Chapter 23:

The terrace parking lot is at the very edge of the park, and several nearby office buildings are still under construction. There are only a few temporary street lights around for lighting, and one of them is on or off as if it is going to burp.

The two arrived after walking for more than ten minutes. Although the vision was blurred, there were only a few cars parked on the huge ground, so it was very convenient to find the target.

After a few steps away, Ling Chen pressed the unlock button on the car key.

Zhu Wenshu quickened his pace, ran to open the car door, leaned in, and found his mobile phone on the car seat.

She just bent down and picked up the phone, and quickly opened it to look at it.

Fortunately, there was nothing urgent, only a few parents left her messages about homework.

Zhu Wenshu quickly browsed through and confirmed that there was no news that needed an immediate reply, then slowly exited the carriage, straightened up and turned around—

The evening wind blew her long hair and brushed Ling Chen's cheek which was close at hand.

The moment he blinked, Zhu Wenshu took a step back in a panic, leaning his back against the door frame.

She didn't know that Ling Chen was so close. If she had turned around faster just now, she would have almost crashed into his arms.

Thinking of this, she stared at Ling Chen in front of her, and her heart beat suddenly.

The street lamp above his head flickered on and off, making Chen feel that the strand of hair brushed his Adam's apple, making it a little itchy.

He turned his face away, followed the tiny flying insects in the beam of light and floated up into the sky, without saying a word.

Didn't move either.

Trapped by his body in this small space, Zhu Wenshu raised his head and asked, "Then I'll go back first?"


Ling Chen took a step back when he heard the words, but shook the car key in his hand, "Then I'll see you off?"

Where does this fit.

Zhu Wenshu shook his head immediately: "No need, there are so many people waiting for you."

"Oh, okay."

Ling Chen didn't insist, and after Zhu Wenshu closed the car door, he also locked it.

The two of them didn't speak as they turned around and left the parking lot.

On the way, she received a message from her high school classmate Zhong Ya.

[Zhong Ya]: Speaking of Xu Guangliang getting married next week, what kind of gift is appropriate for us?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Actually, I didn't think about it... How much did you usually follow?

[Zhong Ya]: This is also the first time for me to attend my classmate's wedding, and I don't know what to do.

[Zhong Ya]: If you give too much, I feel heartbroken, but if you give too little, I'm afraid it won't be suitable.

[Zhong Ya]: Ask other people how they plan, alas, I thought you had an idea.

Zhu Wenshu also struggled with this issue.

Xu Guangliang is one of the few high school classmates they still have contact with, but he is not a particularly good friend, but he has a very active personality and can get along with anyone.

So three months ago, he sent a wedding invitation, Zhu Wenshu saw that it was Saturday, and agreed to attend.

It's just that the good times are approaching, and she has no experience, so she doesn't know how much red envelopes to give.

As for other students...

Zhu Wenshu thought of the person beside him, and suddenly glanced at him.

"Xu Guangliang is getting married next week, have you been invited?"

Ling Chen raised his eyes suddenly, a little astonished.

It's just that Zhu Wenshu didn't know if his astonishment was because Xu Guangliang was getting married, or if he couldn't remember this person at all.

Ling Chen: "No."


Zhu Wenshu was a little surprised at first.

After all, in her impression, Xu Guangliang was also a key household in the back row of the classroom. He seemed to have been at the same table with Ling Chen for a while, and he was the only one who got closer to him.

So she thought that with Xu Guangliang's character, Ling Chen should be invited.

But after thinking about it, no matter how active Xu Guangliang is, he is still an adult, with the thinking of a normal person—

When Fei Huangteng, a classmate of yours who wasn’t particularly good, became a big star, after several years, you kept inviting people to the wedding.

Somewhat a bit hard taste.

Anyway, she couldn't do it for Zhu Wenshu.

It's just a little embarrassing to talk about this kind of thing in front of Ling Chen himself.

She made up for it in a low voice: "Actually, there are not many classmates who are still in contact. There are only a few people who are free, and they can't even make up a table."

After sending Zhu Wenshu to the door and taking a taxi, Ling Chen took a picture of the license plate number.

On the way back to the piano room, he held his mobile phone, his thoughts blowing wildly with the night wind.

Suddenly, he opened that long-useless QQ again.

After searching the name of "Xu Guangliang", a contact popped up.

Opening the dialog box, Ling Chen was stunned, and actually sent him a message.

two years ago.

[Xu Guangliang]: Are you there?

Scrolling up, there is still a record four years ago.

Xu Guangliang sent him a screenshot, which was an entertainment blogger's blog post. Someone anonymously contributed it, claiming to be Ling Chen's high school classmate, and said a lot of bad things about him.

Xu Guangliang appeared on the stage in a tuba, posted his graduation certificate to prove that he was Ling Chen's classmate, and then spit out sweet and witty words and scolded the contributor for more than a hundred words, and then concluded: Don't **** use the Internet as a holy place for rumors , Lingchen was a very good person in high school, don't let me know who you are!

It's a pity that his comment was drowned in the scolding at the time, and there were only one or two praises.

Below this screenshot, he also said something.

[Xu Guangliang]: Lingchen, you can rest assured! Brother will always support you!

Going forward, it was the record five years ago, when Ling Chen had just debuted.

[Xu Guangliang]: You are awesome! Didn't expect you to have this talent? Let me tell you, **** it, I sign up to sing at every campus art festival, you didn't secretly laugh at me, did you?

Ling Chen swiped up again, and the last two records left were the day when the college entrance examination ended.

[Xu Guangliang]: You ask brother how long to do it, how long to do it as long as the heart beats! One day I will be brilliant, and I will go crazy with my brothers!

[Xu Guangliang]: Everyone remember, youth does not end, we do not end!

Ling Chen: "..."

With a flick of his finger, the chat box returned to the phrase "Are you there?" two years ago, and then typed a reply.

[c]: in.

After a long time, Ling Chen had returned to the piano room, and a QQ message popped up.

[Xu Guangliang]:?

Ah Zhe and the others saw that Ling Chen had taken so long to come back, they all stared at him in unison, gossip trying to knock the roof over.

Ling Chen didn't realize it, pushed away the obtrusive vertical microphone, sat on the steps, and played with his mobile phone.

【c】: What are you looking for?

[Xu Guangliang]: ...?

【Xu Guangliang】: I have to think about it.

The dialog box was input for a long time, but no word jumped out.

In the end, Ling Chen was impatient.

[c]: How are you doing recently?

[Xu Guangliang]:?

Judging from the number of question marks he sent tonight, it was indeed shocking.

【Xu Guangliang】: Very good, I'm going to get married soon.

[c]: Congratulations.

[Xu Guangliang]: Haha, thank you. I don’t know where you live now. I haven’t seen you since graduation. If you have time, come and have a wedding wine.

After Xu Guangliang finished posting this sentence, he temporarily put down his phone because of the work at hand.

He just mentioned it casually, asked politely, thought about it with his toes, and knew that it was impossible for Ling Chen to come.

Who would have thought that a few minutes later, he would pick up his phone and look again—

[c]: Good.

[c]: When?

[Xu Guangliang]:?


[Xu Guangliang]: Send me a voice message, and I'll see if your account has been hacked.

Ling Chen really did.

"Do it there, what day of the week?"

Xu Guangliang immediately sent a link to the electronic invitation.

Ling Chen clicked in and looked for a while, and confirmed the place. When he exited again, he saw Xu Guangliang sent him another message.

[Xu Guangliang]: I remembered what I asked you for two years ago.


In fact, after Xu Guangliang found out that Ling Chen hadn't responded to the message, he was quite self-aware and didn't bother him anymore.

It's just that he still shows off in front of his friends from time to time, saying that he is Ling Chen's classmate. For example, his current wife heard that he was Ling Chen's classmate, so she took the initiative to add him on WeChat to ask him about Ling Chen's high school.

At that time, he still had the bad habit of bragging in front of women, so he couldn't help but say that he and Ling Chen had a very close relationship, but people asked him if he could have an autographed photo or something.

The bulls were all blown out, and Xu Guangliang couldn't get off the stage, so he sent a message to Ling Chen again, but unfortunately he still didn't get a reply.

This matter caused him to lose face, and it was brooding at the beginning, so he didn't completely forget it.

[Xu Guangliang]: My wife is a fan of yours. At that time, I wanted to ask you for an autographed photo.

Ling Chen was about to say no problem—

[Xu Guangliang]: But don't worry! She's gone! She doesn't do crazy things at weddings! I'll keep it a secret too haha!


[Xu Guangliang]: Then...see you next Saturday?

[c]: Hmm.

As soon as Zhu Wenshu arrived home, Xu Guangliang pulled him into a group.

[Xu Guangliang]: Hey hey! There are mysterious and important guests at the wedding scene!

In a group of dozens of people, without Zhu Wenshu typing, several people would ask who it was.

[Xu Guangliang]: Hey, I won't say anything.

[Xu Guangliang]: When the time comes, I will scare you to death!

[Xu Guangliang]: My wedding will definitely allow you to boast for a lifetime!

Seeing what he said, Zhu Wenshu actually had an answer in his heart, but he felt incredible.

She obviously asked, and Ling Chen said that Xu Guangliang didn't invite him.

With doubts in his heart, Zhu Wenshu put his phone on the shoe cabinet, wondering if he should ask Ling Chen.

Just at this time, the voice call ringtone rang.

Zhu Wenshu had a hunch that it was Ling Chen who called.

Picking it up, it was indeed him.


Zhu Wenshu changed his shoes and walked to the room, "What's the matter?"

Ling Chen: "Are you home yet?"


Zhu Wenshu pushed open the door of the room, "I was just about to tell you that I was safe, so you called."

Ling Chen said "hmm".

Zhu Wenshu glanced at the time and asked, "Then...I'm going to wash up first if I'm okay?"

"Wait a minute."

Ling Chen suddenly said, "How about the gift money for Xu Guangliang's wedding?"

"Is it really you?"

Zhu Wen Shu laughed, "I saw that Xu Guangliang created a group saying that there is a mysterious heavyweight guest. I still think there is any guest who is more important than you."

Ling Chen: "..."

"However, I don't know much about gift money. I talked with my mother on the way."

Zhu Wenshu thought about Ling Chen's income, and said tactfully, "That... the famous scholar Io said that how much food we eat does not depend on how much rice we have, and how much rice we have does not depend on how much land we plant."

Ling Chen: "So?"

"It's just... don't give too much, it will put pressure on others."

Zhu Wenshu took off his coat and hung it behind the door, "In the future, when we get married and have a wedding ceremony, people will have to return it."

On the other end of the phone, Ling Chen was silent for a long time.

Zhu Wenshu waited for a while without hearing the sound, and was taken aback for a moment before realizing what he just said casually.

Her eyes widened, and she was about to say that I didn't mean that—

"Oh." Ling Chen said quietly, "Then I will give you the same."