Chapter 31:

"Teacher, I'm done reciting."

Ling Siyuan tilted his upper body to look at Zhu Wenshu, "Teacher?"

"oh, OK."

Zhu Wenshu patted him on the shoulder, "Then you and uncle should go home early."

While speaking, he handed the phone back, but did not look at the owner of the phone.

She was afraid that if she took another look, she would not be able to hide the thoughts in her heart, and Ling Chen would see her self-indulgent sentimentality.

Until the weight in his hand was gone, Zhu Wenshu turned to clear the table.

"Your hair is a bit long. Remember to trim it when you have time. Covering your eyes will affect your vision."

"it is good."

Ling Chen answered for Ling Siyuan, picked up his schoolbag, walked two steps, and suddenly turned around and asked, "Together?"

Zhu Wenshu, who had just packed his bags and was about to go home, paused.

"Together... go out?"


Ling Chen raised his eyebrows, "Isn't your home on Guanghua Road? Let me give you a ride."

Zhu Wenshu thought for a while and said, "Well...I haven't had dinner yet."

"Oh, okay."

Just as Zhu Wenshu breathed a sigh of relief, he heard him say, "Then let's have dinner together by the way?"

"…That was not what I meant."

Zhu Wenshu pointed to the school gate downstairs, "I'm planning to go out for dinner, so I won't be with you."

"it is good."

Ling Chen lowered his head and tugged Ling Siyuan's arm, "Let's go home, the teacher doesn't want to be with you."


Can you still understand it this way?


Zhu Wenshu was afraid that the child would think too much, so he quickly explained, "I just..."

Ling Chen raised his eyes to look at her, his eyes were heavy, and his pupils turned amber in the light.

Every time I see him like this, Zhu Wenshu always feels that this tall man has a sense of vulnerability. Just like the unexpected reunion at their home a few months ago, he stood in the dim light like this.

"I'm worried about being photographed like a sports meeting."

Zhu Wenshu added in a low voice, "The filming is so ugly."


Ling Chen blurted out, "Aren't they all pretty?"

He spoke too fast, with unmodified astonishment in his eyes.

This reaction was so pure that Zhu Wenshu didn't have time to think about it, and immediately believed that he really thought she was pretty in those photos.

At that moment, the thought of being pushed down by Zhu Wenshu came back.

Is she... is she really being affectionate?

The two stared at each other inexplicably, and neither of them spoke.

Until the wind blew the door behind him shaking and creaking.

Ling Chen's eyes gradually converged in the moving light and shadow.

Zhu Wenshu saw his Adam's apple rolling slightly, as if he was about to say something.

"Then, let's go."

Zhu Wenshu suddenly picked up the bag and got up, and rushed to Ling Chen in two or three steps.

The campus after school was very quiet, only a few senior students ran across the square.

Zhu Wenshu walked faster than usual, keeping a distance from Ling Chen and Ling Siyuan behind him.

She looked back occasionally.

The older one led the younger one, walked unhurriedly, met her gaze, and didn't speak.

The three of them arrived at the school gate slowly, and Zhu Wenshu saw the familiar black car again, which seemed to be the one downstairs that Ling Chen drove to her house last time.

The lights of the car flickered, and Ling Chen behind him unlocked the door.

Zhu Wenshu looked around, but didn't see anything unusual, but hesitated when he opened the back door.

Children must sit in the back row, but it would be impolite for her to sit in the back row too.

After thinking for a moment, she still went to the co-pilot.

As soon as he was seated, Ling Siyuan also consciously got into the back row.

Ling Chen was the last to get on the bus.

After closing the car door, he took off his mask, put his head down and fastened his seat belt, and asked at the same time, "What do you want to eat?"

Zhu Wenshu was about to say casually, when Ling Siyuan behind him said excitedly: "KFC!"

Ling Chen looked back at him.

Did you ask?

"Fried chicken! Sundae cup!" Ling Siyuan danced happily, "I haven't eaten for a long time, Aunt Xiao won't let me eat fried chicken."

Ling Chen looked at Zhu Wenshu.

"And you?"

"It's all right."

Zhu Wenshu said, "The guest does as he pleases."

Ling Chen said "Oh", took out his phone and began to fiddle with it.

Seeing him like this, he agreed.

Zhu Wenshu turned his head to look out the window and sighed softly.

They say they are having dinner together, but who really wants to eat KFC.

After a few minutes, he dropped the phone into the center console and started the car.

The scenery on the side of the road was reversing rapidly. Zhu Wenshu was silent for a while before realizing that Ling Chen was driving a little too fast.

"Drive slowly." Zhu Wenshu reminded him, "There are children in the back row, and you won't be in a hurry to eat KFC."

Ling Chen didn't speak, but tilted his head and pursed his lips.

But the speed is always down.

Zhu Wenshu continued to look out of the window, his gaze passing over the tall buildings.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that this road looks so familiar.

Just wondering, the car stopped.

Zhu Wenshu looked at the gate of the community next to him, and turned his head inexplicably.

Before he could speak, he heard Ling Chen say to the people in the back row: "You can go home."


Ling Siyuan blinked, "Didn't you take me to KFC?"

"Go back to your homework."

Ling Chen raised his chin towards him, "I ordered takeaway for you, go back and eat by yourself."

The seven-year-old child was full of doubts, but seeing his uncle's eyes that could not be refuted, he couldn't say anything, so he could only get out of the car with his schoolbag on his back.

Ling Siyuan turned his head three times and walked towards the gate of the community, Zhu Wenshu stared at him uneasy.

Zhu Wenshu didn't look away until he passed the electronic gate.

When I looked at the other person in the car, I saw that he did not watch the child enter the door with the same concern as her, but lowered his head and fiddled with the phone again.

After waiting for several minutes, but seeing him continue driving, Zhu Wenshu couldn't help asking, "What are you doing?"

Ling Chen didn't look up.

"Choose a restaurant."


Zhu Wenshu responded in a low voice, slowly turned his face away, his eyes fell on the edge of the window, staring at the black line in a daze.

She is no longer an ignorant girl, and she has encountered all kinds of opposite sexes in her studies and work.

How can there be a lonely man and a widow who leave their children alone for no reason, and the relationship between her and the man in front of her is not familiar enough to become a fan friend.

But because he is Ling Chen, the Ling Chen who is attracting so much attention, Zhu Wenshu's guesses can only be guesses, and even feel that these are only plots in fantasy.

After a while, the choice was probably made, so Ling Chen put down the phone and restarted the car.

Twilight slowly fell in the traffic flow, neither of them spoke, the warm air of the air conditioner circulated silently, making the temperature in the car higher and higher.

Zhu Wenshu looked at his mobile phone for a while, and fiddled with the ends of his hair for a while. His whole body seemed to be wrapped in a chaotic atmosphere, and he couldn't sit in the co-pilot calmly and calmly.

When the car stopped at the intersection of traffic lights, Ling Chen who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke.

"Congratulations, teacher."

His voice was as deep as usual, but because of the small space in the car and the air closure, the magnetism in the voice was amplified several times, as if it was electric current that grinds one's ears.

Zhu Wenshu raised his eyes and looked straight ahead.


Ling Chen: "Does your school not allow parents to invite teachers to dinner in private?"

At that time, Zhu Wenshu was only talking about dealing with Lu Zixi's brother.

Ling Chen can't be regarded as a serious parent, and if he is serious, they should be called high school classmates.

"This is indeed..."

Ling Chen: "Then you treat me later."

Zhu Wenshu: "Huh??"

With his arms on the steering wheel, he looked sideways with a smile on his lips.

"What do you think, Teacher Zhu?"

Zhu Wenshu was silent.

"Mr. Zhu thinks you can stop at the intersection ahead."

When the car stopped slowly, the parking officer stood on the steps in a daze for two seconds before stepping forward to greet the guests.

He has been working in this restaurant for half a year, and every day the guests are rich or expensive. Although there are some people who are low-key, he has never seen a customer who is so low-key that he drives a small broken car worth more than 100,000 yuan to eat at this kind of place. .

However, he still had some professionalism. With a decent smile, he walked to the driver's seat and reached out to pull the car door.

He pulled it twice, but didn't pull it. He bent down and looked at the people in the car.

But because of the car window film, only two shadowy figures can be seen.

"Congratulations teacher?"

Ling Chen had already unbuckled his seat belt, but Zhu Wenshu was holding his bag tightly, showing no intention of getting out of the car.

She looked around and saw fountains, sculptures and luxury cars passing by.

The hotel's foyer decoration looks dark, but it actually adopts a modern and indifferent style, revealing low-key luxury everywhere.

And Zhu Wenshu has also heard of this restaurant. Not long ago, it was reported that a princess from a Middle Eastern country visited and ate here.

I really regret why I didn't really get out of the car just now.

Instead, he agreed to save face.

This Lingchen is really not a thing, have you forgotten the living standards of these salaried people after you are used to living a life of luxury and money?

To bring her to such a place.

After dawdling for a long time, Zhu Wenshu chose to give up struggling.

"It's okay, my leg is numb just now."

Ling Chen didn't say anything else, put on a mask, opened the door and got out of the car, and threw the key to the parking officer.

In the lobby of the restaurant, there were only two or three guests in formal attire chatting in low voices. The waiters lined up one by one, and when they saw someone coming, they hurried forward to greet them.

Zhu Wenshu followed Ling Chen, and she didn't need to speak. After checking the phone number, the waiter led them directly to the first box.

In the corridor, Zhu Wenshu deliberately took a step behind Lingchen, and took out his mobile phone to check the restaurant.

On the back of today's recommended package, her one month's salary is clearly written.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Illusion, her thoughts in the car just now must be all illusions.

As long as Ling Chen has the slightest interest in her, he will not let her come to this kind of place to treat guests.

Just as he was thinking, the footsteps of the person in front stopped.

Before Zhu Wenshu recovered, his wrist was suddenly grabbed tightly.

The next second, she was pulled into her arms, and his breath poured into all her senses unexpectedly.

My mind suddenly went blank.

Zhu Wenshu opened his eyes, and didn't realize what happened until the tip of his nose, cheeks and the entire upper body were wrapped in Ling Chen's body temperature.

She subconsciously wanted to push him away, but just as she raised her hand to support his chest, she was held tightly in his arms, with her arms around her head, blocking out all the light from the outside world.

Zhu Wenshu didn't understand why Ling Chen hugged her suddenly, but felt his heart was beating fast, as if it was about to jump out of his chest.

The waiter who led the way looked back when he heard the movement, then quickly looked away, turned around and continued to walk forward in silence.

One second, two seconds...

Neither of them made a sound.

Until a man holding a mobile phone passed by them at the other end of the corridor, he didn't stop or give them a glance.

"Baby, the decoration of this restaurant is really beautiful." While talking to the person on the phone, he moved the camera so that the subject of the video could see the scenery clearly, "It is indeed the place where the princess comes to eat. bring you here."

It turned out that it wasn't a sneak shot, it was a video with my girlfriend.

As the man walked away, the guard in Ling Chen's eyes gradually disappeared.

Looking down again, when he looked at the person in his arms, he suddenly froze.

Holding her head with his arm, he didn't let go immediately, but he didn't make any other movements, just hugged her so rigidly, motionless.

There were no other sounds around, Zhu Wenshu raised his head slowly, and met Shang Lingchen's eyes.

Her strength seemed to be taken away by more than half suddenly, and her hands were still on his chest.

Her ears were buzzing, but she clearly felt that his heart was beating faster than hers.