Chapter 2:

"I am Ling Siyuan's teacher."

After speaking, Zhu Wenshu thought for a while, and added, "I was transferred to teach Ling Siyuan this semester."

There was no response from the door.

This is a video doorbell, and people inside can definitely see the scene outside.

She pursed her lips, not knowing what to say, so she lowered her head and asked Ling Siyuan: "Why doesn't your father open the door?"


Ling Siyuan blinked quickly, but couldn't hide the panic on his face.

He hesitated for a long time, and when he was about to say something, the door finally opened.

A gust of air-conditioning gushed out, rushing towards Zhu Wenshu's face.

She frowned subconsciously, thinking how could she turn the air conditioner down so low because there were children at home.

When I looked up, the opening words I had planned were stuck in my throat.

The interior is dim, with little or no lighting.

There is only a small lamp hanging in the air at the entrance, which can illuminate a corner of the corridor.

A thin man stood under the lamp, he seemed to have just woken up, his white T-shirt was a little wrinkled, and his hair was a little messy.

Shrouded in gentle warm light, the clear and sharp outline is covered with a faint halo, adding a bit of softness.

His eyes were reflected in an almost transparent amber color, and when he looked directly at him, Zhu Wenshu's breathing suddenly tightened.

Ling...Chen? !

Zhu Wenshu stared at him blankly, not sure if he was delusional.

But this face.

There is no other face in the world that can be seen in the streets and alleys.

The images and memories in front of me collided rapidly. Many thoughts flashed uncontrollably one by one.

In fact, since graduating from high school, Zhu Wenshu's memory of this classmate who had little contact with her has faded rapidly.

After going to college, she almost forgot about this person.

Until five years ago, singer Ling Chen was born.

He quickly became popular like a rocket, and his original songs swept the major charts. Every year, he will definitely have a seat at the heavyweight award ceremony, and his advertising endorsements are almost everywhere in sight.

Zhu Wenshu doesn't follow stars, and doesn't care too much about the entertainment industry, but he can be seen everywhere and heard about him.

As Ling Chen's image on the screen changed day by day, Zhu Wenshu witnessed from a distance that his outline became clearer and clearer. Become sharp and confident in the light.

Zhu Wenshu also gradually accepted that Ling Chen was the big star Ling Chen, not the classmate who always sat in the last row of the classroom.

But they never expected that they would meet again unexpectedly on such an ordinary day.

Zhu Wenshu just stood there stupidly, unable to recover for a long time.

Until a crisp voice interrupted her thoughts.


Zhu Wenshu: "?"

Who are you calling? ?

She suddenly lowered her head to look at Ling Siyuan, and then looked up at Ling Chen. After going back and forth twice, her pupils constricted.

dad? !

With the light behind him, Zhu Wenshu couldn't quite see Ling Chen's expression clearly, only heard him say: "You are calling—"

Before he could finish speaking, the little thing suddenly jumped up in front of him and hugged his thigh tightly.

"Dad! I miss you so much!"


Zhu Wenshu's pupils almost burst.

She glanced at Ling Siyuan again, and then at Ling Chen.

Take another look at Ling Siyuan.

Then, speak in disbelief.

"You... the child is already this old?!"

Ling Chen was originally trying to push away Ling Siyuan who was clinging to him.

Hearing what Zhu Wenshu said, he stopped, his eyes flicked slightly, and he looked up.

The tails of his eyes were lightly raised, his brows were half raised, and his tone was not friendly: "Don't talk nonsense."

Like a thunderbolt straight down.

After a while, Zhu Wenshu turned his face away without saying a word.

"Don't worry... I won't talk nonsense."


Ling Chen twitched the corner of his mouth.

Zhu Wenshu looked at him again, not knowing what expression to show.

Dad is very busy.

Never show up at school.

He has become a big star.

The surname "Ling" is indeed rare.

Everything seemed to make sense.


She suddenly looked down at Ling Siyuan again.

Calculated by age...

Fuck? ? ?

Zhu Wenshu gasped.

In her impression, Ling Chen in high school was a very withdrawn person.

He is always alone, has no friends, does not like to talk, and always sits in the last row.

Moreover, he has a bad temper, either keeping silent or perfunctory.

The boys don't like him even more. Zhu Wenshu occasionally heard someone say that he is poor, and he doesn't know what to pull.

Later, he came to school with injuries from time to time. No one knew the reason, and there were no explanations from him when rumors spread.

All curiosity will eventually calm down, and the students gradually get used to his solitary life, and no one has the willpower to pry open this cold lock.

What's more, Zhu Wenshu, who always sat in the first row because he didn't want to wear glasses, was far away from Ling Chen.

The two have been classmates for three years, and they can count on ten fingers the words they have said, which probably included a few words of "excuse me" and "thank you".

To her, the existence of Lingchen in high school was just a name that regularly appeared in the class list, and there was no sense of existence other than that.

So she always felt that Ling Chen was just an ordinary high school student with better looks but less temper.

Now it seems that she is still sloppy.

It turned out that he didn't come to school very much in the late third year of high school because he became a father? ?

Zhu Wenshu seemed to have been petrified, he just stood there motionless.

Ling Siyuan still hugged Ling Chen tightly, turned her head quietly, opened one eye, and glanced at Zhu Wenshu.

"'s already dark, your parents will be worried if you don't go home again."


Zhu Wenshu was finally brought back to God by this sentence.

She lowered her eyes, and her mood changed a thousand times, but she did not forget the main purpose of coming here today.

"Teacher isn't going home right now, I want to talk to you..." She really couldn't say the word "Dad", so she could only look at Ling Chen directly, "Let's talk."

As if he didn't see Zhu Wenshu's meaningful eyes, Ling Chen said nonchalantly, "Okay."

This exchange made Siyuan confused.

He furrowed his brows tightly, his eyeballs gurgling, and just as he was thinking about what to do next, someone patted the back of his head.

"Go get the teacher a glass of water."

Alas, I don't know what to do.

Ling Siyuan let out a "huh" and ran to the kitchen without changing his shoes.

Then Ling Chen raised his chin and signaled Zhu Wenshu to follow him in.

"Please come in."

In this area where every inch of land is expensive, the house of Ling Siyuan's family is surprisingly large, and it is still a duplex.

The decoration looks very simple at first glance, but actually took a lot of thought and probably cost a lot of money.

Of course, it can also be seen that there are children in the family.

The huge living room was so full of toys that it was hard to find a place to stand, let alone a sofa.

Ling Chen probably didn't keep this in mind.

He had reached the living room, only to realize that there was no room for people to sit here, he paused for a moment, then turned his head and walked in another direction.

"Come to the study."

The study is not much better than the living room.

It's just that what is piled up is not toys, but all kinds of miscellaneous things.

And I don't see any musical and artistic temperament, but they are all full of commercial taste.

A few album covers of Ling Chen hung on the wall, and there was a whiteboard beside the computer desk, which seemed to be filled with schedule notices and the like.

The only source of light in the room is the floor lamp next to the sofa.

After Ling Chen came in, he looked around hastily, then walked to the sofa, and swept all the paper documents on it to the corner.

Then he turned around and said, "Please sit down."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She was both disgusted and curious, and sat on the corner of the sofa with her hands tucked in her thighs, restraining her desire to look at the big star's residence.

Ling Chen felt much more at ease. With one hand in his pocket, he bowed down on the sofa and picked up a piece of paper to look at it. He probably didn't understand what it was, so he threw it aside casually, and then sat down.

"Are you Ling Siyuan's head teacher?"

"To be precise, I am Ling Siyuan's Chinese teacher."

While speaking, Zhu Wenshu quietly looked at him several times.

But I couldn't see any difference in his expression.

This is, didn't you recognize her?

"Because the former head teacher is on maternity leave, I will take the place of the head teacher temporarily."

Ling Chen still had no expression fluctuations, so calm that he even nodded towards her indifferently.


Do you want to remind me?

But it would be embarrassing if she still didn't remember her old classmate after reminding her.

Zhu Wenshu hesitated for a while, then said, "My surname is Zhu."

The word was deliberately emphasized.

Ling Chen really looked up at her.


"Congratulations, teacher."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

I don't even think about it, I guess I completely forgot about it.

never mind.

Let's get down to business first.

Zhu Wenshu tucked the hair that blocked his eyes behind his ears, sat up straighter, and looked at Ling Chen seriously.

"I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but I don't usually see you, so I took him home today, and I wanted to talk to you about his situation by the way."

Different from Zhu Wenshu's seriousness, Ling Chen loosely leaned on the sofa and said casually: "You say."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Alas, this attitude.

"First of all, Ling Siyuan was not picked up at school today, do you know that?"

Ling Chen rolled his eyes.

"Didn't he have a nanny to pick him up?"

Zhu Wenshu: "Sometimes something goes wrong with the babysitter, like today, the child is waiting alone in the classroom, and no guardian can be contacted."

She paused, "If I didn't go to the classroom to take a look, what should I do if the child ran around alone and had an accident?"

Hearing this, Ling Chen finally became serious, "Understood."

Zhu Wenshu shook his head slightly, and sighed, "I understand that you are very busy with work, and it is not convenient to pick up and drop off your children, but you should not forget the most basic responsibilities."

"Okay." Ling Chen nodded, "I will follow him..."

Before finishing speaking, Ling Siyuan cautiously opened the door and came in with a water glass in his hand.

"Teacher, please drink water."

Zhu Wenshu took it, and nodded with a smile: "Thank you, Yuanyuan is so good. You go to do your homework first, the air conditioner is off, and add a coat."

Ling Siyuan nodded and said yes, but didn't leave immediately, but looked at Ling Chen.

It took a while for the man on the sofa to feel the child's gaze, and belatedly raised his head to receive his signal.

"Oh, go ahead."

Ling Siyuan winked at him quietly, then turned around and ran out.

After making sure Ling Siyuan couldn't hear him, Zhu Wenshu said earnestly, "You should spend more time with him and care about him, instead of just making him afraid of you."

Ling Chen smiled, "He looks like he's afraid of me?"

Only dare to go out with your approval, isn't that called fear?

But this is not the most urgent issue right now. After all, how many children in this world are not afraid of their father?

Zhu Wenshu: "Also about grades..."

Ling Chen: "How much did he score?"


Zhu Wenshu took two sips of hot water expressionlessly to restrain his emotions, "Scores are not the ultimate goal, we need to see the learning status reflected in the exam. Obviously, Ling Siyuan is very smart and excellent in mathematics, but his study habits are not good enough." That's great, especially the subjects that need to be recited, it's too sloppy."

Ling Chen nodded: "Indeed, it's very similar to me."

Zhu Wenshu murmured in his heart, you are quite proud of composing lyrics on the spot without the teleprompter?

"At ordinary times, we should pay more attention to cultivating his study habits. This is something that will benefit his whole life, instead of focusing on the scores rudely."

"Oh, okay."

Unknowingly, Zhu Wenshu had output a lot of ideas in learning this matter, and the water in the glass was almost finished, and she remembered to compare another thing that was more troublesome.

"By the way, Ling Siyuan was still fighting at school today."

Chen was a little shocked, "He started fighting when he was only in the first grade?"

Zhu Wenshu's hands holding the cup froze in the air, and the corners of his mouth twitched unnaturally.

"You...don't know he's in the second grade?"


There is no need for Ling Chen to say anything, Zhu Wenshu understands.

She looked away and tried to adjust her mentality.

If Ling Chen recognizes her, it will be easier to communicate with him if he has some affection for an old classmate.

Now it is a complete stranger facing a big star, Zhu Wenshu is not sure what attitude he should adopt.

After all, she never dreamed that one day she would sit in the home of a big star and talk so closely.

It also had to revolve around his never-disclosed unmarried child.

After thinking for a while, she said gently: "The reason for the fight is that some classmates said that his mother doesn't want him anymore, and his father doesn't want him anymore either."

Hearing this, Chen Chen's eyes gradually darkened.

The casual expression on his face finally gradually disappeared, and he looked at Zhu Wenshu seriously.

On the contrary, Zhu Wenshu was a little nervous.

She didn't look at him again, looked away, and said, "I think so. The child is at the age when he needs his father's company. Do you think there is any way to balance work and family?"


Ling Chen said, "Understood, I will leave more time for—"

A sudden ringtone of the mobile phone rang.

Ling Chen touched his trouser pocket, but couldn't find the phone, looked down at the sofa, and finally took out the source of the ringtone from the pile of files.


When he answered the phone, he sat up a little bit, "Well, I'll-"

He suddenly stopped, glanced at Zhu Wenshu, and then said: "I'll accompany Ling Siyuan to do homework for a while before coming over."

As soon as the voice fell, he pressed the phone.

Zhu Wenshu is a little more satisfied.

But she also knew that Ling Chen would probably be busy with something later, so she got up and said, "Then don't bother me today, and we will keep in touch if there is anything to do in the future."


Ling Chen stood up following Zhu Wenshu, "Thank you—"

He suddenly got stuck again.

Obviously, forgot what her last name was.

Really no impression at all?

"My name is Zhu Wenshu." Zhu Wenshu looked at Ling Chen and said word by word, "Blessings, warmth, books."

Sure enough, Ling Chen had a different reaction.

He raised his eyebrows, his eyes gradually focused, fixed on Zhu Wenshu's face.

After all, the opposite is a popular star.

Seeing him like this, Zhu Wenshu was a little nervous, and his fingers unconsciously grabbed the skirt.

It must be... remembering her now?

Moreover, even if she didn't have much contact with Ling Chen in high school, she wouldn't be completely forgotten.

Just last year, she met a classmate in the next class of junior high school, and they recognized her at a glance.

Ling Chen: "Your name..."

Zhu Wenshu stared at him, blinked his big eyes, and encouraged him with his eyes.

- Yes, that's the name.

-think carefully.

- Did you remember anything?

Ling Chen: "It sounds nice."

Zhu Wenshu: "...Thank you."

Ling Chen tilted his head, looked at Zhu Wenshu from a different angle, and smiled.

"It's the same name as one of my high school classmates."

After two seconds of silence, Zhu Wenshu breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at him flatly.

"Have you ever thought about it?"


"I'm your high school classmate?"