Chapter 5:

Ling Chen did not reply to the message.

The first chat between the two stopped at that awkward conversation.

I don't know if he is ashamed and embarrassed to speak again.

In short, Zhu Wenshu and his friends returned home after gathering, and there was no activity on his WeChat.

Zhu Wenshu didn't pay much attention to it at first, but when she finished her lesson preparation, she turned on her phone and saw that there were dozens of messages in DingTalk, all of which were feedback on weekend homework from her parents.

Only after becoming a teacher can I know that the pressure on the current parents is completely different from that of the previous parents.

Everyone is young, and they don’t even have a chance to take a breather when they come home from overtime work in the evening, and they are too busy to accompany their children to do their homework, and earnestly complete the tasks assigned by the teacher.

In fact, Zhu Wenshu did not strictly require parents to accompany their children to do homework all the time. She believes that this is not conducive to children's ability to exercise independent thinking and self-management.

But the parents all rolled up spontaneously, and she couldn't say that you don't care so much.

Thinking about this-

Looking at Ling Chen's wechat chat records, Zhu Wenshu was a little speechless.

What's the matter, if you have money, you can let your children grow wildly?

Are you not afraid that the child will go astray in the future?

Besides, this experimental primary school is not an ordinary school, it is one of the best in the whole Jiangcheng.

The students’ families do not say that they are either rich or expensive, but the overall quality is definitely top-notch, and there are no shortage of intellectual children in a class.

Why don't graduate students from top normal colleges sharpen their heads and come here to be primary school teachers?

In such a competitive environment, Ling Chen can be so irresponsible.

Yes, she knew that Ling Siyuan's nanny was not an ordinary nanny, she paid a lot of money to take care of her life and tutor her studies.

But can that be compared with father's accompanying growth education?

Ling Chen can let go of this kind of thing, but Zhu Wenshu can't allow himself to turn a blind eye.

This is her responsibility and mission as a teacher.

So, she opened WeChat and sent Ling Chen a message.

[Zhu Wenshu: Have you finished Ling Siyuan's homework? 】

Twenty minutes later.

[Zhu Wenshu:? 】


Zhu Wenshu sneered and opened Weibo.

She wants to see how busy this big star is.

He was so busy that he didn't even have time to ask his own son.

Unexpectedly, this time was chosen quite coincidentally. The first real-time content that popped up after searching for "Ling Chen" pointed out Ling Chen's whereabouts.

[Jiang Zibei go to bed early: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the short hair in Mr. Zhang's live broadcast room today makes Ling Chen so handsome! ! I have passed out, sisters, come and collect my body later! ! 】

Zhu Wenshu didn't know who this teacher Zhang was. She continued to browse this entry for a while before she figured out that this teacher Zhang was the famous Zhang Yuxuan.

He is a milestone music producer in the Chinese music scene. He produced many familiar songs and made many singers popular in his early years. Ling Chen can be regarded as his "closed disciple", and Ling Chen usually calls him respectfully "teacher".

The song "Classmate Xiaocan" and its album of the same name that made Ling Chen famous were produced by Zhang Yuming.

The producer has been in a semi-retired state for the past two years and has no new works, but he likes the live broadcast platform, where he chats with fans or sings old songs from time to time.

Following these clues, Zhu Wenshu entered Zhang Yuhuang's live broadcast room.

As soon as the picture popped up, the entire screen was filled with Zhang Yuhuang's face, which startled Zhu Wenshu.

He squinted his eyes and leaned closer to the phone to adjust the lens. After fiddling with it for a while, there was finally no strange pendant on his head, and he leaned back on the sofa in relief.

As soon as the person stepped back, all the previously blocked images were revealed.

The living room of Zhang Yuxuan's house is a vertical hall structure. There is a dining table behind the sofa, and only one floor lamp is turned on. Ling Chen eats under the lamp.

He is far away from the camera, and the light is not very bright, but it can still be seen that the hair has obvious trimming marks, it is much shorter, and the forehead is exposed, not as slumped as it was a few days ago.

But Zhu Wenshu didn't care about that.

She originally thought that Ling Chen's live broadcast was work, but looking at it after a while, it was obvious that he was eating at Zhang Yuxuan's house and then accidentally caught on camera, not busy with serious business at all.

The moment Zhu Wenshu rolled his eyes, Zhang Yuhuang turned his head and waved to Lingchen.

"Come here and have a chat, everyone is urging you."

Hearing this, Ling Chen turned his head and glanced this way, then came over with a water glass.

As he moved closer to the camera, his facial features gradually became clear. The neat short hair could no longer cover his eyes, and the bright light gathered in his eyes the moment he raised them.

Even though they were separated by the mobile phone, it was as if they were staring at him across the air.

Zhu Wenshu was slightly stunned at that moment, as if he found out that he was watching his live broadcast.

Fortunately, he soon stopped looking directly at the camera and looked down at the barrage.

In fact, Ling Chen is not very keen on this kind of idle live broadcast.

If he had known that Zhang Yuxuan would broadcast live today, he would not have come to eat.

But the person has already appeared in the camera, and it is impossible for him to refute his teacher's face.

Weekend nights are the peak period of network traffic.

There are so many bullet screens that it is impossible for Chen to see each of them clearly. He can only glance roughly to see which one is which.

Zhu Wenshu sat at the desk, not emotional, nor agitated at all.

After all, he didn't really come to watch Ling Chen's live broadcast.

But seeing him seriously answering the questions in the barrage, Zhu Wenshu had some ideas.

She still had a cold face, but the corners of her lips curled up in a slight mocking arc, she tapped her finger, and edited a sentence.

[zws who loves oranges: Will you broadcast live when you finish your homework? 】

As soon as it was sent out, Zhu Wenshu watched it being submerged in the barrage.

However, the next second—

Ling Chen: "It's finished."

Zhu Wenshu: "?"

She looked at the screen in disbelief and blinked.

It happened that Ling Chen was also looking at the camera, his eyes seemed to meet.

Did you see it?


She just throws it out casually, isn't it?

Zhu Wenshu was a little dazed at this moment, he was stunned for a while, and when he looked down the phone again, the originally messy barrage on the screen had become a whole.

It's all copy-pasted of the same sentence.

[Pass it on, Ling Chen's new song is finished, and a new album will be released tomorrow! 】

[Pass it on, Ling Chen's new song is finished, and a new album will be released tomorrow! 】

[Pass it on, Ling Chen's new song is finished, and a new album will be released tomorrow! 】

Zhu Wenshu: "..."


It turned out to be answering a fan's question.

She said, how could it be possible for Ling Chen to see the message she sent in the vast barrage of smoke.

After this wave of swiping passed, a fan whose name had a halo effect in the barrage started a new round of swiping.

[Excuse me, do you write songs in isolation from the world, without water, electricity, and internet? 】

This fan seemed to be eccentric, but he was actually blaming Ling Chen for not appearing in public for too long.

But Ling Chen didn't know whether he really didn't understand or pretended not to understand. He took a sip of water, leaned on the sofa, and said in a serious tone: "I will not disconnect. I want to reduce social interaction, but I will read the news when I have time."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She sneered in front of the screen, then typed.

[zws who loves oranges: Then you can’t look back, right? 】

After posting, she leaned on the back of the chair with her arms folded and continued to stare coldly at the man on the screen.

At this time, Ling Chen, who had been looking down at the barrage, suddenly focused his eyes for a few seconds, and his focus retracted, as if he was thinking about something.

Immediately afterwards, he lowered his head and touched his trouser bag, and found that it was empty, then turned his head and glanced at the dining table behind the sofa.

"Wait a minute."

He whispered something to the camera, then got up and walked towards the dining table.

As his figure gradually moved away from the camera, Zhang Yuxuan moved to the center of the sofa with a smile on his side, occupying most of the screen, leaving only a blurry figure in the distance.

Zhu Wenshu's interest also faded, and he felt that he was really a monk training Taoist priests, and his management was really lenient.

The teacher is here to catch students who skipped classes, and she is here to catch parents.


She yawned, straightened her waist, and was about to turn off her phone and take a shower.

At this time, a new message popped up on the phone.

Zhu Wenshu touched it casually, and the screen immediately switched to WeChat.

[c: The homework is all done. 】


Zhu Wenshu's waist suddenly became stiff.

She stared straight at the chat box, then scanned the room inexplicably.

Then with a little vigilance in his eyes, he kept his head away from the phone, stretched his arms and clicked on the screen, switching to the live broadcast room again.

In the picture, one can vaguely see Ling Chen leaning against the sideboard, with his back slightly arched, his head bowed, and his hands raised in front of his chest.

It is a standard posture for playing with a mobile phone.

No way…?

Could it be that Ling Chen not only saw the barrage she posted, but also recognized her all of a sudden?

These eyes are eight stars and eight diamonds, right?

After a few seconds of stalemate, Zhu Wenshu patted his head and told himself that this was a coincidence, which was impossible.

Ling Chen must have just remembered her news at this point in time.

Yes, exactly.

[Zhu Wenshu: Okay, just finish it. 】

But even if he had identified himself, when replying to Ling Chen's message, Zhu Wenshu still had a guilty conscience and added another sentence.

[Zhu Wenshu: I am mainly afraid that you will forget in a hurry, so I specially remind you]

[Zhu Wenshu: Ling Siyuan's concentration is not concentrated, have you watched him do his homework? 】

[C: Yes. 】

Almost **** off.

Ling Chen thought lightly.

[Zhu Wenshu: Well, then you can continue to work. 】

[C: Well. 】

That night, Zhu Wenshu had a nightmare.

She dreamed that many, many years later, she would still be Ling Siyuan's teacher.

On the way to the juvenile prison, he visited Ling Siyuan who was arrested.

She followed the prison guards through the winding corridors, and finally stopped outside a dark and damp iron door.

Not long after, there was the sound of iron chains colliding inside.

Zhu Wenshu raised his head abruptly, saw the familiar face through the bars, and exclaimed.

"Ling Chen?!"

The cry woke her up.

It was cool in early autumn, and Zhu Wenshu opened his eyes covered in sweat, staring at the ceiling in bewilderment, falling into a kind of half-asleep and half-awake chaos.

Ten minutes passed, her thoughts came back, and she slowly turned her head to look at the clock.


It's seven twenty!

Before he had time to think about this outrageous dream, Zhu Wenshu scrambled to get up, wiped his face, picked up his bag and rushed out.

Fortunately, the place where she lived was not far from the school, and it was not too much of a hindrance to get to the school by stepping on it.

When I sat in the office, the homework collected by the team leaders was already placed on the table.

Zhu Wenshu took a breath, stared at the stack of notebooks and sighed, then took out the small mirror and tidied up his messy hair, ready to go to class.

At this time, someone knocked on the door.

Zhu Wenshu turned his head and saw that Ling Siyuan was holding on to the door frame and dared not come in.

"What's wrong?"

Zhu Wenshu asked, "It's time for class, why don't you go to the classroom?"

Ling Siyuan raised his arms, covered half of his face with a notebook, and ran over.

"Teacher, I just arrived at school to hand in my homework."

"Why is it so late today?"

Zhu Wenshu smiled and said, "Staying in bed?"

"Diarrhea in the morning..."

"Do you feel better?"

"much better."

Zhu Wenshu took his homework book, read it casually, and found that the handwriting was more neat than usual.

She bent her lips and asked, "Yuanyuan improved in her homework last night. Did dad teach you to write?"

"No, my dad went to bed."

Ling Siyuan raised his head and said triumphantly, "My uncle wrote it with me."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

The shallow smile froze at the corner of his mouth, turning into a stiff arc.

no surprise…

Zhu Wenshu took a deep breath and touched Ling Siyuan's head.

"Okay, you go back to class."

After Ling Siyuan's back disappeared into the office, Zhu Wenshu changed his homework for a while.

After thinking about it, I still couldn't help taking out my phone to find Ling Chen's WeChat.

Fingers delete, delete, and correct on the keyboard for a long while before saying a word.

[Zhu Wenshu: The school does not force parents to accompany their children to do their homework. If you really don't have time, you don't have to. 】

At this point, Ling Chen returned quite quickly.


[c]: All right, then I was looking for trouble yesterday.

[Zhu Wenshu]:...


Aren't you a singer? Why did you play with me?

[Zhu Wenshu: Ling Siyuan has already told me that his uncle accompanied him to do the homework yesterday. In fact, you don't have to lie to me on purpose. 】


[Zhu Wenshu: After all. 】

[Zhu Wenshu: Your children can't learn anything, and they won't deduct my salary. 】
