Chapter 17:

In the crowded cafeteria, Zhu Wenshu was silent for a long time, forgetting to chew a piece of beef in his mouth.

After a while, she typed uncertainly.

[Zhu Wenshu]: My...

[Zhu Wenshu]: Song?

I didn't know what Ling Chen was busy with. After a while, he didn't reply the message until half of the people in the cafeteria had left.

【c】: My child is a person who knows how to repay kindness.

【c】: Back home clamoring to repay the teacher.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Huh?

【c】: I don't have anything to offer either.

【c】: Randomly wrote a melody.

[c]: I hope the teacher doesn't dislike it, right?

Zhu Wenshu wondered how dare she dislike her.

Nothing to show for it yet, it's his original tune.

If she can't go on one day, she can sell it for a while, maybe—


Zhu Wenshu suddenly sobered up.

There's no need to curse yourself like that.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Don't dislike it.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I like it very much, thank you.

[c]: You're welcome.

In fact, Zhu Wenshu is not being polite, she really likes it.

Which teacher does not want to be thanked from the heart by students or parents, but the method chosen by Ling Chen has not crossed the line, and has broken through the routine operation of greeting cards and flowers.

Moreover, considering Yu Lingchen's worth, even if he just gave away a piece of melody, it was actually quite generous.

Thinking of this, the word "generous" suddenly touched a small episode in Zhu Wenshu's memory.

She had already forgotten it, but for some reason, the faded fragments flashed in her mind.

In the second or third year of high school, the teacher asked for leave temporarily in the mathematics class before the physical education class, and distributed a test paper to arrange for the whole class to study by themselves.

Zhu Wenshu didn't sleep well the day before, and was sitting in the front row again, so he didn't have a chance to catch up on sleep.

The math class representative who happened to be sitting in the back row sat on the desk to supervise the discipline. Zhu Wenshu seized this opportunity, took the test paper and went to his seat.

The group on the innermost side of the classroom, the penultimate row, happened to be Ling Chen's front desk.

Zhu Wenshu sat down in a low-key manner. As soon as he finished the multiple-choice questions, his upper and lower eyelids began to fight desperately.

She didn't know when she fell asleep.

I just remember that when I opened my eyes, the classroom was empty.

Due to his hazy consciousness, Zhu Wenshu at the time didn't realize that the students went to the playground to play after class, and thought something serious happened.

She was still lying on the table, staring in horror, suspecting that she was dreaming.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of a pencil swiping behind her, and she blinked.


Is there anyone else?

So Zhu Wenshu sat up suddenly, turned back—

Holding a pencil and lowering his head to scribble something on the draft paper, Ling Chen was keenly aware of Zhu Wenshu's movements.

A second before she turned her gaze, she quickly flipped over the draft paper and slammed it on the table with a "snap".

Zhu Wenshu was taken aback by his violent reaction, and even his expression froze.

Ling Chen didn't speak, he stared at Zhu Wen's book stiffly, pressed the back of the draft paper with his hand, even breathing heavily.

Zhu Wenshu couldn't see such an obvious refusal, and of course he wouldn't talk to others in a boring way.

It's just that when she turned back awkwardly, she still couldn't help glancing at the table.

The draft paper was scribbled and turned over, only covering part of the test paper, revealing the half-written geometry proof question.

As for what.

Zhu Wenshu curled his lips unhappily, muttering to himself.

She just wanted to ask why there was no one in the classroom, and she didn't want to peek at the answers to his test papers.

Moreover, she was always the first in the class in the test, so she didn't pay attention to this kind of test paper.

Could it be that,

Is he afraid of being humiliated by her seeing that he can't do the proof?

Then there is no need.

Who in the class doesn't know that Zhu Wenshu, who has a teacher's dream, is the most enthusiastic about teaching students to solve problems and never laughs at anyone.

In short, after that time, Zhu Wenshu felt that Ling Chen was a bit stingy.

If not necessary, she never took the initiative to talk to Ling Chen again.

The memories flashed, and Zhu Wenshu looked at the sentence "I just wrote a melody" on the screen of the mobile phone, feeling again and again, the current Ling Chen is really very generous.

It can be seen that the saying that "the richer a person is, the stingier he is" is untenable.

In the deep autumn of the imperial capital, the sky is high and the clouds are light, and the eyes are bleak. It is seven or eight degrees colder than Jiangcheng, which is thousands of miles away.

The Xiangting Hotel located in the suburbs is full of people, and there is an endless stream of commercial vehicles entering and leaving around the fountain.

Today, a major music awards ceremony in China will be held in the imperial capital, and many stars will stay in this five-star hotel closest to the studio.

The media and employees shuttled back and forth in the hotel, keeping the doormen busy.

In a suite, Liu Leyou, a well-known self-media anchor in the music field, is adjusting the equipment with the team, waiting for Ling Chen, who is still doing makeup.

A few minutes later, Ling Xingyan came over to say hello to Liu Leyou, and then Ling Chen, who was dressed in a neat suit, also came out.

Liu Leyou can be regarded as one of the most popular Internet music bloggers today. He is outgoing, cheerful, and eloquent, which is very popular among musicians.

The most important thing is that he is professional, rigorous, and does not use gimmicks to gain fame, so Ling Chen, who doesn't like to deal with the media the least, also looks at him differently.

During the retreat period, except for today's important occasions, Ling Chen hardly appeared in the public eye, but Liu Leyou called Ling Chen some time ago.

After the two chatted, Ling Chen agreed to give Liu Leyou time for an exclusive interview before walking on the red carpet today.

Of course, Liu Leyou's interview was never just a chat. He learned that Ling Chen's new album has entered the middle stage of preparation, and the theme naturally revolved around this.

This is a win-win situation that everyone is willing to see. The protagonist of the interview is Ling Chen, and Liu Leyou can get more traffic. And his interview, under the premise of not revealing the secrets, talked with Ling Chen about the concept and style of the new album, which is also for Ling Chen to promote and create a sense of expectation.

Forty-five minutes later, Liu Leyou had finished chatting about all the topics he had prepared. Seeing that it was still early, he smiled and said, "Then let's have a relaxing chat?"

Ling Chen nodded, "Yes."

"By the way, we don't seem to be friends on WeChat yet." Liu Leyou suddenly remembered this and said, "Can I add a friend?"

"it is good."

Ling Chen looked back at Lu Manman, and motioned for her to bring his mobile phone.

When scanning the QR code, Liu Leyou thought of something, and suddenly turned his head to the camera and said, "It's not easy, I added Lingchen's WeChat, and I don't know if I'm included, does he have more than a hundred friends."

There has always been a well-known legend about Ling Chen—there are no more than a hundred friends on WeChat.

Those who like him think that his interpersonal relationship is very close, and he is incompatible with the fame and fortune of the entertainment industry.

Those who don't like him think that he is pretending to be arrogant and not popular.

In short, when Liu Leyou said this, Ling Chen was not angry, but just reminded: "Unfortunately, it just passed 100 a while ago."

"real or fake?"

Liu Leyou laughed, "I mean, you really have so few friends on WeChat? Then don't you think... a bit strange?"

"I did not think."

Ling Chen is very relaxed today, lazily leaning on the sofa, with a slight smile in his eyes, "I can't pay too much."

"Then you mean—"

Liu Leyou felt that the atmosphere became more active, and his body language became more active. He pointed to his nose and asked with a smile, "Are all WeChat friends very close friends or relatives?"

Ling Chen was very cooperative and said, "It's okay if you understand this way."

This sentence should make Liu Leyou feel a little flustered, and suddenly felt that the question you prepared earlier was meaningless.

"Then let's play a game. Let me point out any friend of yours. How about you call to borrow money and see if the other party will lend it to you?"

Ling Xingyan, who was standing beside him, was a little hesitant when he heard it.

However, several staff members brought by Liu Leyou were booing. Ling Chen didn't want to refute Liu Leyou's face, so he handed him the phone.

Liu Leyou also has a sense of propriety, he didn't rummage around, and just scrolled through the friend list.

Ling Chen's friends are really few, and he browsed almost all of them within a few clicks, and many of them Liu Leyou has heard of, and they are highly respected seniors in the music industry, so they are not suitable for playing this kind of game.

Finally, he crossed the list to the end, pointed to the friend at the end and said, "How about her?"

At sunset, Zhu Wenshu returned home with the music box in his arms.

Her desk is very crowded, filled with all kinds of books and reference books, there is no room for this small thing.

But if she stays in the office, she feels a little ostentatious.

Even if it is impossible for others to know that it is Ling Chen's thank you gift.

In short, Zhu Wenshu finally put away the few books he had read by the bedside and put them on a music box.

Then take a picture and send it to her mom to show off.

[Mommy]: What is this?

【Mommy】: Very pretty.

[Mommy]: From your boyfriend?

[Zhu Wenshu]:...

[Zhu Wen Shu]: This is a gift from my students and parents.

[Mommy]: Oh

The good mood was suddenly disturbed by his mother, Zhu Wenshu put down his phone in a lack of interest, and lay down on the bed to relax.

After staring at the ceiling for a while, his eyes slowly moved to the piano music box on the bedside.

After pressing the button and playing it twice, she sat up, remembering that she still had something to do, so she got up and went to the desk to turn on the computer.

After typing a few words, I felt that such a single melody was a bit monotonous after listening to it for a long time, so I got up again and turned on the Bluetooth speaker.

The playlist still stays at Ling Chen's playlist that was selected last time.

After writing the lesson plan for the teaching competition for a while, the knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Zhu Wenshu was concentrating on it, and without taking his eyes off the computer, he said directly, "Please come in."

Ying Fei pushed open the door, "My hair dryer is broken, you—"

Before she finished speaking, she heard the song playing in the room, and suddenly swallowed the sound, her expression was a little subtle.


Zhu Wenshu turned his head, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, my hair dryer is broken."

Ying Fei continued, "May I borrow yours?"

Zhu Wenshu: "Okay, on the sink."

The two lived in a two-bedroom, one-living room. Zhu Wenshu was the master bedroom with a bathroom, so all her toiletries were in her room.

Ying Fei went in to get it by herself, seeing that Zhu Wenshu was busy, she didn't say anything, and walked out lightly.

While the music was flowing, Zhu Wenshu's thinking was very smooth, and the keyboard flew up.

So much so that when the wechat voice call rang, she frowned, not wanting to interrupt her train of thought.

But the bell kept ringing, and she couldn't really ignore it.

Zhu Wenshu sighed, saved it cautiously, then got up and went to the bedside.

The moment she picked up the phone, she frowned and stared at the screen in confusion.

Ling Chen?

Why is he calling at this time?

Could it be that something happened to Ling Siyuan?

One second before pressing the answer button in a hurry, Zhu Wenshu remembered the embarrassment of the last call again.

She paused, then turned off the bluetooth speaker cautiously, and then answered the phone.

"Hi, what's the matter?"

The other end of the phone was very quiet, without any noise.

But as soon as Ling Chen opened his mouth, Zhu Wenshu was dumbfounded.

"Mr. Zhu, is it convenient for you to lend me some money now?"

Zhu Wenshu: "Huh?"

She suddenly raised her mobile phone and repeatedly confirmed who was calling her.

Ling Chen was right.

This voice, I am afraid that there is no second one in the world.

However, Ling Chen... asked borrow money?

"Really, are you... in a hurry?"

Zhu Wenshu asked.

"Well, there is something wrong with the bank card, it's urgent." Ling Chen said, "I won't find you if it's not urgent."

that's true.

This kind of star can find a people's teacher to borrow money, isn't it just a rush to the doctor?

However, how much do celebrities like them have to borrow money when they open their mouths?

And Zhu Wenshu just paid her salary a few days ago, so she knows her bank card balance very well.

"But..." Zhu Wenshu sat up straight, and asked cautiously, "I have already saved money, and there is not much money in the card, how much do you want to borrow?"

"Borrow—" Ling Chen paused, "Twenty thousand?"

"Twenty thousand?!"

Zhu Wenshu opened his eyes wide in disbelief, "Then, I only have a little left..."


Ling Chen's tone was not too urgent, and his speaking speed was a bit slow, "Is there enough for you to eat these few days?"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Not really.

Seeing her silence, Ling Chen asked, "Why don't you talk?"

Zhu Wenshu: "Struggling in my heart."

Ling Chen: "How long will we have to struggle? I'm really in a hurry."

Zhu Wenshu lowered his head: "It's almost there."

Ling Chen chuckled, "Then I'll send you my account number?"


Zhu Wenshu just graduated not long ago, and the money was saved by herself, and she still felt a little pained at the thought of lending it out, "When will you pay it back?"

"Next week."

Ling Chen said, "Don't worry, I won't run away with the money."


Even if he ran away, his son was still in her hands... No, he was in her class.

No matter how bad it is, she can still expose him.

But thinking about it this way, Zhu Wenshu still doesn't feel safe after all his savings have been lent out.

She felt that she had to give Ling Chen a sense of urgency to pay back the money.

"Well... I actually have a pretty good appetite. You know that we have to stand for more than 40 minutes in one class, and sometimes two consecutive classes, so I must add chicken legs to every meal, otherwise I won't be full. , if you don’t return it on time, something will happen to me.”

Ling Chen: "Well, don't worry, you won't be denied chicken legs."

Is the focus on the drumsticks?

Zhu Wenshu was speechless, but at this moment, all her thoughts were thinking about how she would survive on more than seven or eight hundred yuan until the next salary was paid if he didn't pay back the money, and she didn't care too much about him.

"Then... I'll transfer the money to you now."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard Ling Chen's voice on the other end of the phone, and said, "Is this considered a pass?"

Immediately afterwards, he said: "Thank you very much, Teacher Zhu, for your trust. I don't really want to—"

At this time, Ying Fei knocked on the door and came in with her head.

"I'll return the hair dryer."

In the receiver, Ling Chen's words stopped abruptly, and Zhu Wenshu also raised his head to look at Ying Fei in a daze.

"Oh, just put it on the table."

Ying Fei put the hair dryer back on the desk, glanced casually, and saw the album on the desk.

She hasn't retracted her arm yet, after thinking about it, she still couldn't help asking: "Do you like Ling Chen?"


Zhu Wenshu neither heard Ling Chen continue to speak, nor what Ying Fei said, "What did you say?"

Ying Fei pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment, and repeated: "I said, do you like Ling Chen?"


Ying Fei didn't hear Zhu Wenshu's answer, but saw her press the phone hard.

She lowered her eyes, and only then noticed that Zhu Wenshu was on the phone with someone just now.

"Are you on the phone? I'm sorry, I'm going out first."

Zhu Wenshu was stunned and said nothing.

Until Ying Fei closed the door, she slowly lowered her head and stared at the phone.

The screen stayed on the call log that she hung up on.

Reluctantly, she raised her hand to brush her long hair.

Oops, why did she just hang up...

But if you don't hang up—

Whether she likes it or doesn't like it, it's hard for her to say these two answers.

But after thinking about it, Ling Chen might not have heard what Ying Fei who was standing by the door said.

While hesitating what to do next, the phone suddenly vibrated twice.

[c]: What are you panicking about?

[c]: I don't like it if I don't like it, and I won't be angry.