Chapter 16:

When Zhu Wenshu returned to the treatment room, Ling Siyuan was holding her mobile phone and giggling.

But Ling Chen was still sitting in the original position, glancing out of the window, even his jaw line showed a sense of impatience.

Zhu Wenshu glanced at him, frowned, turned around and walked towards the hospital bed without saying anything.

"What are you looking at, so happy."

Seeing that Zhu Wenshu came back, Siyuan immediately put down his phone and said excitedly: "Teacher, can I go home?!"

"No, it's not finished yet."

Zhu Wenshu touched his forehead, and his body temperature was basically normal, "Lie down a little longer, the teacher can continue to play with your phone."

Ling Siyuan pouted: "There are no games on the teacher's mobile phone..."

He glanced at Ling Chen again, "I want to go home and play games."

At this moment, Ling Siyuan's complexion was still pale, but it was faintly rosy, and his eyes were still shining, as if he was very happy.

Zhu Wenshu was a little puzzled, why she only went out for a short while, and she seemed to be completely cured of her illness.

"Playing games will heal the disease slowly, why is Yuan Yuan not good-looking."


It makes Siyuan not believe such deceitful words, he is no longer a three-year-old child.

But he is a young pioneer, so he has to listen to the teacher.

Alas, I hope the drip will be finished soon.

Thinking of the new 648 yuan in his game account, he wished he could put on his wings and fly home.

"Then let me watch some cartoons."

Ling Siyuan picked up Zhu Wenshu's mobile phone again, flicked it casually, feeling dull, "Teacher, is there Monkey King? I saw three dozen bone spirits yesterday."

"Journey to the West, teacher look for it."

Zhu Wenshu took the phone, searched, and said, "Haven't you read Journey to the West? I remember the extracurricular readings were arranged."

Ling Siyuan bowed his head, clasped his fingers and whispered, "I don't like reading, I don't understand..."

Zhu Wenshu knew that Ling Siyuan's reading and writing skills were worrying, but he didn't expect that there was such a shortage of extracurricular reading materials.

She looked at Ling Chen silently, meaning you can see for yourself, this is too shameful.

Ling Chen felt Zhu Wenshu's gaze, looked back at Ling Siyuan, and snorted slightly.

"I can't even understand Journey to the West. I've learned everything by heart at your age."

Ling Siyuan puffed up his chest: "Then you can recite the magic spell and listen."

"...I will endorse you?"

Ling Chen twitched his lips, "Your pocket money is enough to buy me for a few seconds?"

Seeing his appearance, Zhu Wenshu couldn't hold back, and smiled.

Later, Zhu Wenshu still didn't show Ling Siyuan the cartoon, but searched the Internet for children's version of Journey to the West, and took him to read it together.

The sunset is beautiful today.

Occasionally, there are sparrows chirping and falling on the branches outside the window, and soft female voices and immature children's voices pass by my ears from time to time.

Zhu Wenshu didn't glance at the man sitting lazily by the window, nor did the man glance at the sunset outside the window.

It was exactly six o'clock in the afternoon when Ling Siyuan's drip was finished.

The nurse came in and pulled out the needle tube, and the cotton swab was still pressing the needle hole, making Siyuan eager to get out of bed.

"Slow down, don't worry."

Zhu Wenshu helped him to sit up, and just as he was considering whether to let him dress himself, he was already stretching his toes to put on his shoes.

The result was that he hurriedly got up before the soles of his feet touched the ground, but when he wanted to use force, his whole body went limp, and he almost fell off the bed.

"I told you not to rush."

Zhu Wenshu supported him in time so that he would not fall down.

After all, it was a seven or eight-year-old child, who suffered from vomiting and diarrhea, and was in pain for a long time, so it is strange that he has strength.

Zhu Wenshu sighed, leaned over and picked up the shoes to help him put them on.

When he got up again, he found that Ling Chen had walked over at some point, and without a word picked up the clothes beside the bed and put them on for him.

His eyes seemed impatient, but the movements of his hands were very meticulous and orderly. He put one arm in one arm, and at the same time pulled the cuff of the shirt to prevent it from being rolled up.

Finally, he quickly buttoned up the jacket, and even knew how to reach into the hem to pull on the wool vest.

Zhu Wenshu raised his eyes and looked at Ling Chen in disbelief.

"Aren't you good at taking care of people?"

Hearing Zhu Wenshu's words, Ling Chen's movements froze and his eyes dimmed.

He didn't say anything after that, he picked up Ling Siyuan with one hand, and picked up the medicine bag beside the bed with the other.



The sun went down very early today, and the street lights made the shadows of the three of them very long.

Maybe Ling Siyuan was a bit heavy, and Ling Chen walked very slowly.

"I'll transfer the medical expenses to you."

Zhu Wenshu: "More than two hundred, but you don't have to give it to me."

"It's not good."

Ling Chen squinted at her, "Mr. Zhu, we are just high school classmates who have known each other for seven or eight years. You don't have to treat him like your own son."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She pursed her lips, trying to make her speechlessness not so obvious, "That's not what I meant, so that Siyuan can get medical insurance."


Ling Chen walked a few steps forward in silence, and asked, "How do I get medical insurance?"

Zhu Wenshu: "One card is enough, you don't have to worry about that."


The two were talking, and unknowingly arrived at the gate of the hospital, Ling Chen's car was already waiting at the gate.

Seeing them coming out, the driver pressed the automatic door.

Ling Chen bent down and put Ling Siyuan down, letting him get into the car by himself.

"Send you off on the way?"

Zhu Wenshu thought of the mountain of things waiting for her to deal with in the office, feeling exhausted, sighed and shook his head, "No, I'll just take a taxi."

"Did you take so long, do I have to—"

Ling Chen pressed down on the brim of his hat, and said in a low voice, "Will the teacher have a meal?"


Zhu Wenshu glanced at Ling Chen, and then there was new news coming in, she quickly lowered her head and typed, "No, no, I should."

"What should I do? I should thank you."

Ling Chen's voice fell on top of Zhu Wenshu's head.

She stopped looking at her phone and looked up at Ling Chen.

"I appreciate your kindness, but let's take Yuanyuan home to rest first. If you are still not feeling well tomorrow, please ask me for leave."

A taxi happened to pass by, and Zhu Wenshu hurriedly stopped it.

"Then... I'll go back to school first."

In the twilight, Zhu Wenshu's hair was dotted with a faint light.

She leaned into the back seat and closed the door.

When the taxi drove away from Ling Chen, he saw Zhu Wenshu waving at him with his lips slightly parted, as if saying "goodbye".

Ling Chen didn't respond, and watched the taxi merge into the traffic before turning around and getting into the car.


As soon as he was seated, Ling Chen heard Ling Siyuan calling him from the back row.

"What are you doing?"

He leaned forward, resting his small head on the side of the neck pillow of the car seat, looked at Ling Chen with a crooked face, and spoke surprisingly.

"Do you want to have cp with my teacher?"

Ling Chen: "..."

He turned his head slowly, and looked at Ling Siyuan.

"Do you know what cp means?"

Ling Siyuan stared at Ling Chen in disbelief and a little disgust.

"Which row are you at the Terracotta Warriors Station? You don't even know!"


Ling Chen glanced at him coolly: "I'll ask your dad to quit your internet addiction when I go back."

It made Siyuan blush: "You! Uncle, you are getting angry from embarrassment!"

Ling Chen: "...Come on, read to me, annoyed, it's n, not l."

He turned his head and plucked Ling Siyuan's hair, "How did your Chinese teacher teach you?"

Ling Siyuan: "You are old! I'm not wrong!"


The driver who had been driving silently couldn't help laughing.

When this elder brother is working, he always looks at the nose and the nose and the heart, and never talks much.

But he likes children, especially Ling Siyuan.

So when there is Ling Siyuan, he occasionally speaks a few words.

"Yuan Yuan is really good at speaking, it seems that the Chinese teacher is very good at teaching."


Ling Chen turned his head and stared at the windshield ahead with a cold face.

He is really good at teaching and learning from others.

After a while, he was poked in the shoulder by a fat short finger.

"Uncle, being in cp means binding to play together."

"Do you want to play with my teacher?"

After a while, Ling Chen said two words expressionlessly.


Ling Siyuan: "Then why did you invite my teacher to dinner?"

Ling Chen: "This is called knowing kindness, you should learn more."

"Then why do you want to be my father?"

Ling Chen didn't look back at him: "Isn't it because you were afraid of being scolded by your father, so you pretended to be me first?"

"Oh..." Ling Siyuan looked back in dismay, "I thought you were the same as Lu Zixi's brother."

Ling Chen was silent for a while.

Then, he turned his head, "What happened to his brother?"

Siyuan suddenly became interested again, tilted his chin, and said mysteriously: "Let me tell you quietly, Lu Zixi in our class, her brother wants to have a cp with our teacher, and often asks Lu Zixi to give the teacher small gifts , and let Lu Zixi lie to the teacher, she did it herself."

The driver just stopped at the intersection of traffic lights and joked with a smile: "Yuanyuan, you can't learn from her, it's wrong to lie to people."


Ling Chen also interjected, "Then why don't you tell the teacher and let others lie to your teacher?"


Ling Siyuan blinked, "Then if I tell the teacher, wouldn't I betray my friend?"

Even the driver felt that what Ling Siyuan said was very reasonable, so he took the time to give him a thumbs up.

No one spoke in the car for a long time.

After returning home and entering the elevator, Ling Siyuan was already concentrating on the game, when the man behind him suddenly spoke.

"Ling Siyuan."


"Do you still want 648?"

The next morning, Zhu Wenshu came to school with a haggard face.

The first thing I do when I enter the office is to look through the calendar to calculate when the former head teacher will finish her maternity leave.

After realizing that the day of liberation was nowhere in sight, she braced her face and gave a hutch.

Immediately afterwards, a teacher next to him also played hache.

This kind of thing is contagious, and after a while, the whole office is hating.

"Congratulations teacher~"

At this time, a crisp voice broke the sluggish atmosphere in the office.

Zhu Wenshu turned around, "Zixi? What's the matter?"

With her little hands behind her back, Lu Zixi ran over bouncingly, her twin ponytails tied with bows swaying.

"Give this to the teacher."

She spread her hands, and a woodcut little chubby pig was lying on her palm.

"so cute."

Zhu Wenshu took it over happily, put it in the sun and read it repeatedly, "You are amazing!"

Lu Zixi seemed very shy, lowered her head and smiled.

"Then I'll go back to the classroom first."

"Well, thank you, the teacher likes it very much."

After Lu Zixi left, Zhu Wenshu opened the second drawer of the desk.

Adding this, there are already six small woodcut animals lying inside.

When Teacher Wang saw her, she said enviously, "Girls are good. If you don't look like a boy, thank God if you don't cause trouble for the teacher."

As soon as the words fell, the boy Ling Siyuan tilted his head and walked in with a kraft paper box in both hands.

"Congratulations, teacher!"

"What's wrong?"

Zhu Wenshu was a little surprised when he saw Siyuan. He thought that according to his temperament, he would definitely take the opportunity to ask for leave to play at home for two days before coming back to school.

Did not expect to come today.

"Are you feeling better? Does your stomach still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

Ling Siyuan put the cardboard box on her desk, "My father and I made this together, and I gave it to Teacher Zhu, thanking the teacher for sending me to the hospital yesterday."

Zhu Wenshu was a bit unexpected.

She didn't expect that she just did a small thing. A person like Ling Chen is actually on his mind.

Still, I made it myself.

With some curiosity, she opened the carton.

Inside was a small white piano that looked like a toy.

Ling Siyuan stood on tiptoe and pointed to the small buttons on the piano.

"Here, teacher, press it."

Zhu Wenshu didn't know why, so he took out the piano and pressed his fingers lightly—

The piano that looks like a toy slowly flows out a melody.

The timbre is very pure, but the melody is gentle and progressive, with ups and downs.

Let the morning light in late autumn be as fresh and warm as the early summer sun.

Unknowingly, even the other teachers in the office turned around.

"What, music box?"

"It sounds nice."

"Mr. Xiaozhu's gifts are really varied. I have only received greeting cards and flowers."

Amidst the words of his colleagues, Zhu Wenshu suddenly turned off the music in a panic.

As if afraid of being found out, this melody comes from Ling Chen who only exists on mobile phones and TVs.

She smiled and said to Ling Siyuan, "Thank you."

Ling Siyuan looked at Zhu Wenshu in disbelief.

This is a gift from his big star uncle!

The teacher's reaction was so calm.

If it were someone else, I would probably be crazy with joy.

Alas, a teacher is a teacher, and he is indeed more powerful.

"Then teacher, I'm back in the classroom."


After Ling Siyuan left, Zhu Wenshu stared at the music box for a while, then closed the lid and put it away.

At noon, all the teachers went to eat, and she took out the music box again.

In the empty office, this short melody echoed three times.

But every time, like those songs that I have heard since I was a child, I skillfully touched every nerve ending in Zhu Wenshu.

But she still felt that she should have never heard this song.

In order to avoid the embarrassment of the last time, Zhu Wenshu opened WeChat and tried twice with the "Shake" function of listening to music.

Doesn't match any songs.

So... What he gave was not a music box, but this melody?

With subtle doubts, she sent two messages to Ling Chen.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I have received the item, thank you.

[Zhu Wenshu]: You are too polite.

Ling Chen didn't return immediately, so Zhu Wenshu got up and went to the cafeteria.

Because I came late, there were not many vacancies in the teacher's cafeteria.

Zhu Wenshu ordered some food casually, and found a corner to sit down.

After eating two mouthfuls of food, the phone finally vibrated.

While chewing, she opened WeChat.

[c]: Hmm.

A burst of singing sounded.

— It was a female teacher next to her who posted a short video, and the BGM happened to be Ling Chen's old song, accompanied by thousands of applause and cheers.

The noisy human voice is far away, but his singing is very close.

Zhu Wenshu gradually forgot to eat, and stared at the phone screen, feeling as if he was whispering to Ling Chen under the eyes of thousands of people.

Even typing movements became cautious.

[Zhu Wenshu]: That melody is very nice.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Is it your song?

[c]: It's your song.