Chapter 22:

Celebrities are people too, and celebrities gossip too.

Zhu Wenshu didn't ask much, just watched the people coming and going outside the window, and curled the corners of his mouth.

I don't know if a person like Ling Chen usually searches his name online to see what others say about him.

Thoughts drifted a little far in my mind, and I couldn't hold them back.

The other person in the car didn't know what he was thinking and kept silent.

After a long time, the car on the side of the road honked sharply, which suddenly brought Zhu Wenshu back to reality.

She turned her head and glanced at Ling Chen.

"Aren't you here to apologize?"

Ling Chen's attention was back in the car, but he was still staring at the front with his lips tightly pursed.

After a while, she turned her head and looked at Zhu Wenshu helplessly.

Just as he was about to speak, the phone rang suddenly in the car.

Ling Chen glanced left and right before picking up the phone from the center console to answer the call.

"I'm not at home."

"Well, there's something going on outside."

"It's urgent, when will it be finished..." Ling Chen turned his head and glanced at Zhu Wenshu, "It depends on the situation."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She looked away from the window.

"Well, wait and find me in the piano room."

With that last sentence, he hung up the phone.

Zhu Wenshu wanted to ask him if something was wrong, but he heard him say first: "How do you want me to apologize? Teacher Zhu, teach me?"

I don't know why, but when Ling Chen said the phrase "Mr. Zhu" that he had heard countless times, there was always an inexplicable meaning, which was different from others.

Zhu Wenshu slowly turned his chin back and looked at the windshield.

"I wish the teacher would teach you all this... Are you a primary school student?"

Zhu Wenshu didn't hear the person next to him talking, and remembered the letter of guarantee, and said in a low voice: "You are not as good as a primary school student, everyone knows what to do."

Suddenly there was a rustling sound in the carriage.

Zhu Wenshu turned around and saw that Ling Chen had unbuckled his seat belt, opened the car door, stepped out with one leg, and took out a black mask from the center console with the other hand to put it on.

"Wait for me in the car for a while."

A gust of cold wind came in.

After the car door was closed, Zhu Wenshu turned his head slowly, followed Ling Chen's gaze, and watched him enter a convenience store by the side of the road.

Although this block is not considered lively, there are not many pedestrians passing by.

Whenever he saw passers-by walking into that convenience store, Zhu Wenshu's nerves tensed for a moment.

Seeing someone come out with a normal expression, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

These seven or eight minutes were extremely long, and Zhu Wenshu was completely relieved when he saw Ling Chen coming out with a bag of things.

"What are you doing at the convenience store?"

After Lingchen opened the car door and sat in again, Zhu Wenshu said, "The people there are very—"

Suddenly there was more weight on the legs, Zhu Wenshu's voice paused, and he looked down at the large bag of...snacks stuffed by Ling Chen.

"what are you doing?"

Ling Chen: "What do you think?"

Seeing her blinking in confusion, Ling Chen sighed softly, pulled Zhu Wenshu's wrist, opened her slightly curled fingers, stuffed two fruit candies into her palm, and looked up at her.

"Don't be angry, Teacher Zhu?"

The air conditioner was not turned on in the car, but there was a gust of warm air floating in it.

Xu Shi just came from outside, and Ling Chen's fingers were slightly cold, and there were calluses on his fingertips from playing the instrument, and when he touched the back of Zhu Wenshu's hand, he felt a faint itchy feeling.

She stared blankly at Ling Chen, her mind was short-circuited, and she didn't know how to speak.

In fact, she was just joking, she didn't really ask him to apologize, and thought that Ling Chen was just talking casually.

Unexpectedly, he really went to buy a lot of snacks like the students in the class coaxing the children.

After a while, Zhu Wenshu said "Oh" as if he came back to his senses.

"I'm just talking casually." She turned her face away, looked out of the car window, her eyes wandered for a moment, and suddenly grabbed the doorknob, "I'll go home first if there's nothing else to do."

In the elevator.

There was silence all around, and Zhu Wenshu stared down at the ground, standing motionless.

After an unknown amount of time, the elevator door slowly opened.

Zhu Wenshu came back to his senses, raised his head and prepared to go home.

The moment she stepped forward, she realized that she was still on the first floor.

The elevator didn't work.


Zhu Wenshu retracted his legs, exhaled lightly, and stretched out his hand to press the floor.

When we got home, Ying Fei was in the kitchen.

She didn't look back when she heard the door open, "Are you back?"

Zhu Wenshu said "hmm", changed his shoes, and walked a few steps inside. Seeing that Ying Fei was looking for things in the refrigerator, he asked, "Have you had dinner yet?"

"Eat, I'm hungry again."

There are only fruits and a few breads in the refrigerator, and Ying Fei doesn't like it very much, so she sighed and closed the refrigerator door, "It's time to replenish the warehouse."

Turning around, I saw Zhu Wenshu carrying a bag from the convenience store in his hand.

She didn't mean anything else, just took a look.

But Zhu Wenshu stopped and asked, "I have something to eat here, do you want some?"

The two had been roommates for so long and often shared food, so Ying Fei was not polite.


She took the bag from Zhu Wenshu, put it on the dining table, turned her fingers inside, and said, "There are so many, don't you usually eat snacks?"

Zhu Wenshu sat beside him and said in a low voice, "A friend bought it."

"Oh, then I—"

Ying Fei originally wanted to say something, but when the words reached her lips, she suddenly turned into a teasing smile, "My friend..."

Zhu Wenshu looked at the two fruit candies in his palm and said "hmm".


Ying Fei pursed her smile and said, "Wearing a high-end suit and giving ordinary snacks, I don't know whether to say that he is too stingy or knows how to handle a woman's heart."


Zhu Wenshu raised his head, saw Ying Fei's expression, and realized what she meant belatedly.

"No, you think too much, you are just ordinary friends."

Ying Fei didn't expect that she guessed right.

It was really the person who gave Zhu Wenshu the jacket two days ago.

Then she was embarrassed to eat too much, so she just randomly picked out a bag of jelly.


Ying Fei waved the jelly in her hand, "Then thank you for your ordinary friend."


After Ying Fei returned to the room, Zhu Wenshu got up and put the bag of snacks into the locker.

In fact, it's not that she doesn't have the habit of eating snacks. When she has time after class, she invites her classmates to run to the canteen.

It's just that after work, I seldom have the thought to buy it specially.

But she wasn't hungry right now, she just peeled off a piece of candy.

The candy melts, and the sweet and sour taste of the orange spreads in the mouth.

Zhu Wenshu took off his coat and went into the room to take a shower.

The barbecue that I ate at night inevitably smelled on my hair. Zhu Wenshu's hair was thicker, and by the time she came out from drying it, nearly an hour had passed.

Usually at this time, parents will look for it. Zhu Wenshu is not idle, and habitually looks for his mobile phone, but he does not see it on the desk where he usually puts his mobile phone.

She rummaged through the head of the bed and her bag again, but couldn't find them.

Having stayed in the restaurant just now, Zhu Wenshu walked out and saw that the table was clean, except for a water glass.

She looked around, and finally knocked on Ying Fei's door, and borrowed her mobile phone to call herself.

Because he was afraid that he would not be able to receive calls from his parents, Zhu Wenshu's cell phone kept ringing for incoming calls 24 hours a day.

But now the phone was connected, but there was no sound in the room.

"Did you forget to bring it back from the place where you ate?"

Ying Fei asked.

"No, I obviously went back..."

Zhu Wenshu was taken aback for a moment, remembering the last place he used his phone today.

Could it be...

She quickly said, "Can you call again?"

Ying Fei fought again as promised, but this time the result didn't change.

The call got through, which means it was not stolen; but no one answered, which means that there is no one around the phone.

It seems that he really fell into Ling Chen's car, and he is probably not in the car at this time.

Zhu Wenshu frowned and sighed deeply.

Why were you running so fast!

In the end, I was so panicked that I even forgot my phone.

She patted her head and said, "I know where it is, oh, I'll get it now."

"Where?" Ying Fei asked, "How do you go? It's hard to do without a mobile phone. Shall I accompany you?"

Zhu Wenshu was very moved by her roommate's concern, but how dare she let Ying Fei accompany her to see Ling Chen.

"It's okay, I'll go by myself. It should be left in a friend's car. It's not convenient for you to go out at night."

Upon hearing this, Ying Fei suddenly laughed.

"'s inconvenient for me to go."

In a hurry to get back his phone, Zhu Wenshu was already in a hurry to go back to his room to change, and didn't notice Ying Fei's expression.

After putting on his socks, Zhu Wenshu glanced at the computer and suddenly froze.

Without a mobile phone, she couldn't use WeChat to contact Ling Chen.

But in QQ, there seems to be Lingchen?

With a hint of luck in mind, Zhu Wenshu turned on his computer and logged in to QQ that he hadn't used for a long time.

Enter the word "Lingchen" and it will display "No local search results".

Thinking of Lingchen's WeChat name, Zhu Wenshu entered "c" again, and a contact with the original profile picture popped up.

She clicked on the dialog box, and the history was blank.

After not using this thing for so many years, Zhu Wenshu was a little unsure if it was Ling Chen, and when he opened the friend details page, there was no information to confirm his identity.

She thought for a long time before sending a sentence.

"I'm Zhu Wenshu, did I leave my phone in your car?"

ten minutes later.

The chat box is unresponsive.

It seems that no matter whether this person is Ling Chen or not, he probably won't see this news.

Zhu Wenshu sighed, dug out the usual spare cash from the cabinet, took a coat and hurried out.

Fortunately, Ling Chen answered a call in the car today. Zhu Wenshu knew where he was going at the moment, so he hailed a taxi and went to the park where his piano room was located.

There was no traffic jam at this point, and Zhu Wenshu arrived at his destination in a short time.

It's just that there is no mobile phone navigation, and she doesn't remember the specific way, so she can only rely on her memory to find it all the way.

After going wrong several times, she finally stood downstairs.

The lights on the second floor meant that someone was there, and Zhu Wenshu heaved a sigh of relief.

But at the same time, the first floor was deserted, the door was locked, and there was no doorbell or anything like that.

She raised her head and shouted towards the second floor, "Is anyone there?"

The only answer to her was the echo in the air.

Thinking of the sound insulation equipment here, Zhu Wenshu sighed, and could only wait obediently.

Late autumn nights are not much better than cold winter.

The night wind blew in gusts, Zhu Wenshu tightened his coat, but found that it didn't help much, and his exposed neck was still painfully scratched.


What if they never come out?

Ling Chen's assistant seems to have said that those who make music are always upside down day and night.

Wait for another five fallen leaves.

Zhu Wenshu thought, if the tree beside her had shed its sixth leaf and no one came out, she would have to go home first.

He looked up for a long time.

When the sixth dead leaf wobbled and fell, Zhu Wenshu clasped his arms and prepared to go home.

But before turning around, she still glanced at the first floor a little unwillingly.

At this time, a vague figure appeared inside the glass door on the first floor.


Lu Manman saw someone peeking in furtively, thinking that a reporter had stopped him.

When I got closer, I found that the man looked familiar.

"Why are you here?"

She opened the door and poked her head out, "You..."

"Finally someone came out!"

Zhu Wenshu hurried up the steps, "Is Ling Chen there? I left my phone in his car."


Lu Manman eyelids up and down, looked at Zhu Wenshu for a long time, then nodded in confusion, "He is here, come in with me."

The two went up to the second floor.

In the same room as before, Lu Manman knocked on the door, but no one answered, and then pushed it away—

It was not the sound of the piano as imagined. As the door opened, the music gushing out was warm and impactful.

Zhu Wenshu stood behind Lu Manman and looked in.

The deafening music comes from the electronic organ, drum kit, bass... and Ling Chen standing in the middle, playing the electric guitar.

He didn't shake his head like a drummer, but just tilted his head with his eyes closed, but Zhu Wenshu saw a wildness from him that he had never seen before.

It was the complete opposite of the appearance of stuffing two candies into her hand not long ago.

As he was staring intently, the bassist Ah Zhe suddenly saw Lu Manman, raised his eyebrows in a familiar way, and did not stop his movements.

At this time, Ling Chen also felt an outsider who broke the immersive atmosphere.

He opened his eyes and looked sideways.

Looking through Lu Manman, he was sure of the distance, and his fingertips stopped suddenly, and a low string sound was played.

As the electric guitar stopped abruptly, several other instruments gradually stopped.

Afterwards, all eyes in the room were focused on the door.

"How did you come?"

Ling Chen asked.

Only then did everyone realize that there was another person standing behind Lu Manman.

"Sorry to bother you."

Zhu Wenshu looked at Ling Chen, "I seem to have forgotten my mobile phone in your car, come and get it."

The already quiet piano room became quieter because of Zhu Wenshu's words.

The eyes of several members of the band gradually shifted from Zhu Wenshu to Ling Chen. After two glances, they turned back to Zhu Wenshu in unison, staring at her in disbelief.


The person involved basically didn't feel the curiosity in these gazes. He lowered his eyes and let out an "oh", and took off the electric guitar and put it aside.

"I did not notice."

Zhu Wenshu asked, "Then..."

Ling Chen turned to look at A Zhe: "The key."


Ah Zhe realized that Ling Chen was asking him for the car keys, so he turned around and went to the corner to get his bag.

The moment he took out the key, he suddenly paused.


Today I borrowed his car to go out and say something happened, that is...?

He bent over and turned to look at Zhu Wenshu.

Before he could figure out why, the key was taken away.

"Let's go."

Ling Chen said, "The parking lot is a little far away."

The road leading to the parking lot is deserted than other places, and there is no other lighting except street lamps.

The two walked side by side, their shadow stretched very long on the ground.

"Why don't you call me?"

After a quiet journey, Ling Chen suddenly spoke.

"I don't have your phone number."

Zhu Wenshu said, "And even if there was, I wouldn't be able to recite your number."

Ling Chen looked ahead and didn't speak.

"Oh, but I sent you QQ."

Zhu Wenshu said, "I'm just not sure if that person is you."

"That thing is already useless."

But after finishing speaking, Ling Chen still took out his mobile phone and opened QQ.

The network here is not very good. After he logged in, he refreshed twice, and a message popped up.

[Student Xiaocan: I am Zhu Wenshu, my phone...]

Seeing the people beside him fiddling with their mobile phones, Zhu Wenshu looked up.

His eyes glanced over his mobile phone inadvertently, only to see an interface that seemed to be QQ, and Ling Chen immediately turned off the screen.