Chapter 19:

In the car, no one spoke.

Zhu Wenshu looked sideways at the car window, his eyes were out of focus, and he was watching the scene of the rapid retreat.

until her attention drifted slowly to the raindrops—

Her heartbeat was as heavy as raindrops on glass.

The air conditioner was turned on in the compartment, and the warm air was blowing in from all directions, softly and silently.

Zhu Wenshu was wearing Ling Chen's coat, and sat next to him. After a while, he suddenly came back to his senses, turned his head and asked in a daze: "...Why are you here?"

The distance between the two seats was half a meter, which added a bit of alienation to his voice, unlike the few steps to get into the car with an umbrella, even breathing is close at hand.

"Mr. Zhu." Ling Chen didn't seem to expect that Zhu Wenshu would ask such an obvious question. He turned his head and lowered his eyelids, "This is my way home."


Zhu Wenshu lowered his eyes and nodded, "Huh?"

"Ah for what."

Ling Chen said, "I saw it."

I saw it.

Zhu Wenshu glanced out of the car window. The fine rainwater woven into a net covered the faint light of the street lamps, and the flashing pedestrians were like blurred fragments of light and shadow.

Can you see this too?

She tilted her body again, and looked at Ling Chen's car window from the corner of her eye.

"I mean-"

Ling Chen raised his hand to block her unknowingly turning head, and slowly pushed her back to her seat, "I've found your circle of friends."


Zhu Wenshu sat up straight, gathered his clothes, and muttered, "I thought your eyes were really brilliant."

She sank back into the car seat and stopped talking.

The car was about to reach the intersection, the driver hesitated when choosing a lane, finally stopped in the straight lane, and looked back at the man who was looking out the window.

Ling Chen felt the driver's eyes, and he stared at him for a moment, then turned his head to look at the person next to him.

"Mr. Zhu, don't tell the driver your home address again."

Ling Chen's voice sounded again suddenly, Zhu Wenshu was startled, and turned to look at him in a daze.

He raised his eyes, and his eyes met under the light, "You can only go home with me."


As if waking up from a dream, Zhu Wenshu immediately said, "Chenguangyuan Phase I, Guanghua Road."

The driver turned on the navigation, glanced at the route, and was a little speechless.

The two of them didn't talk much after they got in the car, and they finally opened their mouths.

It seems that they are all wandering.

After the car made a U-turn at the intersection ahead, it entered a road section that Zhu Wenshu was familiar with.

The air conditioner made her feel soft all over. She wanted to lean against the car window and lower her head, but she could smell Ling Chen's clothes again.

Although Zhu Wenshu is not a person who talks a lot, she is not used to being silent in a closed space with people.

Besides, the person sitting next to her was no stranger.

But tonight, whenever she thinks of a topic and plans to speak, the air flow in the car is too slow, and the rain outside the window is too messy for her to speak.

All the way quietly without words.

The car stopped at the gate of the community, the door opened, and the wind wrapped in drizzle blew in.

Zhu Wenshu pinched the collar of Ling Chen's coat, hesitating what to do.

The clothes were already stained with dirty water, and she had to return them to others without cleaning them up.

But if you wear it home directly, what if people don't want it.

"Then this dress..."

Zhu Wenshu hesitated to speak.

"Put it on and go home."

Ling Chen said.


Zhu Wenshu stopped being entangled, nodded and said, "Then I'll wash it and return it to you."

Watching Ling Chen's car leave, Zhu Wenshu turned around and saw Ying Fei walking slowly with an umbrella.

The rain had almost stopped, so she didn't hold an umbrella and had a wide view.

"you are back."

Ying Fei also glanced sideways at the car that had just left, and saw that it was not an online hailing car, "Your friend? This car is really powerful."

There was still a faint rain in the sky, Zhu Wenshu took away his umbrella and let out a soft "hmm".

The light on the side of the road was not good, Ying Fei saw the coat on Zhu Wenshu's body, she just put it on when she was going out, and didn't think much about it.

It wasn't until the two entered the elevator and the lights were bright that she noticed that it was obviously a men's suit jacket.

Ying Fei smiled, and didn't plan to ask more.

She thinks it's normal. It's normal for a girl like Zhu Wenshu to be chased by someone.

It's just that when she took a second look at the coat, she suddenly realized that things were not that simple.

"Your friend... not only is the car amazing, but the clothes are also amazing."


Zhu Wenshu looked down, "Isn't it just a black suit?"

Ying Fei knew that she was not pretending, but really didn't understand.

"What black suit, this is a limited edition high-end suit."

When Zhu Wenshu heard the word "high definition", he immediately took off his coat.

But after looking around, she didn't understand the difference between this and an ordinary suit, and she didn't even see a wash mark.

"Don't look for it, there is no label on this dress."

Seeing her confused face, Ying Fei reached out and turned the clothes over, and pointed to the dark pattern logo on the inner lining for her.

Even though Zhu Wenshu doesn't pay attention to the fashion industry, he still knows the famous D logo.

"You can see this?"

Zhu Wenshu was very surprised, how come there are eight-star and eight-diamond eyes in the whole world, but she doesn't have them.

"Ye Shaoxing wore this suit on the red carpet a few days ago."

After Ying Fei finished speaking, Zhu Wenshu looked confused, "Your friend didn't tell you this?"

At this moment, it happened to reach the floor, and the elevator door opened.

Ying Fei patted Zhu Wenshu on the shoulder, gave a thumbs up, and teased, "I think you are a good friend, low-key and luxurious, and you can make friends with each other deeply."

Zhu Wenshu was stunned for a while in the elevator, remembering the promise he had made before getting out of the car, "I'll return it to you after I wash it," and his mind kept buzzing.

"Ying Fei!"

She hurriedly chased it out, "Then do you know how to wash these clothes?"

Ying Fei was all focused on the suit just now, but now she turned her head and saw the mud on Zhu Wenshu's body.

"What happened to your clothes? Did you fall?"

"Well, I accidentally fell."

Zhu Wenshu was a little anxious and didn't care about his clothes, "Is this suit troublesome to clean?"


Ying Fei usually only pays attention to the big-name clothes her idol wears, so why would she pay attention to how to wash the big-name clothes, "Should... not wash it?"

Zhu Wenshu: "Huh?"

Don't you think it's dirty if you have money? !

Probably seeing Zhu Wenshu's doubts, Ying Fei couldn't help laughing.

"It doesn't mean that people don't wash their clothes!"

She opened the door of the house and turned on the light in the entrance, "These clothes are very expensive, and people who can wear them probably don't intend to wear them a second time."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Since Ying Fei had nothing to do, Zhu Wenshu had no choice but to figure it out by himself.

She went back to her room and checked, but the web page only had cleaning methods for ordinary custom-made suits, and did not clearly indicate how to wash this brand of high-end suits.

The only obvious answer is the same as what Ying Fei said.

-dont wash.

But Zhu Wenshu couldn't really just send back this kind of high-end suit that was stained with mud and water to Ling Chen.

She sat at the table and thought for a while, then picked up her mobile phone and called the dry cleaners one by one.

A few stores said they could do laundry, but when Zhu Wenshu asked if they could ensure that the quality of the clothes would not be affected in any way, the other party hesitated and couldn't give a definite answer.

In the end, she had no choice but to go to the doctor in a hurry, so she had to ask the owner of the clothes.

[Zhu Wenshu]: How do you wash your clothes? What are the precautions?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Or where do you usually go to clean?

After a while, Ling Chen replied four words.

【c】: Don't worry about it.

[Zhu Wenshu]:?

[Zhu Wenshu]: This is not good, it is all dirty.

[c]: Just wash it casually.

[Zhu Wenshu]: How can this work? I know these clothes are very expensive, please tell me a place where they can be washed, and I'll take them for disposal.

[c]: Then give it back to me.

【c】: My assistant will take it to a special place for cleaning.

Zhu Wenshu thought about it for a while, and found that this might indeed be the best solution.

For a star like Ling Chen, styling is a very important part, and there must be a team around him who specializes in clothing.

If she insisted on cleaning by herself, she might end up self-defeating.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Alas.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I'm really sorry.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Then when do you have time?

Originally, her first thought was to send it over, but considering how precious the clothes were, she was still worried about handing them over to the courier.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I'll send it to you.

This time, it took a long time for Ling Chen to reply.

【c】: After school tomorrow.

[Zhu Wenshu]: After school?

【c】: The nanny will ask for leave tomorrow.

[c]: Teacher Zhu, please send my child back by the way.

It's just a little effort, Zhu Wenshu agreed.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Okay.

After working all night for nothing, the clothes had to be returned to their original owners in the end.

Zhu Wenshu was not relieved, but still felt a little sorry, got up and took a towel to wipe the clothes carefully over and over again, before putting them in the bag and putting them away.

The next day, she went to school with her bag.

Busy until school was over, Ling Siyuan was at the end of the line with her schoolbag on her back.

After Zhu Wenshu sent the students away one by one, he slowly moved to her side.

"Teacher, will you take me home today?"


Zhu Wenshu took him by the side of the road and waited for the bus, "Don't you like the teacher to send you home?"


He was very happy to learn that Aunt Xiao was on vacation this morning, thinking that he could play games as soon as he got home.

Unexpectedly, when he was going out, his uncle told him that Teacher Zhu would send him home after school, so his plan would be ruined.

"Teacher, aren't you going home? Are your parents not in a hurry?"

"I'll be in a hurry."

A taxi stopped in front of him, Zhu Wenshu took Ling Siyuan into the car, and said softly, "But the teacher has already told mom and dad to take you home first, and I have something to return to your dad."


After arriving home, Ling Siyuan hung his head and pressed the door lock.

It's different from the last time I came here. In late autumn, the house is very warm.

The living room is brightly lit, and a few pots of green plants have been added.

Ling Siyuan came in to change his shoes, bent down and took out a pair of ladies' slippers from the shoe cabinet to Zhu Wenshu.

"Thank you, Yuanyuan."

Zhu Wenshu glanced at the room, but did not see Ling Chen, but heard the slight sound of water flowing.

After changing the shoes, Zhu Wenshu followed Ling Siyuan in.

Although he didn't want to be supervised by the teacher, Ling Siyuan saw that his father was very considerate in entertaining guests, so he got into the habit of putting down his schoolbag and saying, "Teacher, I'll get you some water."

Zhu Wenshu originally wanted to return the clothes to Ling Chen and go home, but the child was so polite that she couldn't refuse, so she went to the sofa to find a seat.

"Okay, thank you Yuanyuan."

Pour a glass of warm water, Ling Siyuan said again: "Teacher, I'll get you some fruit."

I wanted to say no, but Ling Siyuan had already run towards the kitchen.

Following his direction, Zhu Wenshu looked up and saw Ling Chen standing in the kitchen.

A casserole on the fire was emitting white smoke, and the aroma of chicken soup was wafting out. The oven next to it was lit, so I couldn't see what was inside.

Ling Chen was standing by the pool, wearing a loose gray sweater with the cuffs rolled up, his hands hanging down in the pool to wash vegetables.

Zhu Wenshu really did not expect to see such a scene.

The stream of water is long and thin, and Lingchen's hands are methodically washing every vegetable, skillfully and carefully, like a person who has been cooking all year round.

Probably sensing Zhu Wenshu's gaze, Ling Chen turned his head and raised his chin towards her.

"Here you come? Sit down for a while."

Zhu Wenshu gave an "oh" in a daze, looked away, and looked at the black screen TV.

Then I remembered that I came to change clothes.

"I brought the clothes."

Ling Chen didn't look back: "Leave it alone, wait for me for a while."

The tone was natural, as if Zhu Wenshu was a special visitor, which made it impossible for her to say that she was about to leave immediately.

Ling Siyuan came over with a basin of washed fruit, and after setting it up on the tea table, asked again: "Teacher, do you want to watch TV?"

His big eyes were shining brightly, Zhu Wenshu could not know what he meant.

But maybe the temperature in this room is very comfortable, and the smell of the kitchen is also strong, Zhu Wenshu didn't want to urge him to do his homework, nodded and said: "Okay."

Ling Siyuan immediately turned on the TV, and the picture appeared together with the loud music.

After a while, there was the sound of food being put into the pan in the kitchen, and the sound of hot oil sizzling.

Ling Siyuan was engrossed in watching the cartoon, picked up the apple on the table and wanted to eat it.

"Hey, peel the skin first."

Zhu Wenshu stopped him, glanced at the coffee table, but couldn't find the fruit knife, so he asked Ling Siyuan, "Where's the fruit knife? Teacher, let me sharpen it for you."

Ling Siyuan didn't know where he was, so he turned his head and shouted: "Father!"

Ling Chen: "Why?"

Ling Siyuan: "Where is the fruit knife?"

"Why should I—" Ling Chen turned his head, looked through the glass door of the kitchen, and the words suddenly stuck in his throat.


Ling Xingyan came in at some point, and was looking at the people in the room with an inexplicable expression on his face.

Two seconds later, his own son realized something was wrong belatedly, turned around, and stared at him blankly.

The whole room fell into a dead silence for a long time, until Ling Xingyan found his voice—

"You," Ling Xingyan asked, "Whose father are you calling?"

Ling Siyuan stayed silent.

Ling Xingyan turned to look at Ling Chen again.

"Who are you promising?"