Chapter 12:

In the early morning of the next day, Zhu Wenshu met Zhu Qisen again at the school gate, and saw his big white teeth from a long distance away.

"Hey! Isn't this my benefactor!"

Zhu Qisen ran towards her with a bag of soy milk happily, "You are too beautiful today, I really feel wronged to teach in this elementary school, you should go to Hollywood and let the whole world witness your beauty."

"Almost there."

Zhu Wenshu stayed half a meter away from this person, for fear that his foolishness would infect him, "If there is nothing to do, I went to pull the weeds on the edge of the playground."

"How can I have nothing to do? I was born to be a cow and a horse for Teacher Zhu." Zhu Qisen put the soy milk in front of Zhu Wenshu, "Have you had breakfast yet?"


Zhu Wenshu waved away his soymilk, "Speak quickly if you have something to say, I have to go to the classroom to keep an eye on the students."

"Hey, it's not a big deal, it's just that Xue'er was very happy when she received the concert tickets yesterday, and I want to add one to your roommate's star group."


Zhu Wenshu's eyebrows jumped, and he said without changing his face, "My roommate's star group is very strict, and it's already full, so I can't join it."

"Oh... so..."

Zhu Qisen immediately plugged in the straw and started drinking soy milk by himself, "It's fine, she's already very happy to be able to go to Ling Chen's concert."

Speaking of this, Zhu Wenshu thought of something, turned his head and said, "By the way, I will also go to the concert when the time comes."


Zhu Qisen was holding a straw in his mouth, and the word "reject" was written in bold and emphatic on his face, "If you really have nothing to do, go and pull the weeds on the edge of the playground."

"You are really crossing rivers and tearing down bridges."

Zhu Wen bookishly laughed, "I still have a ticket, can you control me?"

Zhu Qisen: "You don't like Ling Chen, you have nothing to do to join in the fun, wouldn't you resell the tickets to make some money?"

"It's not a matter of liking it or not."

Zhu Wenshu didn't say the rest.

That's not to make a scene.

Moreover, not everyone has the opportunity to go to a high school classmate's concert.

Thinking about it carefully, there is a bit of honor to it.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wenshu walked briskly all the way to the office, saw two piles of homework books neatly placed on the table, bent down and started flipping through the homework books without even putting down the bag.

Finding Ling Siyuan's, she opened it with great expectation—


She turned a few pages back and forth, even picked up the homework book and shook it, only one leftover spicy stick fell out.

Is it forgotten or lost?

Zhu Wenshu was worried and walked to the classroom.

A few minutes before the morning reading class, the students were all making noise in the classroom. Seeing the head teacher come in, the whole space seemed to press the pause button, and small heads looked at Zhu Wenshu eagerly.

Like being in a sunflower field, Zhu Wenshu coughed lightly, waved at Ling Siyuan, and said in a deep voice, "Yuanyuan, come here."

Ling Siyuan went in without knowing, and walked out step by step, scratching the back of his head.

"Teacher, what's the matter?"

Zhu Wenshu bent down, his eyebrows crooked with a smile, "Did your father ask you to bring anything to the teacher today?"


Ling Siyuan continued to scratch his round head like a confused little monk, and he hesitated for a long time before saying, "No, no."

"'s okay, you can go back to the classroom and listen to the lecture obediently."

It's not as good as losing it.

Zhu Wenshu thought, it's normal that Ling Siyuan didn't send it.

Ling Chen is so busy, he may not remember this matter. And even if you remember, you may not have time to explain.

By Friday, Zhu Wenshu had still not received the ticket.

In the evening, after taking a shower, she lay on the bed, thought for a while, and decided to send Ling Chen a message.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Student Ling Chen, good evening.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I haven't found any tickets in Yuanyuan's homework these days, have you forgotten it?

At the same time, she transferred the ticket money to Ling Chen.

But these three messages were like disappearing into the sea. Zhu Wenshu waited for a long time, his consciousness was half asleep and half awake, and it seemed that Chen had replied to her message.

Picked up the phone, but didn't see a reply.

Forget it, let's sleep first.

Just as he was about to turn off the screen, Ling Chen's name suddenly changed to "The other party is typing".

Zhu Wenshu strained his eyelids again, waiting for his news.

After repeated several times, the input status disappears.

—Ling Chen accepted the money.

【c】: My child is not a courier.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Then...

【c】: Take it yourself.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

The phrase "Why don't you call a flash mailer to send it over" was strangled in the keyboard.


[Zhu Wenshu]: Okay, when are you free?

Ling Chen sent an address.

【c】: At seven o'clock tomorrow night.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Follow orders.

The coolness of the autumn night came quietly, and a few sparse stars flickered.

This night, Zhu Wenshu slept very comfortably.

When I woke up, the sky was already bright.

It was a rare leisure, she got up slowly, took advantage of the good weather, turned on the stereo and played "New Singing of Ancient Chinese Poems in Primary School", did a big cleaning, and even took off all the sheets and quilt covers to wash.

The trivial things are endless, and after Zhu Wenshu sorted out all the summer clothes and put them in the storage box, a morning has passed.

Staying at home until six o'clock in the afternoon, Zhu Wenshu finally changed out of his pajamas and was about to go out, but happened to meet Ying Fei coming in with a takeaway.

"Do you want to take a bite?"

Ying Fei asked.

Smelling the aroma of the small hot pot, Zhu Wenshu tried hard to resist the impulse, afraid that the big star would be unhappy if he was late.

"I just finished eating and I can't eat anymore."


Ying Fei opened the takeaway and found that there were two bottles of Coke inside, and asked again, "Do you want to drink Coke?"

Zhu Wenshu was changing shoes at the door and waved to her.

"I don't like carbonated drinks for a long time."

The address Ling Chen gave was a bit far away. It was in a newly developed industrial park in the suburbs, and the subway could not go directly there.

In addition, there is usually a bit of traffic jam at this time, Zhu Wenshu dare not delay.

The sunset glowed in the sky, the taxi drove smoothly, and Zhu Wenshu was drowsy in the sunset.

I don't know how long it took, but Zhu Wenshu was woken up by the sound of whistles one after another.

When she opened her eyes, she looked at the scene in front of the windshield in disbelief.

"What's the matter? Why is it blocked like this?"

"I do not know."

The driver also followed the flow and honked the horn a few times, only to pick up the phone when he saw that the traffic ahead was not moving at all.

There are already other drivers discussing this matter in his WeChat group, and there are hundreds of messages.

"Oh, there was a car accident ahead."

He turned his head and said to Zhu Wenshu, "It should be fine, it will be unblocked later."

Zhu Wenshu gave an "um" and said nothing.

Fortunately, she set off early today according to the time estimated by the navigation.

Fifteen minutes later, Zhu Wenshu saw that the traffic was still motionless, so he couldn't hold back.

"Master, how long do you think it will take to pass?"

"How would I know!"

The driver had already shifted to P gear, with his arm hanging out of the window, and said irritably, "I heard that someone was injured, and we have to wait for an ambulance. Even the ambulance can't come in right now."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Seeing that it was already 6:40, Zhu Wenshu thought about it and sent Ling Chen a message first.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Sorry, I have a little situation here, and I may not be able to make it in time.

[Zhu Wenshu]: You are busy with your work.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Don't wait for me.

A few minutes later.

[c]: oh

The word "oh" suddenly magnified Zhu Wenshu's anxiety tenfold.

She opened the window to let the cold wind blow in. When she was thinking about what to do, her phone vibrated a few more times.

She quickly opened WeChat, only to find that it was a colleague who was gossiping in a small group without a leader.

[Lin Qiuyuan]: Wow, look.

【Lin Qiuyuan】: [Picture]

[Lin Qiuyuan]: Some magazine officials publicly complained that Ye Shaoxing was late.

[Zhang Sisi]: Tsk, he's a famous magazine, I didn't expect him to be even bigger [狗头]

[Lin Qiuyuan]: The main reason is that Ye Shaoxing has always been a dedicated person, isn't he?

[He Yueqin]: Ah, yes, yes, it is said that she has a high fever of 40° and still insists on filming.

[Lin Qiuyuan]: But aren't they afraid of being rushed by Ye Shaoxing's fans?

[Zhang Sisi]: Do people rely on him, Ye Shaoxing, for food? Anyone who hasn't ordered yet loses his temper, and I have to show my face when I meet someone who is late, let alone a big-name magazine.

[He Yueqin]: Stop talking, last time there were seven parents in our class who were late. If it weren't for the fear of being complained, I really want them to stand at the door and not come in.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

In the lively gossip, Zhu Wenshu's message seemed very out of place.

【Wishing Book】: [Cracked]

[Zhang Sisi]:?

[Lin Qiuyuan]: What's the matter with you?

[Zhu Wenshu]: It's okay...

Waiting like this is not an option, Zhu Wenshu opened the phone map, ready to see where the nearest subway station is.

Just after entering a few words, I suddenly remembered that I am now stuck on the viaduct.

If you get off here, you may not get on the subway, but you will get on the police car first.

Forget it, just wait.

The night fell amidst the traffic, and the taillights of the cars were adorned with stars.

But at Ling Chen's workplace, there is not much difference between night and day.

A boy with braided hair pushed open the door of the piano room, turned his head and looked around, only to see Ling Chen in black.

"Then we'll go back first."

Ling Chen didn't make a sound, just nodded.

Behind the braided head followed a group of men and women in strange clothes, all of whom were exhausted from lack of sleep.

"It's half past seven, you didn't sleep last night." Another short-haired girl said, "Go back early."


Ling Chen sat in front of the piano, glanced at the clock on the wall, then lowered his head, slid his fingers across the keys, "I'll wait."

"OK, then don't stay too late."

This group of musicians are not very healthy, and it is common to turn day and night upside down. In addition to daily cooperation, Ling Chen will always set aside time for immersion alone after the end.

They didn't think much, and left talking and laughing with their respective instruments on their backs.

The moment the door was closed, the light source and human voice were cut off, and only the faint moonlight from outside the window penetrated into the piano room.

The huge room was immersed in the night, and it took a long time before a light from the screen came on.

Ling Chen turned on the phone, and the conversation with Zhu Wenshu still stopped at her "don't wait for me".

Swipe up again, except for some collection records, the longest sentence is what she said, "I know how hard it is to buy your tickets, and this will take your tickets for nothing. I have to treat you to dinner again." ?".

He lowered his eyelashes quietly, listening to the sound of the second hand moving.

not for a while.

The light on the screen was dimmed, the phone was thrown beside the piano stand, and a slow melody sounded in the empty piano room.

As early as ten minutes ago, the taxi had arrived at the destination after passing through a deserted land to be developed without even the shadow of a bird.

But this park is not open to the public, Zhu Wenshu can only get off at the gate.

The navigation shows that the entrance is still seven or eight hundred meters away from Ling Chen's location. Since cars can't drive in, Zhu Wenshu has no choice but to walk.

After registering his ID card at the security booth, Zhu Wenshu thought he was too late, so he trotted over.

Although the autumn night is cool, it cannot withstand such a toss.

After more than ten minutes, when Zhu Wenshu finally arrived at the end point shown on the navigation, a thin layer of sweat was already forming on his forehead.

The small buildings are arranged in a mess, and the street lights are scarce, and the numbers marked on the buildings cannot be seen clearly.

Not sure which building it was, Zhu Wenshu looked up and looked around, trying to find a passerby to ask.

But in this place, there is not even a bird, let alone pedestrians.

While worrying, there were footsteps not far away.

A group of strangely dressed people were walking outside.

Zhu Wenshu thought for a moment, stepped forward and asked, "Hello, how can I get to Building 034?"

Hearing Zhu Wenshu's words, the group suddenly fell silent.

Especially the man with the braided hair in the lead glanced at Zhu Wenshu warily and said, "Sorry, I don't know."

"OK, thanks."

Zhu Wenshu sighed, and continued to look at the navigation to move forward.

The group of people didn't move, and after Zhu Wenshu left by mistake, they turned their heads to look at her back.

"Who is it?"

"How does she know about this place?"


"It doesn't look like it."

A few minutes later, Zhu Wenshu finally found the destination marked "034".

The building differs from its smaller adjacent office buildings with prominent names.

It has neither a name nor any external decoration. Its structure is extremely modern, but it has a somewhat bleak atmosphere.

Only the lights on the second floor show that this place is not abandoned.

Walking to the door, Zhu Wenshu pushed it and found that it was locked.

She was about to call Ling Chen, when she lowered her head, a female voice sounded beside her.

"Can I help you?"

Zhu Wenshu turned around and saw that the girl was small, carrying a bag of things, and dressed plainly, she seemed to be a staff member of Lingchen's side.

"I'm looking for Ling Chen."

She said, "My name is Zhu Wenshu, and I have an appointment with him."

The girl seemed a little surprised, staring at Zhu Wenshu intently.

Then his brows were slowly frowned, and while taking out the access control card, he said, "Why are you here at this time?"

Seeing the girl's expression, Zhu Wenshu knew that she probably had never seen anyone who would be late for an appointment with Ling Chen, and felt even more ashamed.

"There's a traffic jam on the road."

The girl said "oh".

"I thought you weren't coming, he was busy."

She pushed open the door and led Zhu Wenshu upstairs, "Come in first."

Except for a few lights on the second floor, it doesn't seem to be much different from the first floor. There are almost no decorations in the aisle, and the dark doors are juxtaposed, which looks unpopular.

"Is this your office?"

Zhu Wenshu asked in a low voice.

"No, this is Ling Chen's piano room and recording studio."

While leading the way, the girl explained to Zhu Wenshu, "When they usually play music, the sound is very loud, so the rooms are all partitioned off and equipped with noise-cancelling devices."

While speaking, the two were already standing at a fork in the road.

The girl pointed to a wooden gray double door ahead, "I won't accompany you there, he's inside."


The two parted ways.

When Zhu Wenshu walked to the door, with a little panic, he listened closely for a while.

There was no sound, and it didn't look like someone.

Didn't the girl just say here?

She hesitated for a moment, raised her hand and knocked on the door, "Is anyone there?"

After waiting for a while, there was no response.

Thinking of colleagues complaining about their distaste for being late in the group, especially the phrase "I really want them to stand at the door and not come in", Zhu Wenshu's guilt was magnified into anxiety when no one responded at this time.

Could it be that Ling Chen was angry and deliberately left her alone?

I knew I would have taken the subway from the beginning.

She patted her forehead in frustration, hesitated for a moment, and then raised her hand to push the door.

The door seemed to be extremely heavy, and Zhu Wenshu had difficulty rolling the door hinges.

When the double doors finally opened a crack, Zhu Wenshu hadn't had time to look inside—

A piece of familiar piano melody floated out together with the lights, in an unbearable tranquility, inexplicably caught Zhu Wenshu's ears, making her forget to keep pushing the door, and stood by the door in a daze.

She didn't know when Ling Chen's singing entered the melody.

When I came back to my senses and listened carefully, the song was already halfway through—

"You look out of the window, wondering which cherry blossom is your favourite.

When will I be loved by you like orange soda.

Pious dumb, can only rewind you in the night.

Where is the end point, the moon said it would give me an explanation. "

There is a draft blowing, carrying the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus falling in late autumn.

Zhu Wenshu finally suddenly understood why so many people like Ling Chen.

The tone of his tune is sad, very similar to his silent appearance, like a gentle ocean wave, coming against the crowd, wrapping the Zhu Wen book in a delicate and soft way, falling into the seemingly calm but dark tide deep sea.

"I've been waiting.

I have been waiting.

Waiting for the sun to rise to the moon, waiting for the snow to fall in midsummer.

You look at me, I'm at the finish line. "

While Zhu Wenshu was still immersed in it, the sound of the piano and his singing stopped abruptly.

"Who's out there?"

Zhu Wenshu suddenly came to his senses, and hurriedly opened the door.

The room was still dark, Zhu Wenshu followed the only light source, and saw Ling Chen sitting by the piano.

With the moonlight on his back, he couldn't see his expression clearly, but Zhu Wenshu felt the anger of being disturbed in his emotions, so he said in a panic: "It's me!"

The channel's voice-activated light turned on the moment her voice fell.

She combed a simple ponytail, no makeup was applied on her fair face, and her cheeks were slightly red.

The warm yellow light hit the top of her head, like the summer sun that year.

Ling Chen's fingertips were still brushing on the keys, and the moment he saw Zhu Wen's book clearly, the piano issued a jerky note.

Zhu Wenshu heard the sound, his heart beat suddenly, and he said hastily.

"Sorry, I'm late and kept you waiting."