Chapter 25:

No matter how dull Zhong Ya was, she also realized now that the "friend" Zhu Wenshu mentioned was Ling Chen.

But she didn't understand that everyone had gone through high school together for three years. At the beginning, they couldn't speak a few words in one semester, and after graduation, they never heard from any of their classmates that they had contacted Ling Chen.

Why now Zhu Wenshu is helping to occupy the seat like an old acquaintance.

Apart from the unknown strangers at this table, several other old classmates also looked at Zhu Wenshu and Ling Chen suspiciously.

Seeing the meaningful eyes of the students, Zhu Wenshu quickly explained before everyone asked, "His nephew happens to be my student."


Everyone suddenly realized, and Zhong Ya also widened her eyes, "What a coincidence!"


But it's not right.

Zhong Ya thought about it again, nephew, not son, has a lot to do with Ling Chen?

Could it be that he still cares about his nephew's study and life?

Wanting to ask something, Zhong Ya looked up, only to see Xu Guangliang turning back with a mighty bride and groomsmen and bridesmaids.

He stood in front of Ling Chen with a smile, and said, "I don't know if it's suitable, my wife said she wanted to take a photo with you, haha, if it's not convenient—"


Ling Chen stood up, "Is it right here?"

"It's here, it's here!"

Xu Guangliang tugged on his wife, and she just woke up like a dream, her face was flushed with excitement, she didn't know where to stand, she moved two steps to the left and right, and she couldn't hear what she said.

Zhu Wenshu saw that the place was really crowded, so he thought about whether he should stand on the side to make room for the bride.

Just about to get up, Ling Chen suddenly remembered something and looked back at Zhu Wenshu.

Zhu Wenshu: "Huh?"

He reached out to her: "where's my red envelope?"


Zhu Wenshu took out the bag hanging on the chair, took out a red envelope just like him, and handed it to Ling Chen.

Ling Chen took it just like that, and when he handed it to Xu Guangliang, he saw that he didn't answer it in a daze, so he said: "A little heart, happy wedding."

"Huh? Oh, you are too polite. I am very happy that you can come."

When Xu Guangliang finally accepted the red envelope and stuffed it to the bridesmaid behind him who was responsible for collecting the gift money, he inadvertently saw that the neat and beautiful word "Ling Chen" could only have been written by Zhu Wenshu.

So he was stunned again, looking at the two of them a little dazedly.

It's not that he thinks too much, but this scene looks too much like him asking his wife for money.

He wasn't the only one who was dumbfounded, the people on the table stared at the two of them again.

Zhu Wenshu had no choice but to explain again.

"He didn't have cash, so I prepared one for him."

"Oh, so."

Xu Guangliang was too excited today, and his brain was not strong enough. In fact, he didn't understand the logic at all, so he was pulled into a pose by his wife who was single-mindedly looking for a place, "I didn't realize that you have a good relationship before."

"It's okay." Ling Chen, who hadn't spoken much, moved his chair sideways, and just took advantage of this posture to look down at Zhu Wenshu, "Mr. Zhu will take care of me."

For some reason, Zhu Wenshu always felt that in this crowded banquet hall, Ling Chen's "Mr. Zhu" sounded more than just a title, but a bit of intimacy.

She wasn't the only one who felt this way.

Others at the table fell into the previous doubts again, and even Zhong Ya, who had a single line, turned her head to look at her.

Zhu Wenshu met their eyes, chose to hug his bag tightly, and stopped talking.

If she even explained this, it would be a bit of a cover-up.

But God knows, she and Ling Chen are obviously fine.

After the bride and groom took a group photo with Ling Chen, the best man and bridesmaids naturally took the opportunity to take a group photo alone.

Other people in the banquet hall who were about to move immediately took advantage of this opportunity to flock to Xu Guangliang, and Ling Chen also showed Xu Guangliang a lot of face, and he never refused to come, and took a group photo there one by one like a wax statue.

It wasn't until the master of ceremonies came on stage and told everyone that the wedding was about to begin that Ling Chen began to reject the guests.

After he sat down, the people around him didn't leave. They waited for the wedding to finish before continuing to take pictures without eating.

Zhu Wenshu himself has never experienced such a scene, and there is no way that so many onlookers can still watch the wedding ceremony on the stage calmly like Ling Chen.

So although she was facing the stage, it was difficult for her to focus on the newcomers.

After a while, she caught a glimpse of a man entering the entrance, looked around, and then made his way to their table.

The man was of medium height, wearing a black jacket, and a white sweater inside couldn't hide his swollen beer belly. When he walked over quickly, the facial features on his face gradually became clear.

The more Zhu Wenshu looked at him, the more familiar he became. There was a name in his mind that was about to come out, but he couldn't believe it.

This, this Zhang Boyi used to be quite handsome, how did he become so fat in seven or eight years?

Zhang Boyi stood in front of the table, and when he saw Ling Chen, his surprise was beyond words.

"Hey, Ling Chen! Long time no see, you're here!"

Ling Chen just nodded at him: "Long time no see."

Not everyone is keen on celebrities. For example, Zhang Boyi felt that Ling Chen's attitude was not so enthusiastic, and he didn't have to get close to him like others. He moved his eyes to the left, saw Zhu Wenshu, and smiled again: "You too Are you coming? We haven't seen each other for several years, right?"

"Yeah." Zhu Wenshu nodded, "Long time no see."

Afterwards, Zhang Boyi greeted several other people at the table, and said that he was late and had no place, so he sat at another table.

When he left, Zhong Ya was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth, "Fuck... Time is a butcher's knife."

Zhu Wenshu also looked at his back in disbelief, and murmured: "I'm not mistaken, he must be..."

She asked Zhong Ya this question, but it was Ling Chen who answered her.

"It's Zhang Boyi."


What shocked Zhu Wenshu this time was that Ling Chen could still recognize him.

Thinking that she had said her name back then, Ling Chen remembered it.

"You still remember him?"

"It's the one that gave you the Swarovski on your birthday."

A boy on the opposite side suddenly said, "You actually forgot?"

"No, I haven't forgotten."

Zhu Wenshu blinked, "How do you know this?"

The boy laughed: "The whole class knows."

Then he tilted his head, and the words in his mouth had already been spoken, only to realize that he was looking at Ling Chen.


Ling Chen turned his head to look at the stage, and said lightly, "I don't know."

Thoughts drift far away in the noisy environment.

Wishing Wen Shu's birthday is not a secret in the high school class.

One morning in the first year of high school, in the English morning reading class, the teacher opened the door and said "happy birthday" to the wishing books in the first row.

This day is special, so many students remember that Zhu Wenshu was born on Christmas Eve.

So in the winter of the second year, a few days before Christmas Eve, Ling Chen heard several girls discussing what gift to give Zhu Wenshu in the corridor.

At that time, everyone had no money, and the gifts they could think of were little accessories or dolls. As they talked, the topic turned to the night market in the university town, saying that there were many female college students setting up stalls selling handicrafts recently, which were very beautiful.

The night before Christmas Eve, Ling Chen appeared in that side street.

The simple stalls are lined up on the side of the road, and the uniform white tablecloths are filled with a variety of gadgets.

Ling Chen walked this road three times, and finally stopped in front of a handmade jewelry stall.

He glanced over and picked up a silver chain with a few beads on it.

The boss was a young girl, and said with a smile, "Handsome guy, is this a bracelet? These are the beads I made myself, just like Pandora."

Ling Chen asked, "Pandora?"

"It's a Danish jewelry brand, and it's very popular now." The boss pointed to the swan pendant beside him, "I still have the same one as Swarovski, do you want to see it? Girls like this now .”

In the end, Ling Chen didn't choose the counterfeit recommended by the boss, but picked a red string with little sun transfer beads on it.

After paying the boss 25 yuan, he still has three coins in his pocket.

The boss saw his embarrassment and said with a smile: "The courtesy is light and the affection is heavy. Your girlfriend will definitely like it."

Ling Chen stared at the fortune bead for a long while before saying sullenly, "How is that possible."

"Hey... what you said..."

The boss suddenly became upset, and sat down to play with his mobile phone without even giving him a small bag.

The day before Christmas Eve.

After school, Ling Chen stayed in the playground for a long time, and he didn't return to the classroom until almost everyone in the school had left.

The winter night came early, and the classrooms with the lights turned off were empty and dark. When the wind blew, the curtains raised and some exercise books fell to the ground.

Ling Chen gently pushed the door open, just in time to see Zhang Boyi who was hunched next to Zhu Wenshu's seat, startled by the sound, and turned his head abruptly.

"Ling Chen? Why haven't you left yet?"

Ling Chen took a look at the things in his hand, the sparkling rhinestones shone in the afterglow.

"Come back and get something."


Zhang Boyi didn't linger any longer, stuffed things into Zhu Wenshu's drawer randomly, and then walked out silently.

When he reached the door, he looked back at Ling Chen worriedly.

"That...just now, don't talk about it."

Ling Chen didn't even look up at him, and naturally he didn't speak.

But Zhang Boyi knew in his heart that Ling Chen was too lazy to answer him, let alone speak out.

So, he left with confidence.

When the classroom was quiet again, Ling Chen put his hands in his bag, holding the red string, and walked slowly to Zhu Wenshu's seat.

There are a lot of things piled up in her desk, and there is no extra space.

Ling Chen just pulled down the chair, and with a slight movement, the things that Zhang Boyi stuffed in fell out.

He bent down, and with the faint skylight, he saw a swan icon printed on the dark blue box.

At last the sunset receded, the wind stopped, and there was no sound in the classroom.

After a long time, Ling Chen picked up the box, wiped off the dust on it, carefully put it into the drawer, and placed it properly.

Then, turn around and go home.

After more than half an hour, the waiter began to serve fruit.

Because the groom took the microphone and told everyone not to disturb the other guests too much, I wish Wen Shu and the others a safe table.

After drinking for three rounds, Zhu Wenshu saw elderly people leaving one after another, and thought about what Xu Guangliang said that the afternoon arrangement was to play cards and drink tea. She didn't know these things, so she discussed with Zhong Ya whether she should go back first, and it was meaningless to stay any longer.

After the two agreed, Zhu Wenshu picked up his bag and stood up, wanting to talk to Ling Chen.

But looking sideways, he found that Ling Chen was called by Xu Guangliang to take a photo. All the male classmates from high school gathered there, making a lively noise. It is estimated that Ling Chen will not be let go for a while.

So, in the lively banquet hall, Zhu Wenshu and Zhong Ya each sent a message to Xu Guangliang, and then retreated silently.

Leaving the banquet hall, the air became fresh.

"Oh my god, it's too tiring to hold a wedding. I don't think Xu Guangliang and the others have had a bite of food." Zhong Ya said, "And Ling Chen, I thought he left after showing his face, but unexpectedly After staying for so long, shouldn't he be very busy?"

"do not know…"

Zhu Wenshu muttered as he walked, "I think he's been quite free recently."

Zhong Ya hesitated for a long time when she heard the words, and said falteringly: "Well... I wanted to ask you just now, and I'm embarrassed to be here with Ling Chen."

Zhu Wenshu: "Huh?"

"that is…"

Zhong Ya looked back to confirm that there was no one around, and then said, "I always you have something with Ling Chen?"

Zhu Wenshu paused, was dumb for a while, and then said: "What are you thinking? How is it possible! He is Ling Chen, didn't you see that posture just now? It's impossible to think with your toes."


Zhong Ya had never seen Zhu Wenshu speak in such a hurry, and knowing that she was thinking too much, she smiled and said, "Don't worry, I just said it casually, after all, he looked very familiar with you just now, I thought it was You two made an appointment to come together. I also think that Ling Chen's identity has nothing special to do with him, and he wouldn't make an appointment with someone."

"I didn't make an appointment with was just a coincidence."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Wenshu's phone vibrated.

She opened it, and a new message came in.

[c]: Didn't you wait for me to go with you?

Zhong Ya on the side was still rambling, but Zhu Wenshu suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Zhong Ya asked.


Zhu Wenshu looked away, looked at the figure reflected in the floor-to-ceiling glass, and found that his footsteps seemed a little messy.

After a while, she still came back.

[Zhu Wenshu]: You didn't say you wanted me to wait for you.

【c】: Then I will say it now.

[c]: Is it too late?

When receiving these two messages, Zhu Wenshu and Zhong Ya had just walked to the entrance of the hotel when a taxi drove towards them.

"Let's go together." Zhong Ya stopped the car, "I'll take you back first, my house is not far away."

Zhu Wenshu's mind suddenly became a little confused, he could do high math problems, but he couldn't figure out whether he should wait for Ling Chen at this moment.

After a while.


Zhu Wenshu's voice was a little soft, "I remembered that I still have something to do, you should go back first."

Zhong Ya tilted her head, "Ah? You're not leaving? What's the matter?"

"Will you go?"

The driver urged from the driver's seat, "Should we go or not?"


Zhong Ya immediately opened the car door, and before getting in, she waved to her, "Then I'll go first! Contact me later, goodbye."


Watching Zhong Ya's car drive away, Zhu Wenshu's mood is still a little erratic.

Until a gust of cold wind blew, she looked at the empty surroundings and suddenly woke up.

No, why did she wait for Ling Chen?

There is no appointment, so we will go back to our respective homes later.

It was already twenty minutes before Ling Chen got away with something else to do.

Xu Guangliang dragged his family to see Ling Chen out, looking at his posture, he wanted to send Ling Chen to the gate.

"Stay here."

Ling Chen said, "I can go out by myself."

Of course Xu Guangliang disagreed, "It's okay, it's okay, let's send it to the car."

"No need."

Ling Chen looked down at his watch, frowning slightly.

Xu Guangliang was still quite good at winking, knowing that his expression must be something urgent, so he didn't insist anymore.

"That's fine, pay attention to your safety on the road, I didn't take good care of you today, including it."

After saying goodbye, Ling Chen hurriedly walked towards the hotel gate.

The environment here is good, full of vegetation, and there is no shelter at a glance.

So he scanned around, but couldn't find Zhu Wenshu.

Or go?

Ling Chen breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his eyes, and looked at the unanswered message, feeling no surprise at all.

The sun gradually hid behind the clouds, Ling Chen didn't stay any longer, turned around and walked towards the parking lot.

Turning around the hall corridor, he stopped suddenly.

Not far away, on the side lawn, Zhu Wenshu squatted next to a potted plant, teasing a fluffy Samoyed boredly, looking like a little sheep from a distance.

Ling Chen didn't make a sound, nor continued to move forward, but just stared at her back for a long time.

I'm afraid that if there is another movement, the picture of her waiting for him will be broken.

Until he saw another dog running not far away, playing with the Samoyed in front of Zhu Wenshu for a while, the two dogs ran towards the exit together.

Zhu Wenshu stood up, looked at the backs of the two dogs with nostalgia, picked up his phone and took a photo.

The next second, the phone in Ling Chen's hand vibrated.

【Wishing Book】: [Picture]

[Zhu Wenshu]: The dog is waiting for his companion to go home with him, what about me?