Chapter 21:

When the get out of class is over, there are always children coming and going in and out of the office, complaining for a while, crying for a while, the teachers coax them around, and the whole room is as lively as a vegetable market.

But Zhu Wenshu's class has just started art class, and the children are probably still immersed in the joy of doing handicrafts. No one comes looking for trouble, and she is very leisurely.

Thus, such a picture appeared-

Zhu Wenshu would open Ling Siyuan's homework every time he wrote the lesson preparation content for a while.

Then he lowered his head, put the back of his hand against his lips, and tried hard not to laugh out loud.

But after a while, someone still discovered the clue.

"Mr. Zhu, what have you been laughing at?"


Zhu Wenshu pursed his lips and suppressed the curvature of the corners of his mouth, "It's nothing, I was thinking about the cross talk I heard yesterday."

"...You really like listening to cross talk."

Zhu Wenshu didn't answer any more calls, but it was difficult to completely break away from the current state.

The main thing is the comparison of Ling Chen and Ling Siyuan's extremely different handwriting that day, but Zhu Wenshu couldn't help himself to make up the picture.

She didn't think that Ling Chen would sit beside Ling Siyuan honestly, instruct him to write a letter of guarantee, and then sign his name solemnly.

The image that involuntarily appeared in my mind was that this morning Ling Siyuan packed his schoolbag and was ready to go to school, and Ling Chen secretly found out his homework book, signed his name on the back secretly, and put it away without anyone noticing. go back.

Zhu Wenshu always felt that this was something Ling Chen could do.

After a while, the preparation bell rang.

The next class was Zhu Wenshu's Chinese class. She got up holding her homework and was going to the classroom to distribute it.

When she walked to the door, she thought of something, turned her head back to the desk, took out a red pen, opened Ling Siyuan's workbook, drew a tick on the back of the guarantee letter, and wrote today's date along the way.

Well, high cold, very posture.

But one second before closing the homework, Zhu Wenshu had another idea in his mind.

She stared at the guarantee letter for a second, then carefully tore off the page, folded it twice, and put it in her bag.

On the way to the classroom, Zhu Wenshu was holding a stack of homework and met Zhu Qisen who was going to class.

"Mr. Zhu!"

Zhu Qisen called her to stop from a distance, ran over two or three steps and walked side by side with her, "I ran into you when I was about to send you a message, are you free tonight?"

Zhu Wenshu: "Why?"

"Xue'er took the students to participate in the chorus competition some time ago, and it's over, so I asked you to have a meal."

Xueer is not Zhu Qisen's first girlfriend.

When he was in college, boys like Zhu Qisen were very popular in normal colleges. He had several girlfriends, and almost all of them brought them out to have dinner with Zhu Wenshu and the others. Thinking of Zhu Qisen and his girlfriend's distorted look every time, Zhu Wenshu shuddered: "No, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat while watching you show your affection by myself."

"Then call someone else."

Zhu Qisen thought for a while, "Why don't you call your roommate? Xue'er has always wanted to know her, and thinks she is very powerful."

Zhu Wenshu quickened his pace: " more."

Zhu Qisen: "What's the matter? No matter how you say it, she has been a great help, and I always have the opportunity to thank you. This is not a good time for me to treat you to a meal. Just ask her if she would like to come."


Zhu Wenshu looked up at the sky, and suddenly felt that he was no different from Ling Siyuan.

If you tell a lie, you need to use countless lies to cover it up.

"You don't need to ask, she's afraid of society."

"That's it..."

Zhu Qisen said, "Then why don't you come to dinner tonight, it's fine anyway."

Seeing that he was about to reach the door of the class, Zhu Wenshu didn't bother to talk to him.

"Okay, okay."

Elementary school ends early, and it's not even lunch time.

Zhu Qisen usually does not drive to work. One is that it is not as convenient as him to ride a bicycle. The other is that he feels that as a primary school physical education teacher, driving an Audi A7 to work every day is too high-profile, and he almost writes the words "rich second generation" on his face. up.

So after school, he went home first and drove to pick up Xueer.

Zhu Wenshu was not as free as he was. He was busy at school until after six o'clock, so he went directly to the dining place.

It was the rush hour for get off work, and when Zhu Wenshu rode his bicycle to the subway station, and then went to the barbecue restaurant, Zhu Qisen and Xueer were already waiting for her.

"Sorry, the subway station is a bit far away, I walked here."

"It's okay, we just arrived."

It was Shi Xueer who spoke.

Zhu Wenshu's impression of her was all from Zhu Qisen's dictation, and he thought she was a delicate little princess.

Looking at it now, Shi Xueer looks small and delicate, wearing a short fluffy coat, she looks like a little princess, but her tone and expression are not squeamish.

Moreover, as soon as Shi Xueer saw her, her bright eyes kept staring at her, from the moment she came in to when she sat down, she never looked away.

If it was a man, Zhu Wenshu would only find it wretched, but there was a beautiful girl in front of her, and she was somehow shy.

"Is it cold outside? Drink some hot water."

Shi Xueer didn't look at Zhu Qisen, but just waved to him, "Pour hot water for Teacher Zhu!"


Zhu Qisen hurriedly stood up and poured water for Zhu Wenshu.

Holding a cup of hot water, Zhu Wenshu smiled at Shi Xueer, "Hello, I heard Zhu Qisen mention you many times, and I finally saw you today."

"If it wasn't for leading the students to the competition, I would have wanted to see you a long time ago. I never thought that Zhu Qisen would have such a supernatural friend who could help buy tickets for Lingchen's concert. You are really amazing!"

She was much more enthusiastic than Zhu Wenshu imagined, and she unconsciously leaned forward when speaking. If there is a dining table in the middle, Zhu Wenshu suspects that she will lean into her arms.

"I didn't really help much..."

she whispered.

"I know, your roommate helped buy it."

Shi Xueer said, "Your roommate is as good as you are. Really, you don't know how hard it is to get a ticket. It's a VIP seat, and it's still at the original price! It's really harder than winning the lottery! Hey, you It's a pity that my roommate didn't come, I still want to get to know her, she must be a fandom."

Zhu Qisen looked at the chattering Shi Xueer, smiled without interrupting, and picked up his phone to scan the QR code of the menu.

"...I'm not sure about that."

Zhu Wenshu recalled Ying Fei's attitude towards Ling Chen, and his voice became more and more emboldened, "She should have just seen someone transferring tickets, and that person seemed to be busy and couldn't go."

"That's really a living Bodhisattva, and he didn't take the opportunity to make a fortune."

Shi Xueer opened her eyes wide and spoke in a very vivid tone, "I bought a signed album of Ling Chen from someone else last year. Do you know how much it is?"

Zhu Wenshu shook his head, Shi Xueer stretched out two fingers, Zhu Wenshu's eyes were dazzled by her shiny manicure.

"Two, two thousand?"

Shi Xueer: "Twenty thousand!"

Zhu Wenshu: "?!"

Shi Xueer: "This is considered cheap. I think there are still people who sell it for 30,000 yuan. Nowadays, many rich women are chasing stars!"

When Zhu Qisen heard this, he was also shocked.

Although he is a rich second generation, he is a typical pragmatist and doesn't quite understand Shi Xueer's view on consumption.

"Fuck, what's wrong with you having this money for something?"

"What else can I use it for?" Shi Xueer blinked, shaking her head, "I'm happy, I'm happy, what's wrong with me earning money to pay for happiness?"

Zhu Qisen didn't say anything, but just lowered his head and muttered: "I just don't understand how a CD is worth that money."

Shi Xueer: "The most valuable thing is Ling Chen's signature!"

Zhu Qisen: "Okay, okay, as long as you are happy, I will buy it for you in the future."

Listening to the two talking to each other, Zhu Wenshu held the water glass and stared blankly at the table, remembering the letter of guarantee he tore off this morning.

If after Ling Siyuan returns home, Ling Chen finds that the page has been torn...

Ling Chen didn't think she was selling it for money, did he? !

She was stunned for a while, and while Shi Xueer was flirting with Zhu Qisen, she quietly opened her bag, took out the guarantee letter, and took a picture on her lap.

Then send it to Ling Chen, indicating that he did not sell it.

[Wishing letter]: The letter of guarantee has been received, and I keep it as a proof.

Waited for a few minutes.

[C]: Oh.

While looking at the mobile phone, the word "Lingchen" that Shi Xueer kept outputting in his ears.

Reminiscent of the way he signed the guarantee, Zhu Wenshu couldn't help but laughed again.

[Zhu Wen Shu]: You actually cheated on a child's letter of guarantee, thanks to the fact that you are still a big star.

[c]: Then let me personally apologize to you?

[Zhu Wenshu]: It's not impossible.


[c]: Let’s talk when we have time.

talk to you later? That is no different from having no time.

Forget it, she didn't really want Ling Chen to apologize to her face to face, but just followed his words.

So Zhu Wenshu put down his phone.

As soon as she looked up, Shi Xueer happened to hand over her mobile phone to order food.

Because Shi Xueer's personality is too extroverted, the meal was much more relaxed and enjoyable than Zhu Wenshu imagined, and the two added WeChat during the meal.

After more than an hour, Zhu Qisen patted his belly and asked, "Anything else to eat?"

Both Zhu Wenshu and Shi Xueer shook their heads.

"Then go home."

He glanced outside the store, "Oh, it gets dark so early when it's cold."

Shi Xueer also glanced outside, and suddenly asked Zhu Wenshu, "Where do you live?"

Zhu Wenshu: "Over there on Guanghua Road."

"Ah, I'm on the way with my family." She turned her head and poked Zhu Qisen with her hand, "Then you can go home all the way."

Zhu Qisen took out his mobile phone to pay the bill, nodded and said, "I know, the driver, Xiao Zhu, must be considerate in service."

The barbecue shop is not far from Shi Xueer's house, and she will arrive in more than ten minutes.

Before getting out of the car, she turned her head and waved to Zhu Wenshu in the back seat: "Mr. Zhu, goodbye, we will come out to play together next time."

"Okay." Zhu Wenshu smiled, "You also go to bed earlier."

After Shi Xueer entered the gate of the community, Zhu Qisen restarted the car.

"What do you think of her?"

"It's pretty good. It looks so pretty and has a good personality." Zhu Wenshu glanced at the back of Zhu Qisen's head and said, "It's just that the eyes are not very good."

Zhu Qisen nodded: "I also think that to say that Ling Chen is more handsome than me is really not a good look."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

After a while, the car arrived near Zhu Wenshu's home.

There is no street here, and there are no cars at night. The traffic control is not strict, and many cars are parked at night.

Zhu Qisen found an open space, and after the car stopped, Zhu Wenshu opened the door and got off.

Just as she closed the car door, the phone in her hand vibrated.

[c]: Are you at home?

Zhu Wenshu: "?"

She froze suddenly.

Why, did Ling Chen install surveillance cameras on her?

[Zhu Wenshu]: I just got home, what's wrong?

After sending this sentence, Zhu Wenshu turned around and walked towards the gate of the community, when Zhu Qisen behind him suddenly stopped her.

"Wait a minute! You wait a moment!"

Zhu Wenshu stopped and turned around: "Why?"

Zhu Qisen waved at her, seeing that she was not moving, he untied his safety belt and walked down.

"Well, didn't you and Xue'er add WeChat? I just want to tell you that she likes to ask me about my relationship history recently, and I dare not say anything. If she comes to ask you, you can answer slowly."

"Tsk tsk."

Zhu Wenshu crossed his arms and looked at Zhu Qisen with a smile, "Now I know I'm afraid? Why weren't you afraid when you changed girlfriends one by one before?"

"Isn't that young and ignorant?"

Zhu Qisen is very kind in asking for others, "Please, can I? If she asks you, you can say that I only had one or two girlfriends in college, and the time was very short, and I am not as beautiful as her!"

"I can't say that."

Zhu Wenshu pouted, "And those ex-girlfriends of yours are pretty good, why should I speak ill of them?"

Zhu Qisen: "Where is this a bad word? It's just a white lie."

"I advise you to be honest, as a teacher, is it okay to be brave?"

The night wind in this weather already has the chill of winter, Zhu Wenshu rolled up his coat, and said lazily, "Let's talk about it later, she might not come to inquire with me."

"I wish the teacher can be eloquent and eloquent. I must know how to say it."

Seeing that Zhu Wenshu's attitude was loose, Zhu Qisen smiled immediately, and was about to drive home. He turned his head while walking, raised his hand above his head and waved it neatly, and saluted, "I wish you great kindness, teacher, and my little brother!" May I never forget it."

Seeing his happy back, Zhu Wenshu shook his head with a smile, and then turned to go home.

After walking two steps, she remembered Ling Chen's news just now, so she took out her phone to read it again.

a minute ago.

【c】: I'm here to apologize to Teacher Zhu.

Zhu Wenshu: "?"

She stopped suddenly and turned to look around.

The road here is not wide, but there are quite a lot of pedestrians, and there are many small vendors who come out of their stalls in the dark. Among all kinds of passers-by, Zhu Wenshu did not see Ling Chen.

Thinking back, it seemed impossible for Ling Chen to stand here blatantly.

She lowered her head and was about to ask Ling Chen where the others were.

[c]: Turn back.

Zhu Wenshu turned around as he said, and saw a black car among the vehicles parked on the side of the road.

The car was ordinary and not conspicuous.

Zhu Wenshu noticed it only because it had double flashes on. And through the windshield, the man sitting in the driver's seat was wearing black clothes and a peaked cap. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Zhu Wenshu could basically identify it as Ling Chen.

She panicked inexplicably, looked around, and then walked over quickly.

Opening the car door, she bent down, a little shocked: "Are you really here?"

Ling Chen didn't speak, but raised his chin towards her.

Zhu Wenshu understood, quickly got into the co-pilot, and closed the door.

With the noise from the side of the road cut off, the silence in the car seemed a little cramped.

After being silent for a while, Zhu Wenshu turned his head to look at Ling Chen, and found that he was staring ahead, not knowing what he was looking at.


"The one just now,"

Ling Chen finally looked away, turned to look at Zhu Wenshu, "Yin Yueze is back?"

Hearing this name from Ling Chen's mouth, Zhu Wenshu was in a daze for a while, and didn't even react.

She was stunned for a while, then said, "No, you read it wrong, that's my colleague."

Ling Chen lowered his eyes and let out an "oh".

After a moment of silence, he opened his mouth: "Then Yin Yueze has no contact with you?"

Zhu Wenshu was in a trance again.

It's been a long time since she heard people around her mention Yin Yueze to her.

"We..." Zhu Wenshu said, "we broke up a long time ago."

There was a car coming in front, the headlights were coming from far to near, and the light and shadow were projected in, cut by the brim of the hat, casting a shadow on Ling Chen's face.

After a while, he said "Oh".

Zhu Wenshu thought this topic was over, and was about to speak when he heard Ling Chen say, "It's been a long time ago—"

He looked up, "How early is it?"

This question made Zhu Wenshu dumb again, and his thoughts froze for a moment before he said, "Let's be a junior."

Seeing Ling Chen raised his eyebrows, Zhu Wenshu thought he was going to be exposed, so he quickly changed his words: "Ah, no, it's a sophomore."

The brim of the hat covered half of Ling Chen's face, Zhu Wenshu couldn't see the trace of surprise in his eyes turned into doubt, and only heard him ask: "Are you a junior or a sophomore?"


Zhu Wenshu really didn't know what to say.

At that time, Yin Yueze liked Zhu Wenshu, which was known to the whole class and even the whole school.

One is the number one in the class, and the other is the proud son of heaven. Even the teacher is happy to see his success, so he chooses to turn a blind eye.

But they were really together on the day of graduation, when Yin Yueze gave Zhu Wenshu a grand and romantic confession.

If the story ends here, it can be concluded with "From then on, the prince and princess lived a happy life".

but not.

Their love ended too quickly, beyond the parties' own imagination.

Yin Yueze can bear the description of the proud son of heaven, Zhu Wenshu has only seen a vigorous look in him.

On the day of the showdown, she saw defeat and loneliness, Yin Yueze like a puppy in the rain.

Seeing him like this, Zhu Wenshu felt very guilty. She knew it was her own problem, Yin Yueze did nothing wrong.

But even so, Yin Yueze still chose to respect her wishes.

But, he begged her, could he not rush to tell the students this news.

The fireworks that day were so sensational and powerful that everyone I knew took it as a good story and passed it on by word of mouth.

And the eighteen-year-old boy, who didn't want to be known by others, was broken up in just a few months.

Zhu Wenshu agreed.

As it turned out, the lie didn't have much of an impact on their lives either.

She stayed in Jiangcheng to study at university, while Yin Yueze went to school in the United States. Even if they didn't break up, they rarely had the chance to be in the same frame.

What's more, after graduation, the students went their separate ways, busy with their new lives, and no one found any clues.

Until a long time later, Yin Yueze contacted Zhu Wenshu suddenly and told her that a classmate came to ask him why he didn't see any interaction between the two in the circle of friends, and Yin Yueze talked about breaking up.

The two got on the same caliber, and told their classmates one after another with the reason that "there is less gathering in foreign countries and more separation".

Of course, if others don't take the initiative to ask, Zhu Wenshu will not take the initiative to speak.

Those who came to ask questions were only two or three, and it was several years ago.

That's why today, many years later—

For a moment, I can't remember whether it was a sophomore or a junior.

"Big... two."

Zhu Wenshu nodded, and took out the argument that he had told his classmates several times, "We didn't see each other at that time, and there was a jet lag, and the circle of life was different, so it was nothing..."


Ling Chen suddenly put his hands on the steering wheel, looked at the flashing street lights, "I'm not curious."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

So what have you been asking just now?