Chapter 30:

Zhu Wenshu once thought that the most tormenting thing was the continuous class.

It wasn't until today that she held a sports meeting as an organizer for the first time that she knew that what was really tormenting was this kind of hard work and no money for it.

As a young Chinese teacher, she shoulders the task of writing an official account article for this personal sports meeting.

As soon as she got home, the teacher from the Propaganda Office sent Zhu Wenshu a zipped folder, asking her to choose photos and include them in the article she was about to write.

[Propaganda-Teacher Zhang]: Xiaozhu, you look at the selection, there are many photos of you in it, you can add more, after all, it is the facade of our school, haha.

When a colleague said this, Zhu Wenshu immediately clicked on the "Teacher Competition" folder and took a quick glance.

Fortunately, I don't have many shots of myself, and they are all hidden in the crowd.

There are a few posed photos that are not bad, but Zhu Wenshu thinks that the 50 yuan manuscript fee is not worth it for her teacher Zhu to appear in the photo in person.

All pass.

After picking out three, Zhu Wenshu clicked into the "Parent-child Competition" folder and officially started working overtime.

When she clicked on the first picture, she just glanced at it casually, and her eyes locked onto Ling Chen's figure among the crowd of onlookers.

It wasn't that she was looking for it on purpose, it was just that this man was tall, dressed all in black, and wore black sunglasses and a black mask, so it was hard not to notice him.

Flipping through a few more, Zhu Wenshu propped his chin with one hand and sighed in admiration.

Have these stars been specially trained to treat every minute and every second of their lives as a catwalk?

Obviously they are all snapshots, and the composition of the picture is not particular, but every time Ling Chen is in the mirror, it is like shooting a magazine. The poses and shapes look casual, but there is no waste.

It was a cool night in late autumn, and the clicking sound of the mouse in the room fluctuated quickly and slowly. Unknowingly, Zhu Wenshu flipped through more than 400 photos.

When the screen displayed "This is the last picture", she realized that she had wasted more than an hour on this.

The plan at the beginning was to just pick a few photos at random and hand them over.

In the end, by the time she racked her brains to praise the school and praised the parents and students, it was already twelve o'clock at night.

Zhu Wenshu checked it three times, and there was neither her lens nor Ling Chen in the photo. After confirming that it was an ordinary-looking task article, it was sent to the Publicity Office's email.

Before falling asleep, Zhu Wenshu was still thinking, she is really indifferent to fame and fortune, Teacher Zhu, it is really unreasonable for the school not to award her an outstanding teacher award this year.

But she didn't expect that on this night when she was sleeping soundly, those photos that she hadn't seen came into the eyes of more people.

The next day, Zhu Wenshu was woken up by the phone next to his pillow.

She opened her eyes and looked at the swaying sunlight outside the window, her thoughts were still stuck in the nightmare before she woke up.

After a while, she tried to pull her emotions out, lazily reached out and took out her phone.

Three seconds later—


Zhu Wenshu sat up straight like a carp, looking at more than a hundred unread messages in WeChat in disbelief.

These more than 100 messages came from about 20 WeChat friends, all of whom sent her a few photos, some asked if the person in the photo was her, and some went crazy without asking.

For example Shi Xueer.

【Shi Xueer】: Ahhhh! ! I wish the teacher! ! Ling Chen went to your school yesterday! !

[Shi Xueer]: His nephew is in your grade? ? ? ! !

【Shi Xueer】: Did you see him yesterday too! ! Ah ah ah ah ah! ! The world is so small! !

【Shi Xueer】: If I knew I had no class yesterday afternoon, I came here too! ! Zhu Qisen called me, but I didn't answer! !

[Shi Xueer]: No, I will find a way to transfer to your school! !

Zhu Wenshu didn't reply to anyone, but just flipped through the photos sent by his friends one after another.

Every time she saw herself in the photo, she had to close her eyes painfully.

In the end, he opened Weibo with ashen face.

On the search interface, there was indeed a trending search for #令晨进养松子体育会#, and after looking at the data, Zhu Wenshu's eyes were darkened.

— Today’s reading volume is 81.65 million, and the discussion volume is 23,000.

She was not surprised by Ling Chen's popularity, but it meant that thousands of people saw her ugly photos.

Perhaps not many people cared about this female teacher who got into the camera randomly, but Zhu Wenshu himself couldn't ignore it.

She didn't understand why there weren't many photos of her in the school photos, but those parents who secretly took pictures of Ling Chen could accurately use her as the background board.

Forget about the background board, but she was still wearing that ill-fitting sportswear, with hot sweat on her head, and when the wind blew her clothes bulged, she was like a big crispy bread.

Moreover, she is used to gesturing and making childish little movements when talking to children in the lower grades. Usually, she doesn't think there is anything wrong, but she just looks at herself like this in other people's cameras, and she really doesn't have a high IQ.

The most terrible thing is that during the relay race, because Ling Chen stood in the front row of the audience, those photos clearly recorded her running with all her senses flying.

Many friends who saw the hot search came to ask her if she has gained weight recently!

Especially one of the photos.

She was squatting on the ground to appease a student who was wrestling, and she was covered with a large coat. From the perspective of the photographer, she looked like a corgi.

And the real protagonist in this photo happened to be staring at her, while pulling down the mask to breathe, with a dazzling smile on the corner of his mouth.

Comment below:

Ling Chen guessed that he had never seen a person with such short legs, and it was an eye-opener.

Short fart!

Zhu Wenshu flipped through this entry for a long time, and saw a slightly normal photo.

Just one!

And it was captured when she was talking to Ling Siyuan, only showing a side face, and Ling Chen beside him was so cool with his hands in his pockets and sunglasses.

Someone commented below, saying that this female teacher is quite good-looking.

But this little praise is not enough to mend Teacher Zhu's broken bag.

After a long time, even Ying Fei came to knock on the door.

"Have you watched the trending searches?"

Zhu Wenshu sighed, "It's me, the camera distorted me."

Ying Fei was silent: "I want to ask Ling Chen's nephew is at your school? Is he really coming to the sports meeting?"

Zhu Wenshu: "...Oh, yes, I only knew it was him after reading the trending searches."

"Tsk tsk."

Ying Fei didn't say anything else, she turned her head and muttered, "There are so many ways to manipulate people."

After Ying Fei closed the door, Zhu Wenshu couldn't come back and sent a message to Moments with drooping eyebrows—

Don't ask, it's me, the camera looks fat. Real people look better than photos.

Zhu Wenshu seldom posts on Moments. This is the only content that has nothing to do with work this year, and the comments are very enthusiastic.

There are those who agree, those who care, those who are joking, and those who are serious? I don’t believe in strangers who send me photos without makeup.

Because of work, she often adds some people who don't talk often. Zhu Wenshu clicked into this person's profile and looked at it. After confirming that he was not a parent in the class, he deleted him.

Only one person's comment was out of place.


Zhu Wenshu replied to him: The camera looks really fat...

c replied to her: Am I here? The last sentence.

Zhu Wenshu: ...Go away, you culprit.

It was almost noon, and a shopping mall in Jiangcheng CBD was crowded with people.

The watch brand endorsed by Ling Chen opened the largest store in Asia here today, and invited the spokesperson to attend the event.

After the end, seeing Ling Xingyan come to take Ling Chen out, the host even joked, asking if Ling Chen was in a hurry to pick up his nephew from school.

After finishing speaking, I realized that today is the weekend and it is still early in the afternoon, what kind of stupid question did I ask, I really have no topic to talk about, in fact, I don’t need to talk about it anyway, the business is over.

Unexpectedly, Ling Chen didn't take down his platform, but nodded, "Well, the cram school is still half an hour away, so it's just right now."

The host laughed twice, and watched Ling Chen leave the shopping mall through the crowd under the guidance of bodyguards and managers.

After getting in the car, my ears are clean.

Ling Chen unbuttoned his suit jacket, nestled in the seat, and took out his mobile phone.

"It's really old. I participated in a sports meeting yesterday, and I was so tired that my whole body fell apart."

Ling Xingyan read a few broken words, but he didn't hear Ling Chen replying to him, so he turned his head and looked over.

The man next to him stared at a WeChat dialog box, but did nothing.

After a while, Ling Xingyan said abruptly, "How do you do it?"

Ling Chen suddenly turned off the screen and turned to look at him.

"Look at what I'm doing, keep staring at the phone."

Ling Xingyan said, "As long as you don't blink for two hours, people will take the initiative to send you a message. Really, you believe me, it's very clever."

Ling Chen: "..."

"Tsk, I really don't know what to say about you."

Ling Xingyan crossed his legs, looked at the information sent by his subordinates on the mobile phone, glanced at a few photos, and remembered the appearance of Ling Chen in the car yesterday afternoon giving Lu Zixi's elder brother a good person card on his behalf. "If you have the guts to be jealous but not the guts to take the initiative, if you continue like this, ten abysses will not be able to help you."

The people beside him remained silent, and the car drove steadily towards the company.

Just when Ling Xingyan had long forgotten this topic and started working, Ling Chen suddenly said, "You are really smart."

Monday morning.

That hot search was just a trivial matter to Ling Chen, but to an ordinary person like Zhu Wenshu, it had great potential.

After two full days, Zhu Wenshu escaped the curiosity of his friends, but not the discussion of his colleagues.

She got up and looked at the work group. Some people said that there seemed to be a few people at the school gate, and they didn't know if they were reporters or fans holding ordinary cameras.

The mobile phone can take pictures of her like that, so what about the SLR?

Zhu Wenshu, who was already dressed, immediately went back to the closet, put the trousers under the coat into a long skirt, and specially matched it with a pair of high heels.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the school gate, Zhu Wenshu looked around, only seeing the parents who were sending their children to school, but not the people who were supposed to stay there, and he didn't know if he was driven away by the security guards.

But Zhu Wenshu did not let go of his guard.

All day long, she stood like a pine and sat like a clock, with her back straight, always paying attention to her every move, thinking that she was not afraid of any capture at all in this state.

It's a pity that after school was over in the afternoon, everyone outside the school had left, and Zhu Wenshu didn't even see a lens cap.

Zhu Wenshu gradually relaxed, staring at the few people who were left behind to memorize the text in front of him, suddenly he was speechless to himself.

It's really sick, and it's impossible for Ling Chen to show up, how could she suffer again.

What a waste of energy to be busy all day.

After pulling out his hair, Zhu Wenshu kicked off his high heels, and put his legs into the flat shoes that were kept aside without anyone noticing.

"Okay, Zhihao passed the test, you can go home, your mother is still waiting for you outside."

After speaking, Zhu Wenshu looked at the last child in the office.

In fact, Ling Siyuan probably felt a little wronged. As soon as he came to school today, many students chattered around him, asking him so much that he forgot all the text he memorized last night.

When Zhu Wenshu was reciting his back, he opened his mouth and said, "There are a few plum blossoms in the corner, and Ling Han opened them alone. I know it's not Xue, but my uncle is Lingchen."

Zhu Wenshu was startled, and so was Siyuan.

Then he was left to recite the text.

"Is Yuan Yuan ready to recite?"

Zhu Wenshu asked.

"Hmm! There are several branches of plums in the corner! Ling Han blooms alone!"

Ling Siyuan folded his hands behind his back, opened his chest and said, "Yaozhi is not Xue—"

He slowly looked behind Zhu Wenshu, blinked, "...Uncle is Ling Chen."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Just as he was about to speak to the little fool, he tilted his head and said with a frown, "Uncle?"

Zhu Wenshu followed his gaze and turned back.

Ling Chen stood in the setting sun, leaning against the door frame, wearing only a mask, his eyes fell on her from afar.

However, Zhu Wenshu's first reaction when he saw Ling Chen was to see if anyone was taking pictures around him.

Fortunately, the teacher in the office has already left, and there is no one else in the corridor.

She breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Why are you here?"

Ling Chen walked over slowly.

"I'm here to pick up my nephew from school."

Ling Siyuan: "Huh?"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Are you really planning to **** the loving person to the end?

"Oh...he hasn't finished reciting the text yet."

Zhu Wenshu murmured.

"It's okay, take your time."

Ling Chen found an empty chair and sat down, "I'm not in a hurry."

Zhu Wenshu turned her head and continued to stare at Ling Siyuan reciting the text, but since Ling Chen sat down, she unconsciously straightened her back again.

I always feel that there is a line of sight that falls on me vaguely.

In fact, she always felt that Ling Chen would not come here to pick up Ling Siyuan from school just for the sake of a useless kind person.

Maybe she was thinking too much.

But she felt that Ling Chen had appeared too frequently in her life recently.

Today's sunshine is very good, the sky is full of sunset glow, and the orange-red afterglow makes Ling Siyuan's little face flush.

A teacher put flowers in the office, and the vague fragrance floated in the air.

After reciting a poem, Zhu Wenshu nodded, motioning for Siyuan to recite the next poem.

When he was stuck, Zhu Wenshu also brushed his hair.

Long hair slid from her shoulders, swaying in the setting sun.

Suddenly, a light flashed across his face.

Zhu Wenshu tucked in his stomach almost like a conditioned reflex, and looked around.

Then he turned around slowly, and saw Ling Chen who was holding up his mobile phone and also looked speechless.

I haven't taken a photo with my mobile phone for 800 years, but I spent a lot of time at the sports meeting two days ago. I couldn't sleep last night and took a picture of the moon outside the window with my mobile phone.

Turns out he **** forgot to turn off the flash.

"…What are you doing."

Zhu Wenshu asked with a wooden face.

"Take a picture."

Ling Chen said, "Go back and sue him."

Ling Siyuan: "Huh??"

Zhu Wenshu asked again: "Then... did I appear in the mirror?"

Ling Chen: "A little bit."

Zhu Wenshu fell into the state where he was so ugly by his photo the day before yesterday that he was speechless. He paused for a moment, then reached out to him: "Show me."

After finishing speaking, he explained, "I just want to see if my expression is fierce, otherwise people will see these photos and think that I am abusing students..."

Seeing that she was quite concerned, Ling Chen handed over the phone without thinking too much.

When Zhu Wenshu took it and pointed to open the photo album, he suddenly realized something.


Unfortunately, it was too late.

Zhu Wenshu had already opened the photo album, except for the fresh photo just now and an inexplicable moon, the whole screen was covered with the sports meeting photos he saved from Weibo.

Because Zhu Wenshu has also read it many times, she is deeply impressed by these photos of herself as the background board.

Especially the only good-looking profile photo of her, which happened to be in the middle of the album, very conspicuous.


Zhu Wenshu didn't know why Ling Chen kept these photos.


It happens to be all their photos in the same frame.

The office was silent for several seconds.

Zhu Wenshu squeezed the phone, turned to look at Ling Chen.

There was doubt in her expression, and there was also an uneasiness that she couldn't explain clearly.

"Why...why do you save these photos?"

Ling Chen paused, looked at her and asked, "What do you think?"

Zhu Wenshu didn't speak again, just stared blankly at Ling Chen.

But my heart was turning a thousand times, like a gurgling stream about to overflow.

Looking at her for a while, I could see the bewilderment and bewilderment in the other's eyes.

Ling Chen sighed silently: "Of course it's because..."

Zhu Wenshu's heart skipped a beat and he looked away.

Ling Chen: "I look very handsome from these angles."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."