Chapter 26:

It was still the familiar black commercial vehicle.

When she walked around the fountain and slowly stopped in front of Zhu Wenshu, she looked calm and composed, but in fact she panicked and even wanted to run away.

Why did you send such an embarrassing message in a sudden brain twitch.

Think you're cute?

After sending it, I wanted to withdraw it, but when I turned around, I saw the deity standing behind her.

Fortunately, Ling Chen glanced at the phone and didn't say anything.

Maybe she was also speechless by embarrassment.

The two of them just stood under the eaves, separated by two steps, neither of them spoke, as if wrapped in an inexplicable embarrassment.


Is it still embarrassing to get in the car after a while?

Just as he was thinking, the car came to a complete stop, and Ling Chen raised his hand hanging by his side: "The car—"

"Yo, is Teacher Zhu here?"

A head popped out of the car suddenly.

Before Zhu Wenshu could speak, he asked himself and answered: "Oh yes, high school classmates are getting married, you are in the same class."

The hand hung down unconsciously, Ling Chen turned his head to look at Ling Xingyan, "Why are you here?"

"I just got off the plane, Xiao Zhou came to pick me up, and pick you up by the way."

Ling Xingyan glanced at Zhu Wenshu and Ling Chen, then suddenly got up and got out of the car, and opened the door of the front passenger, "I'll sit in the front, it's windy, you two don't just stand here gone."

When he just came in, he saw Ling Chen, and saw him standing with his head bowed, and a young woman stood beside him, and the two ignored each other.

Through the glass, he didn't see that it was Zhu Wenshu, and he thought that Ling Chen didn't know how to avoid people in such a public place, so he just stood beside them in such a grandiose manner.

When he opened the door and found that it was Zhu Wenshu, he felt that it was reasonable for Chen Gan to stand.

When the two got into the car, Ling Xingyan took the initiative to break the silence.

"I wish the teacher, how is my child doing in school recently?"


Zhu Wenshu glanced at Ling Chen.

As expected of two brothers, they speak the same words.

Receiving Zhu Wenshu's gaze, Ling Chen knew what she meant, so he didn't say anything, and turned his head to look out the window.

"I've been pretty good lately. The small microphone I made last week was shown by the teacher to another class."

Ling Xing said with a smile: "Oh, it's quite powerful."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was probably some new news on the phone, and his eyes immediately went to the screen.

The car became quiet again, Zhu Wenshu didn't know where to look, so he also took out his mobile phone to fiddle with.

Just then Shi Xueer sent her a message.

[Shi Xueer]: Congratulations, teacher!

[Shi Xueer]: Ling Chen also attended a classmate's wedding today!

【Shi Xueer】: [Picture]

I saw her picture on Weibo, not just a guest posting it, but Shi Xueer, who was always in Lingchen Weibo Square, soon discovered it.

The scene in the photo was very familiar, it was at Zhu Wenshu's table, as soon as she opened it, she found herself eating in the corner of the photo.

Although it was just a side profile, she was still very keen on her figure.

[Shi Xueer]: You are attending a classmate's wedding! Ling Chen also attended a classmate's wedding!

Seeing this sentence, Zhu Wenshu suddenly held the phone a little nervously, always feeling that the lie he told her and Zhu Qisen before might be exposed.

[Shi Xueer]: Rounding up, Ling Chen and I attended the wedding!

【Shi Xueer】: You are the bridge between me and Ling Chen!

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

[Zhu Wenshu]: Haha, what a coincidence.

Shi Xueer probably continued to browse Weibo, looking for some other fresh photos, so she didn't reply.

Zhu Wenshu looked at the photo twice again, wondering if other people had taken an ugly photo of her.

Although no one may care about her background board, Teacher Zhu, who has been beautiful for a lifetime, is a bit of a burden on her.

Taking advantage of no one talking in the car, she quietly opened Weibo and searched for the word "Lingchen".

Following the real-time Weibo, there are indeed many photos of today's wedding scene.

After reading each of them, Zhu Wenshu felt a little relieved.

Although the background was a bit messy, Mr. Zhu still resisted various angles of death.

However, the Weibo with the keyword "Ling Chen" is not all today's photos. Zhu Wenshu swiped down and saw a very popular Weibo.

The blogger is an entertainment marketing account. Taking advantage of the recent popularity, he made a vote—get 20 million, or sleep until Ling Chen, which one do you choose?

More than 4,000 people voted.

Zhu Wenshu clicked in and took a look, unexpectedly! it turns out! There are two people! I chose to sleep until Ling Chen!

This is what she didn't expect. In today's society, there are actually two such pure **** ruffians who are not tempted by money.

He was so engrossed in watching it that Zhu Wenshu heard Ling Chen seem to be talking to her in a trance.

Just as he was about to raise his head, there was another traffic coming in ahead. The driver slammed on the brakes. Zhu Wenshu was caught off guard, and his phone fell to the ground with a clang.

Then Zhu Wenshu watched it roll and fall to Ling Chen's feet.

Then he watched Ling Chen bend down to pick up the phone—

Before Ling Chen handed it over, Zhu Wenshu almost reached out to **** it.

It's a pity that she was still a step too late, and couldn't grab the phone a second before Ling Chen looked down at the screen.


The already quiet compartment became even quieter.

However, Ling Chen's gaze just swept across the screen, and Zhu Wenshu didn't know if he saw it clearly.

In short, as soon as she got the phone, she turned off the screen and looked at the car window without speaking.

After a while.

Zhu Wenshu stared at Ling Chen's reflection in the car window.

I found that the corner of his mouth seemed to be bent.

Are you laughing?

You are laughing!

Sure enough, it was still seen.

Zhu Wenshu quietly rolled his eyes.

Are you happy that only two of the four thousand people chose you?

A few minutes later, Zhu Wenshu couldn't stand the weird silence, so he took the initiative to talk to Ling Xingyan in the front row.

"By the way, it's already November."

She said, "This year's school's Orientation Art Festival will have a program for every class, should Yuanyuan sign up?"

Thinking of Ling Chen at home, Zhu Wenshu added, "He should be able to sing or play the piano or something?"


Ling Xingyan was busy replying to the message without turning his head, "I can sing and play, but I just can't do it."

“…art festivals are a great opportunity to perform.”

Zhu Wenshu turned to look at Ling Chen again, "If you have time, you can also teach him."

It's not that I haven't been taught.

At that time, he taught so much that he almost wanted to smash the piano worth millions.

Later, I taught singing again, but I didn't get out of tune.

Because it's just **** out of tune.

"Teach him, I might as well sell myself."

Zhu Wenshu: "?"

"It's torture anyway."

Ling Chen stretched his legs lazily, and leaned his head against the car window, "There is still money to be made by selling yourself."


Today is actually Zhang Yuxuan's birthday.

After sending Zhu Wenshu home, Ling Xingyan went home and changed his dusty clothes, drank some water, went to watch TV with Ling Siyuan for a while, and then prepared to go to the company for a meeting.

Before going out, he pointed to a box on the table.

"Here are two bottles of good wine that I gave to Mr. Zhang. Take them with you later, be careful."

Ling Chen replied "Oh".

After Ling Xingyan left, Ling Chen went to the room to listen to the new song demo sent to him by the arrangement team.

This listening lasted for four hours, and when he took off the earphones and looked up, the sky was already dark.

In the end, he also changed into his usual clothes, and went out with the red wine sent by Ling Xingyan.

Although Zhang Yuxuan has a high status, he doesn't like extravagance. On his 60th birthday, he invited more than a dozen friends and opened a private room in a very private restaurant in the suburbs.

When Ling Chen arrived, the box was almost full of people.

Everyone here is acquaintances, and there is no process of polite greetings.

After a while, the box door was pushed open again.

A middle-aged woman in a plain trench coat came in, took off her sunglasses, and glanced inside.

"Yo? I was the last to arrive?"

Someone laughed and said, "It should be, which performance by Mr. Song was not the finale?"

Song Lelan gave him a sideways glance, and pointed to Chen: "I'm old, I was shot to death on the beach, and now it's Ling Chen's finale."

Hearing this, Ling Chen just smiled, and immediately got up to help her open the seat beside her.

Today's dinner can be regarded as a gathering of big names, but most of them are behind-the-scenes people like Zhang Yuxuan.

The only real artists in front of the stage were Ling Chen and Song Lelan who arrived last.

Unlike Ling Chen, a rising star, Song Lelan has been popular for more than ten or twenty years. Even if her output is less now, no one will question her status.

In the era of the fan economy, Song Lelan is not seen on the voting list, but her old songs dominate the listening list of various music software all the year round.

However, although Song Lelan said that she was shot to death on the beach, she actually took good care of the younger generation.

Especially Ling Chen, she admired him very much, and usually treated him like a younger brother.

After greeting Zhang Yuxuan, Song Lelan took off her coat and sat next to Ling Chen.

The moment she raised her hand, Ling Chen noticed a shiny diamond bracelet on her wrist.

The acquaintances had a relaxed dinner, and even Ling Chen, who had never smoked or drank alcohol, drank two glasses of red wine with him.

Of course, the reason why he doesn't drink is not only to protect his throat, but also because his alcohol capacity is really bad.

It was only the third cup, and his face was already red, even his neck was flushed.

"Ling Chen, what's the matter with you?"

Suddenly, Song Lelan said in a voice that only two people could hear, "You have been staring at my bracelet since I entered the door."

Ling Chen lowered his head and smiled, "It's beautiful, where did you buy it?"

"Bought it? Then you look down on me. This is Bartholomew's undisclosed design. It was specially given to me. Where can I buy it?"

Ling Chen said "Yes" lightly, "It's really special."

Song Lelan: "Why, do you want to buy one as a gift?"

Ling Chen: "Yes."

Song Lelan lowered her voice, "Girlfriend?"

Ling Chen: "No."


Song Lelan thought it was quite funny. After so many years in the entertainment industry, this was the first time he saw a male celebrity who would blush when he mentioned "girlfriend".

But she is not someone who breaks the casserole and asks the bottom line. She just touched her bracelet and said with a smile, "Actually, there are two bracelets, one is the double chain in my hand, and the other is single chain. It is suitable for younger people." My son's girl. I originally wanted to give my baby, but if you Lingchen asked, it's not impossible to give it to you, what a big deal."

"No, I'll give you the money."

Afterwards, Ling Chen held the goblet and lightly touched the wine glass in front of her.

Then look up and gulp it down.

"Thank you for cutting love."

"We don't talk about money because we know each other so well, but your sister is the only thing in the world, and you just dismissed me with a glass of wine?"

Song Lelan suppressed a smile, "At least three cups."

Unlike Ling Chen, who ate twice a day, Zhu Wenshu never went out after returning home, and the dinner was also taken out.

Although it was the weekend, the young teachers were under pressure from various professional titles. They had just finished a competition class last week and had to prepare for a new public class right after.

This time Zhu Wenshu, as the representative of the young teachers of the experimental primary school, did not dare to be sloppy. He wrote the lesson preparation outline again and again, and only started to write the text after confirming that it was correct.

At nine o'clock in the night, she was writing deeply, when the cell phone beside the table rang suddenly.

Seeing that it was Ling Chen's WeChat voice call, Zhu Wenshu was a little confused.

I don't know what else Ling Chen wants to do at this late hour.


After picking it up, the other party didn't speak for a long time.

He yelled twice more, but still didn't hear a response, Zhu Wenshu thought he had accidentally pressed his phone.

Just as he was about to hang up, he spoke.


With just three words, Zhu Wenshu could smell the strong smell of alcohol across the screen.

"Have you been drinking?" she asked.

"Well, have a drink."

Listen to your voice yourself, did you just drink a little?


Zhu Wenshu said, "What's the matter?"

Ling Chen didn't speak again.

After a while, he asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm preparing lessons."


In the receiver, Zhu Wenshu heard the whistling wind.

I don't know where he is now.

"Did you drink too much?"



That is drinking too much.

Zhu Wenshu sighed, "Why don't you drink some water and go to bed early."

Ling Chen: "I wish you a warm letter."


After Zhu Wenshu agreed, he fell silent again.

After a long silence, Zhu Wenshu looked at the less than half of the lesson preparation documents written on his computer.

"If you're fine..."

Ling Chen seemed to have guessed what she was going to say.

"Don't hang up."

After a long time, Zhu Wenshu let out a low "Oh".

The window of the room is half open, and occasionally the wind blows in, engulfing the scent of flowers scattered on the balcony.

There was no sound of talking in the room, and the keyboard that came with the computer was not tapped again, only the call time on the mobile phone was beating every second.


Ling Chen suddenly spoke again.


"Do you like diamonds?"

This endless question made Zhu Wenshu a little confused, but she didn't take it too seriously when she thought that the opposite was a drunk person.

"Who does not like."

Looking at the document again, I thought to myself, if I don't like diamonds, why do I have to work overtime so late.

"I wish I could build a house out of diamonds."

Ling Chen on the other end of the phone chuckled.

"You put it that way, I have to sell myself to afford it."


Drunk, drunk.

Zhu Wenshu kept reminding himself in his heart not to take what the drunk said to heart.

But the heartbeat still inevitably missed a beat.

In order not to let the long silence reveal himself, Zhu Wenshu rolled his eyes and opened his mouth and said, "Can you make as much money as you do by selling yourself?"

"That's hard to say."

Ling Chen's voice was obviously drunk, not as deep as usual, and sounded a little frivolous, "After all, there are two people who choose me, and 40 million will be my deal."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She looked out the window, pursed her lips tightly, and suppressed the smile on the corner of her mouth.


He called her name again.


"If it were you, how would you choose?"


Zhu Wenshu was stunned for a moment before realizing what Ling Chen asked again.

20 million, and sleeping until Ling Chen, which one to choose?

Where did the deity ask this kind of thing out!

Sure enough, he was a drunk.

"I am a teacher of the people, a teacher by example..."

Zhu Wenshu's chest was pounding, "If I hesitate for a second, it is disrespect for the 20 million."