Chapter 15:

The ten-square-meter master bedroom seemed to suddenly become very small.

The air was compressed with Zhu Wenshu as the center, and Ling Chen's voice was all squeezed towards her.

With a "click", Zhu Wenshu pressed the pause button.

It's all because this autumn night is too gentle, and it fits so well with Ling Chen's singing.

It made her completely forget that his music was still playing in the room.

No wonder he asked her why she was in a hurry to go home.

It turned out that she was eager to go home and enjoy his songs.

Also "you listen slowly".

Zhu Wenshu recalled his tone, plopped down on the bed, buried his face in the pillow, and sighed deeply.

The temperature dropped sharply after an autumn rain, and the ginkgo leaves were all over the ground, and the footsteps on it were a little more heavy in late autumn.

Ling Siyuan's short sleeves have all been put away, and a small woolen vest must be added to the autumn school uniform jacket to prevent it from being frozen.

Moreover, according to his recent careful observation, it is dark when he goes to school in the morning, which shows that winter is really coming.

This morning, the old **** Ling Siyuan, who was sitting in the entrance to change his shoes and waited for the nanny, sighed on the ground, and said brokenly: "I'm tired of studying hard, and I have to pay tuition for studying. It's better to participate in the black club. There is food, drink and status."


Ling Chen, who was coming out of the room with a glass of cold water, froze for a moment.

This little kid is talking about something.

At this time, Ling Xingyan was away on a business trip and hadn't returned home yet. Aunt Xiao was cutting fruit in the kitchen and was going to bring Ling Siyuan to school in a crisper.

Ling Chen, who was going to the living room, suddenly thought of something while walking, then turned around and went to squat down in front of Ling Siyuan.


Ling Siyuan looked down at him, and said lazily, "First, I won't call you hello. Second, I'm in a heavy mood right now, and I don't want to chat."

"I don't have time to chat with you, I just want to ask you recently..."

He said that he didn't want to chat, but when he heard the two mature words "consulting", Siyuan immediately looked up at Ling Chen.

Ling Chen said unhurriedly, "Why don't you find trouble for me?"


Ling Chen leaned closer, but lowered his voice.

"Your teacher is not looking for me anymore."


"Ah for what."

"If you keep doing this—"

Ling Chen rolled his eyes and said lightly, "I will ask parents to let your father go in the future."


Ling Siyuan's legs stopped shaking suddenly, almost jumping up.

But he suddenly regained his senses, picked up the bright red scarf on his chest, and flaunted: "I won't be asked to be a parent anymore, I'm already a Young Pioneer."

Ling Chen snorted softly, "So powerful?"

Before Ling Siyuan could say anything, Aunt Xiao came out with fruit, "Yuanyuan, let's go."

Seeing that Ling Chen was there, he said, "Are you up or haven't you slept yet? There's still breakfast in the refrigerator, I just put it in, should I take it out and warm it up for you now?"

"Don't worry, I'll do it myself later."

Ling Chen got up slowly, cast a glance at Ling Siyuan, "Go to your school, little pioneer."


Ling Siyuan stood up and shook his schoolbag.

As soon as he opened the door, he remembered something, and said to Aunt Xiao while holding the door frame, "Auntie, I want to have a few words with uncle alone."

"Yo, you still have a secret with your uncle."

Aunt Xiao smiled and said, "Then I'll press the elevator and wait for you."

When she went out, Ling Siyuan turned to look at Ling Chen eagerly.

Ling Chen raised his eyebrows in the living room: "What are you doing?"


Ling Siyuan glanced back at the door, made sure that Aunt Xiao's back was facing this way, then opened her schoolbag, took out a few crumpled hundred-yuan bills from the interlayer, and handed them to Ling Chen, "This is the pocket money I saved. Money, I think . . . is . . . "

"So much?"

Ling Chen took a sip of water slowly, "You want to send me away with money?"

Ling Siyuan hesitated and said: "No... that is, can you help me rush into the game, the level of 648, here is 700 yuan."

Seeing that Ling Chen didn't speak, Ling Siyuan said again: "You can keep the remaining fifty-two yuan and spend it yourself."

"You're so generous, but what—"

Ling Chen wanted to play, so he pushed his money back, "You can't buy me with money, it depends on your performance."

"Yuanyuan? Are you ready? If you don't come out, you will be late!"

"Oh! Here we come!"

After answering Auntie, Ling Siyuan still wanted to say something, but Ling Chen had already gone to the room.

On the way to school.

Ling Siyuan never figured out what the "performance" Ling Chen was talking about.

He was thinking hard along the way, frowning, not looking at the road much, until he bumped into a person.


He subconsciously apologized first, raised his head, and blinked, "Ah... I wish the teacher a good morning."

"Good morning, what are you thinking, so preoccupied."

Zhu Wenshu bent over and asked.

"No, nothing."

Ling Siyuan shook his head.

"Well, you will have to look at the road when you walk in the future."

Zhu Wenshu looked at the baby fat on his cheek, couldn't help pinching it, "Go to the classroom."

"Good teacher."

After Ling Siyuan walked away, Zhu Wenshu looked away and exhaled lightly.

A few days ago, she was still thinking about how to face Ling Siyuan when she had to contact Ling Chen if Ling Siyuan was naughty again.

Although it wasn't a big deal, as Ling Siyuan's teacher, she felt it was quite embarrassing.

Fortunately, ever since Ling Siyuan put on the red scarf, it was as if she had been sealed, and she was very obedient.

But I just don't know how long this seal will last.

The second class this afternoon is physical education class. In the past, Zhu Wenshu had the worst day of the week.

Playing wildly for forty-five minutes, I don't know how many children will have to bump into each other. If she meets a little delicate one, she will have to coax her for a long time.

But luck was good today, nothing happened, and everyone went back to the classroom after class and got ready for math class.

She took a look and saw nothing major.

Zhu Wenshu returned to the office with peace of mind, and made a hache.

She didn't have time to rest at noon, and now she was so sleepy that she was debating whether to squat for a while, or start preparing for next week's teaching competition.

Twenty minutes later, a little girl suddenly came to the office.

"Congratulations, teacher! Congratulations, teacher!"

Before seeing anyone, just listening to the anxious voice, Zhu Wenshu's temples began to throb.

She pressed the center of her eyebrows, turned around and said, "What's wrong? Aren't you in class right now?"

"It makes Siyuan's stomach hurt!"

The little girl said, "Teacher Tang asked you to go over."

Generally, Zhu Wenshu would think about it when he heard something like "stomach ache".

Is it a real tummy ache, or a little kid with a headache in class.

But this time she will definitely not be spared.

She put down the pen she had just picked up, straightened her clothes, and walked to the classroom with the little girl.

Pushing open the door and looking over, her heart tightened.

Teacher Tang is a very fat middle-aged man. He is bent over in front of Ling Siyuan's seat, surrounded by a few students, and the whole classroom is noisy.

Zhu Wenshu couldn't see the specific situation clearly, but he knew that the situation should not be optimistic.

She trotted over quickly, and Teacher Tang gave her a seat when she saw this.

"I don't know what's going on, but my stomach hurts suddenly, take him to the infirmary quickly."

At this time, Ling Siyuan was lying on the desk with his stomach covered, his whole body was in a cold sweat with a look of anger.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Wenshu's breathing became tighter, and while touching his forehead, he said, "Okay, I'll take him there, Mr. Tang, please continue with the class first."

The children around said: "Teacher, let us help you."

"No, you should go to class first."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Wenshu leaned over, put his hands through Ling Siyuan's armpits, and lifted vigorously—

Can't hold it.

She tightened up a little more, and hugged up with all her strength—

…Now the children are raised too realistically!

She turned her head and commanded the two boys next to her.

"Come on, the teacher will give you two a chance to show solidarity and friendship, and help him to the infirmary."

"This has to go to the hospital."

The school doctor said, "Acute gastroenteritis, most likely need some anti-inflammatory antibiotics, which can't be treated here."

"Is it so serious..."

Zhu Wenshu looked at Ling Siyuan writhing on the bed, nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll send him there first."

There happened to be a male teacher passing by outside, Zhu Wenshu stopped him and told the situation, he immediately put down what he was doing and carried Ling Siyuan out to a taxi.

"Be patient."

Ling Siyuan clutched his stomach and curled up on Zhu Wenshu's lap, but he didn't cry out, but shouted out the pain in a hoarse voice, which sounded extremely uncomfortable.

"It will be here soon, the doctor will prescribe some medicine and the pain will be gone."

While comforting Ling Siyuan, Zhu Wenshu called Ling Chen.

He answered quickly, but the background voice was very loud, as if in a crowded place.

"What's up?"

His voice sounded deep.

"Yuan Yuan is sick, his stomach hurts, it may be acute gastroenteritis."

Zhu Wenshu's tone was a little anxious, "I'm sending him to the hospital now, and I'll ask you to find out first. Does he have any past medical history? Is there any drug allergy?"

Ling Chen gave a soft "tsk", "Stomach hurts?"

The doubt in his tone was undisguised, as if surprised.


Zhu Wenshu said, "Just now in physical education class, he sweated all over, took off his clothes, and then went to eat two popsicles."

Ling Chen was silent for a moment, then said, "I'll wait for your message next time."

Hearing the background voice from him, Zhu Wenshu didn't think too much, answered "OK" and hung up the phone.

A few minutes later, Ling Chen's news came.

【c】: This kind of situation has never happened, and I have not encountered any allergic drugs for the time being.

[c]: Where are you now?

【Wishing Book】: Changsheng Street Health Center near the school.

After replying to the message, the taxi just stopped at the entrance of the hospital.

Zhu Wenshu carried Ling Siyuan out with difficulty, and it took a lot of effort to get him into the emergency room.

There were not many people in the health center at the moment, and several nurses at the front desk saw the slender Zhu Wenshu half-carrying and half-dragging a little boy in, and hurried forward to help.

From the examination to the diagnosis, Ling Siyuan vomited for a while at noon, and finally successfully hooked up the IV. Zhu Wenshu worked hard for more than half an hour.

When she sat down to rest, Ling Siyuan didn't know whether it was the pain that made her exhausted, or the medicine started to take effect, and her upper and lower eyelids were fighting, but finally she stopped moaning.

"Sleep if you want to sleep."

Zhu Wenshu said, "The teacher is here with you."

Ling Siyuan nodded and moved his dry lips, maybe he wanted to say thank you, but he didn't make a sound, closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

In late autumn, the sunlight is sparse, and the half-windows are scattered with shadows.

At this time, there was no one in the treatment room, only a middle-aged woman in the opposite corner was hanging water, and occasionally a nurse came in to fetch things, and the sound of soft-soled shoes was soft.

Zhu Wenshu sat on the chair, accompanied by Ling Siyuan's long breathing, and fell asleep.

She was just concerned that Ling Siyuan needed someone to watch her, so she didn't dare to really sleep, and kept fighting against her willpower, trying her best to keep her eyes open while swiping her phone.

Over time...

Like a chick pecking rice, she nodded her head again and again, and she didn't know when the phone slipped into the crack of the chair.

Drowsy, her head tilted and fell down again.

The sense of weightlessness that woke her up every time didn't come, and something warm grabbed her cheeks, grabbing away the fatigue that tore her brain nerves away.

After a while.

Zhu Wenshu suddenly opened his eyes, remembering that Ling Siyuan was still on an IV, she almost fell asleep.

The body suddenly sat up straight, and the warmth on the cheeks was pulled away.

Zhu Wenshu immediately opened his eyes wide and looked at the medicine bag, making sure that it was not finished hanging, and then leaned back on the chair loosely.

Then, belatedly, he turned his head to the right.

The moment Zhu Wenshu saw Ling Chen wearing a peaked cap and a mask, Zhu Wenshu's spine straightened again just as he touched the back of the chair.

"How did you come?"

Seeing Ling Chen asking for the address before, she thought she would arrange for a nanny to come over.

"Why can't I come?"

Ling Chen's fingers hanging at the edge of his trousers trembled twice, and then he put them back into his trouser pockets, "What's his situation now?"

"It should be fine, I slept for a while..."

Just as he was talking, Zhu Wenshu looked at Ling Siyuan and found that he woke up at some point, staring at them with big eyes.

"Yuanyuan, are you awake?"

Ling Siyuan didn't speak, just nodded in a daze.

Ling Chen turned and stepped forward, bent down and touched his forehead, and said to himself, "I'm really sick."

"of course it's true."

Zhu Wenshu stood up quickly, "I can still lie to you."

Ling Chen looked back at her, straightened his lips, and said in a low voice, "I didn't mean you."

He rubbed Ling Siyuan's hair again, "Does it still hurt?"

Ling Siyuan nodded ignorantly, "It doesn't seem to hurt anymore."

"What does it mean to be like, just say it when it hurts."

After finishing speaking, he moved closer, stared into Ling Siyuan's eyes, and whispered, "You are really smart enough to get yourself into the hospital to find trouble for me?"

Ling Siyuan blinked, and finally realized Ling Chen's meaning.

"I don't…"

Hearing the child's weak and aggrieved voice, Zhu Wenshu couldn't hold back, frowned and said, "I have to talk about you now, it's not a big mistake for a child to be greedy, just teach him well, how can you say that?" Looking for something for you?"


Ling Chen turned his head and met Shang Zhu Wenshu's fierce eyes, pursed his lips and nodded to himself, "OK."

Then he turned around and pulled a chair to the side of the hospital bed. After sitting in it, he crossed his arms and raised his chin towards Zhu Wenshu.

"Come on, teacher, teach him first or teach me?"

Zhu Wenshu opened his mouth and was about to speak, when he thought of something, he turned his head and glanced at the middle-aged woman who was sitting on an IV drip.

Fortunately, that space is empty.

Withdrawing his gaze, Zhu Wenshu looked at Ling Chen again, seeing his cocked legs, suffering from an occupational disease, frowned and said, "Put your legs down and sit upright."



After the words fell, the two of them froze for a moment at the same time.

Immediately, Ling Chen turned his head, but Zhu Wenshu saw his eyebrows and eyes slightly curved from the side.

"That... I mean, Erlang's legs are not good for the spine. Of course, you can sit like this if you want."

"Of course I listened to Teacher Zhu."

Ling Chen turned his face slowly, looked straight at Zhu Wenshu, lowered his legs under her bewitching gaze, and straightened his waist.

It's just that Zhu Wenshu glanced at his arms that were still clasped across his chest, and always felt that his words sounded weird.

So avoiding Ling Chen's sight, she got up and sat beside Ling Siyuan's bed, comforting him softly.

"In the future, if it's too hot in physical education class, take off your coat first, and put it on immediately after exercising, and you can't eat ice cream, remember?"

Ling Siyuan nodded: "Well, I remember."

Seeing the child's pale face, Zhu Wenshu didn't intend to say anything about him.

"Are you still sleepy? Do you want to sleep a little longer?"

"Not sleepy anymore."

Ling Siyuan said in a low voice, "I want a game."

"Playing games when you're sick will make you heal more slowly."

Zhu Wenshu took out his mobile phone and asked, "Do you want to watch a cartoon?"

Ling Siyuan thought for a while, "It's okay."

"Well, what do you want to see?"

Zhu Wenshu opened the video software and sent it to Ling Siyuan, "Bears or Pleasant Goats?"

"Well... I've seen it all..."

Ling Siyuan stretched out his chubby fingers and swiped the screen for a long time, but he couldn't find a cartoon that he hadn't seen.

Zhu Wenshu murmured: "I read a lot...It's not good for reading and writing training..."

At this time, a nurse opened the door and looked in, and said.

"Ling Siyuan...Parents are here? Then settle the fee."

Hearing this, Zhu Wenshu immediately said: "We are not parents... No, I am not his mother."

As soon as the words came out, the nurse was stunned for a moment, then waved and said, "It doesn't matter, the guardian will settle the fee."

Zhu Wenshu turned his head and glanced at Ling Chen, seeing that he was making a gesture to get up, he quickly said, "I'll go."

She pointed outside, "It's not convenient for you to go."


Ling Chen sat back again.

Zhu Wenshu gave Ling Siyuan the phone and told her to choose a cartoon to watch, and then followed the nurse out.

When her figure disappeared outside the door, Ling Chen looked at Ling Siyuan slowly, and was about to say something, but the child spoke first.

"Uncle, I saw it."

Ling Chen raised his eyebrows: "What did you see?"

Ling Siyuan pulled the quilt and covered his mouth.

"I saw you touching the teacher's face just now."


Ling Chen's eyes darkened suddenly, and he looked at him deeply.

Ling Siyuan pulled the quilt again, covered her nose, only her eyes were exposed, and looked at Ling Chen timidly and as if death was at home.

"I'm going to tell the teacher—"

Ling Chen was still staring at him, but he just lowered the arms wrapped around his chest and slowly sat up straight.

Ling Siyuan: "You are a hooligan."

Ling Chen: "..."