Chapter 18:

"I just accidentally pressed it."


"It's not that I don't like it..."


"Don't get me wrong, I like you a lot."


At last.

Seeing that she had repeatedly typed eight hundred times without letting out a fart, Xu Shiling Chen offered to ease her heart.

【c】: It's been ten minutes since I typed, I wish the teacher.

[c]: You don't need to explain to me, it doesn't matter if you don't like me, I don't care.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Why did she feel more embarrassed?

It's all about nothing.

She was obviously a big star who borrowed money out of kindness to turn around, so how did she become—


Isn't it a loan?

She suddenly sat up again and typed quickly, intending to express euphemistically that she did not "dislike" him.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Where's your bank card account number?

[Zhu Wenshu]: I'll pass it on to you.

【c】: No, just kidding.

[c]: I just played a small game just now, I don't really want to borrow chicken legs from you.

[Zhu Wenshu]:?

【c】: I don't really want to borrow money from you.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Oh. . .

[Zhu Wenshu]: What game? Really Dare?

[c]: About the same.

【c】: A small interview.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Oh.

A few seconds passed.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Interview? ? ?

[Zhu Wenshu]: What kind of interview with a camera? ?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Is it the interview on TV? ?

[c]: Hmm.

【c】: CCTV interview.

[Zhu Wenshu]:? ? ?

[C]: What's wrong.

What did you say!

What's wrong with you!

If she had known that this was an interview, she would have pretended to be generous even if she pretended.

Well now, people all over the country will not only know that she is digging and searching.

You will also know that she has to add a chicken drumstick to every meal.

She is the teacher of the people...

After this, how can I establish dignity in front of the students.

Zhu Wenshu heaved a long sigh.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Then... when will this interview be broadcast?

[c]: The day after tomorrow.

[Zhu Wenshu]: So fast? ?

[c]: So nervous?

[Zhu Wenshu]:! !

[c]: The one who lied to you is not CCTV, but a music blogger.


Zhu Wenshu breathed a sigh of relief.

That's good that's good.

But she was a little curious.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Which blogger?

【c】: Liu Leyou.

never heard of that.

It seems that there is no reputation.

Thinking so, Zhu Wenshu secretly opened Weibo and searched for this person.

Seeing the number of his fans at a glance, Zhu Wenshu thought he was dazzled, so he brought the phone closer, and when he really saw the number of fans clearly, his eyes almost went dark—

Instead of being ashamed by this trendy music blogger with tens of millions of fans, it is better to be ashamed on CCTV!

The breath that was finally relieved was lifted again.

Zhu Wenshu lay down flat and found a step for himself.

So what if there are more than 10 million fans, Ling Chen didn't name her when he called her.

Who knew it was her.


Zhu Wenshu thought for a while and asked again.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Why did you call me?

Ling Chen never came back.

Zhu Wenshu guessed that he was also busy, so he got up and went to the kitchen to get an orange, intending to give himself a smooth ride.

Who knew that when the beautiful orange skin was peeled off, the flesh was so sour that a blind man could open his eyes.

There is really no trust between fruits and people now!

Zhu Wenshu listlessly threw away the remaining oranges in his hand, and walked towards the balcony with drooping steps, intending to blow some air.

The door lock on the other side of the room rang, and Ying Fei hurried out to open the door with her mobile phone in hand.

After taking the takeaway, she turned her head and saw Zhu Wenshu on the balcony, and said, "Have you eaten yet?"

Zhu Wenshu looked back at her, "I ate in the school cafeteria."

"oh, OK."

Ying Fei was about to carry the takeaway back to her room to eat, Zhu Wenshu saw her turn around, remembered what happened just now, and asked, "By the way, why did you suddenly ask me if I like Ling Chen?"


Ying Fei turned her head and said slowly, "I saw the album on your desk, so I asked you if you are his fan."

"I do not-"

The answer was almost blurted out, but Zhu Wenshu suddenly smiled helplessly, "You should have asked that just now, what do you like or not..."

Ying Fei frowned, puzzled.

Is there any difference between the two?

"Anyway, I'm...not his fan."

Zhu Wenshu said.

Not really.

Ying Fei made up her mind and nodded, "Oh, so, I see that you buy albums and listen to songs, and you asked about concert tickets before, so I just asked casually."

"No, I asked for the tickets for a friend."

Standing under the light of the balcony, Zhu Wenshu couldn't see Ying Fei's expression in the dark entrance, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I'll just ask."

With the light behind her back, Ying Fei didn't say anything, "I'll go in for dinner first."

When she returned to the room, she turned her back to the door and sighed helplessly.

Although Zhu Wenshu said he wasn't Ling Chen's fan, he still liked it somewhat.

Otherwise, in this day and age, who has nothing to do to buy CDs and keep them at home.

In fact, even Ling Chen's fans are not surprising.

He is very popular now, and there are many people who like him.

But just because he is popular, there are also many black fans.

Unfortunately, Ying Fei is one of Ling Chen's black fans.

She just didn't expect that her roommate would have the tendency to become Ling Chen's fan.

But it seems to be okay for now, Zhu Wenshu likes it a little bit, as long as she is not a fanatic fan who talks about Lingchen in front of her all day long, she can turn a blind eye.

the other side.

Zhu Wenshu blew the evening breeze on the balcony for a while, and also planned for the room.

When she passed the door of Ying Fei's room, she glanced sideways.

Although Ying Fei didn't say anything, Zhu Wenshu vaguely sensed that Ying Fei didn't like Ling Chen very much, did she?

Tut tut.

Zhu Wenshu shook his head and pushed open the door of his room.

As soon as he picked up the phone, he saw the message Ling Chen replied a few minutes ago.

[c]: Because.

【c】: No one answers my calls.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Popularity is bad.

When it was time to leave for the studio, Ling Xingyan directed the staff in the suite to make preparations.

Liu Leyou also packed his things and prepared to leave.

After greeting Ling Chen, he turned to thank Ling Xing again.

"Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule. I will take care of the interview. I will give you a review as usual before sending it out."

Ling Xingyan shook hands with him, and said with a smile: "You're welcome, it's getting late, be careful on the way back."

Lu Manman saw the opportunity and stepped forward to help Liu Leyou get things.

"It's okay, I'll take it myself."

Liu Leyou took his bag, and just as he walked to the door, Ling Chen, who was sitting on the sofa playing with his mobile phone, suddenly stopped him.

"By the way, the part about borrowing money during the interview—"

Ling Chen looked up from the phone, looked at Liu Leyou, "Please cut it."

"Huh? Cut it off?"

Before Liu Leyou could speak, his little assistant spoke first, "Why?"

Ling Chen stared at the floor-to-ceiling windows for a moment, then turned around and said, "Isn't it a bit embarrassing for people to find out that my friend is not very willing to lend me money?"

"No! It's very interesting!"

Another staff member of Liu Leyou also said, "That teacher is also very cute, this part is my favorite."

Ling Chen looked at Liu Leyou and said nothing.

"OK, no problem."

Liu Leyou was not as surprised as his team, and said calmly, "It was just a small game at first, and it would distract the topic of our interview a little later, so I will cut it out."


When Liu Leyou left with his people, the suite was quite empty.

Ling Chen got up and asked the stylist to arrange his clothes again.

Ling Xingyan sent Liu Leyou to the door, turned back, and when he passed Ling Chen, he said in a low voice: "Why are you not willing to borrow money? I think you are afraid that the whole world will know that she has to add chicken legs to every meal. I don't care about you anymore."

Ling Chen turned a deaf ear and lowered his head to talk to the stylist, as if he didn't notice someone standing beside him.

The stylist fiddled with it for a while, then turned to get the setting spray from the other side.

Taking advantage of this moment, Ling Xingyan smiled and whispered, "I'm still a teacher, where do I teach? Junior high school or high school?"

"The cuffs are a little tight."

Ling Chen turned to talk to the stylist, ignoring his cousin directly.

"Tell me about it."

Ling Xingyan simply sat down, crossed his legs, and teased, "Maybe my son can still go to acquaintances when he goes to school."


Ling Chen glanced at him expressionlessly, "He teaches elementary school."

Ling Xingyan spread his hands when he heard the words: "Then there is no chance, tsk, what a pity."

Autumn in Jiangcheng is rainy, and it is continuous at once, and black clouds weigh heavily on the city from morning to night.

It was the weekend, and Zhu Wen Shuben wanted to stay at home, but the next door was being renovated, and she had tossed about with electric drills all morning. Finally, she couldn't stand it anymore and went to the city library with her computer and books.

The library is not close to home, and there are no direct buses and subways.

Zhu Wenshu made a special trip to take a taxi there, which was a bit of a hassle, and she has always been able to sit still, so this stay lasted a whole day.

By the time she picked up her umbrella and was about to go home, night had completely fallen.

The pattering rain was still falling, the unrepaired road surface was dripping with water, and a few dead leaves were floating, making it look particularly bleak.

Zhu Wenshu wore a white wool dress when she went out today. The skirt reached her ankles, so she walked very carefully to avoid being splashed by water.

It's a pity that the sky is not what people want. She pays attention again, but the rain brought up by her heels still stains the corners of the skirt.

Zhu Wenshu sighed, not wanting to stand in the rain anymore, so he walked towards the bus station and waited for a taxi.

Usually at this point, the bus station is generally empty.

But because of the rain, many people went in to hide from the rain. Looking from a distance, it was actually full of people.

Like her, most of them came here to wait for the bus.

Seeing this, Zhu Wenshu quickened his pace, trying to find a place for himself.

A bus came slowly through the rain, the crowd loosened, and several people boarded one after another.

"Wait! Wait! There are still people!"

Anxious voices came from far to near, and the emotions spread around.

Zhu Wenshu subconsciously wanted to open the way, and just moved aside, another middle-aged woman who was in a hurry to get in the car rushed over.

The moment his shoulders collided, Zhu Wenshu's flat shoes slipped and he fell to the ground.

The middle-aged woman who knocked her down had rushed out a few steps, turned around when she heard the voice, and saw a girl in a white skirt sitting on the ground.

It was only later that I realized what I had done.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Girl!"

Holding an umbrella in one hand and a lunch box in the other, she bent down with difficulty to help Zhu Wenshu, but the rain on the umbrella fell on Zhu Wenshu one after another.

"Back off a little first."

Zhu Wenshu stretched out his hand to cover his face, and stood up by himself.

Looking down, the skirt was wet from the side of the right leg all the way to the shoulder, and it was still mixed with black mud.


"Oh, why is this happening?"

The middle-aged woman was very anxious, her facial features were all wrinkled together, "Are you okay? Are you not injured?"

In fact, Zhu Wenshu didn't fall hard, and it didn't hurt much.

It was this muddy water that made her dirty, which was really a bit embarrassing.

"No injuries."

"Can't make it?!"

The bus driver's voice was indistinct in the rain.

"Go! Go! Wait for me!"

The middle-aged woman anxiously tugged at Zhu Wenshu's sleeves, "Then, what about your clothes, how about I wash them for you?"

how to wash?

Do you take it off to her on the spot?

The horn sounded in his ears, Zhu Wenshu sighed and shook his head: "It's okay, I'll do it myself, you get in the car first."

Seeing Zhu Wenshu being so easy-going, the woman began to loosen up.

She looked back at the bus and tentatively said, "Then... I'll leave first? I'm too anxious to deliver food to my old man. I'm so sorry for you."

"You go."

Zhu Wenshu has already picked up the umbrella, and she doesn't want to get entangled with an unintentional person in the rain. She just wants to go home and change clothes.

Because of the rain, it was the rush hour after 8 o'clock. There was no Airbus taxi on the road, and the online car-hailing car was crowded to one or two hundred.

Zhu Wenshu only took a paper towel to wipe his hands clean, and used the rest to wipe his clothes, but it was just a drop in the bucket.

The dirty water completely soaked through the clothes and wet against the skin.

Because a large stain on the white dress was too conspicuous, it suddenly added a sense of brokenness to her appearance and temperament, which attracted passers-by waiting for the bus to look at her frequently.

These gazes magnified Zhu Wenshu's embarrassment, and she moved a little to the corner, not wanting to receive such attention.

The rain has no tendency to stop, and the ranking of taxis is also beating very slowly.

The number of people at the bus station gradually decreased, and seats were available.

Zhu Wenshu sat next to a girl.

"When will you arrive? I'm freezing to death."

The girl was on the phone with a coquettish tone, "Hurry up! I didn't bring an umbrella, it was raining just now!"

Zhu Wenshu glanced at her quietly, trying to give her a piece of paper to wipe the rain from her hair, but found that he had just used it up.

After a while, a white car stopped in front of the bus stop.

The man got out of the driver's seat with an umbrella in his arms, and got into the car with the girl in his arms. On the way, he coaxed a few words in a friendly voice, and stretched out his hand to gently wipe the rain from the girl's hair.

Zhu Wenshu didn't look up.

When the person left, she looked at the empty seat next to her, and then she sighed softly.

Still a little envious.

There were fewer and fewer people around, Zhu Wenshu was cold and sleepy, hugged his bag tightly, and took out his mobile phone to pass the time.

As soon as I opened Weibo, there was a blogger reposting the red carpet photos of the award ceremony two days ago on the homepage.

In fact, starting from that night, Zhu Wenshu saw many bloggers posting photos of the awards ceremony one after another, and naturally also saw Ling Chen.

It's just that today, when she was waiting awkwardly in the rain, and seeing the glamorous Ling Chen under the flashing lights, she suddenly felt that the world was really unpredictable.

After casually flipping through it twice, Zhu Wenshu swiped down, and suddenly remembered the interview Ling Chen mentioned.

It seems to be posted today, right?

Zhu Wenshu concentrated for a moment, clicked on Liu Leyou's Weibo, and saw that his latest video was an interview with Ling Chen.

Seeing the amount of likes and retweets on this Weibo, Zhu Wenshu was inexplicably nervous.

She carefully read the comments, one by one...

Huh? No one seems to have mentioned her stinginess?

So she clicked on the video.

She didn't finish reading the nearly 30 minutes of content, and finally stopped at Liu Leyou and Ling Chen's WeChat.

There is no episode of borrowing money from her at all.

While heaving a sigh of relief, Zhu Wenshu wanted to ask Ling Chen what was going on.

But after thinking about it, he didn't think he wanted to be on camera so much, so he came to ask on purpose.

Stopping this thought, Zhu Wenshu didn't read any more, and switched to the taxi-hailing software, seeing that there were only thirty or so people left in front of him.

And the bus station was also empty while she was watching the video, leaving her alone.

Zhu Wenshu looked around boredly, and took a photo with his mobile phone.

In the cold and bleak rain, the old bus stop sign looks crumbling.

—[I finally realized what it was like to be the last kid in the class to be picked up. ]

Posted this circle of friends, and the comments came quickly.

Zhu Wenshu lowered his head, clicked into the circle of friends, the small picture in the reminder... was actually the photo of Ling Chen that she had just seen? !

ah? ?

Does he even watch Moments? ?

Zhu Wenshu clicked in, but the remark name showed——Zhu Qisen.

Zhu Qisen: How does it feel specifically? Expand and talk.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Startled her.

Recalling later, Ling Chen's profile picture is not his own.

She replied to Zhu Qisen: What the **** is your profile picture?

Zhu Qisen: You don't understand 101 ways to please your girlfriend.

Zhu Wenshu ignored him, just looked at his head, as if Ling Chen himself had come to witness her embarrassment at the moment.

But it may be that Ling Chen has appeared very frequently in her life recently, her thoughts diverged in the rain, and she gradually remembered that the last time she was so embarrassed, it seemed that Ling Chen was also there.

At that time, the college entrance examination was about to take place, and the whole school suspended classes for the third year of senior high school, and had to study independently.

In the tense atmosphere about to go to the battlefield, Zhu Wenshu sorted out the wrong question book and found that he always made mistakes in one physics-type question and never solved it.

She didn't know what to do, and when she thought of the college entrance examination that was just around the corner, she swore that she had to study them thoroughly.

So she worked all afternoon, and when it was time to leave school, she was not in a hurry to go home, not wanting to interrupt her thoughts.

After she was able to clearly and completely write out all the ideas for solving the questions, the classroom would be the same as now, with almost everyone leaving.

Zhu Wenshu tidied his schoolbag briefly, and was about to get up when his forehead suddenly felt cold.

Looking down, there were indeed dark red marks on the stool.

She immediately sat back down.

In the past few days, she was on her menstrual period, and she forgot to go to the toilet to change sanitary napkins regularly because she was too involved in the questions.

In the hot summer, she only wore short sleeves and school pants.

Although there was no one in the school, she still had to take the bus and walk through the alley to go home.

The teenage girl was thin-skinned, thinking that so many people would see the marks on her trousers, she couldn't help knocking her head on the table lightly.


Who can save her at this time.

She kowtowed for a while, and suddenly thought that some classmates might have left clothes in the classroom, so she turned her head immediately.

With a glance, he first saw Ling Chen who was sitting in the corner and hadn't left yet.

She froze for a moment, seeing that he was still wearing a school uniform jacket on this hot day, she felt hopeful.

"Ling Chen..."

Hearing the name, Ling Chen raised his head and looked at her from a distance in the corner, but did not speak.

Because of unfamiliarity, Zhu Wenshu was a little embarrassed to make such a request, and his face flushed a little.

"Um... can you do me a favor?"


With such a distance, Zhu Wenshu couldn't say it out loud.

"Can you come here first?"

Ling Chen stared at her for a while, then got up and came over.

Standing at her desk, she didn't speak.

"It's pants are a little dirty..." Zhu Wenshu hesitated, "Can you lend me your coat to wear home for a day?"

Ling Chen's eyes were filled with surprise, puzzlement, and subconscious rejection.

He lowered his hands, and unconsciously pinched the cuffs with his fingers on the side of his trousers, hiding the traces of stitches, and did not speak.

"Ah, it's okay if you're inconvenient, I'll look at someone else's."

Zhu Wenshu kept staring at his face. Seeing his expression, he soon realized that he didn't want to.

She knew that her request was indeed a little too much. After all, he was a boy in the third year of high school, so he must know what she wanted to do.

If you feel unclean and don't want to borrow it, you can understand it.

Fortunately, at this time, some students who came back to get things passed the corridor.

Zhu Wenshu saw it from the corner of his eye, and hurriedly called out: "Yin Yueze!"

The memory was forcibly interrupted by Zhu Wenshu here, and she was too lazy to recall what happened after borrowing Yin Yueze's clothes.

The rain finally subsided a little, but the cold wind blew, making the rain-soaked areas of her extremely cold.

Zhu Wenshu shuddered. Seeing that there were fewer and fewer vehicles on the road, he thought that he should get a taxi too.

She took out her mobile phone and looked at it. There were more than 20 people in line ahead, and she expected to wait for a while.

There is not much battery left in the phone, Zhu Wenshu didn't dare to waste any more, turned off the screen, and looked up slowly.

A black commercial vehicle drove slowly, the speed getting slower and slower.

At the end, stop at the bus stop.

At the empty bus station, on a rainy night, Zhu Wenshu had to be a little more vigilant. Countless scenes of girls being busted on the road in movies flashed through his mind.

She unconsciously sat up straight and gripped the phone tightly.

However, the next second, the automatic door opened.

The slanting wind and drizzle cut the line of sight blurred, the night was dim, and the car was lit with lights, making Ling Chen's silhouette extraordinarily clear.

But even so, Zhu Wenshu thought he was hallucinating.

Immediately, a black umbrella stretched out, and at the same time as the umbrella opened, the people in the car leaned over and got out of the car.

The scattered raindrops bloomed on the umbrella surface.

The picture in front of him seemed to be slowed down frame by frame. Zhu Wenshu saw the black umbrella raised up, making Chen walk towards her step by step in the dark night.

It was still in a black suit, but there were no bright follow-up lights above his head.

But the scene in front of him seemed to overlap with the photos he had just seen. Zhu Wenshu felt that the man in front of him made this bleak bus station brightly lit.

He stopped in front of Zhu Wenshu, lowered his head, saw her white dress soaked in rain, and then handed over the umbrella.

"Take it."

It wasn't until he spoke that Zhu Wenshu felt a sense of reality.

She stretched out her hand and brushed his knuckles with her slender fingertips. Before she could hold the umbrella handle tightly, the weight of the umbrella was already in her hand.

Zhu Wenshu blinked and raised his eyes for no reason.

The man in front of him lowered his head and unbuttoned his chest with his fingers.

He took off his suit jacket, held it with both hands, and wrapped his arms around her ears.

The autumn wind was mixed with the clear fragrance of his body, lingering at the tip of her nose.

In the next second, the coat with his body temperature gently covered her body.