Chapter 24:

On the day of Xu Guangliang's wedding, Jiangcheng, which had been gloomy for nearly half a month, finally cleared up.

The fallen ginkgo leaves cover the green belt, and the warm sun makes people lazy.

Zhu Wenshu leaned against the car window and fell asleep several times, only to be woken up by the driver's excellent braking skills.

Later, she simply sat up straight and put on her headphones to listen to the music.

As soon as I turned on my phone, I received a message from Shi Xueer.

[Lonely fishing for Hanjiang Xuemei Niang]: Teacher Zhu, are you free today?

Looking at her WeChat name, Zhu Wenshu always felt that it affected his literary quality, so he changed a note.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Attending a classmate's wedding, what's the matter?

[Shi Xueer]: He also said that the weather is fine today, so he asked you to have a picnic together.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Oh... next time.

【Shi Xueer】: Hmm.

At the entrance of the hotel where the wedding was held, Zhu Wenshu got off the car and met Zhong Ya who had arrived a few minutes earlier.

I haven't seen her for several years, and the other classmates who came here are not familiar with them. Zhong Ya was afraid that it would be embarrassing to go in alone, so she would rather wait at the door under the sun to congratulate her.

Today is a good day in the lunar calendar, and there are many people getting married. There are three couples in this hotel alone.

Zhu Wenshu and Zhong Ya entered the lobby, followed the guidance of Yi Labao to the second floor, and went to Xu Guangliang's wedding banquet hall.

On the way, Zhong Ya lowered her head and took out the red envelope from her bag.

"So how much did you pack in the end?"

Speaking of this, Zhu Wenshu was a little speechless.

Originally, she had planned the gift money well that day, and had already withdrawn the cash from the ATM downstairs, but Ling Chen said that she followed suit.

She had no choice but to add another three hundred yuan, so as not to make Chen feel that she gave too little after she said it.

Then Ling Chen said that he had no cash, so he transferred the money to her and asked her to help bring it to him at the wedding banquet.


Big stars, please walk independently and don't kidnap others, okay!

After telling Zhong Ya the number, Zhong Ya was slightly surprised.

"Yeah, then did I pay a little less?"

"No, it's suitable."

Zhu Wenshu said, "I remembered that Xu Guangliang used to help me move the table and hand out homework. He is a very nice person, so I will give more."


Zhong Ya smiled and said, "Did he have a crush on you before?"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense."

Zhu Wenshu patted the back of her hand, "It's inappropriate to say such things at someone's wedding."

Zhong Ya: "Oh, I'm just joking, I won't say it in front of the bride."

This hotel is very big, and the two walked through a glass corridor before seeing Xu Guangliang's wedding signboard again.

"He's just a nice guy, nothing else." Zhu Wenshu glanced at the wedding photos on the stand and remembered some past events.

In fact, she knew which boys in the class were interested in her back then.

After all, he is a boy in his teens, and he gets along day and night in the same class, so he can't hide it.

"By the way, Zhang Boyi is also coming today."

Zhong Ya whispered, "Do you remember? The one that gave you the Swarovski bracelet back then."

Zhu Wenshu didn't expect Zhong Ya to mention this matter suddenly, "Do you still remember this?"

Zhong Ya: "Of course, Swarovski was so expensive at that time."

"Hey, I returned it to him later, and he never looked for me again."

Zhu Wenshu said, "Don't mention it for a while, it will be embarrassing if someone hears it."

"Don't worry, I still have this measure."

After Zhong Ya finished speaking, she pointed to the front, "Here we are."

There are two long tables at the entrance of the banquet hall, on which are piles of wedding candy and cigarettes.

Relatives sat in the back to receive the gift money, while Xu Guangliang and the bride stood by to welcome the guests.

Seeing Zhu Wenshu and Zhong Ya approaching, Xu Guangliang waved from afar.

"Oh, I wish the teacher! Brother Zhong!"

Hearing Xu Guangliang still call the nickname of high school, Zhong Ya punched him, feeling the sense of familiarity come back.

It seems that they just slept in. They are still seventeen-year-old teenagers.

"Happy wedding."

Zhu Wenshu pulled Zhong Ya and Xu Guangliang to say hello, then looked at the bride, Zhong Ya couldn't help but said, "Where did you find such a beautiful wife?"

The bride blushed a little at Zhong Ya's words, and Xu Guangliang beside him touched his head, "That's not because I'm so attractive."

Then he turned his head and put his arms around the bride, and introduced to her: "This is my high school classmate, Zhu Wenshu, Zhong Ya."

The bride said: "Hello, the hotel is a bit out of the way. Come in and have a drink. Your seats are in the second row near the stage."


After giving the red envelope, Zhu Wenshu and Zhong Ya walked into the hall.

There were fifty tables full of wedding banquets, and more than half of the seats were already occupied at this moment.

In these red and colorful days, noise and noise have become appropriate.

The venue was crowded with people, but almost all of them were unfamiliar faces.

After finally finding the seat arranged by Xu Guangliang, it turned out that half of the five or six people at the table did not know each other.

The other half is no different from not knowing each other.

Those three boys had a good time with Xu Guangliang in high school, but they were all nail-biters in the back row, and they really had nothing to do with top students like Zhu Wenshu.

In addition, after so many years, there is no contact at all. When a few people meet, they just nod and exchange a few pleasantries, but there is nothing to talk about.

"Zhang Boyi hasn't arrived..." Zhong Ya glanced around and whispered, "Is he not coming?"

Zhu Wenshu shook his head: "How do I know, I don't even have WeChat with him."

Zhong Ya looked around again, and asked, "Hey, who is the important guest that Xu Guangliang mentioned? Could it be—"

"Ling Chen."

A high school classmate on the opposite side answered, "Who else could there be besides Ling Chen?"

The other guests at the table were the bride's high school classmates. They had heard about the relationship between the groom and Ling Chen in the early years, but they didn't expect to see him at the wedding banquet, and they were all excited.

"Really? Will he come?"

"I also think Xu Guangliang is talking about him."

"No way, how could it be possible for Ling Chen to come? He disappeared after the college entrance examination."

"They should have lost contact a long time ago, otherwise Xu Guangliang wouldn't have to post on Moments every day to show off?"

"And even if there is contact, Ling Chen won't be free to attend such an ordinary wedding banquet."

During the discussion, Zhu Wenshu silently lowered his head and glanced at his phone.

two minutes ago.

[c]: Are you there yet?

There were too many people in the banquet hall, and the words "Ling Chen" kept ringing in my ears.

Zhu Wenshu inexplicably has the feeling that he is an underground organization, and even reads the news secretly.

[Zhu Wenshu]: It's here.

[c]: Where?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Turn right on the second floor, the innermost banquet hall.

[c]: Hmm.

【c】: Have you brought the red envelope?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Bring it.

After a while, there were more and more people at this table.

Because there are not many high school classmates who are sure to be able to come to Xu Guangliang's side, and one table cannot be filled, so a few classmates of the bride are also arranged.

Seeing strangers taking their seats one after another, there was only one vacant seat beside Zhu Wenshu left at the table.

She thought that Ling Chen was also a high school classmate, and logically the seat was also here, so she sent him another message.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Do you want to sit with me?

After sending it out, she felt that she should not ask such a question, so she typed again: I mean there are a lot of people, should I reserve a seat for you—

I haven't finished editing yet, so I replied to the message.

[c]: Yes.

Zhu Wenshu silently deleted the words in the edit box, and then quietly put his bag on the stool next to him.

No one at the table noticed her small movements, and the newly seated female guest also joined the discussion.

Not long after, a young girl who was going to the banquet alone came over. I don't know who the guest was, and she looked like she didn't know everyone. I found that there was an empty seat next to Zhu Wenshu, and was about to sit down when I suddenly saw a bag on the stool, so I asked, "Is there anyone here?"

Zhu Wenshu nodded: "En."

The girl didn't say anything, and turned to look for a seat elsewhere.

"Who is it?"

Zhong Ya heard the conversation and asked, "Who else wants to come?"

"A friend." After Zhu Wenshu finished speaking, he felt that there was no need to hide it from Zhong Ya, "Actually—"


Zhong Ya's scream interrupted Zhu Wenshu's words.

Only then did she realize that the atmosphere around her seemed to be different.

In the entire banquet hall, there was a restless sound that was different from the hustle and bustle.

And at this table, not only Zhong Ya, but everyone else was staring at the direction behind her and stretched their necks.

Zhu Wenshu turned his head immediately, and sure enough, he saw the arched double doors of the banquet hall wide open.

The bride and groom, as well as the best man and bridesmaids, surrounded a man mightily, striding inward.

The crystal chandelier above the head shines directly on the man like a chasing light. He is wearing a simple white shirt and suit pants. He is not grand, and his face cannot be seen clearly from a distance, but his tall and straight figure makes the groom in a formal suit The groomsmen are reduced to foils.

What a big battle.

Zhu Wenshu thought silently, when he got married, he hoped that Ling Chen would not have time to come, otherwise the limelight would be stolen.

Wherever Ling Chen passed by, there was a wave of voices, and all the guests rushed to the aisle, and some even unabashedly raised their mobile phones to take pictures.

As for the guests near the stage, except for Zhu Wenshu and his table, the others didn't quite understand what happened.

Until Ling Chen got closer and closer, everyone could gradually see his face clearly——

There was a sudden commotion.

The people around him all stood up, taking advantage of the opportunity to raise their phones.

"Fuck! Ling Chen is really here!"

"Ling Chen? Really Ling Chen? Why did he appear here?"

"You don't know? Xu Guangliang is Ling Chen's high school classmate!"

"Xu Guangliang is fine, I really invited Ling Chen here, today's money is worth it!"

Amidst the discussions around, Ling Chen was only a few steps away from their table.

Zhong Ya's eyes were straightened, and she still didn't forget to say to Zhu Wenshu: "Which table do you think he will sit at? Shall we take the opportunity to squeeze over?"

Just after finishing speaking, Ling Chen and Xu Guangliang had already walked to the aisle next to this table.

Xu Guangliang blushed with excitement. While leading the way, he reached out to a table in front of him, "I have reserved a seat in the first row for you."

Turning his head to look, he saw that Ling Chen had no intention of continuing to move forward, but lowered his eyes and looked at the round table beside him.

When the eyes swept over everyone, the people at this table had a tendency to hold their breath for no reason, as if the air was frozen.

Affected by the atmosphere, Zhu Wenshu was also a little nervous. He didn't know what to say in the short second that he and Ling Chen's eyes met.

But Ling Chen didn't say anything, just glanced at the nameplate on the table, and said, "No, I'll sit here."

After the words fell, Zhu Wenshu seemed to hear the gasp of the people at the table.

Xu Guangliang was also taken aback for a moment, but soon understood what he meant.

There are a lot of celebrities, and in this crowded place, Lingchen wants to keep a low profile, and it is only natural to sit in the classmate seat.

But he glanced at the only remaining seat, and wanted to say that there seems to be someone here—

Seeing Zhu Wenshu reaching out to take the bag away without saying a word, Ling Chen pulled away the chair and sat down.


Xu Guangliang didn't expect that Zhu Wenshu would play by ear, so he didn't say anything more.

"Then sit down first, and tell me if you need anything, I'm here, or you can find my wife, she..."

Xu Guangliang turned his head and found that his wife was in a daze, looking at Ling Chen with dull eyes, as if in a dream.

"You go to work."

Ling Chen said, "Don't worry about me."

"Ah, that, that's fine."

Thinking that there were still many guests to be greeted, Xu Guangliang didn't want to stay any longer. He dragged his sleepwalking wife and a group of best men and bridesmaids away without hesitation.

The surrounding area was a little empty, but Zhu Wenshu still felt crowded, and he felt that he had become a panda surrounded by crowds in the zoo by the way.

After all, all the eyes of the audience were focused here, and many people squeezed in, forming an encircling circle based on Ling Chen, leaving only the distance of the aisle.

At this time, the old classmates at this table came back to their senses one after another, and began to talk to Ling Chen.

"You, you're here? Long time no see, I thought you wouldn't come."

"Do you remember me? I'm Hong Sinian. I used to sit in front of you."

"You are much more handsome than before... I remember you were so skinny, haha, it's been a long time."

Amidst the blunt greetings, Zhong Ya's words seemed like a clear stream.

"That..." She poked Zhu Wenshu's arm, and then took a peek at Ling Chen, "Ling Chen is sitting here, so where will the friend you helped occupy the seat come and sit?"

The surroundings were suddenly quiet for a moment, and part of the eyes slowly focused on Zhong Ya.

It's hard to imagine that at such a time, there are still people who think about this kind of issue so righteously and awe-inspiringly.

In the 21st century, it is rare to see human beings with a single-track development of thinking!

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She didn't know how to explain to Zhong Ya that her "friend" had arrived.

When Zhu Wenshu was speechless, Ling Chen leaned over and looked at Zhong Ya in full view.

"Look at me," he said slowly, with the tails of his eyes slightly raised, "does it look like Teacher Zhu's friend?"
