Chapter 20:

Ling Xingyan really didn't want to understand.

He has been working day and night for many days, even worse after returning from the imperial capital. Because of expanding his business, he hardly ever goes home, and his bed is almost in the company.

Today he thought that he hadn't seen his son for many days, didn't even eat lunch, was busy finishing work, and thought about going home to have dinner with his son.

The results of it?

and then?

As soon as he opened the door, the smell of the food was savory, the laughter was cheerful, and he almost thought that he had gone through the wrong door and entered a family of three by mistake.

Then, he heard his own son call someone else's father with his own ears.

People also agreed quite smoothly.

Why, he fought hard outside, but his home was stolen by his younger brother?

What a good brother and friend, the father is kind and the son is filial.

Especially, when he saw Zhu Wenshu turned his head, he didn't understand.

Playing a man with a son in front of the girl he likes, what kind of new era interest is this?

"What about you?"

Ling Xingyan didn't change his shoes, and walked over in two or three steps, "Whose father are you calling?"

Originally, Ling Chen also looked at his cousin silently, speechless.

But suddenly there was a smell of burnt in the pot, he regained his senses, turned around and turned off the fire.

The fire here is on.

Seeing Ling Xingyan walk in, Ling Siyuan's eyes rolled wildly, and he hugged the apple and whispered, "Dad..."


Zhu Wenshu, who was the most confused throughout the whole process, glanced at Ling Xingyan, then at Ling Siyuan, and suddenly pushed away the cloud with his mushy head.

No matter how slow he was, Zhu Wenshu also came to his senses.

Ling Siyuan was not Ling Chen's son at all, it was Ling Xing who said it! !

She just said it! !

How could Ling Chen, who was the same age as her, have such a big son! !

And why does his son look so similar to his cousin! !

Sure enough, Ling Xingyan in front of him folded his arms and looked at his son with a half-smile.

"Do you know who your father is?"

Seeing Ling Xingyan step forward again, Siyuan thought he was going to be beaten, and subconsciously hid behind Zhu Wenshu.



Ling Xingyan's progress stagnated, he tilted his head, and looked at Zhu Wenshu in confusion.

Although the scene was a bit chaotic, Zhu Wenshu felt that it was necessary for him to introduce himself to the real parent of the student.

She stood up with an unnatural expression on her face.

"Hello, I'm Ling Siyuan's Chinese teacher, and I'm also the substitute head teacher."


The change of Ling Xingyan's expression was wonderful.

First shocked, then confused, then speechless, and finally...

He turned around and glanced at Ling Chen, then suddenly lowered his head and smiled, but he restrained himself and tried his best not to laugh out loud.

But it's hard.

After a while, Ling Xingyan's wanton laughter was mixed into the noisy cartoon BGM.

The person who was obviously surprised just now smiled as if he was about the same age as Ling Siyuan.

Zhu Wenshu felt that the whole family was incomprehensible. She looked at Ling Chen, only to see that the man pursed his lips tightly and his face was very dark.

Meeting Zhu Wenshu's eyes, he didn't speak.

But Zhu Wenshu could see that he was obviously a witness and evidence, so he had nothing to say.

"What's the matter?"

Zhu Wenshu lowered his head and asked Ling Siyuan, "Why do you call him Dad?"

Ling Xingyan also asked: "Yes, you can explain to me too."


Seeing that both the teacher and his father came to question him, Siyuan didn't have the guts to lie again, and moved secretly to the corner of the sofa, hugging the doll, "I... the last time the teacher came to my house to complain, I was afraid that my father would scold me, so... let my uncle be my father …it's all my fault!"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Ling Xing said: "..."

Zhu Wenshu felt that this was too absurd, while Ling Xingyan looked at his son without a word.

This takes the responsibility away, and I don't know whether to say that he is too smart or too stupid.

He was sold and helped to count the money.

But Ling Chen is too insignificant, using a child to satisfy his selfish desires, is this something an adult can do?

"How can you do this?"

Zhu Wenshu understood everything. He felt ashamed that he had been deceived for so long and looked like a clown. "Children don't know how to lie. You don't correct him but cooperate with him. Is this fun?"

Before Ling Chen could reply, Ling Xingyan coughed beside him.

Ling Chen glanced coolly at Ling Xingyan who was watching the fire from the other side, and when he looked at Zhu Wenshu again, he lowered his eyes to cover the unknown anger in his eyes.


"Hey, teacher, my child is ignorant."

Ling Xingyan interrupted Ling Chen suddenly, turned sideways to block his sight, and faced Zhu Wenshu directly, "I will teach you well, don't be too angry."

Zhu Wenshu felt that Ling Xingyan was also a victim in this matter, and he definitely couldn't get angry with him.

It's just that his own son recognizes someone else as his father, and he still doesn't know anything about it, so he has to bear some responsibility.

"You are usually busy with work, but you should spend more time paying attention to your child. Look at him like this. What will you do if you become a liar in the future?"

"Hey, ok, ok, I will definitely criticize and give you an explanation."

Ling Xingyan raised his hand to look at the time, and said, "Well... it's getting late, how about I ask the driver to take you back?"

Hearing this, Ling Chen raised his eyebrows suddenly, and wanted to take two steps forward, but was blocked by Ling Xingyan's backhand.

"Otherwise, there will be a traffic jam later."

In fact, Zhu Wenshu knew that Ling Xingyan wanted to save Ling Chen some face, so he issued the order to evict the guest.

She also realized that they should leave space for them to handle the housework by themselves first, so she went down the steps, "No, my house is not far away, just take a taxi."

After getting up, she saw the suit bag beside her, picked it up and put it on the coffee table, and said angrily, "This is your dress, thank you."

When she walked out of the living room, Ling Chen took a deep breath and looked up at her.

"Wish Wen Shu—"

Zhu Wenshu turned around, frowned and glared at Ling Chen.

He just stared back at what he was about to say.

When there was the sound of closing the door, Zhu Wenshu's figure disappeared, and Ling Chen stared at the door for a long time, with the tip of his tongue against his cheek, and turned around feeling restless.

The dishes in the pot were already mushy, so Ling Chen didn't go to the kitchen, but went directly to the balcony.

Looking at his irritable back, Ling Xingyan walked over slowly.

In fact, he really wanted to fan the flames and sit back and watch the show, but thinking of his brother's mouth, if he didn't invite Zhu Wenshu away, he might have to watch Ling Chen **** off.

Now he had no scruples, leaning against the wall and said: "The child is not sensible, and you still cooperated with him in the performance? Why, sing and you act? How about I take two plays for you later? Anyway, hand me the book There are quite a lot of people.”

Ling Chen ignored him.

Ling Xingyan turned his head to look at Ling Siyuan who was still hiding on the sofa, and pointed to his nose, "Go back to your room to do your homework first, and I'll clean you up later."

When Ling Siyuan heard this, he hurriedly hid back in the room.

There was no one else in the living room, making Xingyan even more unscrupulous.

"If you want to be a father, give birth to yourself, don't illegally take the fruits of other people's labor, OK? You are an original singer, do you want me to teach you this?"

Ling Chen finally turned his head, his face didn't ease at all, it was still very dark.

"How did you come back?"

"Hey, you robbed my son and want to rob my house?"

Ling Xingyan turned a blind eye to his gaze, "The name on the real estate certificate has not been changed to yours, has it?"

But after saying this sentence, Ling Xingyan felt that the air around him was indeed chilly, so he decided to leave it as soon as it was good.

"I went to eat."

He staggered to the kitchen, lifted the lid of the casserole and smelled it, and then turned on the oven.

"Hey, there's a big roasted chicken drumstick. It's a pity that no one eats it. I happened to catch up."

On the way home, the sun had not yet set.

In the community, the elderly and their children were playing in the shade of the trees, laughing and laughing.

Zhu Wenshu's expression didn't fit in with this atmosphere. She walked very fast today. She didn't look at the scenery around her or her mobile phone. She stared at the road ahead with displeasure written all over her face.

She was thinking about what happened recently, she never dreamed that Ling Chen was not Ling Siyuan's father, and she was still foolishly worrying about how he would be a good father.

As a result, she was acting from the beginning to the end, just to prevent her from suing Ling Siyuan's father.

Childish is not childish!

Pushing open the door, Zhu Wenshu angrily changed his shoes, still mumbling.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Ying Fei was eating in the living room, and she sensed something was wrong without looking up, "Have you had a fight with someone?"


Zhu Wenshu passed by her carrying a bag, "I was so angry by the parents of the students."

He also said there was no quarrel.

Ying Fei felt that the wind blowing past her had a smell of gunpowder.

Back in the room, Zhu Wenshu sat in front of the desk sullenly.

At this time, the phone vibrated.

She picked it up and took a look, then threw it away quickly.

Ling Chen had the nerve to come and ask her if she was home.

No return.

After a while.

Zhu Wenshu slowly reached out, touched the table, and picked up the phone.

What if someone like Ling Chen didn't see that she was angry, saw that she didn't return, misunderstood that she had an accident on the road and called the police or something...

At that time, don't let her be educated by the police because of such a thing, it won't be worthwhile.

But she really didn't want to talk to Ling Chen.

After thinking about it for a while, she clicked on the colleagues group, randomly found an official account article and forwarded it to the circle of friends.

- "What if the child always lies? Smart parents do this to make the child an honest person."

Not long after posting, the phone vibrated again.

Zhu Wenshu didn't understand, since he saw that the circle of friends was updated, he should know that she had arrived home safely, but he didn't want to talk to him, so why did he ask.

Turning on the phone, he saw that he had received a friend request.

The verification information is Ling Xingyan.

After all, this is the real student's parent, Zhu Wenshu clicked through.

[Ling Xingyan]: I wish you, teacher, have you arrived home safely?

[Zhu Wenshu]: It has arrived.

[Ling Xingyan]: That's good.

[Ling Xingyan]: I'm really sorry about what happened today, but don't be angry with yourself.

[Ling Xingyan]: Children are ignorant, and Ling Chen is not malicious.

[Ling Xingyan]: I will talk about them well.

Zhu Wenshu sometimes sees entertainment gossip and thinks that celebrities' managers, especially those of popular celebrities, are all over their noses.

I didn't expect Ling Xingyan to be so eloquent and to keep his posture so low. As the saying goes, you don't hit people with smiling faces, so she calmed down unknowingly, and calmly chatted with Ling Xingyan about Ling Siyuan's situation for a while.

In short, after typing so many words, she didn't reply to Ling Chen's news.

On the second day, Zhu Wenshu went to work at school and met Ling Siyuan in the corridor of the classroom.

Although she lost the anger of yesterday, she still had a serious face at this time.

Seeing this, Ling Siyuan said timidly, "Good morning, teacher."

Zhu Wenshu nodded: "Good morning."


Ling Siyuan said in a low voice, "Are you still angry?"

"The teacher is really angry."

Zhu Wenshu squatted down and looked at him, "How can a good boy lie to the teacher?"

The little head in front of him drooped.

"I know I was wrong..."

"If you know you're wrong, you can't just rely on your words, you have to do what you say."

Zhu Wenshu said, "The teacher wants to see your actions."

"I see…"

Zhu Wenshu had other things to deal with, so he didn't tell Ling Siyuan any more.

But all day long, she still didn't reply to Ling Chen's message.

Another day passed.

When Zhu Wenshu came to school again, although she would still think of that incident when she saw Ling Siyuan's face, she was not so angry anymore.

After teaching two classes full of energy, she returned to the office to deal with chores.

There was a very complicated form for teaching and research activities, and she didn't know how to fill in a few places, so she took the paper and asked Teacher Wang.

Teacher Wang just came back from get out of class and confiscated a student's mobile phone, and was sitting on his seat playing with it.

As soon as Zhu Wenshu passed by, he happened to see Mr. Wang swiping open the screen, and the lock screen lit up.

- It is Ling Chen's stage photo.

The heavy industry-style stage only left a bunch of dim follow-up lights, and the hardness and softness blended into the background.

The man in the picture is sitting on a high stool, with one leg stretched obliquely and the other half bent, his left hand resting casually on the microphone stand, his head slightly lowered, leaving only a profile for the camera.

Like the composition and color of medieval oil paintings, and the language of the lens revealing pious love, it should have set off the atmosphere of whispering and singing.

But there was a piece of red silk tied to his wrist, which fluttered in the wind, like a red tassel with teeth and claws, flying across the front of the camera, making the side face flamboyant and enthusiastic.

"Oh, these little girls."

Teacher Wang murmured, "I started dreaming at a young age, so what happens when I grow up."

Zhu Wenshu's gaze rested on the photo for a moment.

I have to admit that this photo is very shocking, and it fully reflects Chen's brilliance.

"Congratulations teacher?"

Teacher Wang noticed that Zhu Wenshu had been standing beside her for a while, and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Oh, this form, I want to ask you how to fill it out."

"Oh, let me see."

After filling out the form under the guidance of Teacher Wang, Zhu Wenshu returned to his seat.

The phone rang for a while, and it was a parent who sent her a lot of messages asking her something.

After replying to the parent, Zhu Wenshu scrolled through the message list to see if there was any message he missed.

But I saw that the dialogue with Lingchen was still two days ago.

Thinking of the lock screen photo he saw just now, Zhu Wenshu snorted softly.

What a big star?

Can a big star not apologize?

Can a big star just say "Are you home" and pretend nothing happened?

Zhu Wenshu didn't look at his phone any more, hugged the homework aside and started grading.

Yesterday's homework was still copying new words, and the correction was very fast.

Ten minutes later, Zhu Wenshu turned to Ling Siyuan's homework.

I don't know if he understands that he has made the teacher angry, and he writes his homework very seriously.

It's just his handwriting, no matter how serious it is, it's a bit hard to describe.

Zhu Wenshu sighed, turned back, his eyes suddenly moved.

Ling Siyuan was next to the last few copied characters, and wrote in immature handwriting——


I wish the teacher, I was wrong.

I promise I will never lie to you again or make you angry.

Please forgive me and don't be angry anymore.

As for the final signature, after the "Guarantor:", except for the crooked "Ling Siyuan".

Followed by the word "Lingchen" which is out of place.