Chapter 4:

During the three seconds of silence in the entire office, a security guard passed by the window and glanced in.

At this time, Zhu Wenshu had no time to worry about whether Ling Chen would be recognized, she was only worried about whether this person would do it on the spot.

Obviously, Wang Xiaopeng's mother also has this worry.

She took Wang Xiaopeng's hand and took another step back, her eyes rolled left and right, and she didn't seize any opportunity to refute.

Under Ling Chen's gaze, she held back for a long time and didn't know how stubborn she could be, so she stuck her neck and said without confidence: "What can I do, how dare I offend the teacher, I'm just a suggestion."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Zhu Wenshu to say anything else, he pulled Wang Xiaopeng and planned to leave.

"Wait a minute."

As soon as she turned around, she heard Ling Chen's voice thinking again.

"Is it your turn to apologize now?"

Mother Wang was stunned for a moment, then stiffly pushed her child.

Wang Xiaopeng pouted and said, "The teacher told me to apologize yesterday..."

So Mama Wang immediately raised her eyebrows: "He—"

"I'm not talking about him."

Ling Chen stared at Mama Wang and didn't say anything else.

Under his gaze, Mama Wang struggled for a long time, then turned to Zhu Wenshu and said, "Sorry, teacher, I said something too serious just now."

"It's okay, it's okay, let's have more..."

Before Zhu Wenshu could speak politely, Ms. Wang took her child and turned around to leave the office.

When the mother and son disappeared completely, Ling Chen stood up straight, turned to Zhu Wenshu and said, "I'll leave too if there's nothing else to do?"

Zhu Wenshu didn't expect that today's parents' meeting would end in this way. She was almost out of the situation and nodded ignorantly.


It wasn't until the big and small figures left the office that she realized what she had forgotten, and quickly grabbed her bag and chased him out.

"Ling-Siyuan! Wait!"

The two stopped and turned their heads.

Zhu Wenshu ran up to Ling Chen in two or three steps: "Don't you pay much attention to DingTalk group? I never see you reply when I usually post notifications."


Ling Chen was puzzled, "Things?"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Also, how could one expect Ling Chen, a big star, to use nails like this.

"How about this, let's add a WeChat." Zhu Wenshu lowered his head and began to take out his mobile phone, "I usually contact you directly on WeChat if there is anything that Ling Siyuan needs, so as not to get through all the time."

Ling Chen's eyes fell on her mobile phone for two seconds, and then slowly moved to her face, neither refusing nor agreeing.

But inexplicably smiled.

Zhu Wenshu felt that his smile had a deep meaning, and immediately added: "It's just about communicating with Yuanyuan. I will never give your WeChat to others, don't worry."

"Father! Let's add!" Ling Siyuan also grabbed Ling Chen's clothes and shook them gently, pouted, and said pitifully, "Otherwise I won't be able to find you every time..."

Facing Ling Siyuan's frantically suggestive eyes, Ling Chen sneered and took out his phone.

"Yes, yes."

He looked down at his phone, opened the WeChat QR code, and said calmly: "But I don't guarantee that I can see and reply to your message in time."

"It's okay, I...huh?"

After scanning the QR code, Zhu Wenshu raised his eyes in surprise, "You didn't set up friend verification? Can you add it directly?"

Ling Chen didn't speak, and looked straight at Zhu Wenshu with a faint smile.

In late autumn, it is sweltering and hot, and even the air is hot and dry.

Zhu Wenshu felt that Ling Chen's smile was chilly.

After staring at each other for a while, Zhu Wenshu was still puzzled.

Ling Chen closed his eyes, turned his wrist, opened the friend list, and scrolled down.

I found Zhu Wenshu's WeChat account.

Zhu Wenshu: "...?"

Then, he clicked on the dialog box and sent a "1".

[Sorry, you are not the other party's friend yet, please add the other party's friend first before chatting. 】

Zhu Wenshu: "..."



Why is this so!

At the end of this midsummer, Zhu Wenshu's cheeks are turning red at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like the sunset glow in the sky.

She didn't remember when she added Ling Chen at all, and she didn't remember that there was such a person in her wechat at all.

I don't know if it was when I cleaned up my friends, I deleted all the people who didn't have a note or a word...

When I deleted it, I decided that there would be no more intersections in this life. Who would have thought that they would be captured face to face by the deity? !


Zhu Wenshu's face has changed several times, but Ling Chen just looked at her and didn't speak, as if I'd like to see how you explain it.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't delete my friends on purpose."

Ling Chen even blinked slowly.


And Zhu Wenshu's fingertips were hot, and his eyelashes kept flapping to cover up his erratic eyes.

"I forgot that I added you as a friend. I didn't remember it at the time, so I deleted it by mistake."


After a while, Ling Chen said softly, "You might as well not explain."

Then grabbed Ling Siyuan's schoolbag strap, turned around and went down the stairs.

Twilight is closing in, and there is only the last ray of setting sun in the sky surging under the black clouds.

In the kitchen, the pork ribs wrapped in wheat flour were put into the pan, and the hot oil burst into flames, overflowing with aroma.

Ling Xingyan returned home, took off his coat and threw it on the sofa, then went to the cooking counter in the restaurant to pour water for a drink.

After taking a breath, Ling Xingyan wanted to ask Auntie Xiao, the nanny, about her son's situation, but she was cooking, there was a lot of oily smoke, and the door was closed, so she shouldn't be able to hear the sound from outside.

So he decided to go directly to his son's room to have a look.

Holding a water glass, just about to take a step, the door of the house suddenly opened.

Who else is coming at this point?

Ling Xingyan was wondering when he saw his own son walking in with his schoolbag on his back.


Ling Siyuan jumped up and hugged his waist, rubbed his hair, then turned to look at the kitchen, "It smells so good! I'm hungry! Let's eat!"

Following behind him was Ling Chen.

Ling Chen walked in, glanced at his cousin and manager, "You're back?"

Then, without waiting for him to answer, he walked straight to the study.

"Wait a minute."

Ling Xingyan finally came back to his senses, ignored his son, and followed Ling Chen, "Did you take Yuan Yuan out to play?"


Ling Chen took off the mask and folded it, then threw it into the trash can in the aisle, "I'll pick him up from school."


Ling Xingyan thought he heard it wrong, "Are you going to pick up Yuanyuan from school? Did you pick him up at school?"

"if not?"


"…What's wrong with you?!"

Ling Xingyan almost choked on his own saliva, and his face was flushed, "Auntie Xiao doesn't know how to pick it up? Do you want to trouble you?"

Compared with the excited Ling Xingyan, Ling Chen's mood is much calmer.

He pushed open the study door, piled the things on the sofa into a corner, and then nestled in as if he had no bones, and picked up a magazine to cover his eyes.

"Is there any problem with me picking up my nephew from school?"

It's okay to be someone else.

But if you make Chen do this, there is a big problem.

Ling Xingyan laughed back angrily, and put the water glass heavily on the table: "It's interesting, Ling Chen, other male artists don't even dare to get in the same car as the female producer, so you're better off, go directly to school to pick up the kids. "

Ling Chen didn't speak, and didn't know if he was listening.

Ling Xingyan's voice gradually cooled down.

"It doesn't matter, you just pick it up, pick it up every day. It's nothing more than being photographed and the whole world knows that you have a son who is over seven years old. This huge traffic is something that others dream of."

After a while, the mouth under the magazine moved.

"The real ones are afraid, what are the fake ones afraid of?"

Ling Xing said: "..."

It seems quite reasonable.

After a while of silence.

"Don't give me such nonsense." Ling Xingyan came back to his senses, and scolded his head and face, "Why haven't you been so caring before? I think you are just taking a few days off to give you some leisure!"


Ling Chen waved to Ling Xingyan, "Go and worry about your son's studies, don't worry about me."


This obviously shouldn't be said by an artist to his manager.

But the situation of Ling Chen and Ling Xingyan is different.

Ling Xing had a background in linguistics and law. He was originally a legal counselor at Ling Chen's brokerage company, and later became his executive broker, specializing in business inquiries.

Later, Ling Chen left the original brokerage company and started his own business. At the same time, Ling Xingyan also became more and more mature, possessing the comprehensive ability of a broker.

Naturally, this cousin became Ling Chen's manager and studio partner.

But in terms of the company's equity division, Ling Chen is the boss and has the absolute right to speak.

Therefore, although Ling Xingyan is in full charge of Ling Chen's business work, Ling Chen has always made his own decisions when it comes to music and personal freedom.


Ling Xingyan sees that Ling Chen doesn't get in, so he can only convince himself that there have been many disputes during this period, and it is because he is too weak.

But thinking about it carefully, it's really not a big deal for Ling Chen to pick up a child. If he really wants to be photographed, he can just clarify it.

Can his son really become Ling Chen's son?

never mind.

Ling Xing cursed a few words, and was about to turn around to go out, saw Ling Chen's sleeping appearance, and couldn't help but said, "Why are you sleeping on the sofa? You need to catch up on sleep and go to sleep in your room."

Ling Chen's house was being renovated recently, and it was not convenient to stay in a hotel, so he simply stayed at Ling Xingyan's house for a while.

After a while, Ling Chen let out a "tsk" impatiently.

"You have time to worry about where I sleep, so you might as well take care of your son's report card."

"My son is much easier to manage than you."

Ling Xingyan opened the door, couldn't hold back, and instructed, "But you should be more careful in the future, go to some school if you have nothing to do, if you want to play with him, you can play at home."

Ling Chen turned over, and there was sleepiness in his voice.

"Don't worry, I don't have that much time to worry about your son."

Although when adding Lingchen WeChat, Zhu Wenshu said that it was convenient for communication.

But for several days, she has been embarrassed to talk to others.

Until the evening of this day, Zhu Wenshu finished class preparation at home, and a friend invited her to have dinner with her.

The two agreed to meet at the mall, and Zhu Wenshu took the subway there, replying to messages from his parents along the way.

Walking out of the subway entrance, the pedestrian street is bustling and lively.

As soon as Zhu Wenshu looked up, he saw Ling Chen's watch endorsement advertisement on the large LDE screen of the shopping mall building.

Seeing this face, she was still in a daze.

Just a week ago, Zhu Wenshu lived a three-point and one-line life in classrooms, offices and cafeterias.

Sometimes when I see the news about Ling Chen, I still feel emotional. I used to be a classmate, but now I have become two types of people who are far away.

And now.

When she saw Ling Chen again, she could only think about his unknown son.

And the embarrassment of being found out that she had unilaterally deleted WeChat.

How about explaining again?

After all, if there is no accident in the next five years, she will be Ling Siyuan's teacher, and she will have to deal with Ling Chen, and it is not a solution to have a rift between them.

So, Zhu Wenshu immediately took out his phone and turned to Lingchen's WeChat.

After typing a few words, she felt wrong again.

Things are already like this, and it seems useless for her to explain.

Maybe a big star didn't take it to heart at all.


Living in the luxurious Vanity Fair every day, how can I have the time to care about whether a high school classmate deletes me.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wenshu deleted those words again.

Why don't you talk to him about something else, or at least break the ice.

It happened that Ling Siyuan sprained his ankle while playing around at school the day before yesterday, and he didn't know if it was still uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wenshu was still a little unhappy.

The child walks with a limp, so why doesn't he ask a question as a father?

But after typing a few words, Zhu Wenshu hesitated again.

It happened the day before yesterday, and she only talked about it today, will it seem irresponsible?

Forget it, let him go.

Zhu Wenshu deleted these words angrily.

Fingers are pressing.

Ling Chen's WeChat name suddenly changed to a line of "the other party is typing".

Zhu Wenshu subconsciously stopped, his eyebrows twitched, and he stared at the dialog box between the two.

In the next second, Ling Chen's news really jumped out.

[c: I wish the teacher]


I really want to come here!

I wish Wen Shu a quick reply.

[Zhu Wenshu: I'm here. 】

[Zhu Wenshu: What's the matter? 】

The string of "the other party is typing" appears again.

But this time, the string of input states appeared repeatedly, but Ling Chen's news was still delayed.

Could it be that he was writing a small composition?

Several minutes passed, and the new message finally popped out.

[c: How is my child doing at school today? 】

Zhu Wenshu: "?"


In the busy commercial street, Zhu Wenshu stood in the middle of the road, staring at the phone expressionlessly.

I've never been so speechless in my life.

[Zhu Wenshu: I may not be very clear. 】

[c:? 】

[Zhu Wenshu: Because today is the weekend. 】