Chapter 8:

Because of the phrase "similar to you", the driver who has always regarded himself as a transparent person tried hard to hide his surprise, but it still leaked from the bottom of his feet.

With a sudden step on the brake, Zhu Wenshu almost bumped into the seat in front of him.

Raising his head and meeting the driver's shocked eyes in the rearview mirror, Zhu Wenshu said with a sneer, "Brother, I'm just kidding."

The driver was also a little embarrassed, he looked at Ling Chen hesitantly, then turned around stiffly and continued driving.

After sitting up straight, Zhu Wenshu also turned to look at Ling Chen.

He also happened to be looking at her with his arms folded, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he wasn't the one who almost broke the secret.

"Mr. Zhu, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately."

Zhu Wenshu didn't expect Ling Chen to cover up this matter so tightly that even his own driver didn't know about it.

Think carefully but reasonable.

This kind of thing, the more dangerous it is for one more person to know.

"Sorry, got it..."

A few minutes later, the car slowly stopped in the open space under the Ferris wheel.

There were several nanny cars parked not far away, with various shooting equipment piled up next to them, and people with work badges shuttled among them.

The car door opened, Zhu Wenshu stood up, turned to Ling Chen and said, "Then I'll get out of the car first."

Ling Chen gave a "hmm" and didn't look at her more.

Because she was wearing a long skirt, it was not very convenient for Zhu Wenshu to move around.

She lowered her head and held the hem of the skirt, stretching her legs slowly.

As soon as he stood firm, he met a man who was walking towards him.

Both of them were taken aback.

The man looked to be about thirty years old, tall and straight, with a careful and steady look in his eyes, and he looked quite oppressive.

And for some reason, Zhu Wenshu always felt that this man looked very familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wenshu took another look at him.

The man also looked at her with scrutiny.

"Hi, excuse me."

When he came back to his senses, Zhu Wenshu realized that he had been watching him for a long time, so he politely said hello to him.

He didn't say anything, just nodded, and then stepped aside.

After Zhu Wenshu left, Ling Xingyan got into the car directly.

His **** touched the cushion, and he felt a little warm. He immediately pointed to Zhu Wenshu's back, and asked Ling Chen, "Who is it?"

The car door was not closed, Ling Chen turned his head, and a white skirt faded away in his field of vision.

After a moment of silence, Ling Chen withdrew his gaze and said flatly, "Student from high school."

His tone was relaxed, but Ling Xingyan suddenly sat up straight, staring at Ling Chen with wide eyes.

Ling Chen glanced at him, and said word by word: "Ordinary high school students."

Only then did Ling Xingyan relax, and sat back down again.

It's no wonder that he is sensitive, since becoming Ling Chen's manager, several strands of Ling Xingyan's hair have turned gray.

Needless to say, all kinds of business affairs are so busy that in this era where traffic is king, how many media are trying their best to dig out some pornographic news from Ling Chen to complete the KPI.

Fortunately, Ling Chen didn't let him worry about this aspect. As time passed, he was relieved that any paparazzi would follow and take sneak shots.

If he can catch Ling Chen and that female star Qingqingwowo, he Lingxing said that he will be the first to go to the melon eating scene.

But ever since he learned that Ling Chen had contacted that "Bai Yueguang" in the studio that day, Ling Xingyan couldn't sit still.

Both worried and curious.

In fact, he didn't know the story between Ling Chen and that "Bai Yueguang" very well. When he was studying, he and Ling Chen didn't meet much, after all, they were several years apart.

Until that year, Zhang Yuxuan's company tapped Ling Chen to sign the contract, preparing to produce the album of the same name of "Little Silkworm Classmate". Having a drink after dinner, Zhang Yuxuan asked Ling Chen if this song was written specifically for a certain girl.

Ling Chen didn't deny it, but only answered four words, "high school classmate".

Ling Xingyan, who was on the sidelines and had not stepped into the entertainment circle with half a foot, immediately straightened his back and pricked up his ears, ready to listen to the love story of this future superstar.

But Zhang Yuxuan didn't ask any more questions, but just smiled, expressing that he understood.

And Ling Chen was also like a saw-mouthed gourd. After that, for more than five years, he didn't reveal a word about this matter.

Therefore, Ling Xingyan was particularly troubled these days.

The worry was that if something happened to Ling Chen and that Bai Yueguang and it was exposed, Ling Xingyan, who had never dealt with such scandals before, was very nervous, planning ahead and how to control the situation.

What is curious is, who is this Bai Yueguang who can make Ling Chen never forget for so many years.

So when he first saw a strange woman get off Ling Chen's car, and then saw her face face to face, a thought popped into Ling Xingyan's mind for no reason.

— This is Ling Chen's "classmate Xiaocan".

This idea is not just Ling Xingyan's intuition.

He has been in the entertainment industry for these years, and has seen all kinds of female stars, bright and flamboyant, cute and delicate, and some are as cold as a fairy.

But it was the first time he had seen someone as bookish as Zhu Wenshu.

With just one glance, one could tell that this girl was clean and incompatible with the luxurious and rich Vanity Fair atmosphere in the entertainment industry.

If that face without makeup is really in the entertainment industry, people will spontaneously give it the title of "White Moonlight" without the need for the company to create a persona.

Ke Lingchen said that she was just an "ordinary high school classmate".

Ling Xingyan heaved a sigh of relief, but at the same time became more and more curious.

Such a female classmate is just ordinary, so how divine is his white moonlight?

"Then why is she in your car?"

Ling Xing asked.

"By chance, come in and find something."

Ling Chen didn't seem to want to talk much about this ordinary high school classmate, he lowered the car window, blowing the night breeze, and changed the subject, "Didn't I ask you to take your son out to play, why are you here again? "

"Sleeping, I took him to the countryside for a long time in the afternoon and ran wildly for most of the day. I was exhausted."

Ling Xingyan pointed to the long-haired man outside the car window, "But this photographer Xie is a master of ideas, I don't worry, I have to come and have a look."

Zhu Wenshu searched for more than an hour with the flashlight on his mobile phone, but there was no trace of the bracelet, and there was also bad news from Ying Fei.

It was almost nine o'clock, and the park was so quiet that only the chirping of insects could be heard.

Zhu Wenshu sat on the bench for a while, and gradually accepted that this bracelet might end up being irretrievable.

Forget it, it must have been picked up by someone.

Zhu Wenshu sighed deeply, got up to leave, and took out her mobile phone to send a message to her mother.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I lost the pink crystal bracelet I bought last year.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I wonder if someone who loves me will buy me another one.

【Mummy】: Sure.

[Mommy]: Ask your boyfriend to buy it for you.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Where do I have a boyfriend?

【Mummy】: Then where is there someone who loves you?

[Zhu Wenshu]:...

After being rejected by his mother, Zhu Wenshu raised his head and looked in the direction of the Ferris wheel.

That was the only place she hadn't looked for, because Ling Chen was working there, and she hadn't planned to go there.

And there is not much hope, after all, she and Ying Fei walked around in the past in the afternoon, so it could not be such a coincidence.


Adhering to the idea that everything has come, Zhu Wenshu poked his neck and walked over there.

The busy shooting scene was much larger than Zhu Wenshu imagined. The entire playground was almost completely occupied, and all kinds of equipment that had never been seen before filled up all the open spaces.

And there are at least twenty or thirty staff members stationed on site.

Zhu Wenshu didn't understand why so many people were needed for Ling Chen to take a few photos.

She stood in the distance and watched for a while, seeing the lights changing back and forth, and Ling Chen was surrounded by the crowd, and she could barely see a figure.

Before he knew it, Zhu Wenshu had slowly moved to the side of the shooting scene.

Standing behind a group of staff, Zhu Wenshu acted very cautiously. He just wanted to glance at the ground, but unconsciously, he was attracted by the man standing under the light board.

The night is dense, starry, and neon lights are flickering and flowing.

In this colorful light and shadow, the man who is full of stars is wearing a simple black suit. He took all the attention from the crowd and the stars in the sky, and leaned lazily against the guardrail with his long legs draped casually.

The flashes of the camera were fired one after another, and Ling Chen, who was so commonplace, never blinked his eyes.

It's as if he was born for the camera.

But Zhu Wenshu knows that he had a bleak past, and he is completely different from Ling Chen who is showing his sharpness now.

It was also at this moment that Zhu Wenshu suddenly felt a split in time and space.

Looking at these busy staff, she clearly felt that Ling Chen and her ordinary people seemed to live in different worlds.


People who used to be in a small classroom and could be seen as soon as they turned around, now seem to be separated by a Milky Way.

Zhu Wenshu was thinking deeply about his life, and he didn't know when he was standing beside him.

As the photographer's shooting angle changed, someone walked around carrying a lighting board, and Zhu Wenshu stepped back a few steps with the crowd. Turning her head, she found that the man she met when she got off the car was standing side by side with her.

This person looks too familiar.

Zhu Wenshu felt that he must have seen him somewhere, but he couldn't remember.

Therefore, she involuntarily looked at Ling Xingyan a few more times.

Perhaps feeling her gaze, Ling Xingyan turned his head, "Did you find your things?"

"Huh?" Zhu Wenshu didn't expect this person to know what she was here for, so he was taken aback for a moment before saying, "Not yet."

Ling Xingyan nodded, "I'm Ling Chen's manager."

Zhu Wenshu couldn't figure out whether he was simply introducing himself or hinting at her. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "Will my standing here affect your work?"

"It's okay." Ling Xingyan crossed his arms, and tapped his fingertips on his arms twice, "Are you Ling Chen's high school classmate?"

Zhu Wenshu nodded: "Yes, yes."

"Then do you know when he was in high school..." Ling Xingyan paused for a moment, as if considering his words, "Which girl do you like?"

"Ah?" This question came unexpectedly, but Zhu Wenshu couldn't help thinking about it in his mind.

The girl Ling Chen likes?

Have it? Has he gotten close to any female classmates?


Isn't the girl Ling Chen likes in high school the mother of Ling Siyuan?

So even his agent didn't know about these past events?

Zhu Wenshu looked at Ling Xingyan hesitantly, and said hesitantly, "Sorry, I don't know, I'm not familiar with him at all."

Ling Xingyan was a little surprised when he heard this, and raised his eyebrows.

After taking a few glances at Zhu Wenshu, he laughed and said, "It's the first time I meet Ling Chen's high school classmates, so I'll chat casually, don't be nervous."


Zhu Wenshu nodded and said in a low voice, "It's getting late, so I won't disturb your work for now."

Ling Xing said, "Yes."

Before leaving, Zhu Wenshu wondered whether to say hello to Ling Chen before leaving, after all, he was the one who brought her in.

Turning his head to look at the focal point of everyone's eyes, the filming just happened to be intermission, and Ling Chen stood still, looking at his phone with his eyes downcast, not paying attention to the crowd at all.

Several men and women gathered around him to arrange their clothes and hairstyles, and they didn't seem to be free.

Zhu Wenshu thought that it would be embarrassing for him to go up and talk to him rashly at this moment, so forget it.

So Zhu Wenshu turned his head and walked towards the gate of the park.

On the small road back, Zhu Wenshu still stared at the ground with his head down, trying to struggle again.

At this time, the phone suddenly vibrated.

[c]: Gone?

Zhu Wenshu typed casually.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Yes.

[c]: Found it?

[Zhu Wenshu]: I can't find it, forget it, I have to go to school after seven o'clock tomorrow.

[c]: It seems that it is not very important.

Losing the bracelet is already very hard, and Ling Chen is still making sarcastic remarks here, Zhu Wenshu snorted coldly, and typed with a wooden face.

[Zhu Wenshu]: It's not important, I will come back at night to look for it?

【c】: Then why don't you look for the bracelet

[c]: Instead, watch me take pictures without moving?

Zhu Wenshu: "...?"

like a statue?

How to say it out of his mouth, as if you coveted his beauty so much.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I didn't find it because you were the only one.

[c]: It's halftime now, come back to look for it?

Zhu Wenshu thought about the posture of the shooting scene.

No matter how expensive the bracelet was, it was not so expensive that she had to search for it among a group of strangers at work.

It's kind of embarrassing.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Why don't you just forget it, I just looked at it, and you probably don't have any.

Walked a few more steps along the path.

[c]: Did you really lose your bracelet here?

Holding the phone in his hand, Zhu Wenshu carefully read Ling Chen's words for a while.

No matter how you look at it, he seems to be questioning the purpose of her being here today.

Could it be that she deliberately found an excuse to see him?

He has been a star for a long time, everyone thinks he is a fan.

Zhu Wenshu wanted to say too much and make mistakes, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he had to be perfunctory.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Oh, a few seconds ago, I saw it as soon as I lowered my head.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I finally found it.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Thank you.


[c]: You are awesome.

Maybe it's because of a guilty conscience, Zhu Wenshu always feels that Ling Chen's "you are awesome" is a bit weird...

Ever since he became the substitute head teacher, Zhu Wenshu's sleep quality has plummeted, even worse tonight.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhu Wenshu stared at his haggard face, went to school early as usual, went to the class to take a look at the situation of the students, and then returned to the office to deal with a bunch of trivial matters.

Just turning on the computer, looking at his empty wrist, Zhu Wenshu was stunned for a while.

Or buy another one.

After all, I didn’t meet anyone I liked more when I was shopping this year.

Thinking that the salary will be paid next week, Zhu Wenshu had nothing to hesitate, and immediately took out his mobile phone and started looking at the flagship store.

After more than ten minutes, Zhu Wenshu rummaged through the online store and asked the customer service. After confirming that the bracelet had been taken off the shelves, he finally put down his phone in frustration.

At the same time, a small head suddenly stuck out to her table.


Zhu Wenshu was startled by Ling Siyuan, "Why are you here?"

Ling Siyuan carefully put the homework on the table: "I'll hand in the homework."

"Okay." Zhu Wenshu thought that he was almost late again, so he didn't ask any more questions, but just patted his head, "It's class time, go back to the classroom."

"Good teacher."

As soon as Ling Siyuan left, Zhu Wenshu propped up his cheeks, stared listlessly at the sunlight outside the window, turned his pen with his fingers, and began to comfort himself.

Many people say that the pink crystal attracts peach blossoms, and since it is lost, it must have helped her prevent rotten peach blossoms.

Well, that's pretty good too.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wenshu lowered his hand and picked up the homework that Siyuan had put aside.

As soon as she touched it, she felt that the touch was not right.

There is a large bulge in the middle of the small composition, which looks like something is caught.

"Yuan Yuan!"

Zhu Wenshu turned around and called Ling Siyuan, "Is there something in your homework?"

It just so happened that the class bell rang, and Ling Siyuan had already run to the door of the office, and hurriedly said, "It's my uncle... Dad asked me to bring it to the teacher!"

Ling Chen?

Zhu Wenshu didn't know why, so he stared at the homework book twice before opening it.

The bright autumn sun shines through the leaves and dapples the desk.

The pink crystal bracelet that was lost for one night was caught in Ling Siyuan's composition, and it was sparkling with tiny rays of light.