Chapter 7:

For a moment, Zhu Wenshu regretted why he agreed to help Zhu Qisen.

In other words, why did she want to save trouble and contact Ling Chen directly.

never mind.

Zhu Wenshu sighed and cut off the topic directly.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Just pretend I didn't ask.

Ling Chen never came back.

The autumn sun was high, and the fine halo of light fell on the desk through the window. A teacher went downstairs to pick sweet-scented osmanthus, and the whole office was filled with a light fragrance.

In such an environment, even trivial tasks seem less annoying.

Zhu Wenshu hummed softly, finished grading the homework, and ticked off the first item on the todolist.

The next item is to arrange Chinese homework for the National Day holiday through the DingTalk group.

The originally relaxed mood was suddenly covered with mist when I released the content of the homework to the parents.

Holiday homework has always been arranged by the teaching and research group. The Chinese homework for this National Day is nothing special, just ask the children to write a small travel note.

It's just that Zhu Wenshu feels pitiful when he thinks that parents or grandparents will appear in other children's homework, and Ling Siyuan is likely to only have the supervision of a nanny.

If she remembered correctly, Ling Chen herself was also in a single-parent family.

But in the years of high school, Zhu Wenshu's understanding of Ling Chen only goes so far. More information comes from various revelations from unknown sources after he became famous.

It is said that his mother died very early, and his father was almost a gangster, addicted to alcohol, gambling, and violence. Not only has he never fulfilled his responsibilities as a father, but he also frequently asked Ling Chen for huge alimony payments in the past two years.

This kind of family background was not uncommon in the entertainment industry in the early years.

So at one time, some people thought that this was a beautiful, strong and miserable persona deliberately set up by the company behind Ling Chen.

There were many rumors, but Ling Chen never responded.

But Zhu Wenshu knew that these should all be true.

Those bleak high school days, his tattered clothes, and the new wounds on his face should all be evidence of these rumors.

In this case, why didn't Ling Chen learn from his lesson and become a responsible father?


Zhu Wenshu sighed, and with the conscience and responsibility of the people's teacher, he picked up his mobile phone and sent Ling Chen a message.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Are you free during the National Day?

[c]: None.


[Zhu Wenshu]: I understand that you are popular right now and you are very busy at work, but do you really have no free time?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Even if it's just for one night?


[Zhu Wenshu]:?

[c]: Sorry.

【c】: I sell my art but not my body.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Her fist was really squeezed and squeezed.

The previous Ling Chen was obviously not like this! !

Although they didn't have much contact, he was definitely not this kind of person.

The entertainment industry is indeed a big dye vat.

Zhu Wenshu didn't want to continue the conversation with him, so he just copied the homework and threw it over.

[Dear parents! We are about to usher in a beautiful National Day. On this golden wind and pleasant autumn day, we encourage everyone to take their children out of the house and get close to nature. At that time, the Chinese homework will be a travel note with a theme of your own, with zoos and botanical gardens as the theme. good. All the teachers and staff of Jiangcheng Experimental Primary School wish you a happy National Day! 】

Before clicking the send button, Zhu Wenshu paused and deleted the last sentence.

You better not be too happy.

Because teachers have paid winter and summer vacations, Zhu Wenshu does not plan to be crowded during the seven days of National Day.

Originally planned to go home to accompany his parents, but the old couple decided to go on a self-driving tour with their colleagues, so Zhu Wenshu could only stay in Jiangcheng alone for the holidays.

It's not bad to watch other people squeeze their heads every day on the Internet.

Zhu Wenshu bought a lot of snacks and fruits and piled them up at home, and watched all the variety shows and dramas that she usually didn’t have time to watch. She wore pajamas from morning to night, and only takeaway and express delivery allowed her to open the door.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems to have completely replicated the life of her roommate.

Speaking of shared roommate Ying Fei, Zhu Wenshu didn't understand her living habits at first. As a full-time illustrator, Ying Fei's work and life were all in her second bedroom, and she only went out once every two or three days on average, and she was always lying on the bed as if she was paralyzed.

It was Zhu Wenshu's turn. She was even worse than Ying Fei, and she didn't see anyone for six days.

On the last day of the holiday, Ying Fei couldn't stand it anymore, so she took her to a nearby park to bask in the sun.

I don't know if it's because the parents have taken the children on a trip, but the park today is exceptionally clean, and there are not many old people playing chess and playing with birds.

Only the most famous Ferris wheel with a panoramic view of the entire Jiangcheng was visited.

Twenty degrees of weather, only a few days in a year.

Zhu Wenshu and Ying Fei occupied a bench alone, wasting more than two hours doing nothing.

The shadow of the sun moved silently, and the fallen leaves fluttering in the beam of light brushed past Zhu Wenshu's nose.

She opened her eyes, but she couldn't find the target in mid-air, and it took a while for her thoughts to return, her eyes moved to the left, and she looked at Ying Fei.

"It's six o'clock, do you want to go back?"

Ying Fei covered her face with the newspaper, and let out a soft "hmm".

Then there was another five minutes of stillness before uncovering the newspaper.

"Let's go."

The sun was about to set, and the two of them left the park slowly with their pockets in their pockets, went to the pedestrian street to have dinner, and then turned around and went home.

When opening the door and lowering his head to change his shoes, Zhu Wenshu suddenly said "Yeah".

"What's wrong?"

Ying Fei asked, "Slippers burn your feet?"


Zhu Wenshu raised his cuffs, frowned and said, "My bracelet is missing."

"Huh? Lost it? Did you not wear it when you went out?"

"Impossible, I wear it every day even if I don't go out."

Although his mouth was very firm, Zhu Wenshu went into the room and looked at the jewelry box.

Seeing that the bracelet was not inside, she searched the bedside and bathroom again.

I couldn't find it in my own room, so Zhu Wen Shujin hurriedly searched for it in the kitchen and living room with his slippers on, even turning over the seams of the sofa.

Seeing her in such a hurry, Ying Fei also helped her look around.

"What does it look like?"

"Beaded bracelet, pink crystal."

The two searched around the house but couldn't find it, so they basically concluded that it was lost in a park or a pedestrian street.

Ying Fei said: "It looks like I have to go back to the park, but I don't know if anyone has picked it up."

"I'll look for it myself." Zhu Wenshu sighed, "Don't you still have to submit the manuscript? Go ahead and do it, if you can't find it, forget it."

"It's okay, anyway, I won't start writing until the evening." Ying Fei put on her coat and waved to her, "Let's go."

Zhu Wenshu actually didn't want to trouble Ying Fei to accompany her on this trip, but she really liked this bracelet, and was worried that she would be picked up if she went late.

So the two split up after leaving the house, Ying Fei went to the pedestrian street to have a look, while Zhu Wenshu returned to the park.

Autumn days are short, Zhu Wenshu walks very slowly, looking down along the way.

By the time we reached the gate of the park, night had already swept across the sky.

From a distance, the Ferris wheel in the center of the park has been lit up, and the neon lights are shining in the half-dark night sky.

The park gate, which was originally open, was inexplicably pulled up the railing barrier, and there were a few people with work signs standing beside it.

Zhu Wenshu was a little confused, and tentatively approached a few steps, but before she could speak, a man stepped forward to stop her from approaching.

"Sorry, the park has been cleared right now, so you can't enter."


Zhu Wenshu nodded, said yes, turned around and took two steps, took out her phone and asked Ying Fei if she found it.

[Ying Fei]: No, there are so many people in the pedestrian street, I have searched for it several times, if it is really left here, it must be picked up by someone.

Zhu Wenshu pinched the phone and turned around hesitantly.

After taking two steps, he looked back at the gate of the park unwillingly.

This bracelet is not actually jewelry, it is just a decorative grade crystal stone.

But it was a gift she gave herself with the first month's salary when she joined the job last year to commemorate the realization of her teacher's dream.

For the current Zhu Wenshu, it is a very precious thing.

Now that she suddenly lost it, Zhu Wenshu just gave up unwillingly.

Moreover, the sudden clearance of the park is a good thing, at least there are fewer floating tourists, which reduces the possibility of the bracelet being picked up.

After swaying for a moment, Zhu Wenshu turned and walked towards the isolation zone.

"When will your event end? I'm going in to find something very important."


The man glanced at his watch, turned around and whispered something to his colleagues, and then looked at Zhu Wenshu with some embarrassment, "It's hard to say, we've just started work, if it's fast, we'll finish the filming in two or three hours, if it's slow, it might take a while." it's midnight."

two or three hours...

Thinking of going to work tomorrow morning, Zhu Wenshu started to have trouble again.

"Girl, why don't you just come back tomorrow." Seeing her sad face, the man said, "And this is a dark person, even if you go in now, you won't be able to find it. Why don't you come and look for it during the day."

we can only do this.

Zhu Wenshu dragged his heavy steps and nodded dejectedly.

"Then you tonight—"

In the middle of speaking, Zhu Wenshu found that the eyes of the group of staff suddenly all focused on the same place, and then went to pull the isolation belt.

Turning around following their line of sight, Zhu Wenshu saw a black commercial vehicle approaching slowly, so he immediately took a step back consciously to make way for them.

However, the car stopped slowly beside her.

Zhu Wenshu was stunned for a moment, then immediately took another step back.

The car is still lingering.

A moment later, the windows were lowered.

The night was hazy, and only a small light was turned on in the car.

But Zhu Wenshu could still see Ling Chen's outline in the darkness.

He nestled in the seat, tilted his head and looked over, the faint light of the dark pupils was particularly attractive.

The face in front of me is really difficult to travel through time, and it corresponds to the boy in my memory.

Suddenly the four eyes meet, Zhu Wenshu is still inexplicably dazed.

There is a cool breeze, and the surroundings are so quiet that there are only insects chirping.

"Mr. Zhu, I will charge you if you read on."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Suddenly regaining consciousness, Zhu Wenshu looked away expressionlessly.

In fact, Zhu Wenshu was not surprised that Lingchen would appear here. The night view of this park is very famous, and many celebrities usually come to take pictures.

When she saw the isolation zone, she knew that another star team must be filming here.

It's just that I didn't expect such a coincidence that I could run into an acquaintance when I was desperate.

So, Zhu Wenshu adjusted his mood for a while, tried to put on a particularly surprised look, turned his head and said, "Ling Chen?! Why are you here!"

Ling Chen glanced at her lightly, hummed knowingly, and raised his chin towards her.

"Get in the car."


Apart from the driver, Ling Chen was the only one in the car.

After Zhu Wenshu sat down, he raised his head and was about to talk to him—

The moment their eyes met, Ling Chen lazily withdrew his gaze and continued to sleep in the seat.

He didn't say a word the whole time, as if treating her like air.

Why don't you ask her what she's here for?

The atmosphere became inexplicably awkward.

Zhu Wenshu stared at Ling Chen hesitantly, wondering whether it would disturb him to speak up.

At this moment, Ling Chen seemed to sense Zhu Wenshu's gaze, and suddenly opened his eyes to look at her.

"By the way, what are you doing here?"


Zhu Wenshu, "I'm here to find something."


Ling Chen didn't show any surprise, turned his head to look at the car window, and asked in a flat tone, "What is it?"

"A bracelet. It should have been left here in the afternoon. I just came back to look for it. I didn't expect it to come in."

Zhu Wenshu said, "Thank you for bringing me in."

Ling Chen suddenly turned to look at her, but didn't speak immediately.

After a while: "You still looking for it so late?"

Although Zhu Wenshu stared directly at the front row, he could feel that when she mentioned a bracelet, Ling Chen's gaze was no longer sleepy, but directly on the side of her face.

Feeling a little uncomfortable, she lowered her head and smoothed her hair.

"Well, I can't find it and I can't sleep."

Ling Chen: "Is it very special?"


Zhu Wenshu nodded, "It's very expensive."


The car slowly drove towards the Ferris wheel.

Zhu Wenshu observed the road outside the car, thinking about where to get off so that she could start looking.

The man beside him said abruptly, "From your boyfriend?"

Zhu Wenshu's attention was all on the road, and he answered casually, "What boyfriend, I bought it myself."

The narrow cabin space magnifies every small movement.

After a moment of silence, Zhu Wenshu clearly heard him snort slightly.

"Are you still single?"

What tone is this?

Zhu Wenshu inexplicably heard the irony of "you are such a piece of trash, you are still single after all these years".

"Well, sort of."

Ling Chen: "What do you mean?"

Zhu Wenshu turned to look at him slowly.

"It's about the same as you. I just got divorced last year with two kids."
