Chapter 11:

The leaves of the sycamore trees are falling, and the sun is beautiful and the wind is clear.

The whole office is filled with the fragrance of golden osmanthus.

Zhu Wenshu has been posting at the desk for more than ten minutes.

Under the high autumn sun, she rested her chin and looked at the swaying golden osmanthus tree outside the window, her face full of entanglement.

Ling Chen sold her old classmate's face and gave her two tickets, but she couldn't tell them. In fact, I didn't plan to go to your concert, so I planned to give the tickets away.

That's a bit of a push on the nose and face.

But if she kept one for herself, would it be possible for her to go with Zhu Qisen's music teacher?

That's too strange, she has never even met that Xue'er.

As for the option of going with Zhu Qisen, Zhu Wenshu didn't think about it at all.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhu Wenshu turned his attention to WeChat on his mobile phone.

Anyway, now in Ling Chen's eyes, she is already a **** who is shy and rubbing her ticket.

No matter how seems to be not bad?

After finding the steps for himself, Zhu Wenshu climbed down quickly.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Thank you for the tickets, I am so honored [呲牙]

After sending this message, she waited for a long time, but there was no movement on the other side.

It wasn't until she finished correcting the homework of the two classes that Ling Chen finally answered a word.

[c]: Hmm.

How can we talk about this?

Excellent young Chinese teachers are at a loss for words.

After a long while, Zhu Wenshu held back a straight line.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Do you have any more tickets?

[c]: How many?

It seems that the self-esteem of the big star has been hurt.

Zhu Wenshu hissed and quickly retracted the previous sentence.

[Zhu Wenshu]: What I mean is, I have a friend who also really, really likes you.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I am tired of you because of you, I have suffered all the crimes for you, and I just want to get drunk for you face to face.

[Zhu Wenshu]: So...

A few minutes later, Ling Chen sent a voice message.

Zhu Wenshu looked around. To be on the safe side, she took out her earphones and put them on before turning on the voice.

"Then how about I give you another seven or eight?"

Seven or eight... Zhang?

Zhu Wenshu almost lost his grip on the phone.

According to the market price of Ling Chen's concert tickets, seven or eight tickets must not cost her?

She couldn't believe it, so she turned on the audio again and listened to it, making sure that he was talking about seven or eight pictures.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Are you unable to sell tickets? ? ? ?


[c]: I wish Wen Shu

【c】: Would you like to try again?

[Zhu Wenshu]:. . . . oh!

[c]: One piece.

【c】: Not many.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Alright!

Unexpectedly, Ling Chen was so easy to talk and solved this problem easily, Zhu Wenshu typed a line from the bottom of his heart.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I will definitely bring a bouquet of big flowers, and wish you great success forever!

[C]: Thank you.

[c]: I hope that the teacher's blessing will come true.

Just as he put down his phone, someone patted Zhu Wenshu from behind.

"Mr. Zhu, why are you laughing so happily?"


Zhu Wenshu turned his head and saw Mr. Wang looking at her gossipingly, and then remembered that he was still wearing earphones.

"No, I'm listening to Guo Degang's cross talk."

Zhu Wenshu took off his earphones and touched his cheek.

Are you laughing?

"By the way, you didn't hear me talking to you just now."

Teacher Wang said, "Do you have any more red pens? I can't find my red pen. I will buy it later and return it to you."

"There are some."

Zhu Wenshu quickly handed the red pen in his hand to the senior, "What is a pen, you can just use it."

Pulling out another red pen from the drawer, Zhu Wenshu continued to correct yesterday's homework.

After the end, she began to correct the previous National Day holiday homework left over.

Opening the first student's composition, Zhu Wenshu's eyes paused for a moment on the cover, and suddenly he buried himself in the pile of homework.

Ling Siyuan's homework books are always easy to find, you just need to pick out the most tattered and dirtiest ones, among which he is designated.

Sure enough, when Zhu Wenshu saw the crooked "Ling Siyuan" on the cover, he took a deep breath and turned to the first page.

"National Day Autumn Outing"

"The National Day holiday is here, and my father took me out to play."

Seeing this line of words, Zhu Wenshu's heart skipped a beat, with mixed feelings in his heart.

She hoped that Ling Chen could spend time with Ling Siyuan, but also worried that if she really took him out to play, she would be photographed by passers-by.

When the time comes, there will be a **** storm, and I don't know how it will end.

Fortunately, seeing the next sentence, she dispelled this worry.

"We went to my cousin's orchard in the country, where there are apple trees, persimmon trees and orange trees."

The orchard of my relatives, there should be no one there.

"The oranges were bright yellow, the persimmons were small, and the apples were big and round. I really wanted to eat them, so my father climbed a tree and picked two apples. We sat on the side of the road and ate them."

Zhu Wenshu: "...?"

Ling Chen... climbing a tree? Sitting on the side of the road eating an apple?

"Later the watchdog found us, and my dad picked me up and ran. I was very heavy, and my dad had a big butt. He panted harder than that dog when he ran."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

...a big butt?

"Uncle Sun went down, so my father took me bouncing home. That night, my father was so tired that he couldn't straighten up, and he said he would go to the hospital the next day to see a doctor."

Ling Chen's "bouncing and jumping" image appeared in Zhu Wenshu's mind, and he couldn't help it.

"Mr. Zhu, why are you laughing again?"

Teacher Wang went to the water dispenser to make a cup of tea and came back. Seeing Zhu Wenshu lying on the table, his shoulders shaking with laughter, he was very puzzled, "Why is cross talk so funny?"

"It's not cross talk."

Zhu Wenshu looked up, wiped the corners of his eyes, pointed to the homework and said, "I'm laughing at the student's composition."

Having been a Chinese teacher for more than 30 years, Mr. Wang quickly glanced at it, but didn't understand where the joke was.

"Isn't this an ordinary composition? How is it funny?"

"At once…"

Zhu Wenshu didn't know how to explain to Mr. Wang, "It's kind of funny."

Teacher Wang shook his head and returned to his seat with a puzzled expression of "I don't understand your young people's jokes".

Zhu Wenshu smiled, picked up a pen and wrote a comment seriously.

— “It was interesting, and I wish your dad a speedy recovery too.”

I don't know if it makes Siyuan's travel notes have too much stamina, Zhu Wenshu is in a good mood all day long, and sometimes he can't help laughing when he suddenly recalls it.

After school in the afternoon, she handed the students to their parents one by one at the pick-up point, then turned around and walked towards the bus stop, and happened to see Zhu Qisen who was leaving get off work by bicycle.

"Zhu Qisen!"

Seeing that he was about to cross the road, Zhu Wenshu hurriedly called him to stop.


Zhu Qisen jumped off the bicycle and put one foot on the ground, "I'm in a hurry to find Xue'er, please tell me if you have something to do."

love brain.

Zhu Wenshu walked up to him and took out two tickets with a cold face.

"Take it."

"What is this... I'm stupid!"

Seeing the words on the ticket clearly, Zhu Qisen was stunned for a moment, then raised it above his head to look through the light repeatedly, like checking money.

"Where did you get it?!"

"My roommate."

Zhu Wenshu lowered his head and picked at his fingers, pretending to be casual and said, "She said she picked up the leak in the star group."

Zhu Qisen, with well-developed limbs, didn't think too much, and jumped off the bicycle excitedly to hold Zhu Wenshu's hands.

"You are my reborn parents, and I will repay you in the next life."

"Let me go, let me go, you don't look like a teacher!"

Zhu Wenshu pulled out his hand forcefully, not wanting to write with Zhu Qisen, "It's nothing, I'm going home."

"Wait a minute!"

Zhu Qisen took out his mobile phone and hurriedly said, "How much is it? I'll transfer it to you."

Zhu Wenshu was taken aback.

If Zhu Qisen hadn't said it, she would have really forgotten about it—

She lied to Zhu Qisen that this ticket was bought by her roommate, so he would definitely pay for it.

"Or...forget it."

"Then how can I do that?" Zhu Qisen patted Zhu Wenshu on the shoulder, "Brother, I can't get you for nothing, and it's not cheap. How can I make you pay for chasing girls by myself, and how can I find you in the future?" Do you help?"

Zhu Wenshu lowered his eyes and looked at the ticket in his hand.

"Just, just the original price, one thousand two hundred and eighty pieces."

"Original price?! Didn't raise the price?!"

Now Zhu Qisen's eyes were even wider than when he just got the ticket, "Is the person who issued this ticket a philanthropist?"

"...You just take it as it is."

"Are you sure this ticket is not fake?"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She looked away, frowned and said, "Fidelity, absolutely fidelity."


A few seconds later, Zhu Wenshu received a transfer amount of 2560 on WeChat.

On the way home, she thought about the money and felt that something was wrong.

At first, she just wanted to help Zhu Qisen, and it was unexpected that she received Ling Chen's ticket.

It's not good to tell Zhu Qisen at this time that the ticket was given by Ling Chen.

Not to mention whether Zhu Qisen believed it or not, she felt dizzy just thinking that everyone around her knew about her relationship with Ling Chen and came to ask questions.

But now that Zhu Qisen gave her a sum of money, she always felt like a second-hand businessman who used Ling Chen to make money.

What's more, Ling Chen still gave her the ticket out of the affection of an old classmate. The money was too hot for her to hold, and her conscience was disturbed.

As a teacher of the people, Zhu Wenshu feels that he must have a clear conscience.

So without thinking too much, she transferred the money to Ling Chen as she walked.

Coincidentally, Ling Chen was probably looking at his phone at the moment, and he replied quickly.


[c]: What money?

[Zhu Wenshu]: I thought about it, but I still can't get your ticket for nothing.

[Zhu Wenshu]: This is the money for two tickets today.

[c]: Not necessary.

[Zhu Wenshu]: It is necessary and necessary!

[Zhu Wenshu]: I am your child's teacher, it is not appropriate to take your things for nothing.

After posting this sentence, Zhu Wenshu felt more and more that he was doing the right thing.

Be careful when sailing for thousands of years, in case someone finds out one day and thinks she is accepting a gift from a student's parents.

[c]: Then you can accept me if you are not my child's teacher?

[Zhu Wenshu]: That's not what it means...

[Zhu Wenshu]: I still know how hard it is to buy your tickets. If I take your tickets for nothing, don't I have to treat you to dinner again?

after a long time.

Zhu Wenshu got off at the station, walked through the bustling pedestrian street, bought a few oranges, and was covered in fireworks.

Back home, Ying Fei just got the takeaway.

The delicious Mala Tang whetted Zhu Wenshu's appetite again. The two girls turned on the TV and ate heartily amidst the laughter of the variety show.

When the lights in Zhu Wenshu's bedroom were turned on, Ling Chen's WeChat finally had a movement.

Zhu Wenshu turned on the phone.

Ling Chen accepted the money, but did not reply a word.