Chapter 3:

The next morning, the air still smelled of rain, but the temperature was quite a bit higher than before.

Autumn Tiger arrived as promised, and Zhu Wenshu changed into a summer shirt dress when he went out, but it was still a bit stuffy.

She didn't sleep well last night, and got up a little late today, almost on time for school.

When passing by the door of the classroom, the students have basically arrived.

The first class was English class, Zhu Wenshu didn't make a sound, just stood by the window to take a look at the situation.

Dozens of children were running around, and Ling Siyuan was wearing a British suit, which was particularly conspicuous among the children.

He seemed to be in a particularly good mood, taking a bunch of snacks and sharing them with his classmates.

Looking at Ling Siyuan's lively figure, Zhu Wenshu was still in a daze.

From last night until now, she hadn't figured out how she broke through a star's shocking secret when she was clearly just doing an ordinary home visit.

The star was also a high school classmate with her for three years.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wenshu laughed at himself.

She remembered that last night, she had to say the name word by word, so that Chen barely remembered her.

And he obviously didn't have any special memories of her, and the two looked at each other awkwardly for a long while, but couldn't figure out why.

It's really a turn of events.

In the past, Ling Chen was inconspicuous, and Zhu Wenshu was sought after in school.

Now Ling Chen is very popular, but Zhu Wenshu himself has become an ordinary person.

Someone in the class saw Zhu Wenshu and yelled. The classroom was immediately silent, and everyone ran to their seats.

Ling Siyuan also looked back, met Shang Zhu Wenshu's eyes, and smiled at her.

Zhu Wenshu came back to his senses, waved to him, and called him to the corridor of the classroom.

She bent down and touched Ling Siyuan's head.

"How is it? Did your father scold you after the teacher left yesterday?"

"No, no." Ling Siyuan laughed with dimples, "Dad sent me to school today!"


Zhu Wenshu subconsciously looked back towards the school gate.

Although it was early in the morning, but during school time, there were endless streams of parents outside the school.

Ling Chen is really bold, isn't he afraid of being discovered?

"Really!" Ling Siyuan said, "He got up early to make breakfast for me!"

It seems that the conversation I had with him last night was still useful.

I just don't know how long it will last.

"Okay, the teacher knows, go back to the classroom and prepare for class."

Back in the office, the preparatory bell for the first class just rang.

Zhu Wenshu opened the homework piled up on the table, and was about to write and correct, when a female voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Mr. Zhu, you don't have class right now?"

Zhu Wenshu turned his head and saw a woman in her thirties standing at the door with a strange face.

It wasn't until the little boy behind the woman came in that Zhu Wenshu suddenly realized that this should be Wang Xiaopeng's mother.

It's over.

Although the other party hadn't spoken yet, Zhu Wenshu had already predicted that he would not be safe again this morning.

"Wang Xiaopeng's mother? What's the matter?"

Wang Xiaopeng's mother wore a pair of red-rimmed glasses, her hair was combed docilely, she walked unhurriedly, with a slight smile on her face, which made Zhu Wenshu a little apprehensive.

"That's right. Wang Xiaopeng was beaten up in school yesterday. I came to school today to ask for an explanation."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

After Mama Wang finished speaking, the other teachers in the office turned their heads to look at her.

Seeing that the parent had a face that was not easy to fool with, they shook their heads and continued to do their own things. There was also a female teacher who cast a pitiful look at Zhu Wenshu.

"Mother Wang, sit down first."

Zhu Wenshu moved a chair for her, and after the person was seated, he said, "It's not as serious as you imagined, it's not being beaten, it's just the children playing around, I criticized them yesterday, and I also gave Xiaopeng's father Called and explained the situation."


Mama Wang raised her eyebrows immediately, "Ling Siyuan was the first to strike, why criticize Xiaopeng?"

"Because Xiaopeng said..."

"Okay, teacher, you don't need to talk about it." Wang Mama raised her hand and stopped Zhu Wenshu's explanation, "I have already understood what happened last night. My husband doesn't care, so you don't have to listen to him. I will tell you now I want Siyuan's parents to give me an explanation, otherwise how can I rest assured that my child will stay in the same class with such a rude and violent person? What if I am taken away in the future?"

As a teacher who just graduated, Zhu Wenshu has never met such parents.

She had question marks all over her face. She didn't know how Mama Wang's logic came about, so she turned her head and wanted to ask what Wang Xiaopeng said when she went back last night.

But as soon as Wang Xiaopeng saw her eyes, he immediately hid behind his mother.

"How about this."

Zhu Wenshu had no choice but to say, "Xiaopeng, go to the classroom and call Ling Siyuan over."

After Wang Xiaopeng left, Zhu Wenshu said: "Mother Wang, it is common for children to fight and fight. They already shook hands and made peace yesterday. I don't think there is any need to bring up the unpleasant things."

"The reason for the handshake is because of you and Si Ni, Teacher."

Mama Wang said righteously, "Xiaopeng's face was scratched with blood marks. I asked him what was the matter, and he cried bitterly. It can be seen that the child is dissatisfied, so today Siyuan My parents must give me an explanation."

Zhu Wenshu really only cared about Ling Siyuan, who had a nosebleed all over his face yesterday, but later found out that Wang Xiaopeng was also dying, and there were indeed two bloodstains on his face that could not be seen unless he looked carefully.

In short, no matter what Zhu Wenshu says now, Wang Xiaopeng's mother must insist on ordering Siyuan's parents to come and apologize in person, and refuses to admit that there is something wrong with Wang Xiaopeng's actions.

In this case, Zhu Wenshu felt that Ling Chen must communicate with Wang Xiaopeng's mother.

As for how to communicate, we will talk about it later.

"Okay, I'll help you contact Ling Siyuan's parents."

Zhu Wenshu said, "However, Ling Siyuan's parents are very busy and may not be free immediately."

"No wonder."

Mother Wang sneered and didn't say anything else, but her tone made people very uncomfortable.

It seems that Ling Siyuan has touched some character issue.

Just at this moment, Ling Siyuan came over with Wang Xiaopeng.

The two children probably didn't explain the matter clearly on the way, so as soon as Ling Siyuan came in, his big eyes fluttered in confusion, and he asked anxiously: "Mr. Zhu, why did you invite the parents again?"

Before Zhu Wenshu could speak, Ms. Wang completely ignored the existence of Ling Siyuan, and said directly: "I don't care how busy his parents are, if they hit our child, they must give an explanation. How about this, Teacher Zhu, you call his parents Give me a call, and I will communicate in person."

Zhu Wenshu ignored her, and comforted Ling Siyuan while flipping through the phone in his bag.

"It's okay, just chatting briefly. You see, the teacher chatted with your father yesterday, and he didn't attack you, did he?"

Seeing that her movements were not neat enough, Wang Xiaopeng's mother put on a cold face, quickly took out her mobile phone and handed it to Ling Siyuan, "Come on, call your parents yourself."

Of course Ling Siyuan didn't answer the phone, but looked at Zhu Wenshu helplessly.

"Why are you calling my parents?"

"Yuanyuan, about what happened yesterday, Wang Xiaopeng's mother still wants to communicate with your father. Don't be afraid, just call. The teacher is here, and your father won't scold you."

Seeing that Ling Siyuan still didn't move, Wang Xiaopeng's mother said: "If you don't call, then I will directly find your father's contact information in the DingTalk group. When the time comes..."

"I'll call!" Ling Siyuan reached out quickly, almost snatching the mobile phone from Wang Xiaopeng's mother.

Seeing that he panicked, Wang Xiaopeng's mother snorted and stared at him with her arms folded.

While pressing the key, Ling Siyuan secretly looked at Zhu Wenshu's face, and got the numbers wrong several times in a panic.

After dawdling for a while, he made the call.

With the certainty that no one would answer the phone, Zhu Wenshu lowered his eyes, thinking about how to deal with Wang Xiaopeng's mother.

Unexpectedly, a few seconds later—

"Father..." Ling Siyuan's timid voice sounded, "Can you come to school..."

Zhu Wenshu raised his head abruptly.

Unexpectedly, it was so easy to connect?

However, in the next second, Ling Siyuan said "Hello" twice, then blinked and pinched the phone tremblingly.

"He hung up..."

Zhu Wenshu: "Hang up, hang up?"

"Who is this?!"

Wang Xiaopeng's mother protested, "Fight again!"

Ms. Wang frightened Ling Siyuan, then turned her head and said to Zhu Wenshu, "You saw it too. With this attitude, how can I rest assured that my child will be in the same class as his child?"

Zhu Wenshu knew that if Chen didn't say anything about today's incident, Ms. Wang would not stop there.

She took the phone and called in person.

After ringing for a few seconds, the call connected.

Before Zhu Wenshu opened his mouth, Ling Chen suppressed his anger and said, "Am I free, Ling Siyuan? You have something to go to you—"

"Ling Siyuan's father."

Zhu Wenshu interrupted him and said, "I am Teacher Zhu, Ling Siyuan's class teacher."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for two seconds.

Afterwards, Ling Chen's voice sank, but he was still sleepy, "Did he fight at school again?"

"No, he is very good today."

Zhu Wenshu glanced at Wang's mother, cleared his throat, and said seriously, "But about yesterday's fight, another classmate's mother wants to communicate with you. When do you think you have time to come to school?"

She knew that Ling Chen would definitely not come, but she still had to tell the whole story.

"It won't take up a lot of your time, and it's good for Ling Siyuan and his classmates to get along well. Please take some time to come over anyway, okay?"

"I'm really busy and I don't have time."

Ling Chen pondered for a moment, then sighed, "I'll come over after school."

"Hmm, I also understand that you are very busy—" Zhu Wenshu suddenly stopped, not sure if he had auditory hallucinations, "What did you say?"

"I said." Ling Chen said word by word, "I'll come over after school."

"...OK, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Wenshu froze for two seconds before returning the phone to Ms. Wang.

Why doesn't this person play cards according to common sense?

Unable to understand, Zhu Wenshu still honestly conveyed: "His father can't leave during the day, so he can come to school after school, is it okay?"

Ms. Wang was actually not very satisfied, but she thought that she would indeed have something to do later, so she reluctantly nodded.

"Alright then, I'll come back after school, be on time."

During the whole day, except for teaching the two classes, Zhu Wenshu was a little absent-minded at other times.

Ling Chen actually agreed to come to school.

Zhu Wenshu has no experience in dealing with disputes between parents, let alone one of them is a popular star.

She didn't know what would happen after Wang Xiaopeng's mother recognized Ling Chen.

Will everyone know that Ling Chen has a seven-year-old child soon?

Can Ling Siyuan live and study normally in the future?

And as a teacher, how should she deal with the curiosity of Ling Siyuan from the class and school classmates?

With all kinds of thoughts lingering, it was time to leave school in a blink of an eye.

Not two minutes after the bell rang, Wang Xiaopeng's mother waited in the office with her child.

After a while, Ling Siyuan also came to the office.

Sitting face to face, the big two and the young ones were not easy to talk and laugh, and the atmosphere was a bit stiff.

Backed by his own mother, Wang Xiaopeng started writing homework leisurely.

Ling Siyuan was terrified, took a pen and pretended to paint, and peeked at Zhu Wenshu from time to time.

Half an hour later, the students had basically finished their walks, and the campus was as quiet as a small park in the suburbs. The thick black clouds pushed the daylight away, and in the blink of an eye, the sky became as gloomy as night.

Wang Xiaopeng's mother got impatient and patted the table, "Didn't you say you will come after school? It's been more than half an hour, I hope you will call him again, teacher!"

Zhu Wenshu thought that Lingchen probably wanted to dove, but felt relieved.

Just picked up the phone, the office door was knocked.

Zhu Wenshu looked outside the door, froze for a moment, and said a little unnaturally: "Ling Siyuan's parents are here..."

Mama Wang immediately turned her head and was about to speak, but the word "you" got stuck in her throat when she saw the person coming.

The sky was already dark, and Ling Chen was wearing a black sweater and black trousers. Although he was thin, he was tall and straight enough to block the remaining sunset and make the small office even heavier.

Besides, he was wearing a black mask.

Most of his face was covered, only a pair of dark eyes were exposed, but it did not hide his unique temperament.

Inexplicably catching people's attention, not like ordinary people living in the streets and alleys.

Mother Wang obviously didn't expect Ling Siyuan's father to appear in this image.

Moreover, she always felt that this person's eyebrows and eyes were familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen them before.

In short, this was different from the parents she expected, which made her lose her momentum for no reason.

As Ling Chen approached, Mother Wang stood up and said with her chin raised, "I am Wang Xiaopeng's mother, hello."

When Ling Chen passed her, he glanced sideways at her, politely said "Hello", then, without reading Zhu Wen's book, he went straight to Ling Siyuan, and tapped his forehead with his fingers .

"Are you still going to find something for me?"

Making Siyuan feel guilty, she didn't dare to look at him directly, but quietly hid behind Zhu Wenshu.

"He didn't look for trouble today." Zhu Wenshu protected Ling Siyuan, and motioned Ling Chen to look at Wang's mother, "Wang Xiaopeng's mother wanted to talk to you about yesterday's fight."

Only then did Ling Chen turn around slowly and give Wang Mama a positive look.

Mama Wang answered immediately, "Your child beat someone and scratched my child's face. Now it's a civilized society, and I've never seen such an uncivilized person. What's the difference between this and a gangster? And—"

Ling Chen nodded: "Yeah, but I'm very busy, so just tell me, what do you want to talk about?"

Mama Wang: "..."

How did she hear the feeling that you want to use a knife or a gun.

"You—" Looking at Ling Chen twice, Ms. Wang lost her confidence, but she didn't want to lose her momentum, so she began to criticize, "What time is it? Say it's good to leave school, do you have any sense of time? "

"Sorry." Ling Chen said sincerely, "I just found the wrong school."

Mama Wang: "..."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

The scene seems to have taken a strange turn.

The corner of Wang Xiaopeng's mother's mouth twitched, she regained her composure, and said, "Then what do you mean you're wearing a mask? Are you polite?"

Zhu Wenshu's scalp suddenly tightened, and he looked at Ling Chen nervously.

In case you take off your mask...

"If you are sick, you will be contagious."

Ling Chen raised his hand, making a gesture to take off the mask, "Mind? Then I'll take it off."

"do not!"

Mama Wang pulled Wang Xiaopeng back a step, and looked at Ling Chen and Ling Siyuan in surprise.


It really is too much to worry about.

Zhu Wenshu frowned and said, "Speak well, don't scare people."

Hearing this, Ling Chen turned his head and glanced at Zhu Wenshu, the impatient look on his brows disappeared, and his tone became calm: "Oh, I see, Teacher Zhu."

The two exchanged a few words, and Mama Wang felt that she was being tricked.

But her aura had already dropped a bit, and it was hard to pull it up halfway, so she could only pretend to be considerate.

"I'm not a troublesome person, so let's just fight. If you have to apologize, then apologize. I won't pursue it."


Ling Chen took a step back, leaned against Zhu Wenshu's desk, bent down and asked Ling Siyuan: "Who made the first move?"

In just a few minutes, Ling Siyuan had actually vaguely sensed the current situation, unknowingly straightened his back and straightened his head, and said in a spirited voice: "Me!"

Zhu Wenshu: "?"

Are you proud?

Ling Chen gave an "um" and raised his chin in Wang Xiaopeng's direction.

Ling Siyuan didn't understand what Ling Chen meant, and blinked in confusion, "Huh?"

In the next second, Ling Chen grabbed Ling Siyuan by the collar, sent him forward, and directly pushed him in front of Wang Xiaopeng.

"Apologize to someone."

This action scared Wang Xiaopeng and his mother back two steps.

Really fucking? ? ?

Zhu Wenshu on the side was also dumbfounded.

Is this how you always treat children? ? Is it your own? ?

She felt that it was not Ling Siyuan who was being grabbed, but her own heart, and she was even afraid that Ling Siyuan would burst into tears in the next second.

But the reality is that Ling Siyuan is not only not afraid, but also vigorously straightened his wrinkled neckline, and then he raised his chest and shouted: "Wang Xiaopeng is sorry! I will never hit you again!"

Wang Xiaopeng's mother: "?"

This is called an apology?

But the person involved, Wang Xiaopeng, was about to cry in fright, choked up and waved his hands: "No, it doesn't matter."

Ling Chen watched the whole thing calmly, and even took Zhu Wenshu with a pen and played with it casually.

When Wang Xiaopeng was at a loss and pulled his mother's clothes, Ling Chen asked Wang's mother sincerely: "Are you satisfied with this?"

Mother Wang dared to say that she was dissatisfied.

She was afraid that if she said it herself, if the other party asked, "Then what else do you want", the matter would develop in a direction beyond her control.

Of course, the main reason that prompted her to give up completely was that when Ling Chen reached out to pick up Ling Siyuan, she noticed his watch.

She is not afraid of powerful people, nor is she afraid of rich people.

I'm afraid of being strong and rich.

"Oh, the children are all classmates. It's normal to fight and fight. Don't forget to take it to heart. We will still be good friends in the future. Let's not talk about it."

After she finished speaking, she actually felt embarrassed herself and couldn't bear face, so she turned her head and looked at Zhu Wenshu with her haughty chin as if changing her face.

"But teacher Zhu, as the head teacher, you can't even handle children fighting well. How did you become this teacher?"

Zhu Wenshu: "...?"

Didn't I take care of it yesterday?


She had just opened her mouth and hadn't fully uttered the words, only to hear a "pop", a pen was lightly thrown onto the table, and Mama Wang trembled in front of her.

Ling Chen's voice sounded behind Zhu Wenshu.

"Then what else do you want?"