Chapter 10:

When Zhu Qisen's car stopped in front of the wooden fence outside the restaurant, it was exactly 6:58.

Zhu Qisen looked around and said, "Hey, you chose this place quite elegantly, do you really have an appetite for cooking in this kind of place?"

"Just treat me as if I came to eat vegetarian food."

Zhu Wenshu felt that time was running out and he was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he hurriedly got off the car and walked towards the restaurant.

The restaurant decorated in Chinese style is not very brightly lit, and a five-meter-long screen covers most of the windows, making the room even more quiet.

Zhu Wenshu followed the lobby manager to the reserved box, and when he crossed the artificial stream bridge, he took out his mobile phone and took a look.

It will be seven o'clock soon, and Ling Chen hasn't sent a message yet, so I don't know if he has arrived.

Thinking of this, she typed a few words as she walked.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Are you there yet?

【c】: Haven't gone out yet.

[Zhu Wenshu]:?

She paused.

Is this person so timeless?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Did we agree on seven o'clock?

[c]: Yes.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Then what time is it over there?

As soon as the news was sent out, the lobby manager stopped suddenly, and pushed open the door of the box in front of him as soon as he raised his hand.

Zhu Wenshu glanced out of the corner of his eye, and saw Ling Chen in black, lazily nestled in a chair, playing with his mobile phone, his peaked cap pressed down very low, and his mask tight, with only his eyes exposed.

However, there is no place for a pair of long legs, and none of them are kicking on the legs of the table beside them, as if they are in their own happy hometown.

If it weren't for this posture, Zhu Wenshu might not have recognized him.

Moreover, the movement of the lobby manager opening the door was not small, but Ling Chen acted as if he hadn't heard it, and didn't raise his head.

It wasn't until Zhu Wenshu coughed lightly while standing by the door that Ling Chen raised his eyes lazily, looked away from the phone, and moved up carelessly—

When he passed Zhu Wenshu's body, his eyes froze for a moment.

The setting sun is like broken gold, floating with dust. Under his deep eyebrows, his dark pupils were fixed on Zhu Wenshu, shattering the silence of the room, like a turbulent whirlpool, instantly sucking people into it.

Under his gaze, Zhu Wenshu lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I'm a bit late. I actually went out quite early, and I just bought something on the way. There were a lot of people, and it took a while to line up.”

Although she wasn't late, it was really unreasonable for the treater to be later than the guests.

But after she finished speaking, Ling Chen didn't respond to her explanation.

He just lowered his eyelashes and flipped through the menu on the table.

Zhu Wenshu felt that his silence at this time should also be regarded as a statement.


According to her superficial understanding of the entertainment industry, these big stars always make people wait for hours, there is no reason for them to wait.

While Ling Chen was looking at the menu, Zhu Wenshu looked around, and finally set his eyes on the half-filled lemonade pot in front of him.

She thought of something, her heart jumped suddenly, and she asked, "Have you waited for a long time?"

Ling Chen's eyes paused for a moment, then he raised his hand, picked up the kettle and poured himself another cup under her gaze, and slowly raised his eyes to meet her, with a smile in his eyes.

"Yeah, I've been waiting for you for over an hour."

Perhaps his tone was too calm, but Zhu Wenshu heard a bit of irony.

Am I free?

What nonsense are you asking?

Zhu Wenshu muttered a few words in his heart, and pulled out the chair by himself.

At the same time, the lobby manager quietly exited the box, and Ling Chen took off his hat and mask.

"What did you buy?"

When he was about to sit down, Ling Chen suddenly spoke.

Zhu Wenshu didn't come back to his senses, he opened his mouth half-open and didn't know how to explain.

At the same time, her dress was hanging on the arm of the chair.

The obvious pulling sensation made her turn her head around to pull, and when she raised her hand, the bag she was carrying slipped off her forearm.

Fortunately, she had quick eyesight and quick hands, and grabbed the silk scarf on top of the bag before it fell to the ground.

But then, with a "click", a CD that hadn't been opened from the plastic package fell out, and the four big characters of "Classmate Xiaocan" were shining brightly in front of my eyes.

Without even thinking about it, Zhu Wenshu squatted down to pick it up.

But as soon as her fingers touched the CD, she felt a shadow fall on her.

When she looked up, she met Ling Chen's face.

His eyes fell on the CD, and after a while, he moved up inch by inch.

When he looked at Zhu Wenshu again, there was already a clear expression on his face, "So I was queuing up to buy this, OK, I forgive you for letting me wait for you today".

"That's how long it should be," he said.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She maintained a half-squatting position and thought for a long time, but she really couldn't think of what to say, so she picked up the CD stiffly, and said with a dry smile: "I really like this album. Spend some money to support the cause of old classmates."

"Is it."

Ling Chen put down the menu, curled the corners of his lips, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Then which song is your favorite?"


Zhu Wenshu blinked and blurted out, "Student Xiaocan."

The slowly shifting sunlight shone across Ling Chen's face, making his eyes appear dim, and only the arc of the corner of his mouth disappeared inadvertently.

After a while, he spoke softly.

"Well, I like it the most too."

Zhu Wenshu laughed dryly, "I see, it's the title song."

Unexpectedly, Ling Chen stopped looking at the menu, leaned over the table, leaned on his right cheek, and asked, "What else?"


Why surprise inspection?

Zhu Wenshu quickly lowered his eyes and glanced at the catalog of the album.

There are twelve songs in total, the first one is "Xiao Cang Classmate", and the rest are all Chinese songs, but the English name of the last one is more prominent.

— "All you wish you come true"

Zhu Wenshu recited this sentence silently in his heart, like a small hook, hooking out the few memories about Ling Chen in Zhu Wenshu's mind.

In the midsummer of that year, the cicadas sang, the last math class ended, and their high school time was about to come to an end.

The English teacher at that time was a very caring young girl. She personally wrote blessings to each student and asked them to distribute them to the students.

Excited students ran around the classroom and corridors to take pictures. It took Zhu Wenshu a long time to distribute the cards one by one.

Turning his head, he saw a boy sleeping on the desk in the corner.

Under the scorching sun, he was covered with a school uniform to shade him, and his thin body blended into the surroundings. It was hard to find that there was another person here without looking carefully.

He always has such a pose, such a scene, which leads to being often forgotten.

Zhu Wenshu stopped in his tracks and repeatedly confirmed that there was indeed not a single card left in his hand.

I don't know if I lost it just now, or the English teacher ignored him in the first place.

Thinking of Ling Chen, who usually has no sense of presence, Zhu Wenshu's heart ached. If he wakes up and finds that the whole class has blessings, but he doesn't, he should be very disappointed.

At this moment, the boy under the school uniform moved a little, as if he was about to wake up.

Zhu Wenshu panicked, and quickly grabbed a pen and a post-it note from the desk beside him.

In the nick of time, Zhu Wenshu couldn't think of any perfect greetings, so he could only grab a short English sentence that he had just memorized from his mind and write it down.

I didn't even have time to imitate my English teacher's handwriting.

"All you wish you come true."

The writing was a bit sloppy, Zhu Wenshu nervously held the post-it note and stepped forward, and when Ling Chen raised his head, he handed it over.

"Ling Chen, here it is."

The sleepy-eyed teenager seemed to be a little bit late in his reaction. He lay on the desk, stared into her eyes for a long time, then looked away as if he had just woken up from a dream, and slowly sat up straight.

He lowered his head, took the post-it note, stared at the words on it for a long time, wondering if he found something.

Zhu Wenshu coughed nervously twice.

When Ling Chen looked up, she showed a dry smile, thinking of saying something to divert his attention.

"Then what... is graduating..."

What's next?

Facing a classmate who was almost a stranger, Zhu Wenshu held back for a long time before coming up with a polite sentence.

"I wish you a bright future, and I will keep in touch in the future."

Ling Chen didn't speak, just looked up at her.

Standing in his eyes, Zhu Wenshu felt that he was looking at her, but those hazy eyes seemed to be looking at the distant future through her.


Immediately afterwards, he casually stuffed the post-it note into the pocket of the school uniform, and tucked it into the pile of school uniform, leaving only the back of Zhu Wenshu's head.

"Do you like it too much?"

Ling Chen's voice suddenly sounded in the faded memory, "Can't you choose?"

Zhu Wenshu: "?"

She suddenly came back to her senses, looking at the man in front of her with a slightly awkward tone and expression, it was hard to accept that this was actually the taciturn boy in her memory.

But she didn't expect that Ling Chen was quite emotional.

If he knew that this sentence was not a blessing given to him by the English teacher, but she cheated him, he would be speechless.

"Not really."

Zhu Wenshu pointed to the song "Allyouwishescometrue" and said, "I like this song too."

Ling Chen tilted his head to look at her, and was about to speak when Zhu Wenshu quickly pointed to the menu in his hand.

"Hurry up and order, I'm a little hungry."

Wouldn't it be embarrassing for everyone if he asked her to talk about how she liked it and she couldn't say anything.

No need no need.

Fortunately, Ling Chen didn't say anything more, just lowered his head and hummed softly, and opened the menu again.

"What to eat?"

Zhu Wenshu: "I can do it, don't pick."

Ling Chen looked up at her.

Zhu Wenshu didn't know why, so he raised his eyebrows, meaning "what's wrong?"

Ling Chen didn't say anything, turned over two pages of the menu, and said, "How about the parsley beef?"

When Zhu Wenshu heard this, the smile on the corner of his mouth was a little stiff, but he still said, "Yes."

It doesn't matter, just pick out the coriander.

Ling Chen turned another page.

"Chopped pepper fish head?"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

The hands under the table clenched the tablecloth tightly, but there was a smile on his face: "Okay."

At worst, go home and take some gastrointestinal medicine, it won't kill you if it's spicy.

Ling Chen scribbled through a few pages. He didn't seem to see anything he wanted to eat. He turned back to the first page of the menu and took a look. With a vague smile.

"Another cashew chicken?"

Zhu Wenshu: "?"

What the **** is going on, is this person dancing precisely on her eating point?

She only had three taboos in total, and Ling Chen actually won all of them.

"...You can order as much as you want, I can do it." Zhu Wenshu smiled firmly, "Your host can do as you please."

"Teacher Zhu is indeed a good teacher, not picky at all."

Ling Chen chuckled suddenly, closed the menu neatly, and pushed it forward.

"But suddenly I don't really want to eat, so you should have some."

Zhu Wenshu: "?"

If it was someone else in front of him, Zhu Wenshu must have contributed to the deceptive behavior.

But it was Ling Chen in front of him.

Anyone who surfs the Internet doesn't know that today's big stars are used to being tricky and weird, and they are the best at playing big names, and they like to torture people.

So Ling Chen's behavior at this time is not difficult to understand.

She didn't look at Ling Chen again, flipped through the menu for a while, pressed the service bell, and ordered five dishes in one go as soon as the waiter came in.

"Black Pepper Beef, Three Fresh Fish Head, Kung Pao Chicken, and a vegetarian stir-fried seasonal vegetable and mushroom soup, thank you."

After the waiter went out with the menu, the box became empty again.

Zhu Wenshu and Ling Chen sat face to face, speechless for a while.

I don't know what to say, and it's impolite to play with my phone, so I have to—

Zhu Wenshu moved his eyes slowly, looking at Ling Chen, trying to find something to talk about.

Unexpectedly, Ling Chen also happened to look up.

When the two eyes caught off guard and met under the lamp, the chirping of insects and birds dormant outside the window suddenly appeared.

Zhu Wenshu's heart trembled inexplicably, but his eyes froze uncontrollably for two seconds.

Until she saw Ling Chen's eyes move slightly.

I always feel that the person on the opposite side will say "you will have to pay if you watch it again" in the next second.

So Zhu Wenshu planned to strike first.

However, the moment before she opened her mouth, someone's mobile phone on the table vibrated suddenly.

The buzzing sound suddenly cut through the silence at this time, causing Chen to look away suddenly, landed on the phone, and then stretched out his hand to swipe the screen.

Zhu Wenshu was still inexplicably confused.

He lowered his head and found that it seemed to be his mobile phone that entered the message.

【Zhu Qisen】: I'm hopeless.

【Zhu Qisen】: I'm such a fool!

[Zhu Wenshu]:?

[Zhu Qisen]: I just went to find Xueer, eager to give her a vinyl CD, but she had already bought eight of them and kept them at home.

[Zhu Qisen]: When I gave her the ninth card, I thought she looked at me like an idiot.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Teacher Zhu has the following six points to say.

[Zhu Wenshu]:...

[Zhu Qisen]: I am speechless too, I think I will never be able to catch up with Xueer in this life.

[Zhu Qisen]: After burning incense and worshiping Buddha, please contact me. I will go to the temple to ring the bell.

After staring at the phone for a while, Zhu Wenshu looked up at the man sitting opposite him again.

After a moment of hesitation, she tapped the keyboard furtively.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Does your music teacher really like Ling Chen?

[Zhu Qisen]: Probably to the extent that if Ling Chen and I fell into the water at the same time, she would step on my dead body to save Ling Chen.

[Zhu Wenshu]:.

Putting down the phone, Zhu Wenshu pursed his lips and hesitated for a long time before speaking.

"That... your that..."

Ling Chen: "What?"

"It's your acting..."

When Zhu Wenshu was struggling to come up with words, the waiter suddenly pushed the door open and served two dishes.

When she finished serving the dishes and left, Ling Chen wiped his chopsticks and asked, "What did you just ask?"

Zhu Wenshu shook his head: "Nothing..."

After the waiter went out, Zhu Wen Shu hesitated again: "Actually, I want to ask... your concert tickets..."

"Say it straight."

Ling Chen's chopsticks stopped in mid-air, "Do you want to buy?"

The light shone brightly on his face, and the upturned eye tails should be very attractive, but Zhu Wenshu only felt that he owed it.

never mind.

In the process of paying back a favor, it is always bad to owe another one.

"No such plan."

Zhu Wenshu was discouraged, and buried his head in the food, "Buying CDs is already my greatest generosity, and I usually prostitute you for nothing."

Ling Chen was silent for a moment, before spit out two words.

"...whoring me?"

This time, Zhu Wenshu's chopsticks stopped in mid-air: "..."

Ling Chen: "Mr. I wish you a good example, but you actually have this hobby?"

Zhu Wenshu: "...Sorry, I will definitely spend money for you in the future."

Ling Chen twisted his fingers, gently stirred the soup in the bowl with the spoon, and smiled.

"Then...thank you for spending money on whoring me?"


Zhu Wenshu lowered his head calmly, opened his mouth to chew the vegetables, and his movements were done in one go.

Just stop saying a word.

Early the next morning.

Zhu Wenshu sat in the office, looked at the two stacks of homework that had been collected on the table, and sighed heavily.

It was almost nine o'clock when she returned home yesterday, and she was thinking about working overtime to correct the National Day homework. Unexpectedly, a parent suddenly called her and chatted worriedly about the study problems for almost two hours.

After hanging up the phone, she saw that it was so late, and thought it would be okay to be lazy and correct the homework tomorrow.

But now, she just wanted to travel back to the day before and punch herself.

What kind of bath, what kind of sleep, the head teacher is not worthy of sleep.

Resignedly, she took out her pen and placed the leftover homework next to yesterday's homework.

"Whoever is ordered will be corrected first."

After reading the twelve characters, the red pen just pointed to yesterday's homework.

Zhu Wenshu sighed again, and opened the topmost homework book.

Fortunately, yesterday's homework was copying new characters, and it didn't take much brains to correct it, and more than half of it was done by brushing.

Early morning is the busiest time in the office, with people coming and going in the aisle beside me, chattering and chirping all the time.

Zhu Wen's books fell on deaf ears and corrected one by one.

Until she opened Ling Siyuan's homework book, her gaze suddenly focused, and the red pen in her hand also froze in mid-air.

"Xiao Zhu, have you had breakfast yet?"

Teacher Wang's voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"Ah?" Zhu Wenshu quickly closed his homework book, turned around in a panic, "Eat, eat."

"Oh, okay."

After Teacher Wang sat back on his chair, Zhu Wenshu turned around slowly and reopened Ling Siyuan's homework.

In the small matt book, there are two tickets to Ling Chen's concert.

There was a post-it note on it, with two lines written in a flying style.

"Flowers and light sticks are at your own expense."

"Come to my concert."