to have a correct attitude."


"Tell the teacher, why did you fight?"


Seeing that he refused to speak, Zhu Wenshu had no choice but to be soft.

She squatted in front of Ling Siyuan, touched his sweat-wet hair, and said softly: "Tell the teacher, okay? We said we would be good friends."

Zhu Wenshu's voice was like fine bean paste flowing out of glutinous rice balls, so gentle and sweet that the school doctor beside him felt his heart melt.

But this seven-year-old boy was still indifferent, turned his head and said nothing.

"If you do this again..."

Zhu Wenshu said, "The teacher can only talk to your parents."

Parents are worthy of being the killer.

No matter how stubborn the child heard it, he immediately panicked.

His dark pupils gurgled, rolling like a black grape.

"I, I... Wang Xiaopeng scolded me first!"

Zhu Wenshu asked, "What did he scold you for?"

Ling Siyuan opened his mouth, and he was about to say something, but he didn't know what he thought of.

Puckering his lips, twisting his head, he turned into a gourd with a sawed mouth.

"No matter what, we can't solve the problem with our fists."

Under this gentle voice, no one knew that Zhu Wenshu's patience was exhausted.

"If you don't tell me, the teacher will really invite the parents."

Ling Siyuan's cheeks flushed suddenly, and his fingers fiddled with the hem of his clothes uneasily.

After a while, he stammered and said, "I, my father is very busy! He is not free."

"How busy can it be?"

Zhu Wenshu asked, "No matter how busy you are, you still have time to come to school."

"My dad is, a doctor! He saves patients every day!"

"Doctors also have off-duty time."

Zhu Wenshu took it easy, "Teacher can go to the hospital to find your father."

Children are children, and when they tell lies, they cannot stand being frightened.

Seeing that he was about to be exposed, he was so anxious that Baby Fat was shaking, he lowered his head and thought for a while, then suddenly said again.

"No, no, my dad changed careers! He's not in the hospital anymore!"


"He, he has become a big star!" Ling Siyuan rolled his eyes and recalled, "He always goes out in a super cool car to pick him up! More than a hundred reporters are blocking him downstairs! Hundreds of fans take pictures of him every day Sell ​​money! Teacher, if you don’t buy a ticket, you won’t be able to see him!”

"Why don't you say that your father is an astronaut and is not on Earth right now?"

Zhu Wenshu resisted the urge to laugh, took out his mobile phone, and said, "Yuanyuan, everyone makes mistakes, as long as you correct them, you are still a good boy, but it is wrong for you to lie."

Open the DingTalk parent group, and Zhu Wenshu finds "Ling Siyuan's father".

When Siyuan saw it, he jumped out of the bed in a hurry, but he didn't dare to do anything, he could only hold onto the corner of Zhu Wenshu's clothes pitifully with tears in his eyes.

"Teacher...don't tell my dad, he will scold me..."

Zhu Wenshu sighed, pressed the phone, and asked Ling Siyuan again.

"Then do you want to tell the teacher why you fought?"

Ling Siyuan couldn't hold it any longer, and he hesitated and said in a crying voice: "Wang Xiaopeng said...that my mother doesn't want me father won't want me anymore..."


Before taking over the class, Zhu Wenshu had a general understanding of the students' situation.

Ling Siyuan is quite special.

According to the former head teacher, he is a single-parent family, and the conditions are very good, but his father is very busy, and he is usually a nanny and tutor.

Not to mention picking up and dropping off children and tutoring homework, I didn't even attend a parent-teacher meeting.

I enrolled in September last year, and it was also sent by the nanny.

This is too outrageous.

Hearing what Ling Siyuan said, Zhu Wenshu was angry and distressed.

"Okay, the teacher knows, the teacher will call Wang Xiaopeng to criticize him later. But you have to remember that whatever happens, you should not use your fists to solve it, okay?"

After dealing with this matter, the sun outside the window has already set.

After a while, the school bell rang.

Zhu Wenshu raised his head and rubbed his neck, and let out a long breath.

No wonder the first time she saw the former head teacher, she thought she was 38 years old, and wondered why she became an advanced mother.

As a result, he was only 28 years old.

This is the blessing of the head teacher.

After writing a work summary in the office for a while, Zhu Wenshu was a little worried about the hygiene after work, so he got up and walked towards the classroom.

At this point in time, the children in the school had all gone home one after another.

The graffiti-filled school is as quiet as a cartoon oil painting.

Zhu Wenshu rubbed his temples, planning to take a glance and leave.

As a result, I stood in the corridor and looked in. The sky was dark, the autumn wind was blowing, and the faint light shone on a little boy, looking very lonely and pitiful.

"Ling Siyuan?"

Zhu Wenshu was taken aback, his first reaction was to reflect on whether he said something that hurt the child today.

"Why haven't you come home yet?"

Ling Siyuan in the corner lay on the table and said sullenly, "No one came to pick me up."

Zhu Wenshu immediately raised his hand to look at his watch.

"It's half past five, where are your parents?"

"I do not know"

"Don't you have a nanny, she didn't come?"

Ling Siyuan rubbed his eyes, his voice was very hoarse: "I don't know..."


Zhu Wenshu didn't know what to say to the child's family.

"Don't stay in the classroom alone, come to the office and do your homework for a while, the teacher will wait with you."

Ling Siyuan nodded, put on his schoolbag and followed Zhu Wenshu.

On the way back to the office, Zhu Wenshu called Ling Siyuan's nanny and father respectively.

The ridiculous thing is that none of them can get through.

She arranged Ling Siyuan to do homework on the teacher's desk next door, and when she sat down, she looked down at the little boy carefully.

On the fair and delicate face, the thick eyelashes hang down, there is actually a shadow, as cute as a girl.

Alas, the parents also had the heart.

Another half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Zhu Wenshu has tried to contact Ling Siyuan's parents six or seven times, but none of them succeeded.

At this point, even the teachers who worked overtime were gone, and the children were still waiting pitifully for someone to pick them up.

Seeing that the battery of the mobile phone was almost dead, Zhu Wenshu lost his temper completely, and was even more anxious than Ling Siyuan.

If she hadn't gone to the classroom to take a look at it temporarily today, would it be possible to really let the child wait alone?

What if he ran out alone?

Seeing that it was getting dark, the child hadn't had dinner yet, and it was raining outside, so it was chilly, so staying in the office was not an option.

Zhu Wenshu took Ling Siyuan's hand and sighed softly.

"Is it cold? The teacher will take you home first?"

It is always insecure for a child to go out alone, so he nodded and started packing his schoolbag.

Ling Siyuan's home is not far from the school, only a few kilometers away, but the traffic was unexpectedly congested today, and it took almost half an hour for a taxi to arrive.

On the way to send him upstairs, Zhu Wenshu looked at the environment of this high-end community, and the more he thought about it, the more outrageous he felt.

He was so relieved to leave the child alone at school.

How can you be a father if you are so irresponsible?

But then I thought again.

It's really not easy for a single father to make money to support his family. He probably thinks that everything will be fine if he leaves it to the nanny.

But no matter how busy you are, you should balance work and family.

She thought about it for a long time, and felt that she needed to find an opportunity to have a good chat with this single father.

While hesitating, Zhu Wenshu suddenly received a call from the nanny.

"Congratulations, teacher?" the nanny said eagerly, "Is Ling Siyuan still in school?"

Zhu Wenshu: "... When did you call, I have already delivered it to my door."

"Oops! That's great! Scared the **** out of me!"

The nanny raised her voice and said, "It's all my fault! There was an accident on the road just now, and I have dealt with it now. I am really sorry for your trouble. The child's father happened to be at home today. I am relieved that you hand him over to him!"

The child's father is actually at home?

Zhu Wenshu blinked.

I just wanted to find an opportunity to chat with him, but I didn't expect the opportunity to come so quickly.

"Okay, I see."

Hanging up the phone, Zhu Wenshu patted Ling Siyuan's head, "Auntie said your father is at home today, teacher, please talk to him by the way, is there anything you want teacher to tell you?"

These words fell into Ling Siyuan's ears, but the meaning was different.

His whole body was shocked.

Talk to Dad, isn't this a complaint? !

In case he found out that he was fighting at school today...

It happened that the elevator stopped at the 28th floor. Seeing the door open, Siyuan shuddered. He immediately trotted two steps and stopped in front of Zhu Wenshu, bowing fiercely.

"I don't have anything to say! Thank you teacher for sending me home! Goodbye teacher!"

Zhu Wenshu was not in the mood to pierce Ling Siyuan's petty thoughts for the time being, she just scribbled "The teacher is not here to criticize you", and then reached out to ring the doorbell.

There were two "ding dong", which were very clear in the empty entrance corridor.

"Teacher, don't, don't..."

At this time, a male voice came from the loudspeaker of the video doorbell.


Both Zhu Wenshu and Ling Siyuan were taken aback for a moment.

It was just a single word, but Zhu Wenshu felt his eardrums being scratched gently.

Even the weak current sound in the loudspeaker can hardly hide the clearness of its voice.

Zhu Wenshu took a quick look at Ling Siyuan.

She didn't expect that this single father's voice was so nice.

Sounds so young.