Chapter 9:

It should be a very happy thing to find something you love after losing it.

But Zhu Wenshu's mood is very complicated.

She looked at her mobile phone for a while, and at the bracelet for a while, thinking why she was in such a hurry to deal with him last night, and she didn't miss the traffic to deal with him a few more words.

Now she feels like a monkey, putting on a big show in front of Ling Chen.

It's fine if you play dead.

But people really helped me, so I can't justify it if I don't say thank you.


Being annoyed, Zhu Qisen wandered into the office at some point, and greeted those middle-aged female teachers one by one, making everyone laugh, then turned around to Zhu Wenshu's side, and leaned on her desk casually , asked: "How about the thing I asked a few days ago?"

Zhu Wenshu looked up: "What's the matter?"

"I knew you forgot!"

Zhu Qisen bent down and winked, "Did you ask your star-chaser roommate about Ling Chen's concert tickets?"


Why is it Ling Chen again?

Zhu Wenshu curled his lips: "I'm just asking, but my roommate has a messy schedule, maybe he hasn't gotten up yet..."

It just so happened that as soon as Zhu Wenshu picked up the phone, he found that Ying Fei had sent her a message, informing her that the property fee for this month was coming, and sent her a list.

"Oh, wake up." Zhu Wenshu said, "No, it should be because I haven't slept yet."

[Zhu Wenshu]: By the way, let me ask you something.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Do you know that there are other ways to get Ling Chen's concert tickets? Can't find it through official channels.

【Ying Fei】: His Christmas concert?

Zhu Wenshu turned his head and asked Zhu Qisen, "Is there a Christmas concert?"

"Ah?" Zhu Qisen scratched his head, "Christmas? Oh, it doesn't matter what kind of concert it is, as long as it's Ling Chen's."

[Zhu Wenshu]: It doesn't matter what concert he is, as long as it's Ling Chen's.

[Ying Fei]:?

[Ying Fei]: Are you Ling Chen's fan?

[Zhu Wenshu]: No, I asked for a friend.

[Ying Fei]: Oh.

[Ying Fei]: I was taken aback.

[Zhu Wenshu]: What?

【Ying Fei】: Nothing.

After a while, Ying Fei sent a voice message.

"His fans are as fast as dogs. If you can't buy it, you can't buy it. It's not worth seeing."

Zhu Qisen who was behind Zhu Wenshu's public announcement also heard it, and he asked, "Ask her if she knows any reliable scalpers?"

After Zhu Wenshu conveyed the truth, Ying Fei said, "Yes, there are, but they didn't sell Ling Chen's tickets."

[Zhu Wenshu]: Why?

[Zhu Wenshu]: No one buys it except fans?

【Ying Fei】:...

【Ying Fei】: I hope so.

【Ying Fei】: He boycotted the scalpers to death. I didn't see anyone who got his ticket.

After getting the answer, Zhu Wenshu directly showed Zhu Qisen the dialog between her and Ying Fei.

"Ouch..." he murmured, "This is tricky. Tickets for his concert are so popular, where can I get them?"

Seeing Zhu Qisen's frown, Zhu Wenshu really wanted to tell your music teacher not to be obsessed with Ling Chen, there's no need to be Ling Siyuan's internet stepmother.

But think about it or hold back.

"Why don't I give her Ling Chen's vinyl album." Zhu Qisen said suddenly, "Xue'er mentioned it before."

Zhu Wenshu said absently, "Whatever you want."

Zhu Qisen dawdled here for a while, and didn't leave until the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

The sound of children playing happily can be heard outside the window, which is Zhu Wenshu's favorite sound.

But at the moment, this little atmosphere did not rescue Zhu Wenshu from the entangled emotions, but made her even more uneasy.

That's right, Ling Chen is so popular and so popular, and even helped you find a bracelet, but you are too embarrassed to say thank you, how can you be a teacher and lead by example? !

Thinking of this, Zhu Wenshu sent Ling Chen a message in awe-inspiring manner.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Received the bracelet, thank you very much!

He never replied.

Zhu Wenshu went to a class and took the children to do exercises between classes.

On the way back to the office, I finally received a response from Ling Chen.

[c]: Hmm.

[c]: Just receive it.

The stone in my heart finally fell to the ground.

Look, she was the one who thought too much before, what a big deal, everyone is an adult, can he make Chen intentionally pierce that embarrassment?

Zhu Wenshu put down her phone and put on her beloved bracelet again with peace of mind.

The next second, the phone vibrated again.

[c]: But teacher Zhu, please take a closer look.

[Zhu Wenshu]:?

【c】: This one and the one you found yesterday

【c】: Which one is your bracelet?

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

It's not that I wish Wen Shu a good teacher, at this moment she really wants to teach Ling Chen the art of speaking and how to end the chat correctly.

But obviously she didn't change Ling Chen's qualifications, so she decided to change herself, ignore what he said, and change the focus of the topic.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Thank you so much, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do.

[Zhu Wenshu]: You don't even know how important this bracelet is to me.

[c]: Is it over with a thank you?

Zhu Wenshu sent a red envelope almost subconsciously.

But the other party didn't click on it at all.

[c]: Teacher Zhu, you can wait for me to die before doing this kind of thing.

The implication is that there is no shortage of money at present.

[Zhu Wenshu]: That's right.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Then shall I treat you to a meal?

As soon as I posted this sentence, Zhu Wenshu began to regret it.

If people are not short of money, will they still be short of food?

She clicked withdraw immediately.

Unexpectedly, she hadn't decided to say something again, but Ling Chen's new news came again.

【c】: I wish the teacher doesn't have to regret it so quickly.

【c】: My meal will not be very expensive.


Why do you still use the aggressive method?

Zhu Wenshu felt that this meal must be invited.

But it is indeed more tricky to invite Ling Chen to eat than to give out red envelopes.

If the grade is poor, I'm afraid he won't like it, and she can't afford the expensive one, and she has to consider privacy to ensure that no one will find out.

She opened the app on her mobile phone, and after a long time she chose a private restaurant located halfway up the mountain, and sent it to Ling Chen.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Is this one okay? There is no dine-in, all private rooms, which should be more private.

Waited a while longer.

[c]: It’s okay.

It looks pretty forced.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Then when are you free?

Zhu Wenshu flipped through the curriculum while typing.

[Zhu Wenshu]: This weekend?

[c]: There is something.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Then next weekend?

[c]: I have something to do.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Then next weekend?

【c】: Very busy.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Why don't we talk about it ten years later.

She pursed her lips and asked patiently.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Then when are you free?

[c]: Tonight.

The Monday after the holiday is always very busy. Zhu Wenshu originally planned to stay after school to correct the holiday homework.

With Ling Chen doing this, she could only take her homework home and work overtime.

Thinking that it would be inconvenient to carry a bag of homework to the restaurant, Zhu Wenshu went home first after school.

After putting down his things, Zhu Wenshu went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

As soon as I looked up and saw my own face in the mirror, I suddenly had a thought.

After all, he was having dinner with Ling Chen, so he went to the appointment with his plain face, wouldn't he look a lot like a big star and his little follower?

That's not okay.

Zhu Wenshu glanced at his watch and found that there was plenty of time, so he sat down in front of the dressing table.

It's makeup, but Zhu Wenshu's equipment is only a bottle of foundation, an eyebrow pencil, and four or five lipsticks.

And her skin was already fair and tender, with almost no blemishes. After applying foundation a few times, she found that it was no different from not applying foundation, so she simply didn't bother to bother, and let the liquid foundation turn ashes on the table.

Opening it again today, she found that the liquid had already dried up in the bottle.

Therefore, Zhu Wenshu wanted to put on a delicate makeup to go to the appointment, but in the end he only put on a little lipstick, not even an eyebrow pencil.

After getting up, she looked down and saw the white shirt and black trousers she was wearing today.

It's really a little more serious, like overalls.

But it's not necessary to spend a lot of time matching clothes, so she opened the closet and found a light blue denim skirt to change into.

After tidying up everything, Zhu Wenshu stood in front of the full-length mirror and looked at himself. He felt that he was not bad, lively and dignified, and there was no trace of specially dressed at all.

Hey, it's so beautiful.

Zhu Wenshu still wanted to admire himself in front of the full-length mirror for a while, when the phone rang suddenly.

She picked it up in a hurry, and Zhu Qisen's urging voice came from her ear.

"Are you okay? If you don't come again, I will be posted!"

The agreed restaurant was halfway up the mountain, and the transportation was inconvenient. Zhu Wenshu originally planned to take a taxi there by himself.

At lunch, he ran into Zhu Qisen again in the cafeteria. He wanted Zhu Wen Shu to accompany him to choose gifts, so he took the initiative to take the driver's burden.

Unexpectedly, the driver did not have the self-consciousness of the driver, so he started to rush after waiting for a long time.

Zhu Wenshu hurried downstairs and glared at him when he got into the car.

"Do you dare to urge your music teacher like that?"

"Can that be the same?"

Zhu Qisen said, "He is—"

Without saying a word, when Zhu Qisen reversed the car, he turned his head and saw Zhu Wenshu, his expression suddenly became a little teasing.

"Oh, didn't you have dinner with a high school classmate? It seems that this classmate is unusual."

"As for it? I didn't even paint my eyebrows." Zhu Wenshu opened the sun visor and observed his makeup in the small mirror above, "I don't look any different from usual."

Zhu Qisen smiled wickedly, "The main reason is that you don't usually wear much makeup, but today you came here suddenly, wearing a white shirt and a small skirt, and tied a high ponytail, it's so special..."

Zhu Wenshu: "What?"

"Just..." Zhu Qisen stroked his chin, "I suddenly remembered my first love in high school."

Zhu Wenshu nodded: "Then your high school first love is pretty pretty."


Zhu Qisen's destination is very clear, first go to the gold shop to buy gifts. With Zhu Wenshu here, he didn't waste much time, just pay the money.

Then it was to send Zhu Wenshu to a restaurant for an appointment.

When passing the Jiangcheng Concert Hall, he saw a large audio-visual store open next to him, thought for a while, and stepped on the accelerator.

"Hello!" Seeing this, Zhu Wenshu said quickly, "I have an appointment with my friend at seven o'clock!"

"Don't worry, there's time." Zhu Qisen didn't intend to let go of the gas pedal at all, "I'm passing by anyway, so why don't you just buy it by the way."

Without a steering wheel in his hand, Zhu Wenshu couldn't help but refuse.

I don't know which musician is going to hold a concert here tonight. There are quite a lot of people in the video store. Zhu Qisen went straight to the pop music area, took a vinyl record of "Classmate Xiaocan", and then went to line up at the cashier.

Zhu Wenshu was waiting at the door, but when he saw a lot of people queuing up, he wanted to go in and urge Zhu Qisen.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Ling Chen's "Classmate Xiaocan" placed in the center of the display stand in front of him.

This album has been released for so many years and can still be promoted by audio-visual store owners, which shows that the sales volume is indeed very good.

Below the booth, there is a promotional slogan prepared by the audio-visual store itself.

"Every boy hides a classmate Xiaocan in his heart."

Zhu Wenshu chuckled, this is quite artistic.

The setting sun moved obliquely outside the glass window, covering Zhu Wenshu.

She picked up the album, and the beam of light at dusk cast a hazy old-time texture on both the CD and herself.

On the cover, the sunny tree-lined path is full of life, a group of students are walking towards the front, and the lens is out of focus.

In the middle is a girl in a white shirt and blue skirt, holding a book, running along the crowd, her ponytail fluttering in the wind.

In the whole picture, only her back is clear and vivid.

I wish Wen Shu not chasing stars and shopping very rationally.

But at this moment, she has a desire to consume impulsively.

It happened that Zhu Qisen had already lined up near the booth, so Zhu Wenshu slipped the CD to him.

"Buy one for me too, and transfer the money to you later."

"You actually bought it too."

Zhu Qisen just said casually, and didn't mean to ask more, "But do you want to buy his vinyl? Xueer said the sound quality will be better."


Zhu Wen picked up the book and flipped through it. The binding seemed to be much more upscale than ordinary CDs. "How much is this?"

Zhu Qisen: "Seven hundred and five."

"never mind."

Zhu Wenshu immediately put down the vinyl record and took back the ordinary CD, "There is no need to spend so much money for him."